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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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Cairo licked his red lips and worked his hands together. The girl's lower lip was between her teeth. She and Cairo, like Gutman, and like Spade and the boy, were breathing heavily. The air in the room was chilly and stale, and thick with tobacco smoke.

Gutman set the bird down (Гутман положил птицу) on the table again (снова на стол) and fumbled at a pocket (и пошарил в кармане). "It's it (это она)," he said, "but we'll make sure (но мы должны удостовериться)." Sweat glistened (пот блестел) on his round cheeks (на его круглых щеках). His fingers twitched (его пальцы подергивались) as he took out (когда он вытащил) a gold pocket-knife (позолоченный карманный нож) and opened it (и открыл его).

Cairo and the girl stood close to him (Кейро и девушка стояли близко к нему), one on either side (по одному с каждой стороны). Spade stood back a little (Спейд стоял немного позади) where he could watch the boy (где он мог смотреть на юношу) as well as the group at the table (также, как и на группу у стола).

fumble ['fAmb(q)l] sweat [swet] group [gru:p]

Gutman set the bird down on the table again and fumbled at a pocket. "It's it," he said, "but we'll make sure." Sweat glistened on his round cheeks. His fingers twitched as he took out a gold pocket-knife and opened it.

Cairo and the girl stood close to him, one on either side. Spade stood back a little where he could watch the boy as well as the group at the table.

Gutman turned the bird upside-down (Гутман перевернул птицу вверх ногами) and scraped an edge (и отскреб угол) of its base (с ее основания) with his knife (своим ножом). Black enamel (черная эмаль) came off in tiny curls (отошла тонкой стружкой), exposing blackened metal beneath (открыв черненный металл под ним). Gutman's knife-blade bit (лезвие ножа Гутмана впилась) into the metal (в металл), turning back (откалывая: «отворачивая назад») a thin curved shaving (тонкую гнутую стружку). The inside of the shaving (внутренняя сторона стружки), and the narrow plane (и узкая плоскость) its removal had heft (которую оставила выемка: «ее удаление»), had the soft grey sheen of lead (имели мягкий, серый блеск свинца).

upside ['ApsaId] enamel [I'nxm(q)l] sheen [Si:n]

Gutman turned the bird upside-down and scraped an edge of its base with his knife. Black enamel came off in tiny curls, exposing blackened metal beneath. Gutman's knife-blade bit into the metal, turning back a thin curved shaving. The inside of the shaving, and the narrow plane its removal had heft, had the soft grey sheen of lead.

Gutman's breath (дыхание Гутмана) hissed between his teeth (шипело между его зубов). His face became turgid (его лицо стало опухшим) with hot blood (от горячей крови). He twisted the bird around (он повернул птицу вокруг) and hacked at its head (и ударил по ее голове). There too (там тоже) the edge of his knife (острие его ножа) bared lead (обнажило свинец). He let knife (он позволил ножу) and bird (и птице) bang down on the table (упасть со стуком вниз на стол) while he wheeled (пока он повернулся) to confront Spade (чтобы встать перед Спейдом). "It's a fake (это подделка)," he said hoarsely (сказал он хрипло).

Spade's face had become somber (лицо Спейда стало мрачным). His nod was slow (его кивок был медленным), but there was no slowness in his hand's (но не было медлительности в его руке) going out (выброшенной) to catch Brigid O'Shaughnessy's wrist (чтобы схватить запястье Бриджит).

turgid ['tq:dZId] hack [hxk] wrist [rIst]

Gutman's breath hissed between his teeth. His face became turgid with hot blood. He twisted the bird around and hacked at its head. There too the edge of his knife bared lead. He let knife and bird bang down on the table while he wheeled to confront Spade. "It's a fake," he said hoarsely.

Spade's face had become somber. His nod was slow, but there was no slowness in his hand's going out to catch Brigid O'Shaughnessy's wrist.

