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Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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erect [I'rekt] dubious ['dju:bIqs] unpredictable ["AnprI'dIktqb(q)l]

She dropped her hands and stood erect. Her face became smooth and untroubled except for the faintest of dubious glints in her eyes. She smiled back at him, gently. "Don't, Sam, don't say that even in fun. Oh, you frightened me for a moment! I really thought you — You know you do such wild and unpredictable things that — " She broke off. She thrust her face forward and stared deep into his eyes. Her cheeks and the flesh around her mouth shivered and fear came back into her eyes. "What — ? Sam!" She put her hands to her throat again and lost her erectness.

Spade laughed (Спейд засмеялся). His yellow-white face (его желто-белое лицо) was damp with sweat (было влажным от пота) and though he held his smile (и, хотя на нем была улыбка) he could not hold softness (он не смог удержать мягкость) in his voice (в голосе). He croaked (он прохрипел; to croak — каркать; квакать; издавать хриплые звуки): "Don't be silly (не глупи). You're taking the fail (ты потерпела неудачу). One of us (один из нас) has got to take it (должен был потерпеть ее), after the talking (после всех тех разговоров) those birds will do (которые разведут те парни). They'd hang me sure (они наверняка бы повесили меня). You're likely to get a better break (тебе, вероятно, больше повезет). Well (ну)?"

"But — but, Sam, you can't (но — но, Сэм, ты не можешь)! Not after what we've been to each other (не после всего, чем мы были друг для друга). You can't (ты не можешь) — "

"Like hell I can't (черта с два не могу)."

croak [krqVk] silly ['sIlI] each [i:tS]

Spade laughed. His yellow-white face was damp with sweat and though he held his smile he could not hold softness in his voice. He croaked: "Don't be silly. You're taking the fail. One of us has got to take it, after the talking those birds will do. They'd hang me sure. You're likely to get a better break. Well?"

"But — but, Sam, you can't! Not after what we've been to each other. You can't — "

"Like hell I can't."

She took a long trembling breath (она сделала длинный дрожащий вдох). "You've been playing with me (ты играл со мной)? Only pretending you cared (только притворялся, что ты неравнодушен) — to trap me like this (чтобы заманить меня в ловушку таким образом)? You didn't (тебе) — care at all (ты был равнодушен)? You didn't (ты не любил) — don't — l-love me (не л-любишь меня)?"

"I think I do (я думаю, люблю)," Spade said. "What of it (что из этого)?" The muscles holding his smile in place (мускулы, державшие его улыбку на месте) stood out like wales (выступали, как рубцы). "I'm not Thursby (я не Терсби). I'm not Jacobi (я не Якоби). I won't play the sap for you (я не буду играть дурака для тебя)."

"That is not just (это несправедливо)," she cried (заплакала она). Tears came to her eyes (слезы пришли в ее глаза). "It's unfair (это нечестно). It's contemptible of you (это презренно с твоей стороны; contempt — презрение). You know it was not that (ты знаешь, это было не то). You can't say that (ты не можешь сказать этого)."

care [keq] muscle ['mAs(q)l] contemptible [kqn'temptqb(q)l]

She took a long trembling breath. "You've been playing with me? Only pretending you cared — to trap me like this? You didn't — care at all? You didn't — don't — l-love me?"

"I think I do," Spade said. "What of it?" The muscles holding his smile in place stood out like wales. "I'm not Thursby. I'm not Jacobi. I won't play the sap for you."

"That is not just," she cried. Tears came to her eyes. "It's unfair. It's contemptible of you. You know it was not that. You can't say that."

