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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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dissatisfied [dIs'sxtIsfaId] sour ['saVq] thieves [Ti:vz]

Spade suddenly released the girl's wrist and looked around the room. The boy was not there. Spade went into the passageway. The corridor-door stood open. Spade made a dissatisfied mouth, shut the door, and returned to the living-room. He leaned against the door-frame and looked at Gutman and Cairo. He looked at Gutman for a long time, sourly. Then he spoke, mimicking the fat man's throaty purr: "Well, sir, I must say you're a swell lot of thieves!"

Gutman chuckled (Гутман хихикнул). "We've little enough (мы слишком ничтожны) to boast about (чтобы хвастаться), and that's a fact, sir (и это факт, сэр)," he said. "But, well (но, ладно), we're none of us dead yet (никто из нас не мертв пока) and there's not a bit of use (и нет ни малейшей пользы) thinking (/в том, чтобы/ думать) the world's come to an end (что мир подошел к концу) just because we've run into a little setback (только потому, что мы потерпели небольшую неудачу;setback — задержка, препятствие; to set back — отодвигать, передвигать назад; препятствовать, задерживать)." He brought his left hand (он достал свою левую руку) from behind him (из-за своей спины) and held it out towards Spade (и протянул ее Спейду), pink smooth hilly (розовую, гладкую, бугристую; hill — холм) palm up (ладонью вверх). "I'll have to ask you (должен буду попросить у вас) for that envelope, sir (тот конверт, сэр)."

boast [bqVst] world [wq:ld] hilly ['hIlI]

Gutman chuckled. "We've little enough to boast about, and that's a fact, sir," he said. "But, well, we're none of us dead yet and there's not a bit of use thinking the world's come to an end just because we've run into a little setback." He brought his left hand from behind him and held it out towards Spade, pink smooth hilly palm up. "I'll have to ask you for that envelope, sir."

Spade did not move (Спейд не двинулся). His face was wooden (его лицо было деревянным). He said: "I held up my end (я свои обязательства выполнил; end — конец, край, намерения). You got your dingus (вы получили вашу штуку). It's your hard luck (это ваша неудача), not mine (а не моя), that it wasn't what you wanted (что это не было тем, что вы хотели)."

"Now come, sir (да ладно, сэр)," Gutman said persuasively (сказал Гутман убеждающе; to persuade — убеждать), "we've all failed (мы все потерпели неудачу) and there's no reason (и нет причины) for expecting (ожидать) any one of us (что кто-то из нас) to bear the brunt of it (вынесет основную тяжесть всего этого; brunt — главный удар), and — " He brought his right hand (он достал свою правую руку) from behind him (из-за своей спины). In the hand was a small pistol (в руке был маленький пистолет), an ornately engraved (пышно гравированная) and inlaid affair (и инкрустированная штучка) of silver and gold (серебром и золотом) and mother-of-pearl (и перламутром). "In short, sir (короче, сэр), I must ask you (я должен попросить вас) to return my ten thousand dollars (вернуть мои десять тысяч долларов)."

dingus ['dINqs] reason ['ri:z(q)n] inlaid ["In'leId]

Spade did not move. His face was wooden. He said: "I held up my end. You got your dingus. It's your hard luck, not mine, that it wasn't what you wanted."

"Now come, sir," Gutman said persuasively, "we've all failed and there's no reason for expecting any one of us to bear the brunt of it, and — " He brought his right hand from behind him. In the hand was a small pistol, an ornately engraved and inlaid affair of silver and gold and mother-of-pearl. "In short, sir, I must ask you to return my ten thousand dollars."

