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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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except [Ik'sept], exercise ['eksqsaIz], instead [In'sted]

While Piglet was dreaming his happy dream, and Pooh was wondering again whether it was fourteen or fifteen, the Search for Small was still going on all over the Forest. Small's real name was Very Small Beetle, but he was called Small for short, when he was spoken to at all, which hardly ever happened except when somebody said: "Really, Small!" He had been staying with Christopher Robin for a few seconds, and he had started round a gorse-bush for exercise, but instead of coming back the other way, as expected, he hadn't, so nobody knew where he was.

"I expect he's just gone home (я думаю, /что/ он просто ушел домой)," said Christopher Robin to Rabbit (сказал Кристофер Робин Кролику).

"Did he say Good-bye-and-thank-you-for-a-nice-time (он сказал До-свидания-и-спасибо-за-приятное-время/провождение/)?" said Rabbit (спросил Кролик).

"He's only just said how-do-you-do (он сказал лишь ‘здравствуйте’)," said Christopher Robin (сказал Кристофер Робин).

"Ha!" said Rabbit (ха! — сказал Кролик). After thinking a little, he went on (подумав немного, он продолжал): "Has he written a letter saying how much he enjoyed himself (он написал письмо, в котором говорилось, как приятно он провел время /у тебя в гостях/; to enjoy oneself проводить приятно время, получать удовольствие, развлекаться), and how sorry he was he had to go so suddenly (и как он извиняется за то, что ему пришлось уехать так внезапно)?"

Christopher Robin didn't think he had (Кристофер Робин полагал, /что не получал такого письма/).

expect [Iks'pekt], enjoy [In'GOI], gone [gOn]

"I expect he's just gone home," said Christopher Robin to Rabbit.

"Did he say Good-bye-and-thank-you-for-a-nice-time?" said Rabbit.

"He's only just said how-do-you-do," said Christopher Robin.

"Ha!" said Rabbit. After thinking a little, he went on: "Has he written a letter saying how much he enjoyed himself, and how sorry he was he had to go so suddenly?"

Christopher Robin didn't think he had.

"Ha!" said Rabbit again (ха! — сказал опять Кролик), and looked very important (и выглядел очень важно = и принял очень важный вид). "This is Serious (это Серьезно). He is Lost (он Потерялся). We must begin the Search at once (мы должны сейчас же начать Поиск)."

Christopher Robin, who was thinking of something else (Кристофер Робин, который думал о чем-то другом), said: "Where's Pooh (спросил: где Пух)?" — but Rabbit had gone (но Кролик /уже/ ушел = убежал). So he went into his house and drew a picture of Pooh (поэтому он вошел в свой дом и нарисовал картинку = портрет Пуха) going a long walk at about seven o'clock in the morning (идущего в дальний путь около семи часов утра), and then he climbed to the top of his tree and climbed down again (а потом он забрался на верхушку своего дерева и снова спустился), and then he wondered what Pooh was doing (а затем ему стало интересно, чем занимается Пух), and went across the Forest to see (и он пошел через Лес, чтобы узнать).

drew [drH], picture ['pIkCq], seven [sevn]

"Ha!" said Rabbit again, and looked very important. "This is Serious. He is Lost. We must begin the Search at once."

Christopher Robin, who was thinking of something else, said: "Where's Pooh?"-but Rabbit had gone. So he went into his house and drew a picture of Pooh going a long walk at about seven o'clock in the morning, and then he climbed to the top of his tree and climbed down again, and then he wondered what Pooh was doing, and went across the Forest to see.

It was not long before he came to the Gravel Pit (довольно скоро он пришел к Яме с Гравием), and he looked down (и заглянул вниз), and there were Pooh and Piglet (и там были Пух и Пятачок), with their backs to him (/со/ /своими/ спинками к нему), dreaming happily (счастливо грезящими = в сладких грезах).

"Ho-ho!" said Christopher Robin loudly and suddenly (Хо-хо! — сказал Кристофер Робин громко и неожиданно).

Piglet jumped six inches in the air with Surprise and Anxiety (Пятачок подпрыгнул на шесть дюймов[17] в воздух от Неожиданности и Тревоги), but Pooh went on dreaming (а Пух продолжал грезить).

gravel [grxvl], air [Fq], anxiety [xN'zaIqtI]

It was not long before he came to the Gravel Pit, and he looked down, and there were Pooh and Piglet, with their backs to him, dreaming happily.

"Ho-ho!" said Christopher Robin loudly and suddenly.

Piglet jumped six inches in the air with Surprise and Anxiety, but Pooh went on dreaming.

"It's the Heffalump (это Слонопотам)!" thought Piglet nervously (подумал нервно = беспокойно, испуганно Пятачок). "Now, then (а ну-ка)!" He hummed in his throat a little (он немного напел в горле), so that none of the words should stick (так чтобы ни одно из слов /не/ застряло там), and then, in the most delightfully easy way (а потом в самой восхитительно непринужденной манере), he said: "Tra-la-la, tra-la-la (он сказал: тра-ля-ля, тра-ля-ля)," as if he had just thought of it (как будто он только что это придумал). But he didn't look round (но он не оглянулся), because if you look round and see a Very Fierce Heffalump looking down at you (потому что если вы оглянетесь и увидите Очень Свирепого Слонопотама, глядящего на вас сверху), sometimes you forget what you were going to say (иногда вы забываете, что вы собирались сказать).

"Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um," said Christopher Robin in a voice like Pooh's (рум-тум-тум-тирли-пум, — сказал Кристофер Робин голосом, как у Пуха). Because Pooh had once invented a song which went (потому что Пух однажды сочинил песню, которая звучала /так/):

throat [Trqut], none [nAn], easy ['JzI]

"It's the Heffalump!" thought Piglet nervously. "Now, then!" He hummed in his throat a little, so that none of the words should stick, and then, in the most delightfully easy way, he said: "Tra-la-la, tra-la-la," as if he had just thought of it. But he didn't look round, because if you look round and see a Very Fierce Heffalump looking down at you, sometimes you forget what you were going to say.

"Rum-tum-tum-tiddle-um," said Christopher Robin in a voice like Pooh's. Because Pooh had once invented a song which went:

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,


So whenever Christopher Robin sings it (и когда бы Кристофер Робин не пел ее), he always sings it in a Pooh-voice (он всегда поет ее Пуховым голосом), which seems to suit it better (который, кажется, подходит ей лучше).

"He's said the wrong thing (он сказал не то)," thought Piglet anxiously (подумал обеспокоенно Пятачок). "He ought to have said, 'Ho-ho!' again (он должен был сказать еще раз Хо-хо). Perhaps I had better say it for him (может быть, мне лучше сказать это за него)." And, as fiercely as he could, Piglet said: "Ho-ho (и как можно свирепее Пятачок сказал: Хо-хо)!"

"How did you get there, Piglet (как ты туда попал, Пятачок)?" said Christopher Robin in his ordinary voice (спросил Кристофер Робин /своим/ обычным голосом).

suit [sjHt], fiercely ['fIqslI], ordinary ['LdnrI]

So whenever Christopher Robin sings it, he always sings it in a Pooh-voice, which seems to suit it better.

"He's said the wrong thing," thought Piglet anxiously. "He ought to have said, 'Ho-ho!' again. Perhaps I had better say it for him." And, as fiercely as he could, Piglet said: "Ho-ho!"

"How did you get there, Piglet?" said Christopher Robin in his ordinary voice.

"This is Terrible," thought Piglet (это Ужасно, — подумал Пятачок). "First he talks in Pooh's voice (сначала он говорит голосом Пуха), and then he talks in Christopher Robin's voice (а потом он говорит голосом Кристофера Робина), and he's doing it so as to Unsettle me (и он делает это, чтобы Выбить меня из Колеи; to settle поселить, водворить; to unsettle сдвигать с места; выбивать из колеи, тревожить)." And being now Completely Unsettled (и будучи теперь Совершенно Выбитым из Колеи), he said very quickly and squeakily (он сказал очень быстро и пискляво; to squeak пищать): "This is a trap for Poohs (это западня для Пухов), and I'm waiting to fall in it (а я жду, когда свалюсь в нее), ho-ho, what's all this (хо-хо, что все это /значит/, and then I say ho-ho again (и потом я опять говорю хо-хо)."

"What?" said Christopher Robin (что? — спросил Кристофер Робин).

"A trap for ho-ho's," said Piglet huskily (западня для хо-хоев, — сказал Пятачок хрипло). "I've just made it (я только что сделал ее), and I'm waiting for the ho-ho to come-come (и я жду, /когда/ придет-придет хо-хо)."

completely [kqm'plJtlI], huskily ['hAskIlI], terrible ['terqbl]

"This is Terrible," thought Piglet. "First he talks in Pooh's voice, and then he talks in Christopher Robin's voice, and he's doing it so as to Unsettle me." And being now Completely Unsettled, he said very quickly and squeakily: "This is a trap for Poohs, and I'm waiting to fall in it, ho-ho, what's all this, and then I say ho-ho again."

"What?" said Christopher Robin.

"A trap for ho-ho's," said Piglet huskily. "I've just made it, and I'm waiting for the ho-ho to come-come."

How long Piglet would have gone on like this (как долго Пятачок продолжал бы так = в том же духе) I don't know (я не знаю), but at that moment Pooh woke up suddenly (но в этот момент Пух неожиданно пробудился / очнулся) and decided that it was sixteen (и решил, что /их/ шестнадцать). So he got up (поэтому он встал); and as he turned his head (и когда он повернул /свою/ голову) so as to soothe himself in that awkward place in the middle of the back (чтобы облегчить себя = неприятные ощущения в этом неудобном / труднодоступном месте посредине спины) where something was tickling him (где что-то щекотало его), he saw Christopher Robin (он увидел Кристофера Робина).

"Hallo!" he shouted joyfully (привет! — радостно крикнул он).

"Hallo, Pooh (привет, Пух)."

soothe [sHD], tickling ['tIklIN], joyfully ['GOIfulI]

How long Piglet would have gone on like this I don't know, but at that moment Pooh woke up suddenly and decided that it was sixteen. So he got up; and as he turned his head so as to soothe himself in that awkward place in the middle of the back where something was tickling him, he saw Christopher Robin.

"Hallo!" he shouted joyfully.

"Hallo, Pooh."

Piglet looked up (Пятачок посмотрел вверх), and looked away again (и снова отвел взгляд). And he felt so Foolish and Uncomfortable (и он почувствовал себя так Глупо и Неудобно) that he had almost decided to run away to Sea and be a Sailor (что он едва не решил убежать на Море и стать Моряком), when suddenly he saw something (когда вдруг он что-то увидел).

"Pooh!" he cried (Пух! — крикнул он). "There's something climbing up your back (что-то = кто-то карабкается у тебя по спине)."

"I thought there was," said Pooh (я так и думал, — сказал Пух).

"It's Small!" cried Piglet (это Малявка! — закричал Пятачок).

"Oh, that’s who it is, is it?" said Pooh (а, так вот кто это такой, — сказал Пух).

"Christopher Robin, I've found Small!" cried Piglet (Кристофер Робин, я нашел Малявку! — прокричал Пятачок).

almost ['Llmqust], sailor ['seIlq] climb [klaIm]

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