"Like hell I can't (черта с два я не могу)," Spade said. "You came into my bed (ты пришла в мою постель) to stop me asking questions (чтобы остановить мои вопросы). You led me out yesterday for Gutman (ты вытащила меня вчера для Гутмана) with that phoney call for help (этим притворным звонком о помощи). Last night (прошлой ночью) you came here with them (ты пришла сюда с ними) and waited outside for me (ждала меня снаружи) and came in with me (и вошла со мной). You were in my arms (ты была в моих объятиях) when the trap was sprung (когда ловушка захлопнулась) — I couldn't have gone for a gun (я не мог бы достать пистолет) if I'd had one on me (если бы он у меня был с собой) and couldn't have made a fight of it (и не мог бы оказать сопротивление; fight — бой, битва, драка) if I had wanted to (если бы я хотел).

phoney ['fqVnI] night [naIt] fight [faIt]

"Like hell I can't," Spade said. "You came into my bed to stop me asking questions. You led me out yesterday for Gutman with that phoney call for help. Last night you came here with them and waited outside for me and came in with me. You were in my arms when the trap was sprung — I couldn't have gone for a gun if I'd had one on me and couldn't have made a fight of it if I had wanted to.

And if they didn't take you away (и если они не забрали тебя) with them (с собой) it was only because (это было только потому) Gutman's got too much sense (что у Гутмана слишком много ума) to trust you (чтобы доверять тебе) except for short stretches (исключая короткие периоды) when he has to (когда он вынужден) and because he thought (и потому что он думает) I'd play the sap for you (я сыграю дурака для тебя) and (и) — not wanting to hurt you (не желая навредить тебе) — wouldn't be able to hurt him (не смогу навредить ему)."

because [bI'kOz] stretch [stretS] hurt [hq:t]

And if they didn't take you away with them it was only because Gutman's got too much sense to trust you except for short stretches when he has to and because he thought I'd play the sap for you and — not wanting to hurt you — wouldn't be able to hurt him."

Brigid O'Shaughnessy blinked her tears away (Бриджит О’Шонесси смахнула ресницами слезы). She took a step towards him (она шагнула в его сторону) and stood looking him in the eyes (и стояла, глядя ему в глаза), straight and proud (прямо и гордо). "You called me a liar (ты назвал меня лгуньей)," she said. "Now you are lying (теперь ты лжешь). You're lying if you say (ты лжешь, если говоришь) you don't know (что ты не знаешь) down in your heart (глубоко в твоем сердце) that, in spite of anything (что несмотря на все) I've done (что я сделала), I love you (я люблю тебя)."

blink [blINk] liar ['laIq] love [lAv]

Brigid O'Shaughnessy blinked her tears away. She took a step towards him and stood looking him in the eyes, straight and proud. "You called me a liar," she said. "Now you are lying. You're lying if you say you don't know down in your heart that, in spite of anything I've done, I love you."

Spade made a short abrupt bow (Спейд сделал короткий отрывистый поклон). His eyes were becoming bloodshot (его глаза наливались кровью), but there was no other change (но не было других изменений) in his damp (в его влажном) and yellowish (и желтоватом) fixedly smiling face (сосредоточенно улыбавшемся лице). "Maybe I do (может быть, я /и лгу/)," he said. "What of it (что из этого)? I should trust you (я должен верить тебе)? You (тебе) who arranged that nice little trick for (кто устроил тот милый трюк для) — for my predecessor, Thursby (для моего предшественника, Терсби)? You who knocked off Miles (тебе, которая прикончила Майлза), a man you had nothing against (человека, против которого ты ничего не имела), in cold blood (хладнокровно), just like swatting a fly (просто как прихлопнуть муху), for the sake of double-crossing Thursby (ради того, чтобы обмануть Терсби)? You who double-crossed Gutman, Cairo, Thursby (ты, которая перехитрила Гутмана, Кейро, Терсби) — one, two, three (один, два, три)? You who've never played square with me (ты, которая никогда не играла со мной честно) for half an hour (и на полчаса) at a stretch (за тот период) since I've known you (который я тебя знаю)? I should trust you (я должен верить тебе)? No, no, darling (нет, нет, дорогая). I wouldn't do it (я бы не сделал этого) even if I could (даже, если бы мог). Why should I (почему я должен)?"