Spade's face did not change (лицо Спейда не изменилось). He shrugged (он пожал плечами) and took the envelope (и достал конверт) from his pocket (из своего кармана). He started to hold it out to Gutman (он начал протягивать его Гутману), hesitated (поколебался), opened the envelope (открыл конверт), and took out one thousand-dollar bill (и вытащил купюру в одну тысячу долларов). He put that bill (он положил эту купюру) into his trousers-pocket (в карман своих брюк). He tucked the envelope's flap in (он вложил клапан конверта) over the other bills (над остальными купюрами) and held them out to Gutman (и протянул их Гутману). "That'll take care of my time (это возместит мое время; to take care of smb., smth — заботиться о ком-либо, чем-либо) and expenses (и мои расходы)," he said.

hesitate ['hezIteIt] tucked [tAkt] expense [Ik'spens]

Spade's face did not change. He shrugged and took the envelope from his pocket. He started to hold it out to Gutman, hesitated, opened the envelope, and took out one thousand-dollar bill. He put that bill into his trousers-pocket. He tucked the envelope's flap in over the other bills and held them out to Gutman. "That'll take care of my time and expenses," he said.

Gutman, after a little pause (Гутман, после небольшой паузы), imitated Spade's shrug (повторил: «имитировал» пожимание плечами Спейда) and accepted the envelope (и принял конверт). He said: "Now, sir (теперь, сэр), we will say good-bye to you (мы попрощаемся с вами), unless (если только)" — the fat puffs (толстые отвислости) around his eyes (вокруг его глаз) crinkled (сморщились) — "you care to undertake (вы не хотите предпринять) the Constantinople expedition with us (экспедицию в Константинополь с нами). You don't (вы не хотите)? Well, sir (ну, сэр), frankly (честно говоря) I'd like to have you along (я бы хотел, чтобы вы поехали вместе с нами). You're a man to my liking (вы мне нравитесь), a man of many resources (человек с большими возможностями) and nice judgment (и хорошим суждением). Because we know (потому что мы знаем) you're a man of nice judgment (что вы — человек правильных суждений) we know (мы знаем) we can say good-bye (что мы можем сказать «до свидания») with every assurance (в полной уверенности) that you'll hold the details (что вы сохраните детали) of our little enterprise (нашего небольшого предприятия) in confidence (в тайне).

imitate ['ImIteIt] crinkle ['krINk(q)l] enterprise ['entqpraIz]

Gutman, after a little pause, imitated Spade's shrug and accepted the envelope. He said: "Now, sir, we will say good-bye to you, unless" — the fat puffs around his eyes crinkled — "you care to undertake the Constantinople expedition with us. You don't? Well, sir, frankly I'd like to have you along. You're a man to my liking, a man of many resources and nice judgment. Because we know you're a man of nice judgment we know we can say good-bye with every assurance that you'll hold the details of our little enterprise in confidence.

We know (мы знаем) we can count on you (что мы можем рассчитывать на вас) to appreciate the fact that (что вы правильно оцените тот факт, что), as the situation now stands (то как ситуация обстоит сейчас), any legal difficulties (любые трудности с законом) that come to us (которые наступят для нас) in connection with these last few days (в связи с этими последними несколькими днями) would likewise and equally (также и в такой же степени) come to you and the charming Miss O'Shaughnessy (наступят и для вас и очаровательной мисс О’Шонесси). You're too shrewd (вы слишком проницательны) not to recognize that (чтобы не признавать этого), sir, I'm sure (сэр, я уверен)."

"I understand that (я понимаю это)," Spade replied.

appreciate [q'pri:SIeIt] legal ['li:g(q)l] charming ['tSQ:mIN]

We know we can count on you to appreciate the fact that, as the situation now stands, any legal difficulties that come to us in connection with these last few days would likewise and equally come to you and the charming Miss O'Shaughnessy. You're too shrewd not to recognize that, sir, I'm sure."

"I understand that," Spade replied.

"I was sure you would (я был уверен в этом: «что вы поймете»). I'm also sure that (я также уверен в том), now there's no alternative (что теперь нет альтернативы), you'll somehow manage the police (вы как-нибудь сумеете уладить с полицией) without a fall-guy (без козла отпущения)."

"I'll make out all right (я понимаю это, несомненно)," Spade replied (ответил Спейд).

