» Детективы и Триллеры » Криминальный детектив » Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

Dashiell Hammett - Мальтийский сокол. Английский язык с Д. Хэмметом.

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She put a hand on his hand (она положила руку на его руку) on her shoulder (на ее плече). "Don't help me then (тогда не помогай мне)," she whispered (прошептала она), "but don't hurt me (но не мешай мне). Let me go away now (дай мне сейчас уйти)."

shoulder ['SqVldq] footstep ['fVtstep] whisper ['wIspq]

He put a hand on her shoulder. The hand shook and jerked. "I don't care who loves who I'm not going to play the sap for you. I won't walk in Thursby's and Christ knows who else's footsteps. You killed Miles and you're going over for it. I could have helped you by letting the others go and standing off the police the best way I could. It's too late for that now. I can't help you now. And I wouldn't if I could."

She put a hand on his hand on her shoulder. "Don't help me then," she whispered, "but don't hurt me. Let me go away now."

"No," he said. "I'm sunk (я погиб; to sink (sank, sunk) — тонуть, погружаться) if I haven't got you (если у меня не будет тебя) to hand over to the police (чтобы передать полиции) when they come (когда они придут). That's the only thing (это единственная вещь) that can keep me (которая может сохранить меня) from going down (чтобы не пропасть) with the others (вместе с остальными)."

"You won't do that for me (ты не сделаешь этого для меня)?"

"I won't play the sap for you (я не буду играть дурака для тебя)."

"Don't say that, please (не говори этого, пожалуйста)." She took his hand (она убрала его руку) from her shoulder (со своего плеча) and held it to her face (и держала ее у своего лица). "Why must you do this to me, Sam (почему ты должен делать это для меня, Сэм)? Surely Mr. Archer (конечно же, мистер Арчер) wasn't as much to you as (не значил для тебя так же много, как) — "

play [pleI] please [pli:z] surely ['SVqlI]

"No," he said. "I'm sunk if I haven't got you to hand over to the police when they come. That's the only thing that can keep me from going down with the others."

"You won't do that for me?"

"I won't play the sap for you."

"Don't say that, please." She took his hand from her shoulder and held it to her face. "Why must you do this to me, Sam? Surely Mr. Archer wasn't as much to you as — "

"Miles (Майлз)," Spade said hoarsely (сказал Спейд хрипло), "was a son of a bitch (был сукиным сыном). I found that out (я выяснил это) the first week (в первую же неделю) we were in business together (когда мы были в деле вместе) and I meant to kick him out (и я думал выкинуть его) as soon as the year was up (как только закончится год). You didn't do me a damned bit of harm (ты не причинила мне ни малейшего вреда) by killing him (убив его)."

"Then what (тогда что)?"

Spade pulled his hand out of hers (Спейд вытащил свои руки из ее рук). He no longer either smiled (он больше не улыбался) or grimaced (не строил гримасы). His wet yellow face (его влажное, желтое лицо) was set hard (было с жесткими) and deeply lined (и с глубокими морщинами). His eyes burned madly (его глаза бешено горели). He said: "Listen (слушай). This isn't a damned bit of good (в этом нет совершенно никакого толку). You'll never understand me (ты никогда меня не поймешь), but I'll try once more (но я попытаюсь еще раз) and then we'll give it up (а потом мы бросим это; to give smth. up— отказаться /от чего-либо/; сдаться, уступить). Listen (слушай).

bitch [bItS] year [jIq, jq:] burn [bq:n]

"Miles," Spade said hoarsely, "was a son of a bitch. I found that out the first week we were in business together and I meant to kick him out as soon as the year was up. You didn't do me a damned bit of harm by killing him."

"Then what?"

Spade pulled his hand out of hers. He no longer either smiled or grimaced. His wet yellow face was set hard and deeply lined. His eyes burned madly. He said: "Listen. This isn't a damned bit of good. You'll never understand me, but I'll try once more and then we'll give it up. Listen.

