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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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"I had to find out, angel (я должен был выяснить, ангел)." He bent down (он наклонился), kissed her mouth lightly (легко поцеловал ее губы: «рот»), and returned to the living-room (и вернулся в гостиную).

aluminum [q'lu:mInqm] percolator ['pq:kqleItq] moist [mOIst]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy was filling an aluminum percolator.

"Find everything?" Spade asked.

"Yes," she replied in a cool voice, not raising her head. Then she set the percolator aside and came to the door. She blushed and her eyes were large and moist and chiding. "You shouldn't have done that to me, Sam," she said softly.

"I had to find out, angel." He bent down, kissed her mouth lightly, and returned to the living-room.

Gutman smiled at Spade (Гутман улыбнулся Спейду) and offered him the white envelope (и предложил ему белый конверт), saying (говоря): "This will soon be yours (скоро это будет вашим); you might as well take it now (так что вы можете взять это уже сейчас; as well — также, стем же успехом)."

Spade did not take it (Спейд не взял его). He sat in the armchair and said (он сел в кресло и сказал): "There's plenty of time for that (есть много времени для этого). We haven't done enough talking (мы недостаточно поговорили) about the money end (о вопросе денег). I ought to have more (я должен получить больше) than ten thousand (чем десять тысяч)."

Gutman said: "Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money (десять тысяч долларов это куча денег)."

offer ['Ofq] envelope ['envqlqVp] money ['mAnI]

Gutman smiled at Spade and offered him the white envelope, saying: "This will soon be yours; you might as well take it now."

Spade did not take it. He sat in the armchair and said: "There's plenty of time for that. We haven't done enough talking about the money end. I ought to have more than ten thousand."

Gutman said: "Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money."

Spade said: "You're quoting me (вы цитируете меня), but it's not all the money in the world (но это же не все деньги мира)."

"No, sir, it's not (нет, сэр, не все). I grant you that (я признаю это, признаю вашу правоту в этом). But it's a lot of money (но это очень много денег) to be picked up (полученные) in as few days (и за несколько дней) and as easily (и так просто) as you're getting it (как вы их получаете)."

"You think (вы считаете) it's been so damned easy (это было так чертовски легко)?" Spade asked (спросил Спейд), and shrugged (и пожал плечами). "Well, maybe (да, может быть), but that's my business (но это мое дело)."

"It certainly is (конечно)," the fat man agreed (согласился толстяк). He screwed up his eyes (он сузил свои глаза), moved his head (двинул своей головой) to indicate the kitchen (чтобы указать на кухню), and lowered his voice (и понизил свой голос). "Are you sharing with her (вы поделитесь с ней; share — доля; to share — делиться)?"

quote [kwqVt] grant [grQ:nt] sharing ['Se(q)rIN]

Spade said: "You're quoting me, but it's not all the money in the world."

"No, sir, it's not. I grant you that. But it's a lot of money to be picked up in as few days and as easily as you're getting it."

"You think it's been so damned easy?" Spade asked, and shrugged. "Well, maybe, but that's my business."

"It certainly is," the fat man agreed. He screwed up his eyes, moved his head to indicate the kitchen, and lowered his voice. "Are you sharing with her?"

Spade said: "That's my business too (это тоже мое дело)."

"It certainly is (конечно)," the fat man agreed once more (еще раз согласился толстяк), "but (но)" — he hesitated (он поколебался) — "I'd like to give you (я хотел бы дать вам) a word of advice (совет)."

"Co ahead (давайте)."

"If you don't (если вы не) — I dare say (я рискну сказать) you'll give her some money (вы дадите ей деньги) in any event, but (в любом случае, но) — if you don't give her as much (если вы не дадите ей столько) as she thinks she ought to have (сколько, как она думает, она должна получить), my word of advice is (мой совет) — be careful (будьте осторожны)."

business ['bIznIs] ahead [q'hed] careful ['keqf(q)l]

Spade said: "That's my business too."

