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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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"Then — then I was afraid of Gutman. I knew he had people — connections — everywhere, and he'd soon know what we had done. And I was afraid he'd have learned that we had left Hongkong for San Francisco. He was in New York and I knew' if he heard that by cable he would have plenty of time to get here by the time we did, or before. He did. I didn't know that then, but I was afraid of it, and I had to wait here until Captain Jacobi's boat arrived. And I was afraid Gutman would find me — or find Floyd and buy him over. That's why I came to you and asked you to watch him for — "

"That's a lie (это ложь)," Spade said. "You had Thursby looked (ты следила за Терсби) and you knew it (и ты знала это). He was a sucker for women (он был любитель женщин). His record shows that (его досье показывает это) — the only falls (единственные неудачи) he took (которые его постигали) were over women (были из-за женщин). And once a chump (один раз болван), always a chump (всегда болван). Maybe you didn't know his record (может быть, ты и не знала его досье), but you'd know (но ты знала) you had him safe (что ты его держишь крепок)."

She blushed (она покраснела) and looked timidly at him (и робко посмотрела на него).

He said: "You wanted to get him out of the way (ты хотела убрать его с дороги) before Jacobi came (прежде чем Якоби прибудет) with the loot (с добычей). What was your scenario (какой был твой план действий: «сценарий»)?"

lie [laI] sucker ['sAkq] chump [tSAmp]

"That's a lie," Spade said. "You had Thursby looked and you knew it. He was a sucker for women. His record shows that — the only falls he took were over women. And once a chump, always a chump. Maybe you didn't know' his record, but you'd know you had him safe."

She blushed and looked timidly at him.

He said: "You wanted to get him out of the way before Jacobi came with the loot. What was your scenario?"

"I (я) — I knew he'd left the States (я знала, что он покинул Штаты) with a gambler (с игроком) after some trouble (после каких-то проблем). I didn't know what it was (я не знала, что это было) but, I thought that if it was anything serious (но я думала, что если это было что-то серьезное) and he saw a detective watching him (и он увидит детектива, следящего за ним) he'd think (он бы подумал) it was on account of the old trouble (что это из-за старой проблемы; account — счет, расчет), and would be frightened (и был бы напуган) into going away (и ушел бы). I didn't think (я не думала) — "

"You told him (ты сказала ему) he was being shadowed (что за ним следят)," Spade said confidently (сказал Спейд уверенно). "Miles hadn't many brains (у Майлза не было много ума), but he wasn't clumsy enough (но он не был достаточно неповоротливым) to be spotted (чтобы быть замеченным) the first night (в первую же ночь)."

knew [nju:] serious ['sI(q)rIqs] trouble ['trAb(q)l]

"I — I knew he'd left the States with a gambler after some trouble. I didn't know what it was, but I thought that if it was anything serious and he saw a detective watching him he'd think it was on account of the old trouble, and would be frightened into going away. I didn't think — "

"You told him he was being shadowed," Spade said confidently. "Miles hadn't many brains, but he wasn't clumsy enough to be spotted the first night."

"I told him, yes (я сказала ему, да). When we went out for a walk (когда мы вышли на прогулку) that night (той ночью) I pretended (я притворилась) to discover Mr. Archer (что обнаружила мистера Арчера) following us (следующего за нами) and pointed him out to Floyd (и указала его Флойду)." She sobbed (она всхлипнула). "But please believe, Sam (но, пожалуйста, поверь, Сэм), that I wouldn't have done it (что я бы не сделала этого) if I had thought (если бы думала) Floyd would kill him (что Флойд убьет его). I thought he'd be frightened (я думала, он будет напуган) into leaving the city (чтобы оставить город). I didn't for a minute think (я ни на минуту не думала) he'd shoot him like that (что он застрелит его вот так)."

pretended [prI'tendId] discover [dIs'kAvq] shoot [Su:t]

"I told him, yes. When we went out for a walk that night I pretended to discover Mr. Archer following us and pointed him out to Floyd." She sobbed. "But please believe, Sam, that I wouldn't have done it if I had thought Floyd would kill him. I thought he'd be frightened into leaving the city. I didn't for a minute think he'd shoot him like that."