When a man's partner is killed (когда у человека убивают компаньона) he's supposed to do something about it (предполагается, что он что-нибудь сделает по этому поводу). It doesn't make any difference (нет никакой разницы) what you thought of him (что ты думал о нем). He was your partner (он был твоим компаньоном) and you're supposed to do something about it (и, предполагается, что ты что-нибудь сделаешь по этому поводу). Then it happens (потом так случилось) we were in the detective business (что мы были в сыскном бизнесе). Well (ну), when one of your organization gets killed (если кто-то из твоей фирмы: «организации» убит) it's bad business (это плохо для бизнеса) to let the killer get away with it (дать убийце уйти с этим). It's bad all around (это плохо со всех сторон) — bad for that one organization (плохо для организации), bad for every detective everywhere (плохо для каждого детектива везде).

difference ['dIf(q)rqns] detective [dI'tektIv] organization ["O:gqnaI'zeIS(q)n]

When a man's partner is killed he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you're supposed to do something about it. Then it happens we were in the detective business. Well, when one of your organization gets killed it's bad business to let the killer get away with it. It's bad all around — bad for that one organization, bad for every detective everywhere.

Third (в третьих), I'm a detective (я детектив) and expecting me (и ожидать от меня) to run criminals down (что я разыщу преступников) and then let them go free (а потом дам им уйти свободными) is like asking a dog (это как просить собаку) to catch a rabbit (схватить кролика) and let it go (и отпустить его). It can be done, all right (это можно сделать, хорошо), and sometimes it is done (и иногда это делается), but it's not the natural thing (но это не естественно). The only way (единственный способ) I could have let you go (каким я мог бы отпустить тебя) was by letting Gutman and Cairo and the kid go (было отпустить Гутмана и Кейро и юнца). That's (это) — "

"You're not serious (ты не серьезно)," she said. "You don't expect me to think (ты не ожидаешь, что я подумаю) that these things you're saying (что эти вещи, которые ты говоришь) are sufficient reason (достаточное основание) for sending me to the (чтобы отправить меня в) — "

third [Tq:d] rabbit ['rxbIt] sufficient [sq'fIS(q)nt]

Third, I'm a detective and expecting me to run criminals down and then let them go free is like asking a dog to catch a rabbit and let it go. It can be done, all right, and sometimes it is done, but it's not the natural thing. The only way I could have let you go was by letting Gutman and Cairo and the kid go. That's — "

"You're not serious," she said. "You don't expect me to think that these things you're saying are sufficient reason for sending me to the — "

"Wait till I'm through (подожди, пока я закончу) and then you can talk (а потом ты можешь говорить). Fourth (четвертое), no matter (независимо от того) what I wanted to do now (что я хотел сделать сейчас) it would be absolutely impossible for me (было бы абсолютно невозможно для меня) to let you go (дать тебе уйти) without having myself dragged to the gallows (без того, чтобы не подвести себя под виселицу; to drag — тащить, волочить) with the others (вместе с другими). Next (следующее), I've no reason in God's world (у меня нет причин во всем Божьем мире) to think I can trust you (думать, что я могу доверять тебе) and if I did this (и, если бы я сделал это) and got away with it (и мне бы это сошло с рук) you'd have something on me (ты бы имела кое-что на меня) that you could use (что бы ты могла использовать) whenever you happened to want to (когда бы тебе ни случилось захотеть). That's five of them (это пятое). The sixth would be that (шестое будет то), since I've also got something on you (что так как у меня тоже есть кое-что на тебя), I couldn't be sure (я не могу быть уверенным) you wouldn't decide (что ты не решишь) to shoot a hole in me (прострелить дырку во мне) some day (однажды).

absolutely ["xbsq'lu:tlI] gallows ['gxlqVz] next [nekst]

"Wait till I'm through and then you can talk. Fourth, no matter what I wanted to do now it would be absolutely impossible for me to let you go without having myself dragged to the gallows with the others. Next, I've no reason in God's world to think I can trust you and if I did this and got away with it you'd have something on me that you could use whenever you happened to want to. That's five of them. The sixth would be that, since I've also got something on you, I couldn't be sure you wouldn't decide to shoot a hole in me some day.