"It certainly is," the fat man agreed once more, "but" — he hesitated — "I'd like to give you a word of advice."

"Co ahead."

"If you don't — I dare say you'll give her some money in any event, but — if you don't give her as much as she thinks she ought to have, my word of advice is — be careful."

Spade's eyes held a mocking light (в глазах Спейда был насмешливый свет). He asked (он спросил): "Bad (плохая)?"

"Bad (плохая)," the fat man replied (ответил толстяк).

Spade grinned (Спейд ухмыльнулся) and began to roll a cigarette (и начал скручивать сигарету).

Cairo, still muttering in the boy's ear (Кейро, все еще бормоча в ухо юноше), had put his arm (положил свою руку) around the boy's shoulders again (на плечи юноши снова). Suddenly the boy pushed his arm away (вдруг юноша оттолкнул его руку) and turned on the sofa (и повернулся на диване) to face the Levantine (чтобы посмотреть на левантинца). The boy's face (лицо юноши) held disgust and anger (выражало отвращение и ярость).

mocking ['mOkIN] push [pVS] disgust [dIs'gAst]

Spade's eyes held a mocking light. He asked: "Bad?"

"Bad," the fat man replied.

Spade grinned and began to roll a cigarette.

Cairo, still muttering in the boy's ear, had put his arm around the boy's shoulders again. Suddenly the boy pushed his arm away and turned on the sofa to face the Levantine. The boy's face held disgust and anger.

He made a fist (он сложил в кулак) of one small hand (одну маленькую ладонь) and struck Cairo's mouth with it (и ударил им рот Кейро). Cairo cried out (Кейро закричал) as a woman might have cried (как могла бы закричать женщина) and drew back (и отодвинулся) to the very end of the sofa (к самому краю дивана). He took a silk handkerchief (он вытащил шелковый носовой платок) from his pocket (из своего кармана) and put it to his mouth (и приложил его к своему рту). It came away (/когда он/ отнял его: «он /платок/ отошел») daubed with blood (/он был/ измазан кровью; daub— штукатурка из строительного раствора с соломой, обмазка; to daub— мазать /глиной, известкой и т.п./, штукатурить; марать). He put it to his mouth once more (он приложил его к своему рту снова) and looked reproachfully at the boy (и укоризненно посмотрел на юношу; reproach — упрек). The boy snarled (парень прорычал), "Keep away from me (держись подальше от меня)," and put his face (и положил свое лицо) between his hands again (между своих ладоней снова). Cairo's handkerchief (носовой платок Кейро) released the fragrance of chypre (распространил аромат шипра) in the room (по комнате).

daub [dO:b] reproachful [rI'prqVtSf(q)l] fragrance ['freIgrqns]

He made a fist of one small hand and struck Cairo's mouth with it. Cairo cried out as a woman might have cried and drew back to the very end of the sofa. He took a silk handkerchief from his pocket and put it to his mouth. It came away daubed with blood. He put it to his mouth once more and looked reproachfully at the boy. The boy snarled, "Keep away from me," and put his face between his hands again. Cairo's handkerchief released the fragrance of chypre in the room.

Cairo's cry (крик Кейро) had brought Brigid O'Shaughnessy to the door (привел Бриджит О’Шонесси к двери). Spade, grinning (Спейд, ухмыляясь), jerked a thumb at the sofa (дернул большим пальцем /в сторону/ дивана) and told her (и сказал ей): "The course of true love (ход настоящей любви). How's the food coming along (как насчет еды; to come along — идтивместе, соглашаться, преуспевать)?"

"It's coming (скоро)," she said and went back to the kitchen (и пошла обратно на кухню).

Spade lighted his cigarette (Спейд зажег свою сигарету) and addressed Gutman (и обратился к Гутману): "Let's talk about money (давайте поговорим о деньгах)."

thumb [TAm] course [kO:s] true [tru:]

Cairo's cry had brought Brigid O'Shaughnessy to the door. Spade, grinning, jerked a thumb at the sofa and told her: "The course of true love. How's the food coming along?"

