» Детективы и Триллеры » Криминальный детектив » Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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positively ['pOzItIvlI] gloomily ['glu:mIlI] tray [treI]

Gutman laughed and said: "Positively."

Spade said gloomily: "That's not any too good, but if it's the best you can do — give it to me."

Gutman handed him the envelope. Spade counted the bills and was putting them in his pocket when Brigid O'Shaughnessy came in carrying a tray.

The boy would not eat (парень есть не захотел). Cairo took a cup of coffee (Кейро взял чашку кофе). The girl, Gutman, and Spade ate the scrambled eggs (съели омлет; to scramble — взбалтывать /обычно яйца для болтуньи/; scrambled eggs — яичница-болтунья, омлет), bacon (бекон), toast (тосты), and marmalade (и джем) she had prepared (который она приготовила), and drank two cups of coffee apiece (и выпили по две чашки кофе каждый). Then they settled down (потом они устроились) to wait the rest of the night through (чтобы переждать остаток ночи; through — через, сквозь; в течение, на протяжении).

Gutman smoked a cigar (Гутман курил сигару) and read Celebrated Criminal Cases of America (и читал «Знаменитые уголовные дела Америки»), now and then chuckling over (то и дело хихикая /над/) or commenting on the parts of its contents (или комментируя части содержания) that amused him (которые забавляли его). Cairo nursed his mouth (Кейро ухаживал за своим /разбитым/ ртом; to nurse — нянчить, выхаживать, лечить; nurse — нянька; сиделка, медицинская сестра) and sulked (и дулся) on his end of the sofa (в своем конце дивана).

scrambled eggs ["skrxmbld'egz] marmalade ['mQ:mqleId] apiece [q'pi:s]

The boy would not eat. Cairo took a cup of coffee. The girl, Gutman, and Spade ate the scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and marmalade she had prepared, and drank two cups of coffee apiece. Then they settled down to wait the rest of the night through.

Gutman smoked a cigar and read Celebrated Criminal Cases of America, now and then chuckling over or commenting on the parts of its contents that amused him. Cairo nursed his mouth and sulked on his end of the sofa.

The boy sat (юноша сидел) with his head in his hands (со своей головой на своих ладонях) until a little after four o'clock (до нескольких минут пятого). Then he lay down (потом он лег) with his feet towards Cairo (/своими/ ногами в сторону Кейро), turned his face to the window (повернул лицо к окну), and went to sleep (и заснул). Brigid O'Shaughnessy, in the armchair (Бриджит О’Шонесси, в кресле), dozed (сонная), listened to the fat man's comments (слушала комментарии толстяка), and carried on wide-spaced desultory conversations with Spade (и вела редкие отрывочные разговоры со Спейдом).

towards [tq'wO:dz] armchair ['Q:mtSeq] desultory ['des(q)lt(q)rI, 'dez-]

The boy sat with his head in his hands until a little after four o'clock. Then he lay down with his feet towards Cairo, turned his face to the window, and went to sleep. Brigid O'Shaughnessy, in the armchair, dozed, listened to the fat man's comments, and carried on wide-spaced desultory conversations with Spade.

Spade rolled (Спейд скручивал) and smoked cigarettes (и курил сигареты) and moved (и двигался), without fidgeting or nervousness (без беспокойства или нервозности; to fidget — = fidget about — проявлять нетерпение, беспокойно двигаться; ёрзать), around the room (по комнате). He sat sometimes (он иногда садился) on an arm of the girl's chair (на подлокотник кресла девушки), on the table-corner (на угол стола), on the floor at her feet (на пол у ее ног), on a straight-backed chair (на стул с прямой спинкой). He was wide-awake (он был оживленный; wide-awake — бодрствующий, сна ни в одном глазу), cheerful (радостный), and full of vigor (и полный энергии).

