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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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indeed [In'dJd], even [Jvn], early ['WlI]

Christopher Robin was going away. Nobody knew why he was going; nobody knew where he was going; indeed, nobody even knew why he knew that Christopher Robin was going away. But somehow or other everybody in the Forest felt that it was happening at last. Even Smallest-of-all, a friend-and-relation of Rabbit's who thought he had once seen Christopher Robin's foot, but couldn't be quite sure because perhaps it was something else, even S. of A. told himself that Things were going to be Different; and Late and Early, two other friends-and-relations, said, "Well, Early?" and "Well, Late?" to each other in such a hopeless sort of way that it really didn't seem any good waiting for the answer.

One day when he felt (однажды, когда Кролик почувствовал) that he couldn't wait any longer (что он больше не может ждать), Rabbit brained out a Notice (он сочинил в уме Объявление; to brain out сочинять в уме), and this is what it said (и вот что оно гласило):

"Notice a meeting of everybody will meet at the House at Pooh Corner to pass a Rissolution By Order Keep to the Left Signed Rabbit (объявление собрание всех соберется у Дома на Пуховом Углу чтобы вынести Резалюцию По Приказу Держаться Левой Стороны Подпись Кролик)."

He had to write this out two or three times (ему пришлось написать это полностью два-три раза) before he could get the rissolution[79] to look like what he thought it was going to (прежде чем он смог придать Резалюции вид, который он считал, у нее будет = должен быть) when he began to spell it (когда он начал писать ее); but, when at last it was finished (но когда, наконец, она была закончена), he took it round to everybody and read it out to them (он обошел всех с нею и прочитал ее всем вслух; to read out читать вслух). And they all said they would come (и они все сказали, что /они/ придут).

order ['Ldq], sign [saIn], round [raund]

One day when he felt that he couldn't wait any longer, Rabbit brained out a Notice, and this is what it said:

"Notice a meeting of everybody will meet at the House at Pooh Corner to pass a Rissolution By Order Keep to the Left Signed Rabbit."

He had to write this out two or three times before he could get the rissolution to look like what he thought it was going to when he began to spell it; but, when at last it was finished, he took it round to everybody and read it out to them. And they all said they would come.

"Well," said Eeyore that afternoon (ну, — сказал Иа в тот день после полудня), when he saw them all walking up to his house (когда он увидел, как они все подходят к его дому), "this is a surprise (это /действительно/ сюрприз). Am I asked too (я тоже приглашен)?"

"Don't mind Eeyore (не обращай внимания на Иа)," whispered Rabbit to Pooh (прошептал Кролик Пуху). "I told him all about it this morning (я рассказал ему все об этом сегодня утром)."

Everybody said "How-do-you-do" to Eeyore (все спросили Иа: как поживаешь?), and Eeyore said that he didn't (а Иа сказал, что не поживает = не очень / никак), not to notice (не стоит обращать внимания = ничего примечательного), and then they sat down (и потом они сели); and as soon as they were all sitting down (и как только они уселись), Rabbit stood up again (Кролик снова встал).

saw [sL], surprise [sq'praIz], told [tquld]

"Well," said Eeyore that afternoon, when he saw them all walking up to his house, "this is a surprise. Am I asked too?"

"Don't mind Eeyore," whispered Rabbit to Pooh. "I told him all about it this morning."

Everybody said "How-do-you-do" to Eeyore, and Eeyore said that he didn't, not to notice, and then they sat down; and as soon as they were all sitting down, Rabbit stood up again.

"We all know why we're here (мы все знаем, зачем мы здесь)," he said (сказал он), "but I have asked my friend Eeyore (но я попросил моего друга Иа) — "

"That's Me (это Я)," said Eeyore (сказал Иа). "Grand (восхитительно)."

"I have asked him to Propose a Rissolution (я попросил его Предложить Резалюцию)." And he sat down again (и он снова сел). "Now then, Eeyore (ну же, Иа)," he said (сказал он).

know [nqu], friend [frend], propose [prq'pquz]

"We all know why we're here," he said, "but I have asked my friend Eeyore — "

"That's Me," said Eeyore. "Grand."

"I have asked him to Propose a Rissolution." And he sat down again. "Now then, Eeyore," he said.

"Don't Bustle me (не Торопи меня)," said Eeyore, getting up slowly (сказал Иа, медленно поднимаясь). "Don't now-then me (не нукай мне)." He took a piece of paper from behind his ear (он вытащил кусок бумаги из-за уха), and unfolded it (и развернул его). "Nobody knows anything about this (никто ничего об этом /не/ знает)," he went on (продолжал он). "This is a Surprise (это Сюрприз)." He coughed in an important way (он важно прокашлялся), and began again (и снова начал): "What-nots and Etceteras (всякая всячина и так далее), before I begin (прежде чем я начну), or perhaps I should say (или, возможно, я бы сказал), before I end (прежде чем закончу), I have a piece of Poetry to read to you (у меня есть Стихотворение, которое я вам прочту = я прочту вам Стихотворение). Hitherto (до сих пор = доселе) — hitherto (доселе) — a long word meaning (длинное слово, означающее) — well, you'll see what it means directly (ну, вы сейчас поймете, что оно обозначает) — hitherto, as I was saying (доселе, как я говорил), all the Poetry in the Forest has been written by Pooh (вся Поэзия в Лесу писалась Пухом), a Bear with a Pleasing Manner (Медведем с Приятными Манерами) but a Positively Startling Lack of Brain (но с Воистину Потрясающей Нехваткой Ума). The Poem which I am now about to read to you (Стих, который я сейчас прочту вам; to be about to V собираться сделать что-л.) was written by Eeyore (был написан Иа), or Myself, in a Quiet Moment (или Мной, в Спокойный Момент Времени). If somebody will take Roo's bull's eye away from him (если кто-нибудь отберет у Ру его леденец; bull's eye драже /твердая круглая конфета/), and wake up Owl (и разбудит Филина), we shall all be able to enjoy it (мы сможем насладиться им). I call it — POEM (я называю это — СТИХ)."