"I was sure you would (я был уверен в этом). Well, sir, the shortest farewells are the best (самые короткие прощания — самые лучшие). Adieu (прощайте)." He made a portly bow (он величественно поклонился). "And to you, Miss O'Shaughnessy, adieu (и вы, мисс О’Шонесси, прощайте). I heave you the rara avis (я оставляю вам эту «редкую птицу — лат.») on the table (на столе) as a little memento (как небольшой сувенир)."

alternative [O:l'tq:nqtIv] farewell [feq'wel] adieu [q'dju:]

"I was sure you would. I'm also sure that, now there's no alternative, you'll somehow manage the police without a fall-guy."

"I'll make out all right," Spade replied.

"I was sure you would. Well, sir, the shortest farewells are the best. Adieu." He made a portly bow. "And to you, Miss O'Shaughnessy, adieu. I heave you the rara avis on the table as a little memento."

XX. IfTheyHangYou

(если они повесят тебя)

For all of five minutes (за все пять минут) after the outer door (после того как внешняя дверь) had closed behind Casper Gutman (закрылась за Каспером Гутманом) and Joel Cairo (и Джоэлем Кейро), Spade, motionless (Спейд, без движения), stood staring at the knob (стоял, уставившись на шарообразную ручку) of the open living-room-door (открытой двери в гостиную). His eyes were gloomy (его глаза были угрюмыми) under a forehead drawn down (под опущенным лбом). The clefts at the root of his nose (складки у основания его носа; cleft — трещина; root — корень) were deep and red (были глубокими и красными). His lips protruded loosely (его губы выпячены свободно), pouting (надувшись). He drew them in (он втянул их) to make a hard v (чтобы сделать жесткое v) and went to the telephone (и пошел к телефону). He had not looked at Brigid O'Shaughnessy (он не взглянул на Бриджит О’Шонесси), who stood by the table (которая стояла у стола) looking with uneasy eyes at him (глядя на него тревожными глазами).

motionless ['mqVS(q)nlIs] drawn [drO:n] pout [paVt]

For all of five minutes after the outer door had closed behind Casper Gutman and Joel Cairo, Spade, motionless, stood staring at the knob of the open living-room-door. His eyes were gloomy under a forehead drawn down. The clefts at the root of his nose were deep and red. His lips protruded loosely, pouting. He drew them in to make a hard v and went to the telephone. He had not looked at Brigid O'Shaughnessy, who stood by the table looking with uneasy eyes at him.

He picked up the telephone (он поднял телефон), set it on its shelf again (поставил его снова на полку), and bent to look into the telephone-directory (и наклонился, чтобы посмотреть в телефонный справочник) hanging from a corner of the shelf (свисающий с угла полки). He turned the pages rapidly (он переворачивал страницы торопливо) until he found the one he wanted (пока он не нашел ту, которую хотел), ran his finger down a column (пробежал пальцами вниз по колонке), straightened up (выпрямился), and lifted the telephone (и поднял телефон) from the shelf again (снова с полки). He called a number and said (он набрал номер и сказал):

hanging ['hxNIN] column ['kOlqm] call [kO:l]

He picked up the telephone, set it on its shelf again, and bent to look into the telephone-directory hanging from a corner of the shelf. He turned the pages rapidly until he found the one he wanted, ran his finger down a column, straightened up, and lifted the telephone from the shelf again. He called a number and said:

"Hello, is Sergeant Polhaus there (алло, сержант Полхауз там)? ... Will you call him, please (вы позовете его, пожалуйста)? This is Samuel Spade. He stared into space, waiting (он смотрел в пространство, ожидая). "Hello, Tom (привет, Том), I've got something for you ( у меня есть кое-что для тебя) ... Yes, plenty (да, много). Here it is (вот оно): Thursby and Jacobi were shot (Терсби и Якоби были застрелены) by a kid named Wilmer Cook (юнцом по имени Вилмер Кук)." He described the boy minutely (он подробно описал юношу). "He's working for a man (он работает на человека) named Casper Gutman (по имени Каспер Гутман)." He described Gutman (он описал Гутмана). "That fellow Cairo (тот парень Кейро) you met here (которого вы встретили здесь) is in with them too (тоже в деле вместе с ними) ..."

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