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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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anybody ['enIbOdI] maidenly ['meIdnlI] modesty ['mOdIstI]

"All right. We'll go back to the other room and I'll have them taken off."

She stepped back with a hand to her mouth. Her eyes were round and horrified. "You would?" she asked through her fingers.

"I will," he said. "I've got to know what happened to that bill and I'm not going to be held up by anybody's maidenly modesty."

"Oh, it isn't that (о, это не так)." She came close to him (она подошла ближе к нему) and put her hands (и положила свои руки) on his chest again (снова на его грудь). "I'm not ashamed to be naked (мне не стыдно быть обнаженной) before you, but (перед тобой, но) — can't you see (ты не понимаешь)? — not like this (не так). Can't you see (ты не понимаешь) that if you make me (что, если ты заставишь меня) you'll (ты) — you'll be killing something (ты убьешь что-то)?"

He did not raise his voice (он не повысил голос). "I don't know anything about that (я ничего не знаю об этом). I've got to know (я должен знать) what happened to the bill (что случилось с купюрой). Take them off (снимай ее /одежду/: «их»)."

ashamed [q'SeImd] naked ['neIkId] raise [reIz]

"Oh, it isn't that." She came close to him and put her hands on his chest again. "I'm not ashamed to be naked before you, but — can't you see? — not like this. Can't you see that if you make me you'll — you'll be killing something?"

He did not raise his voice. "I don't know anything about that. I've got to know what happened to the bill. Take them off."

She looked (она посмотрела) at his unblinking yellow-grey eyes (на его немигающие желто-серые глаза) and her face became pink (и ее лицо стало розовым) and then white again (потом снова белым). She drew herself up tall (он вытянулась; tall — высокий, длинный) and began to undress (и начала раздеваться). He sat on the side of the bathtub (он сел на край ванны) watching her (наблюдая за ней) and the open door (и за открытой дверью). No sound came from the living-room (ни звука не доносилось из гостиной). She removed her clothes swiftly (она снимала свою одежду быстро), without fumbling (без суеты; to fumble — нащупывать; мять, теребить /что-л./; вертеть в руках; неумело обращаться с чем-л.), letting them fall down on the floor (давая ей падать вниз на пол = роняя ее на пол) around her feet (вокруг ее ног). 'When she was naked (когда она стала обнаженной) she stepped back (она отступила назад) from her clothing (от своей одежды) and stood looking at him (и стояла, глядя на него). In her mien (в ее выражении) was pride (была гордость) without defiance or embarrassment (без вызова или смущения).

tall [tO:l] bathtub ['bQ:TtAb] embarrassment [Im'bxrqsmqnt]

She looked at his unblinking yellow-grey eyes and her face became pink and then white again. She drew herself up tall and began to undress. He sat on the side of the bathtub watching her and the open door. No sound came from the living-room. She removed her clothes swiftly, without fumbling, letting them fall down on the floor around her feet. 'When she was naked she stepped back from her clothing and stood looking at him. In her mien was pride without defiance or embarrassment.

He put his pistols (он положил свои пистолеты) on the toilet-seat (на сиденье туалета) and, facing the door (и, глядя на дверь), went down on one knee (опустился на одно колено) in front of her garments (перед ее одеждой). He picked up (он поднимал) each piece (каждую вещь) and examined it (и проверял ее) with fingers (пальцами) as well as eyes (а так же глазами). He did not find the thousand-dollar bill (он не нашел тысячедолларовую купюру). When he had finished (когда он закончил) he stood up (он встал) holding her clothes (держа ее одежду) out in his hands to her (в своих вытянутых руках к ней). "Thanks (спасибо)," he said (сказал он). "Now I know (теперь я знаю)."

