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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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Bump! (Бум!)

"Ow!" squeaked something (ой! — пискнул кто-то).

indeed [In'dJd], busy ['bIzI], how [hau]

"Which makes it look like a bothering sort of day," thought Pooh, as he stumped along.

The next moment the day became very bothering indeed, because Pooh was so busy not looking where he was going that he stepped on a piece of the Forest which had been left out by mistake; and he only just had time to think to him­self: "I'm flying. What Owl does. I wonder how you stop — " when he stopped.


"Ow!" squeaked something.

"That's funny," thought Pooh (/это/ забавно, — подумал Пух). "I said 'Ow!' without really oo'ing (я сказал ой!, а на самом деле не ойкнул)."

"Help!" said a small, high voice (помогите! — сказал слабый высокий голосок).

"That's me again," thought Pooh (это опять я, — подумал Пух). "I've had an Accident (со мной случился Несчастный Случай), and fallen down a well (и я упал в колодец), and my voice has gone all squeaky and works (а мой голос стал очень писклявым и включается; to work действовать, функционировать, срабатывать) before I'm ready for it (до того, как я к этому готов), because I've done something to myself inside (потому что я сделал что-то себе внутри). Bother (вот досада)!"

"Help-help (помогите-помогите)!"

without [wI'Daut], high [haI], accident ['xksIdqnt]

"That's funny," thought Pooh. "I said 'Ow!' without really oo'ing."

"Help!" said a small, high voice.

"That's me again," thought Pooh. "I've had an Accident, and fallen down a well, and my voice has gone all squeaky and works before I'm ready for it, because I've done some­thing to myself inside. Bother!"


"There you are (ну вот видите; there you are ну, что я вам говорил?, ну вот, видите!, ну что?)! I say things when I'm not trying (я говорю /вещи/, когда /я/ не пытаюсь /говорить/). So it must be a very bad Accident (так что это, наверное, очень плохой = серьезный Несчастный Случай)." And then he thought (а потом он подумал) that perhaps when he did try to say things he wouldn't be able to (что, может быть, когда он попытается что-нибудь сказать, то он не сможет); so, to make sure, he said loudly (поэтому, чтобы убедиться, он громко сказал): "A Very Bad Accident to Pooh Bear (Очень Серьезный Несчастный Случай с Медведем Пухом)."

"Pooh!" squeaked the voice (Пух! — запищал голос).

"It's Piglet!" cried Pooh eagerly (это Пятачок! — крикнул в восторге Пух). "Where are you (где ты)?"

"Underneath," said Piglet in an underneath sort of way (под, — сказал Пятачок по-подному[14]).

"Underneath what (под чем)?"

"You," squeaked Piglet (/под/ тобой, — пропищал Пятачок). "Get up (вставай[15])!"

able [eIbl], underneath ["Andq'nJT], try [traI]

"There you are! I say things when I'm not trying. So it must be a very bad Accident." And then he thought that perhaps when he did try to say things he wouldn't be able to; so, to make sure, he said loudly: "A Very Bad Accident to Pooh Bear."

"Pooh!" squeaked the voice.

"It's Piglet!" cried Pooh eagerly. "Where are you?"

"Underneath," said Piglet in an underneath sort of way.

"Underneath what?"

"You," squeaked Piglet. "Get up!"

"Oh!" said Pooh, and scrambled up as quickly as he could (ах! — сказал Пух и вскочил как можно быстрее; to scramble карабкаться). "Did I fall on you, Piglet (я /что/ упал на тебя, Пятачок)?"

"You fell on me," said Piglet (/да/, ты упал на меня, — сказал Пятачок) feeling himself all over (ощупывая себя со всех сторон).

"I didn't mean to," said Pooh sorrowfully (я не хотел, — сказал Пух горестно; to mean намереваться; sorrow горе, печаль, скорбь).

"I didn't mean to be underneath (я не хотел оказаться под)," said Piglet sadly (сказал грустно Пятачок). "But I'm all right now, Pooh (но я теперь в порядке, Пух), and I am so glad it was you (и я так рад, что это был ты)."