abrupt [q'brApt] bloodshot ['blAdSOt] predecessor ['pri:dIsesq]

Spade made a short abrupt bow. His eyes were becoming bloodshot, but there was no other change in his damp and yellowish fixedly smiling face. "Maybe I do," he said. "What of it? I should trust you? You who arranged that nice little trick for — for my predecessor, Thursby? You who knocked off Miles, a man you had nothing against, in cold blood, just like swatting a fly, for the sake of double-crossing Thursby? You who double-crossed Gutman, Cairo, Thursby — one, two, three? You who've never played square with me for half an hour at a stretch since I've known you? I should trust you? No, no, darling. I wouldn't do it even if I could. Why should I?"

Her eyes were steady (ее взгляд был твердым) under his (под его) and her hushed voice (и ее тихий голос) was steady (был твердым) when she replied (когда она ответила): "Why should you (почему ты должен)? If you've been playing with me (если ты играл со мной), if you do not love me (если ты не любишь меня), there is no answer to that (этому нет ответа). If you did (если бы любил), no answer would be needed (никакого ответа бы не потребовалось)."

Blood streaked Spade's eyeballs now (кровь прилила /прожилками/ к глазным яблокам Спейда тем временем) and his long-held smile (и его долго сдерживаемая улыбка) had become a frightful grimace (стала устрашающей гримасой; fright— страх). He cleared his throat huskily (он хрипло прочистил горло) and said: "Making speeches (произносить речи) is no damned good now (сейчас нет никакого смысла)."

steady ['stedI] frightful ['fraItf(q)l] damned [dxmd]

Her eyes were steady under his and her hushed voice was steady when she replied: "Why should you? If you've been playing with me, if you do not love me, there is no answer to that. If you did, no answer would be needed."

Blood streaked Spade's eyeballs now and his long-held smile had become a frightful grimace. He cleared his throat huskily and said: "Making speeches is no damned good now."

He put a hand on her shoulder (он положил руку на ее плечо). The hand shook and jerked (рука тряслась и дергалась). "I don't care (мне наплевать) who loves who (кто кого любит) I'm not going to play the sap for you (я не собираюсь играть дурака для тебя). I won't walk in Thursby's (я не пойду по стопам Терсби) and Christ knows who else's footsteps (и Бог знает кого еще; footstep — шаг, звук или отпечаток шагов). You killed Miles (ты убила Майлза) and you're going over for it (и ты понесешь за это наказание). I could have helped you (я мог помочь тебе) by letting the others go (отпустив всех остальных) and standing off the police (и сдержать: «не подпустить» полицию) the best way I could (самым лучшим образом, как я могу). It's too late for that now (сейчас слишком поздно для этого). I can't help you now (я не могу помочь тебе сейчас). And I wouldn't (и я бы не стал) if I could (если бы мог)."

She put a hand on his hand (она положила руку на его руку) on her shoulder (на ее плече). "Don't help me then (тогда не помогай мне)," she whispered (прошептала она), "but don't hurt me (но не мешай мне). Let me go away now (дай мне сейчас уйти)."

shoulder ['SqVldq] footstep ['fVtstep] whisper ['wIspq]

He put a hand on her shoulder. The hand shook and jerked. "I don't care who loves who I'm not going to play the sap for you. I won't walk in Thursby's and Christ knows who else's footsteps. You killed Miles and you're going over for it. I could have helped you by letting the others go and standing off the police the best way I could. It's too late for that now. I can't help you now. And I wouldn't if I could."

She put a hand on his hand on her shoulder. "Don't help me then," she whispered, "but don't hurt me. Let me go away now."

"No," he said. "I'm sunk (я погиб; to sink (sank, sunk) — тонуть, погружаться) if I haven't got you (если у меня не будет тебя) to hand over to the police (чтобы передать полиции) when they come (когда они придут). That's the only thing (это единственная вещь) that can keep me (которая может сохранить меня) from going down (чтобы не пропасть) with the others (вместе с остальными)."

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