He pulled her to him (он притянул ее к себе) and grasped her chin (и схватил ее подбородок) with his other hand (своей другой рукой), raising her face roughly (грубо поднимая ее лицо). "All right (хорошо)," he growled into her face (зарычал он в ее лицо). "You've had your little joke (ты слегка пошутила: «у тебя была твоя маленькая шутка»). Now tell us about it (теперь расскажи нам об этом)."

She cried (она закричала): "No, Sam, no (нет, Сэм, нет)! That is the one (это та птица) I got from Kemidov (которую я получила от Кемидова). I swear (я клянусь) — "

Joel Cairo thrust himself between Spade and Gutman (Джоэль Кейро бросился между Спейдом и Гутманом) and began to emit words (и начал извергать слова) in a shrill spluttering stream (в пронзительном бессвязном потоке; splutter — плеск, всплеск, звук разлетающихся брызг; to splutter— говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать): "That's it (вот оно что)! That's it! It was the Russian (это был тот русский)! I should have known (я должен был знать)! What a fool we thought him (каким дураком мы его считали), and what fools he made of us (и какими дураками он сделал нас)!"

grasp [grQ:sp] chin [tSIn] stream [stri:m]

He pulled her to him and grasped her chin with his other hand, raising her face roughly. "All right," he growled into her face. "You've had your little joke. Now tell us about it."

She cried: "No, Sam, no! That is the one I got from Kemidov. I swear — "

Joel Cairo thrust himself between Spade and Gutman and began to emit words in a shrill spluttering stream: "That's it! That's it! It was the Russian! I should have known! What a fool we thought him, and what fools he made of us!"

Tears ran down (слезы бежали вниз) the Levantine's cheeks (по щекам левантинца) and he danced up and down (и он прыгал вверх и вниз; to dance — танцевать, плясать). "You bungled it (вы испортили это; bungle — плохая работа, плохо сделанная работа; to bungle — неумело работать, портить работу; грубо ошибаться)!" he screamed at Gutman (крикнул он Гутману). "You and your stupid attempt (вы и ваша глупая попытка) to buy it from him (купить ее у него)! You fat fool (вы, толстый дурак)! You let him know (вы дали ему понять) it was valuable (что это ценно) and he found out (и он выяснил) how valuable (насколько ценно) and made a duplicate for us (и сделал копию для нас)! No wonder (неудивительно) we had so little trouble (что у нас было так мало проблем) stealing it (при его краже)! No wonder (неудивительно) he was so willing (что он так хотел) to send me off around the world (отправить меня по миру) looking for it (в поисках его)! You imbecile (вы, глупец; imbecile — слабоумный, идиот)! You bloated idiot (вы — жирный идиот; bloated — жирный, обрюзгший)!" He put his hands (он положил свои руки) to his face (к своему лицу) and blubbered (и зарыдал).

trouble ['trAb(q)l] imbecile ['Imbqsi:l] bloated ['blqVtId]

Tears ran down the Levantine's cheeks and he danced up and down. "You bungled it!" he screamed at Gutman. "You and your stupid attempt to buy it from him! You fat fool! You let him know it was valuable and he found out how valuable and made a duplicate for us! No wonder we had so little trouble stealing it! No wonder he was so willing to send me off around the world looking for it! You imbecile! You bloated idiot!" He put his hands to his face and blubbered.

Gutman's jaw sagged (челюсть Гутмана отвисла). He blinked vacant eyes (он мигнул безжизненными глазами; vacant— незанятый, свободный; вакантный; безжизненный; беззвучный). Then he shook himself (потом он встряхнул себя) and was (и был) — by the time (к этому времени) his bulbs had stopped jouncing (когда его отвислости перестали колыхаться) — again a jovial fat man (снова веселым толстяком). "Come, sir (ладно, сэр)," he said good-naturedly (сказал он добродушно), "there's no need (нет необходимости) of going on (продолжать) like that (таким образом). Everybody errs at times (каждый ошибается временами) and you may be sure (и вы можете быть уверены) this is every bit as severe a blow to me (это такой же суровый удар по мне; bit— кусочек, частица) as to anyone else (как и по всем другим). Yes, that is the Russian's hand (да, это рука того русского), there's no doubt of it (нет никаких сомнений в этом). Well, sir (ну, сэр), what do you suggest (что вы предлагаете)? Shall we stand here (должны мы стоять здесь) and shed tears (и проливать слезы) and call each other names (и обзывать друг друга)? Or shall we (или мы должны )" — he paused (он помедлил) and his smile was a cherub's (и его улыбка была херувимской) — "go to Constantinople (ехать в Константинополь)?"