"What's happened?" said Pooh (что случилось? — спросил Пух). "Where are we (где мы)?"

scramble [skrxmbl], fall [fLl], sorrowfully ['sOrqfulI]

"Oh!" said Pooh, and scrambled up as quickly as he could. "Did I fall on you, Piglet?"

"You fell on me," said Piglet, feeling himself all over.

"I didn't mean to," said Pooh sorrowfully.

"I didn't mean to be underneath," said Piglet sadly. "But I'm all right now. Pooh, and I am so glad it was you."

"What's happened?" said Pooh. "Where are we?"

"I think we're in a sort of Pit (мне кажется, мы в какой-то Яме). I was walking along (я шел), looking for somebody (кого-то искал), and then suddenly I wasn't any more (а потом вдруг я уже больше не /шел и искал/), and just when I got up to see where I was (и как раз когда я встал, чтобы выяснить, где я), something fell on me (что-то свалилось на меня). And it was you (и это был ты)."

"So it was," said Pooh (так и было, — сказал Пух).

"Yes," said Piglet (да, — сказал Пятачок). "Pooh," he went on nervously (Пух, — продолжал он нервно), and came a little closer (и подошел немного ближе), "do you think we're in a Trap (ты думаешь, мы в Западне)?"

somebody ['sAmbqdI], nervously ['nWvqslI], little [lItl]

"I think we're in a sort of Pit. I was walking along, looking for somebody, and then suddenly I wasn't any more, and just when I got up to see where I was, something fell on me. And it was you."

"So it was," said Pooh.

"Yes," said Piglet. "Pooh," he went on nervously, and came a little closer, "do you think we're in a Trap?"

Pooh hadn't thought about it at all (Пух вообще не думал об этом), but now he nodded (но теперь он кивнул), for suddenly he remembered (так как он вдруг вспомнил) how he and Piglet had once made a Pooh Trap for Heffalumps (как он и Пятачок однажды сделали Пухову Западню для Слонопотамов), and he guessed what had happened (и он догадался, что произошло). He and Piglet had fallen into a Heffalump Trap for Poohs (он и Пятачок свалились в Слонопотамову Западню для Пухов)! That was what it was (вот что это было).

"What happens when the Heffalump comes (/а/ что будет, когда придет Слонопотам)?" asked Piglet trembling (спросил, дрожа, Пятачок), when he had heard the news (когда он услышал эту новость).

"Perhaps he won't notice you, Piglet (может быть, он не заметит тебя, Пятачок)," said Pooh encouragingly (сказал ободряюще Пух), "because you're a Very Small Animal (потому что ты Очень Маленькое Животное)."

guess [ges], news [njHz], encouragingly [In'kArIGINlI]

Pooh hadn't thought about it at all, but now he nodded, for suddenly he remembered how he and Piglet had once made a Pooh Trap for Heffalumps, and he guessed what had happened. He and Piglet had fallen into a Heffalump Trap for Poohs! That was what it was.

"What happens when the Heffalump comes?" asked Piglet trembling, when he had heard the news.

"Perhaps he won't notice you, Piglet," said Pooh encouragingly, "because you're a Very Small Animal."

"But he'll notice you, Pooh (но он заметит тебя, Пух)."

"He'll notice me, and I shall notice him (он заметит меня, а я замечу его),'" said Pooh, thinking it out (сказал Пух, добираясь до сути; to think out додумать до конца; добраться до сути). "We'll notice each other for a long time (мы долго будем замечать друг друга), and then he'll say: 'Ho-ho (и тогда он скажет: хо-хо)!'

Piglet shivered a little at the thought of that "Ho-ho (Пятачок немного задрожал при мысли об этом Хо-хо)!" and his ears began to twitch (и у него начали подергиваться уши).

"W-what will you say?" he asked (/а/ ш-што[16] скажешь ты? — спросил он).