Spade smiled wolfishly (Спейд улыбнулся по-волчьи) with his lips (своими губами), but not at all with his eyes (но совсем не своими глазами). He said: "If you thought (если ты думала) he wouldn't (что он не застрелит /его/) you were right, angel (ты была права, ангел)."

The girl's upraised face (поднятое лицо девушки) held utter astonishment (выражало крайнее изумление).

Spade said: "Thursby didn't shoot him (Терсби не застрелил его)."

Incredulity joined astonishment (недоверие присоединилось к изумлению) in the girl's face (на лице девушки).

angel ['eIndZ(q)l] astonishment [q'stOnISmqnt] incredulity ["InkrI'dju:lItI]

Spade smiled wolfishly with his lips, but not at all with his eyes. He said: "If you thought he wouldn't you were right, angel."

The girl's upraised face held utter astonishment.

Spade said: "Thursby didn't shoot him."

Incredulity joined astonishment in the girl's face.

Spade said: "Miles hadn't many brains (у Майлза не было много мозгов), but, Christ (но, Боже)! he had too many years' experience (у него было слишком много лет опыта) as a detective (как детектива) to be caught like that (чтобы быть схваченным таким образом) by the man he was shadowing (человеком, за которым он следил). Up a blind alley (в тупике; blind — слепой, незрячий) with his gun (с /его/ пистолетом) tucked away on his hip (спрятанным /в кобуре/ на его бедре) and his overcoat buttoned (и застегнутом пальто)? Not a chance (никакой возможности). He was as dumb (он был тупой) as any man ought to be (как любой мужчина должен быть), but he wasn't quite that dumb (но он не был совсем таким дураком). The only two ways out of the alley (единственные два выхода из аллеи) could be watched (могли просматриваться) from the edge of Bush Street (от угла Буш-стрит) over the tunnel (над туннелем). You'd told us (ты сказала нам) Thursby was a bad actor (что Терсби плохой актер). He couldn't have tricked Miles (он не мог заманить Майлза) into the alley like that (в аллею подобным образом), and he couhdn't have driven him in (и он не мог бы загнать его туда). He was dumb (он был туповат), but not dumb enough for that (но недостаточно тупым для этого)."

brain [breIn] buttoned [bAtnd] alley ['xlI]

Spade said: "Miles hadn't many brains, but, Christ! he had too many years' experience as a detective to be caught like that by the man he was shadowing. Up a blind alley with his gun tucked away on his hip and his overcoat buttoned? Not a chance. He was as dumb as any man ought to be, but he wasn't quite that dumb. The only two ways out of the alley could be watched from the edge of Bush Street over the tunnel. You'd told us Thursby was a bad actor. He couldn't have tricked Miles into the alley like that, and he couhdn't have driven him in. He was dumb, but not dumb enough for that."

He ran his tongue (он пробежал языком) over the inside of his lips (по внутренней стороне своих губ) and smiled affectionately at the girl (и нежно улыбнулся девушке). He said: "But he'd've gone up there with you (но он пошел бы туда с тобой), angel (ангел), if he was sure (если он был уверен) nobody else was up there (что там больше никого не было). You were his client (ты была его клиенткой), so he would have had no reason (поэтому у него не было бы причин) for not dropping the shadow on your say-so (не бросить слежку по твоему распоряжению), and if you caught up with him (и если бы ты догнала его) and asked him to go up there (и попросила его пойти туда) he'd've gone (он бы пошел). He was just dumb enough for that (он был достаточно глуп для этого). He'd've looked you (он бы смотрел на тебя) up and down (так и эдак) and licked his lips (и облизывал бы свои губы) and gone grinning from ear to ear (и пошел бы, улыбаясь от уха до уха) — and then you could've stood (а потом ты могла бы встать) as close to him (к нему так близко) as you liked (как ты бы захотела) in the dark (в темноте) and put a hole through him (и сделала бы дырку в нем) with the gun (пистолетом) you had got from Thursby (который ты взяла у Терсби) that evening (тем вечером)."