At half-past five (в половине шестого) he went into the kitchen (он пошел на кухню) and made more coffee (и сделал еще кофе). Half an hour later (через полчаса) the boy stirred (юноша пошевелился), awakened (проснулся), and sat up yawning (и сел, зевая). Gutman looked at his watch (Гутман посмотрел на свои часы) and questioned Spade (и спросил Спейда): "Can you get it now (вы можете получить его сейчас)?"

fidget ['fIdZIt] neryousness ['nq:vqsnIs] half [hQ:f]

Spade rolled and smoked cigarettes and moved, without fidgeting or nervousness, around the room. He sat sometimes on an arm of the girl's chair, on the table-corner, on the floor at her feet, on a straight-backed chair. He was wide-awake, cheerful, and full of vigor.

At half-past five he went into the kitchen and made more coffee. Half an hour later the boy stirred, awakened, and sat up yawning. Gutman looked at his watch and questioned Spade: "Can you get it now?"

"Give me another hour (дайте мне еще час)."

Gutman nodded (Гутман кивнул) and went back to his book (и снова вернулся к своей книге).

At seven o'clock (в семь часов) Spade went to the telephone (Спейд подошел к телефону) and called Effie Perine's number (и набрал номер Эфии Пирайн). "Hello, Mrs. Perine (алло, миссис Пирайн)? ... This is Mr. Spade (это мистер Спейд). Will you let me talk to Effie (вы дадите мне поговорить с Эффи), please? ... Yes, it is... Thanks." He whistled (он тихо просвистел) two lines of En Cuba (две строчки из «На Кубе»), softly (мягко). "Hello, angel (привет, ангел). Sorry to get you up (извини, что поднял тебя)... Yes, very (да, очень). Here's the plot (вот задание; plot — заговор; сюжет, план): in our Holland box (в нашем /почтовом/ ящике /на имя/ Холланда) at the Post Office (на почте) you'll find an envelope (ты найдешь конверт) addressed in my scribble (надписанный моим почерком; scribble — небрежный, неразборчивый почерк, каракули) There's a Pickwick Stage parcel-room-check in it (в нем чек камеры хранения «Пиквик стэйдж») — for the bundle we got yesterday (на сверток, который мы получили вчера). Will you get the bundle (ты получишь сверток) and bring it to me (и принесешь его ко мне) — as soon as possible (как можно скорее)? ... Yes, I'm home (да, я дома)... That's the girl (вот это девушка = молодец) — hustle (поторопись)... Bye (пока)."

number ['nAmbq] whistle ['wIs(q)l] hustle ['hAs(q)l]

"Give me another hour."

Gutman nodded and went back to his book.

At seven o'clock Spade went to the telephone and called Effie Perine's number. "Hello, Mrs. Perine? ... This is Mr. Spade. Will you let me talk to Effie, please? ... Yes, it is... Thanks." He whistled two lines of En Cuba, softly. "Hello, angel. Sorry to get you up... Yes, very. Here's the plot: in our Holland box at the Post Office you'll find an envelope addressed in my scribble. There's a Pickwick Stage parcel-room-check in it — for the bundle we got yesterday. Will you get the bundle and bring it to me — as soon as possible? ... Yes, I'm home... That's the girl — hustle... 'Bye."

The street-door-bell rang (звонок входной двери зазвенел) at ten minutes of eight (в десять минут восьмого). Spade went to the telephone-box (Спейд пошел к домофону) and pressed the button (и нажал кнопку) that released the lock (которая открыла замок). Gutman put down his book (Гутман положил свою книгу) and rose smiling (и поднялся, улыбаясь). "You don't mind (вы не возражаете) if I go to the door (если я пойду к двери) with you (с вами)?" he asked.

"O.K. (хорошо)," Spade told him (сказал ему Спейд).

Gutman followed him (Гутман последовал за ним) to the corridor-door (к коридорной двери). Spade opened it (Спейд открыл ее). Presently Effie Perine (тем временем Эффи Пирайн), carrying the brown-wrapped parcel (неся сверток, обернутый коричневой бумагой), came from the elevator (вышла из лифта).

button ['bAtn] released [rI'li:st] lock [lOk]

The street-door-bell rang at ten minutes of eight. Spade went to the telephone-box and pressed the button that released the lock. Gutman put down his book and rose smiling. "You don't mind if I go to the door with you?" he asked.

"O.K.," Spade told him.