Pooh tried to think of something he would say (Пух попробовал придумать что-то, что он скажет), but the more he thought (но чем больше он думал), the more he felt that there is no real answer (тем больше он чувствовал, что НЕТ настоящего ответа) to "Ho-ho!" said by a Heffalump in the sort of voice (на ХО-хо!, сказанное Слонопотамом таким голосом) this Heffalump was going to say it in (/которым/ этот Слонопотам скажет его).

shiver ['SIvq], real [rIql], answer ['Rnsq]

"But he'll notice you, Pooh."

"He'll notice me, and I shall notice him,'" said Pooh, thinking it out. "We'll notice each other for a long time, and then he'll say: 'Ho-ho!',

Piglet shivered a little at the thought of that "Ho-ho!" and his ears began to twitch.

"W-what will you say?" he asked.

Pooh tried to think of something he would say, but the more he thought, the more he felt that there is no real answer to "Ho-ho!" said by a Heffalump in the sort of voice this Heffalump was going to say it in.

"I shan't say anything (я не скажу ничего)," said Pooh at last (сказал наконец Пух). "I shall just hum to myself (я просто буду напевать про себя), as if I was waiting for something (как будто я чего-то жду)."

"Then perhaps he'll say 'Ho-ho! again (тогда, возможно, он опять скажет Хо-хо)?" suggested Piglet anxiously (предположил обеспокоенно Пятачок).

"He will," said Pooh (/он/ скажет, — сказал Пух).

Piglet's ears twitched so quickly (уши у Пятачка задергались так быстро) that he had to lean them against the side of the Trap to keep them quiet (что ему пришлось прислонить их к стенке Западни, чтобы успокоить их).

shan't [SRnt], suggest [sq'Gest], against [q'genst]

"I shan't say anything," said Pooh at last. "I shall just hum to myself, as if I was waiting for something."

"Then perhaps he'll say 'Ho- ho! again?" suggested Piglet anxiously.

"He will," said Pooh.

Piglet's ears twitched so quickly that he had to lean them against the side of the Trap to keep them quiet.

"He will say it again," said Pooh (он скажет это еще раз, — сказал Пух), "and I shall go on humming (а я буду продолжать напевать). And that will Upset him (и это Огорчит его). Because when you say 'Ho-ho! twice, in a gloating sort of way (потому что когда ты говоришь два раза так торжествующе ХО-хо; to gloat тайно злорадствовать, торжествовать), and the other person only hums (а другой /человек/ только напевает), you suddenly find (ты вдруг обнаруживаешь), just as you begin to say it the third time that — that — well (как раз, когда ты начинаешь говорить его в третий раз — это — ну), you find (ты обнаруживаешь) — "

"What (что)?"

"That it isn't," said Pooh (что это не, — сказал Пух).

"Isn't what (не что)?"

Pooh knew what he meant (Пух знал, что он имел в виду), but, being a Bear of Very Little Brain (но, будучи Мишкой с Очень Маленьким Умишком), couldn't think of the words (не мог придумать /нужных/ слов).

upset [Ap'set], gloating ['glqutIN], meant [ment]

"He will say it again," said Pooh, "and I shall go on humming. And that will Upset him. Because when you say 'Ho-ho! twice, in a gloating sort of way, and the other person only hums, you suddenly find, just as you begin to say it the third time that-that-well, you find — "


"That it isn't," said Pooh.

"Isn't what?"

Pooh knew what he meant, but, being a Bear of Very Little Brain, couldn't think of the words.

"Well, it just isn't," he said again (ну, это просто не, — сказал он опять).

"You mean it isn't ho-ho-ish any more (ты хочешь сказать, это больше не хо-хо-йно)?" said Piglet hopefully (сказал Пятачок с надеждой).

Pooh looked at him admiringly (Пух восхищенно посмотрел на него) and said that that was what he meant (и сказал, что это именно то, что он имел в виду) — if you went on humming all the time (если ты будешь все время продолжать напевать), because you couldn't go on saying "Ho-ho!" for ever (потому что ты не можешь = нельзя же продолжать говорить Хо-хо всегда).

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