Cairo took his hands (Кейро отнял свои руки) from his face (со своего лица) and his eyes bulged (и его глаза выпучились). He stammered (он, заикаясь, сказал): "You are (вы) — ?" Amazement (изумление) coming with full comprehension (пришедшее вместе с полным пониманием) made him speechless (сделало его безмолвным; speech— речь, дар речи).

jaw [dZO:] vacant ['veIkqnt] jounce [dZaVns]

Gutman's jaw sagged. He blinked vacant eyes. Then he shook himself and was — by the time his bulbs had stopped jouncing — again a jovial fat man. "Come, sir," he said good-naturedly, "there's no need of going on like that. Everybody errs at times and you may be sure this is every bit as severe a blow to me as to anyone else. Yes, that is the Russian's hand, there's no doubt of it. Well, sir, what do you suggest? Shall we stand here and shed tears and call each other names? Or shall we" — he paused and his smile was a cherub's — "go to Constantinople?"

Cairo took his hands from his face and his eyes bulged. He stammered: "You are — ?" Amazement coming with full comprehension made him speechless.

Gutman patted (Гутман похлопал) his fat hands (своими толстыми ладонями) together (друг о друга). His eyes twinkled (его глаза блеснули). His voice (его голос) was a complacent (был самодовольным) throaty purring (горловым мурлыканьем; throat — горло, гортань; глотка): "For seventeen years (семнадцать лет) I have wanted that little item (я хотел эту маленькую вещицу) and have been trying to get it (и пытался добыть ее). If I must spend another year (если я должен потратить еще год) on the quest (на поиски) — well, sir (ну, сэр) — that will be (это будет лишь) an additional expenditure in time (дополнительный расход времени) of only (только)" — his lips moved silently (его губы беззвучно двигались) as he calculated (пока он считал) — "five and fifteen seventeenths per cent (пять и пятнадцать семнадцатых процента)."

The Levantine giggled and cried (левантинец захихикал и закричал): "I go with you (я поеду с вами)!"

complacent [kqm'pleIs(q)nt] throaty ['TrqVtI] expenditure [Ik'spendItSq]

Gutman patted his fat hands together. His eyes twinkled. His voice was a complacent throaty purring: "For seventeen years I have wanted that little item and have been trying to get it. If I must spend another year on the quest — well, sir — that will be an additional expenditure in time of only" — his lips moved silently as he calculated — "five and fifteen seventeenths per cent."

The Levantine giggled and cried: "I go with you!"

Spade suddenly released (Спейд вдруг отпустил) the girl's wrist (запястье девушки) and looked around the room (и осмотрел комнату). The boy was not there (юноши там не было). Spade went into the passageway (Спейд вышел в коридор). The corridor-door stood open (коридорная дверь стояла открытой). Spade made a dissatisfied mouth (Спейд скривил: «сделал» неудовлетворенный рот; to satisfy — удовлетворять), shut the door (закрыл дверь), and returned to the living-room (и вернулся в гостиную). He leaned against the door-frame (он прислонился к дверной раме) and looked at Gutman and Cairo (и посмотрел на Гутмана и Кейро). He looked at Gutman (он смотрел на Гутмана) for a long time (долго), sourly (мрачно; sourly — кислый, недовольный). Then he spoke (потом он заговорил), mimicking (имитируя) the fat man's throaty purr (горловое мурлыканье толстяка): "Well, sir, I must say (я должен сказать) you're a swell lot of thieves (что вы прекрасная свора воров)!"

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