She took the clothing from him (она взяла одежду от него). She did not say anything (она ничего не сказала). He picked up his pistols (он поднял свои пистолеты). He shut the bathroom door behind him (он закрыл дверь ванной за собой) and went into the living-room (и пошел в гостиную).

garment ['gQ:mqnt] behind [bI'haInd] him [hIm]

He put his pistols on the toilet-seat and, facing the door, went down on one knee in front of her garments. He picked up each piece and examined it with fingers as well as eyes. He did not find the thousand-dollar bill. When he had finished he stood up holding her clothes out in his hands to her. "Thanks," he said. "Now I know."

She took the clothing from him. She did not say anything. He picked up his pistols. He shut the bathroom door behind him and went into the living-room.

Gutman smiled amiably at him (Гутман дружелюбно улыбался ему) from the rocking chair (из кресла-качалки). "Find it (нашли ее)?" he asked.

Cairo, sitting beside the boy on the sofa (Кейро, сидя рядом с юношей на диване), looked at Spade (взглянул на Спейда) with questioning opaque eyes (вопросительными непроницаемыми глазами). The boy did not look up (юноша не поднял взгляда). He was leaning forward (он наклонился вперед), head between hands (голова между рук), elbows on knees (локти на коленях), staring at the floor (глядя на пол) between his feet (между своих ног).

Spade told Gutman (Спейд сказал Гутману): "No, I didn't find it (нет, я не нашел ее). You palmed it (вы ее спрятали в руке; palm — ладонь)."

The fat man chuckled (толстяк хихикнул). "I palmed it (я спрятал ее в руке)?"

opaque [qV'peIk] chuckle ['tSAk(q)l] palm [pQ:m]

Gutman smiled amiably at him from the rocking chair. "Find it?" he asked.

Cairo, sitting beside the boy on the sofa, looked at Spade with questioning opaque eyes. The boy did not look up. He was leaning forward, head between hands, elbows on knees, staring at the floor between his feet.

Spade told Gutman: "No, I didn't find it. You palmed it."

The fat man chuckled. "I palmed it?"

"Yes," Spade said, jingling the pistols (звеня пистолетами) in his hand (в своей руке). "Do you want to say so (вы хотите сказать, что это так) or do you want to stand (или вы хотите встать) for a frisk (для обыска)?"

"Stand for (встать для) — ?"

"You're going to admit it (вы должны признать это)," Spade said, "or I'm going to search you (или я обыщу вас). There's no third way (третьего пути нет)."

Gutman looked up (Гутман посмотрел) at Spade's hard face (на жесткое лицо Спейда) and laughed outright (и искренне засмеялся). "By Gad, sir (ей-Богу, сэр), I believe you would (я верю что вы обыщете). I really do (я действительно верю). You're a character, sir (вы личность, сэр), if you don't mind my saying so (если вы не возражаете, чтобы я так говорил)."

frisk [frIsk] admit [qd'mIt] outright ['aVtraIt]

"Yes," Spade said, jingling the pistols in his hand. "Do you want to say so or do you want to stand for a frisk?"

"Stand for — ?"

"You're going to admit it," Spade said, "or I'm going to search you. There's no third way."

Gutman looked up at Spade's hard face and laughed outright. "By Gad, sir, I believe you would. I really do. You're a character, sir, if you don't mind my saying so."

"You palmed it (вы спрятали это в руке)," Spade said.

"Yes, sir, that I did (да, сэр, я сделал это)." The fat man took a crumpled bill (толстяк взял смятую купюру) from his vest-pocket (из кармана своего жилета), smoothed it on a wide thigh (разгладил ее на широком бедре), took the envelope (взял конверт) holding the nine bills (содержащий девять купюр) from his coat-pocket (из кармана своего пальто), and put the smoothed bill (и положил разглаженную купюру) in with the others (внутрь вместе с остальными). "I must have my little joke (я должен пошутить: «иметь мою маленькую шутку») every now and then (время от времени: «каждые сейчас и тогда») and I was curious to know (и мне было любопытно узнать) what you'd do (что вы сделаете) in a situation of that sort (в ситуации такого рода). I must say (должен сказать) that you passed the test (что вы прошли проверку) with flying colors, sir (блестяще; flying colours— развевающиеся знамена, победа; to fly— летать). It never occurred to me (никогда бы не подумал; to occur— происходить, случаться; приходить на ум) that you'd hit (что вы найдете; to hit— ударять, натолкнуться) on such a simple and direct way (такой простой и прямой способ) of getting at the truth (добиться правды)."

crumple ['krAmp(q)l] situation ["sItSV'eIS(q)n] direct [d(a)I'rekt]

"You palmed it," Spade said.