tongue [tAN] client ['klaIqnt] evening ['i:vnIN]

He ran his tongue over the inside of his lips and smiled affectionately at time girl. He said: "But he'd've gone up there with you, angel, if he was sure nobody else was up there. You were his client, so he would have had no reason for not dropping the shadow on your say-so, and if you caught up with him and asked him to go up there he'd've gone. He was just dumb enough for that. He'd've looked you up and down and licked his lips and gone grinning from ear to ear — and then you could've stood as close to him as you liked in the dark and put a hole through him with the gun you had got from Thursby that evening."

Brigid O'Shaughnessy shrank back from him (Бриджит О’Шонесси отшатнулась от него) until the edge of the table (пока угол стола) stopped her (не остановил ее). She looked at him (она посмотрела на него) with terrified eyes (испуганными глазами) and cried (и заплакала): "Don't (не) — don't talk to me like that, Sam (не говори со мной так, Сэм)! You know I didn't (ты знаешь, это не я)! You know (ты знаешь) — "

"Stop it (перестань)." He looked at the watch on his wrist (он посмотрел на часы на своем запястье). "The police will be blowing in (полиция примчится) any minute now (сейчас в любую минуту) and we're sitting on dynamite (и мы сидим на динамите). Talk (говори)!"

shrank [SrxNk] terrify ['terIfaI] minute ['mInIt]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy shrank back from him until the edge of the table stopped her. She looked at him with terrified eyes and cried: "Don't — don't talk to me like that, Sam! You know I didn't! You know — "

"Stop it." He looked at the watch on his wrist. "The police will be blowing in any minute now and we're sitting on dynamite. Talk!"

She put the back of a hand (она положила тыльную часть ладони) on her forehead (на свой лоб). "Oh, why do you accuse me (о, почему ты обвиняешь меня) of such a terrible (в таком ужасном)— ?"

"Will you stop it (ты перестанешь)?" he demanded (/требовательно/ спросил он) in a low impatient voice (тихим нетерпеливым голосом). "This isn't the spot (здесь не место) for the schoolgirl-act (для спектаклей школьниц). Listen to me (послушай меня). The pair of us are sitting (мы с тобой на пару сидим) under the gallows (под виселицей)." He took hold of her wrists (он взял ее запястья) and made her stand up (и заставил ее встать) straight in front of him (прямо перед ним). "Talk (говори)!"

"I (я) — I (я) — How did you know he (откуда ты знаешь, что он) — he licked his lips and looked (что он облизывал губы и смотрел) —?"

accuse [q'kju:z] straight [streIt] lick [lIk]

She put the back of a hand on her forehead. "Oh, why do you accuse me of such a terrible — ?"

"Will you stop it?" he demanded in a low impatient voice. "This isn't the spot for the schoolgirl-act. Listen to me. The pair of us are sitting under the gallows." He took hold of her wrists and made her stand up straight in front of him. "Talk!"

"I — I — How did you know he — he licked his lips and looked — ?"

Spade laughed harshly (Спейд резко засмеялся). "I knew Miles (я знал Майлза). But never mind that (но не обращай внимания на это). Why did you shoot him (почему ты застрелила его)?"

She twisted her wrists (она вывернула свои запястья) out of Spade's fingers (из пальцев Спйэда) and put her hands up (и положила свои ладони) around the back of his neck (вокруг задней части его шеи), pulling his head down (потянув его голову вниз) until his mouth all but touched hers (пока его губы не коснулись ее губ). Her body was flat against his (ее тело плотно прилегало к его телу; flat— плоский, ровный) from knees to chest (от коленей до груди). He put his arms around her (он положил свои руки вокруг нее), holding her tight to him (держа ее близко к себе).

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