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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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"What was?"

"My pots of honey what I was counting."

"Fourteen, that's right (четырнадцать, /это/ точно)."

"Are you sure (ты уверен)?"

"No," said Rabbit (нет, — сказал Кролик). "Does it matter (это имеет значение)?"

"I just like to know," said Pooh humbly (я просто хотел бы знать, — сказал Пух кротко). "So as I can say to myself (так чтобы я мог сказать себе): 'I've got fourteen pots of honey left (у меня осталось четырнадцать горшков меда).' Or fifteen, as the case may be (или пятнадцать, как может оказаться: «как может быть случай»; as the case may be в зависимости от обстоятельств). It's sort of comforting (это отчасти утешительно / утешает)."

"Well, let's call it sixteen," said Rabbit (ну, давай считать /что их/ шестнадцать; to call считать, полагать). "What I came to say was (что я пришел сказать, так это = я пришел спросить вот о чем): Have you seen Small anywhere about (ты видел где-нибудь поблизости Малявку; small маленький, мелкий; небольшой /по размеру/)?"

"I don't think so," said Pooh (я так не думаю = думаю, что нет, — сказал Пух). And then, after thinking a little more (а потом, еще немного подумав), he said: "Who is Small (он спросил: кто /такой/ Малявка)?"

right [raIt], case [keIs], anywhere ['enIwFq]

"Fourteen, that's right."

"Are you sure?"

"No," said Rabbit. "Does it matter?"

"I just like to know," said Pooh humbly. "So as I can say to myself: 'I've got fourteen pots of honey left.' Or fifteen, as the case may be. It's sort of comforting."

"Well, let's call it sixteen," said Rabbit. "What I came to say was: Have you seen Small anywhere about?"

"I don't think so," said Pooh. And then, after thinking a little more, he said: "Who is Small?"

"One of my friends-and-relations (один из моих друзей и родственников)," said Rabbit carelessly (сказал небрежно Кролик).

This didn't help Pooh much (это не очень помогло Пуху), because Rabbit had so many friends-and-relations (потому что у Кролика было так много друзей и родственников), and of such different sorts and sizes (и таких разных видов и размеров), that he didn't know (что он не знал) whether he ought to be looking for Small at the top of an oak-tree or in the petal of a buttercup (должен ли он искать = искать ли ему Малявку на верхушке дуба или в лепестке лютика).

"I haven't seen anybody to-day," said Pooh (я не видел сегодня никого, — сказал Пух), "not so as to say 'Hallo, Small!' to (не так, чтобы сказать = кому можно было бы сказать: привет, Малявка). Did you want him for anything (тебе он для чего-то понадобился)?"

"I don't want him," said Rabbit (он мне не нужен, — сказал Кролик). "But it's always useful to know (но всегда полезно знать) where a friend-and-relation is (где любой друг и родственник), whether you want him or whether you don't (нужен он тебе или нет)."

whether ['weDq], petal [petl], buttercup ['bAtqkAp]

"One of my friends-and-relations," said Rabbit carelessly.

This didn't help Pooh much, because Rabbit had so many friends-and-relations, and of such different sorts and sizes, that he didn't know whether he ought to be looking for Small at the top of an oak-tree or in the petal of a but­tercup.

"I haven't seen anybody to-day," said Pooh, "not so as to say 'Hallo, Small!' to. Did you want him for anything?"

"I don't want him," said Rabbit. "But it's always useful to know where a friend-and-relation is, whether you want him or whether you don't."

"Oh, I see," said Pooh (а, понятно, — сказал Пух). "Is he lost (он потерялся; to lose терять)?"

"Well," said Rabbit (ну, — сказал Кролик), "nobody has seen him for a long time (никто его давно /не/ видел), so I suppose he is (поэтому я полагаю, что он /потерялся/). Anyhow," he went on importantly (как бы там ни было, — продолжал он важно), "I promised Christopher Robin I'd Organize a Search for him (я обещал Кристоферу Робину, что /я/ Организую Поиск его), so come on (так что идем)."

Pooh said good-bye affectionately to his fourteen pots of honey (Пух нежно / сердечно попрощался со своими четырнадцатью горшками меда; to say good-bye прощаться), and hoped they were fifteen (и надеялся, что их пятнадцать); and he and Rabbit went out into the Forest (и он и Кролик вышли в Лес).

"Now," said Rabbit (вот, — сказал Кролик), "this is a Search (это Поиск), and I've Organized it (и я Организовал его) —

"Done what to it?" said Pooh (сделал ему что? — спросил Пух).

promise ['prOmIs], organize ['LgqnaIz], search [sWC]

"Oh, I see," said Pooh. "Is he lost?"

"Well," said Rabbit, "nobody has seen him for a long time, so I suppose he is. Anyhow," he went on importantly, "I promised Christopher Robin I'd Organize a Search for him, so come on."

Pooh said good-bye affectionately to his fourteen pots of honey, and hoped they were fifteen; and he and Rabbit went out into the Forest.

"Now," said Rabbit, "this is a Search, and I've Organized it —

"Done what to it?" said Pooh.