Seventh (седьмое), I don't even like the idea (мне даже не нравится идея) of thinking (о том, чтобы думать) that there might be one chance in a hundred (что может быть один шанс против ста) that you'd played me for a sucker (что ты бы подставила меня: «сыграла со мной как с простофилей/сосунком»; to suck — сосать). And eighth (и восьмое) — but that's enough (но этого хватит). All those on one side (все это с одной стороны). Maybe (может быть) some of them (некоторые из них) are unimportant (не важны). I won't argue about that (я не буду спорить об этом). But look at the number of them (но посмотри на их количество). Now on the other side (теперь, с другой стороны) we've got what (что мы имеем)? All we've got (все, что мы имеем) is the fact (это факт) that maybe you love me (что, может быть, ты любишь меня) and maybe I love you (и, может быть, я люблю тебя)."

"You know (ты знаешь)," she whispered (прошептала она), "whether you do or not (любишь ты или нет)."

unimportant ["AnIm'pO:t(q)nt] argue ['Q:gju:] whether ['weDq]

Seventh, I don't even like the idea of thinking that there might be one chance in a hundred that you'd played me for a sucker. And eighth — but that's enough. All those on one side. Maybe some of them are unimportant. I won't argue about that. But look at the number of them. Now on the other side we've got what? All we've got is the fact that maybe you love me and maybe I love you."

"You know," she whispered, "whether you do or not."

"I don't (я не /люблю тебя/). It's easy enough (довольно просто) to be nuts about you (быть без ума от тебя; nuts— чокнутый, спятивший)." He looked hungrily (он жадно осмотрел /ее/) from her hair to her feet (с ее волос до ее ног) and up to her eyes again (и снова наверх к ее глазам). "But I don't know (но я не знаю) what that amounts to (что это значит/насколько это важно; amount— величина, количество; сумма; важность, значение; to amount(to) — равняться /чему-л./; составлять /какую-л. сумму/; доходить до /какого-л. количества/; означать). Does anybody ever (кто-нибудь когда-нибудь знал)? But suppose I do (но, думаешь, я знаю)? What of it (что из этого)? Maybe next month I won't (может быть, в следующий месяц я не буду). I've been through it before (я проходил это раньше) — when it lasted that long (когда это длилось так долго). Then what (тогда что)? Then I'll think (тогда я буду думать) I played the sap (что я сыграл дурака). And if I did it (и, если бы я сделал это) and got sent over then (и меня бы передали /под суд/) I'd be sure (тогда я был бы уверен) I was the sap (что я дурак). Well, if I send you over (вот, если я передам тебя) I'll be sorry as hell (я буду чертовски жалеть) — I'll have some rotten nights (я проведу несколько отвратительных ночей) — but that'll pass (но это пройдет).

hungrily ['hANgrIlI] amount [q'maVnt] sorry ['sOrI]

"I don't. It's easy enough to be nuts about you." He looked hungrily from her hair to her feet and up to her eyes again. "But I don't know what that amounts to. Does anybody ever? But suppose I do? What of it? Maybe next month I won't. I've been through it before — when it lasted that long. Then what? Then I'll think I played the sap. And if I did it and got sent over then I'd be sure I was the sap. Well, if I send you over I'll be sorry as hell — I'll have some rotten nights — but that'll pass.

Listen (послушай)." He took her by the shoulders (он взял ее за плечи) and bent her back (и наклонил ее назад), leaning over her (склоняясь над ней). "If that doesn't mean anything to you (если это ничего не значит для тебя) forget it (забудь это) and we'll make it this (и мы сделаем это так): I won't (я не буду) because all of me wants to (потому что все во мне хочет) — wants to say to hell with the consequences (хочет сказать «к черту последствия») and do it (и «сделай это») — and because (и потому что) — God damn you (черт тебя побери) — you've counted on that (ты рассчитывала на это) with me (со мной) the same (так же) as you counted on that (как ты рассчитывала на это) with the others (с другими)." He took his hands (он убрал свои руки) from her shoulders (с ее плеч) and let them fall to his sides (и дал им упасть по бокам).

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