Gutman followed him to the corridor-door. Spade opened it. Presently Effie Perine, carrying the brown-wrapped parcel, came from the elevator.

Her boyish face (ее мальчишеское лицо) was gay and bright (было веселым и светящимся) and she came forward quickly (и она пошла вперед быстро), almost trotting (почти рысью). After one glance (после одного взгляда) she did not look at Gutman (она не смотрела /больше/ на Гутмана). She smiled at Spade (она улыбнулась Спейду) and gave him the parcel (и дала ему сверток).

He took it saying (он взял его, говоря): "Thanks a lot, lady (большое спасибо, леди). I'm sorry to spoil (извини, что я испортил) your day of rest (твой выходной; rest — покой, отдых), but this (но это) — "

"It's not the first one (это не первый /выходной/) you've spoiled (который ты испортил)," she replied (ответила она), laughing (смеясь), and then (а потом), when it was apparent (когда стало ясно) that he was not going to invite her in (что он не собирается пригласить ее внутрь), asked (спросила): "Anything else (что-нибудь еще)?"

glance [glQ:ns] spoil [spOIl] invite [In'vaIt]

Her boyish face was gay and bright and she came forward quickly, almost trotting. After one glance she did not look at Gutman. She smiled at Spade and gave him the parcel.

He took it saying: "Thanks a lot, lady. I'm sorry to spoil your day of rest, but this — "

"It's not the first one you've spoiled," she replied, laughing, and then, when it was apparent that he was not going to invite her in, asked: "Anything else?"

He shook his head (он покачал своей головой). "No, thanks."

She said, "Bye-bye (пока)," and went back to the elevator (и пошла обратно к лифту).

Spade shut the door (Спейд закрыл дверь) and carried the parcel (и отнес сверток) into the living-room (в гостиную). Gutman's face was red (лицо Гутмана было красным) and his cheeks quivered (и его щеки тряслись). Cairo and Brigid O'Shaughnessy came to the table (Кейро и Бриджит О’Шонесси подошли к столу) as Spade put the parcel there (когда Спейд положил посылку туда). They were excited (они были взволнованы). The boy rose (парень встал), pale and tense (бледный и напряженный), but he remained by the sofa (но оставался у дивана), staring under curling lashes (глядя из-под изогнутых ресниц) at the others (на других).

parcel ['pQ:s(q)l] quivered ['kwIvqd] tense [tens]

He shook his head. "No, thanks."

She said, "Bye-bye," and went back to the elevator.

Spade shut the door and carried the parcel into the living-room. Gutman's face was red and his cheeks quivered. Cairo and Brigid O'Shaughnessy came to the table as Spade put the parcel there. They were excited. The boy rose, pale and tense, but he remained by the sofa, staring under curling lashes at the others.

Spade stepped back (Спейд шагнул назад) from the table saying (от стола, говоря): "There you are (пожалуйста)."

Gutman's fat fingers (толстые пальцы Гутмана) made short work (быстро разобрались с; work — работа, труд, деятельность) of cord (веревкой) and paper (и бумагой) and excelsior (и мягкой стружкой), and he had the black bird (и он держал черную птицу) in his hands (в своих руках). "Ah (ах)," he said huskily (сказал он сипло), "now, after seventeen years (сейчас, после семнадцати лет)!" His eyes were moist (его глаза были влажными).

Cairo licked his red lips (Кейро облизнул красные губы) and worked his hands together (и потер свои ладони). The girl's lower lip (нижняя губа девушки) was between her teeth (была между ее зубов). She and Cairo (она и Кейро), like Gutman (как Гутман), and like Spade (и как Спейд) and the boy (и юноша) were breathing heavily (тяжело дышали). The air in the room (воздух в комнате) was chilly and stale (был холодным и спертым) and thick with tobacco smoke (и душным от табачного дыма).

excelsior [Ik'sel|sIO:, -sIq] together [tq'geDq] chilly ['tSIlI]

Spade stepped back from the table saying: "There you are."

Gutman's fat fingers made short work of cord and paper and excelsior, and he had the black bird in his hands. "Ah," he said huskily, "now, after seventeen years!" His eyes were moist.

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