"Organized it (организовал его). Which means — well (что означает — ну), it's what you do to a Search (то, что ты делаешь с Поиском), when you don't all look in the same place at once (когда вы все не смотрите = ищете одновременно в одном и том же месте). So I want you, Pooh, to search by the Six Pine Trees first (поэтому я хочу, чтобы ты, Пух, поискал сначала у Шести Сосен), and then work your way towards Owl's House (а потом продвигался к Дому Филина; to work one’s way продвигаться, пробираться), and look out for me there (и высматривал там меня; to look out for высматривать, увидеть, подыскивать). Do you see (понятно: «ты видишь»)?"

"No," said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). "What (что) — "

"Then I'll see you at Owl's House in about an hour's time (тогда я увижусь / встречусь с тобой у Дома Филина приблизительно через час)."

"Is Piglet organized too (/а/ Пятачок тоже организован)?"

"We all are," said Rabbit, and off he went (мы все /организованы/, — сказал Кролик, и убежал; to go off уходить, уезжать, убегать).

towards [tq'wLdz], hour [auq], once [wAns]

"Organized it. Which means — well, it's what you do to a Search, when you don't all look in the same place at once. So I want you, Pooh, to search by the Six Pine Trees first, and then work your way towards Owl's House, and look out for me there. Do you see?"

"No," said Pooh. "What — "

"Then I'll see you at Owl's House in about an hour's time."

"Is Piglet organized too?"

"We all are," said Rabbit, and off he went.

* * *

As soon as Rabbit was out of sight (как только Кролик исчез из виду), Pooh remembered that he had forgotten to ask who Small was (Пух вспомнил, что он забыл спросить, кто /такой/ Малявка), and whether he was the sort of friend-and-relation (и был ли он такой друг и родственник) who settled on one's nose (который садится кому-нибудь на нос: «на чей-то нос»), or the sort who got trodden on by mistake (или такой, на которого по ошибке наступаешь), and as it was Too Late Now (и так как Теперь было Слишком Поздно), he thought he would begin the Hunt by looking for Piglet (он подумал, что /он/ начнет Поиски с розыска Пятачка), and asking him what they were looking for (и спросит его, что = кого они ищут) before he looked for it (прежде чем он ищет его = станет его искать).

sight [saIt], forgotten [fq'gOtn], begin [bI'gIn]

As soon as Rabbit was out of sight, Pooh remembered that he had forgotten to ask who Small was, and whether he was the sort of friend-and-relation who settled on one's nose, or the sort who got trodden on by mistake, and as it was Too Late Now, he thought he would begin the Hunt by looking for Piglet, and asking him what they were looking for before he looked for it.

"And it's no good looking at the Six Pine Trees for Piglet (и без толку искать Пятачка у Шести Сосен)," said Pooh to himself (сказал себе Пух), "because he's been organized in a special place of his own (потому что он организован в своем особом месте). So I shall have to look for the Special Place first (поэтому мне придется сначала поискать Особое Место). I wonder where it is (интересно, где оно)." And he wrote it down in his head like this (и он записал у себя в голове следующее; like this так: «подобно этому»):

special ['speSql], wonder ['wAndq], wrote [rqut]

"And it's no good looking at the Six Pine Trees for Piglet," said Pooh to himself, "because he's been organized in a special place of his own. So I shall have to look for the Special Place first. I wonder where it is." And he wrote it down in his head like this:

ORDER OF LOOKING FOR THINGS (порядок поиска вещей = чего-нибудь).

1. Special Place (Особое Место). (To find Piglet.) (найти Пятачка)

2. Piglet (Пятачок). (To find who Small is.) (установить, кто такой Малявка)

3. Small (Малявка). (To find Small.) (найти Малявку)

4. Rabbit (Кролик). (To tell him I've found Small.) (сказать ему, что я нашел Малявку)

5. Small Again (Снова Малявка). (To tell him I've found Rabbit.) (сказать ему, что я нашел Кролика)

order ['Ldq], look [luk], small [smLl]


1. Special Place. (To find Piglet.)

2. Piglet. (To find who Small is.)

3. Small. (To find Small.)

4. Rabbit. (To tell him I've found Small.)

5. Small Again. (To tell him I've found Rabbit.)

"Which makes it look like a bothering sort of day (что заставляет это походить на беспокойный день = из-за этого день кажется хлопотным)," thought Pooh, as he stumped along (подумал Пух, ковыляя: «когда он ковылял»).

The next moment the day became very bothering indeed (в следующую секунду день действительно стал очень хлопотным), because Pooh was so busy not looking where he was going (потому что Пух был так занят тем, что не смотрел, куда /он/ идет) that he stepped on a piece of the Forest which had been left out by mistake (что он ступил в часть Леса, которая была по ошибке исключена /из Поиска/; to leave out пропускать, не включать, исключать); and he only just had time to think to himself (и он как раз лишь успел подумать про себя): "I'm flying (я лечу). What Owl does (что делает Филин = как Филин). I wonder how you stop (интересно, как останавливаются) — " when he stopped (когда он остановился).

Bump! (Бум!)

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