bustle [bAsl], etceteras [It'setqrqz], hitherto ["hIDq'tH]

"Don't Bustle me," said Eeyore, getting up slowly. "Don't now-then me." He took a piece of paper from behind his ear, and unfolded it. "Nobody knows anything about this," he went on. "This is a Surprise." He coughed in an important way, and began again: "What-nots and Etceteras, before I begin, or perhaps I should say, before I end, I have a piece of Poetry to read to you. Hitherto — hitherto — a long word meaning — well, you'll see what it means directly — hitherto, as I was saying, all the Poetry in the Forest has been written by Pooh, a Bear with a Pleasing Manner but a Positively Startling Lack of Brain. The Poem which I am now about to read to you was written by Eeyore, or Myself, in a Quiet Moment. If somebody will take Roo's bull's eye away from him, and wake up Owl, we shall all be able to enjoy it. I call it — POEM."

This was it (вот такое оно было):

Christopher Robin is going (Кристофер Робин уходит).

At least I think he is (по крайней мере, я думаю так).

Where (куда)?

Nobody knows (никто /не/ знает).

But he is going (но он уходит) —

I mean he goes (я хочу сказать, он уходит)

(To rhyme with "knows") (для рифмы со «знает»)

Do we care (нас это тревожит)?

(To rhyme with "where") (для рифмы с «куда»)

least [lJst], where [wFq], care [kFq]

This was it:

Christopher Robin is going.

At least I think he is.


Nobody knows.

But he is going —

I mean he goes

(To rhyme with "knows")

Do we care?

(To rhyme with "where")

We do (/нас/ тревожит)

Very much (очень).

(I haven't got a rhyme for that (у меня еще нет рифмы для этого)

"is" in the second line yet («так» во второй строке).

Bother.) (фу-ты)

(Now I haven't got a rhyme for bother (теперь у меня нет рифмы для «фу-ты»).

Bother (фу-ты).)

Those two bothers will have (придется этим двум «фу-ты»)

to rhyme with each other (рифмоваться друг с другом)

Buther (фи-ты).

yet [jet], bother ['bODq], rhyme [raIm]

We do

Very much.

(I haven't got a rhyme for that

"is" in the second line yet.


(Now I haven't got a rhyme for bother.


Those two bothers will have

to rhyme with each other


The fact is this is more difficult (дело в том, что это труднее)

than I thought (чем я думал),

I ought (мне следует) —

(Very good indeed) (очень хорошо, в самом деле)

I ought (мне следует)

To begin again (начать опять),

But it is easier (но легче)

TO Stop (перестать).

difficult ['dIfIkqlt], ought [Lt], easier ['JzIq]

The fact is this is more difficult

than I thought,

I ought —

(Very good indeed)

I ought

To begin again,

But it is easier

TO Stop.

Christopher Robin, good-bye (Кристофер Робин, до свидания),

I (я)

(Good) (хорошо)

I (я)

And all your friends (и все твои друзья)

Sends (передает) —

I mean all your friend (я имею в виду, весь твой друг)

Send (передают) —

(Very awkward this, it keeps (очень нескладно это, оно продолжает)

going wrong.) (идти не так)

Well, anyhow, we send (ну, в любом случае, мы передаем)

Our love (наш привет; to send love передавать привет, наилучшие пожелания и т. п.)


awkward ['Lkwqd], our [auq], love [lAv]

Christopher Robin, good-bye,




And all your friends

Sends —

I mean all your friend

Send —

(Very awkward this, it keeps

going wrong.)

Well, anyhow, we send

Our love


"If anybody wants to clap (если кто-нибудь хочет поаплодировать)," said Eeyore when he had read this (сказал Иа, когда он прочел это), "now is the time to do it (сейчас самое время сделать это)."

They all clapped (/они/ все зааплодировали).

"Thank you," said Eeyore (спасибо, — сказал Иа). "Unexpected and gratifying (неожиданно и приятно; to gratify /уст./ вознаграждать; удовлетворять; доставлять удовольствие; радовать), if a little lacking in Smack (если /и/ не достает немного Вкуса)."

"It's much better than mine (оно гораздо лучше моих)," said Pooh admiringly (сказал восхищенно Пух; to admire восхищаться), and he really thought it was (и он действительно думал, что так оно и есть).

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