"It's coming," she said and went back to the kitchen.

Spade lighted his cigarette and addressed Gutman: "Let's talk about money."

"Willingly, sir (охотно, сэр), with all my heart (от всей души; heart — сердце)," the fat man replied (ответил толстяк), "but I might as well tell you (но я могу также сказать вам) frankly right now (откровенно, прямо сейчас) that ten thousand (что десять тысяч) is every cent (это все /деньги/ до цента) I can raise (которые я могу достать; to raise — поднимать)."

Spade exhaled smoke (Спейд выдохнул дым). "I ought to have twenty (я должен получить двадцать)."

"I wish you could (я хочу, чтобы вы получили;to wish— хотеть, желать). I'd give it to you gladly (я бы с радостью отдал вам их) if I had it (если бы они у меня были), but ten thousand dollars (но десять тысяч долларов) is every cent (это все = это каждый цент) I can manage (что я могу), on my word of honor (честное слово). Of course, sir (конечно, сэр), you understand (вы понимаете) that is simply the first payment (что это просто первый платеж). Later (позже) — "

willingly ['wIlINlI] frankly ['frxNklI] later ['leItq]

"Willingly, sir, with all my heart," the fat man replied, "but I might as well tell you frankly right now that ten thousand is every cent I can raise."

Spade exhaled smoke. "I ought to have twenty."

"I wish you could. I'd give it to you gladly if I had it, but ten thousand dollars is every cent I can manage, on my word of honor. Of course, sir, you understand that is simply the first payment. Later — "

Spade laughed (Спейд засмеялся). "I know (я знаю) you'll give me millions later (позже вы отдадите мне миллионы)," he said, "but let's stick (но давайте поговорим; to stick to smth. — липнуть; присасываться; приклеиваться; держаться, придерживаться/чего-либо/) to this first payment now (сейчас об этом первом платеже). Fifteen thousand (пятнадцать тысяч)?"

Gutman smiled (Гутман улыбнулся) and frowned (и нахмурился) and shook his head (и покачал своей головой). "Mr. Spade (мистер Спейд), I've told you frankly and candidly (я сказал вам искренне и откровенно) and on my word of honor as a gentleman (под мое честное слово джентльмена) that ten thousand dollars (что десять тысяч долларов) is all the money (это все деньги) I've got (которые у меня есть) — every penny (каждый пенни) — and all I can raise (и все, сколько я могу собрать)."

"But you didn't say positively (но вы не сказали прямо/определенно)."

million ['mIljqn] candid ['kxndId] penny ['penI]

Spade laughed. "I know you'll give me millions later," he said, "but let's stick to this first payment now. Fifteen thousand?"

Gutman smiled and frowned and shook his head. "Mr. Spade, I've told you frankly and candidly and on my word of honor as a gentleman that ten thousand dollars is all the money I've got — every penny — and all I can raise."

"But you didn't say positively."

Gutman laughed and said (Гутман засмеялся и сказал): "Positively (определенно)."

Spade said gloomily (Спейд мрачно сказал): "That's not any too good (это не слишком хорошо), but if it's the best (но если это самое лучшее) you can do (что вы можете сделать) — give it to me (дайте их мне)."

Gutman handed him the envelope (Гутман передал ему конверт). Spade counted the bills (Спейд пересчитал купюры) and was putting them in his pocket (и стал класть их в свой карман) when Brigid O'Shaughnessy came in (когда вошла Бриджит О’Шонесси) carrying a tray (неся поднос).

positively ['pOzItIvlI] gloomily ['glu:mIlI] tray [treI]

Gutman laughed and said: "Positively."

Spade said gloomily: "That's not any too good, but if it's the best you can do — give it to me."

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