"Yes, sir, that I did." The fat man took a crumpled bill from his vest-pocket, smoothed it on a wide thigh, took the envelope holding the nine bills from his coat-pocket, and put the smoothed bill in with the others. "I must have my little joke every now and then and I was curious to know what you'd do in a situation of that sort. I must say that you passed the test with flying colors, sir. It never occurred to me that you'd hit on such a simple and direct way of getting at the truth."

Spade sneered at him (Спейд насмешливо улыбнулся ему) without bitterness (без горечи; bitter — горький). "That's the kind of thing (это вещь такого рода) I'd expect from somebody (которую я бы ожидал от кого-нибудь) the punk's age (в возрасте этого салаги)."

Gutman chuckled (Гутман хихикнул).

Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Бриджит O’Шонесси), dressed again (снова одетая) except for coat and hat (за исключением пальто и шляпы), came out of the bathroom (вышла из ванной), took a step towards the living-room (сделал шаг в сторону гостиной), turned around (повернулась), went to the kitchen (пошла на кухню), and turned on the light (и включила свет).

sneer [snIq] bitterness ['bItqnIs] coat [kqVt]

Spade sneered at him without bitterness. "That's the kind of thing I'd expect from somebody the punk's age."

Gutman chuckled.

Brigid O'Shaughnessy, dressed again except for coat and hat, came out of the bathroom, took a step towards the living-room, turned around, went to the kitchen, and turned on the light.

Cairo edged closer (Кейро придвинулся ближе) to the boy on the sofa (к юноше на диване) and began whispering in his ear again (и начал снова шептать ему в ухо). The boy shrugged irritably (юноша раздраженно пожал плечами).

Spade, looking at the pistols in his hand (Спейд, глядя на пистолеты в своей руке) and then at Gutman (а потом на Гутмана), went out into the passageway (вышел в коридор), to the closet there (к платяному шкафу там). He opened the door (он открыл дверь), put the pistols inside (положил пистолеты внутрь) on the top of a trunk (на верх чемодана), shut the door (закрыл дверь), locked it (запер ее), put the key in his trousers-pocket (положил ключ в карман своих брюк), and went to the kitchen door (и пошел к двери кухни).

whispering ['wIsp(q)rIN] shrug [SrAg] trunk [trANk]

Cairo edged closer to the boy on the sofa and began whispering in his ear again. The boy shrugged irritably.

Spade, looking at the pistols in his hand and then at Gutman, went out into the passageway, to the closet there. He opened the door, put the pistols inside on the top of a trunk, shut the door, locked it, put the key in his trousers-pocket, and went to the kitchen door.

Brigid O'Shaughnessy was filling an aluminum percolator (Бриджит O’Шонесси наполняла алюминиевый кофейник).

"Find everything (все нашла)?" Spade asked.

"Yes," she replied in a cool voice (ответила она холодным голосом), not raising her head (не поднимая головы). Then she set the percolator aside (потом она отставила кофейник в сторону) and came to the door (и подошла к двери). She blushed (она покраснела) and her eyes were large (и ее глаза были большими) and moist (и влажными) and chiding (и упрекающими; to chide — распекать, ругать; винить). "You shouldn't have done that to me, Sam (ты не должен был делать это со мной, Сэм)," she said softly (сказала она тихо).

"I had to find out, angel (я должен был выяснить, ангел)." He bent down (он наклонился), kissed her mouth lightly (легко поцеловал ее губы: «рот»), and returned to the living-room (и вернулся в гостиную).

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