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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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"Quite-quite. But your new stripy friend — naturally, he wants his breakfast. What did you say his name was?"


"Then come this way, Tigger."

Eeyore led the way to the most thistly-looking patch of thistles that ever was (Иа пошел впереди = проводил /Тигера/ к самому колючему участку чертополоха, который только был; to lead вести; patch клочок, лоскут, обрывок; небольшой участок земли), and waved a hoof at it (и махнул копытом на него).

"A little patch I was keeping for my birthday," he said (маленький участок, /который/ я берег на свой день рождения, — сказал он); "but, after all, what are birthdays (но в конце-концов что такое дни рождения)? Here to-day and gone tomorrow (сегодня здесь, а завтра уж нет). Help yourself, Tigger (угощайся, Тигер)."

Tigger thanked him (Тигер поблагодарил его) and looked a little anxiously at Pooh (и немного встревоженно посмотрел на Пуха).

"Are these really thistles?" he whispered (это действительно чертополох? — прошептал он).

"Yes," said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух).

thistly [TIslI], patch [pxC], anxiously ['xNkSqslI]

Eeyore led the way to the most thistly-looking patch of thistles that ever was, and waved a hoof at it.

"A little patch I was keeping for my birthday," he said; "but, after all, what are birthdays? Here to-day and gone tomorrow. Help yourself, Tigger."

Tigger thanked him and looked a little anxiously at Pooh.

"Are these really thistles?" he whispered.

"Yes," said Pooh.

"What Tiggers like best (тот, что Тигеры любят больше всего)?"

"That's right," said Pooh (верно, — сказал Пух).

"I see," said Tigger (понятно, — сказал Тигер).

So he took a large mouthful (и он отхватил большой кусок), and he gave a large crunch (и издал сильный хруст).

"Ow!" said Tigger (ай! — сказал Тигер).

He sat down and put his paw in his mouth (он сел и засунул /свою/ лапу в /свой/ рот).

"What's the matter?" asked Pooh (что случилось? — спросил Пух).

"Hot!" mumbled Tigger (острый = печет! — пробормотал Тигер).

large [lRG], paw [pL], matter ['mxtq]

"What Tiggers like best?"

"That's right," said Pooh.

"I see," said Tigger.

So he took a large mouthful, and he gave a large crunch.

"Ow!" said Tigger.

He sat down and put his paw in his mouth.

"What's the matter?" asked Pooh.

"Hot!" mumbled Tigger.

"Your friend," said Eeyore (твой друг, — сказал Иа), "appears to have bitten on a bee (кажется, вгрызся в пчелу = проглотил пчелу; to bite on вгрызаться во что-то)."

Pooh's friend stopped shaking his head to get the prickles out (друг Пуха перестал трясти головой, чтобы вытрясти колючки), and explained that Tiggers didn't like thistles (и объяснил, что Тигеры не любят чертополох).

"Then why bend a perfectly good one?" asked Eeyore (тогда зачем /было/ гнуть превосходный один = экземпляр).

"But you said," began Pooh (но ты говорил, — начал Пух), " — you said that Tiggers liked everything except honey and haycorns (ты говорил, что Тигеры любят все кроме меда и жУлудей)."

appear [q'pIq], bitten ['bItn], perfectly ['pWfIktlI]

"Your friend," said Eeyore, "appears to have bitten on a bee."

Pooh's friend stopped shaking his head to get the prickles out, and explained that Tiggers didn't like thistles.

"Then why bend a perfectly good one?" asked Eeyore.

"But you said," began Pooh, " — you said that Tiggers liked everything except honey and haycorns."

"And thistles," said Tigger (и чертополох, — сказал Тигер), who was now running round in circles with his tongue hanging out (который теперь бегал кругами[8] с высунутым языком; to hang out высунуться, вывесить).

Pooh looked at him sadly (Пух грустно посмотрел на него).

"What are we going to do (что будем делать)?" he asked Piglet (спросил он Пятачка).

Piglet knew the answer to that (Пятачок знал на это ответ), and he said at once that they must go and see Christopher Robin (и он сказал, что они сейчас же должны пойти к Кристоферу Робину; to go to see smb. пойти к кому-нибудь, навестить / проведать кого-либо).

circle [sWkl], answer ['Rnsq], tongue [tAN]

"And thistles," said Tigger, who was now running round in circles with his tongue hanging out.

Pooh looked at him sadly.

"What are we going to do?" he asked Piglet.

Piglet knew the answer to that, and he said at once that they must go and see Christopher Robin.

"You'll find him with Kanga," said Eeyore (вы найдете его у Кенги, — сказал Иа). He came close to Pooh (он подошел близко к Пуху), and said in a loud whisper (и сказал громким шепотом):

"Could you ask your friend to do his exercises somewhere else (ты не мог бы попросить твоего друга делать свои упражнения где-нибудь в другом месте)? I shall be having lunch directly (я скоро буду обедать = у меня скоро /будет/ обед), and don't want it bounced on just before I begin (и не хочу, чтобы по нему прыгали как раз перед тем, как я начну = примусь за него). A trifling matter, and fussy of me (пустячное дело, и суетливо = напрасное беспокойство с моей стороны), but we all have our little ways (но у нас у всех свои маленькие слабости)."

Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger (Пух торжественно кивнул и крикнул Тигеру).

"Come along and we'll go and see Kanga (идем, и /мы/ навестим Кенгу). She's sure to have lots of breakfast for you (у нее наверняка есть куча завтраков для тебя)."

whisper ['wIspq], exercise ['eksqsaIz], directly [dI'rektlI]

"You'll find him with Kanga," said Eeyore. He came close to Pooh, and said in a loud whisper:

"Could you ask your friend to do his exercises some­where else? I shall be having lunch directly, and don't want it bounced on just before I begin. A trifling matter, and fussy of me, but we all have our little ways."

Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger.

"Come along and we'll go and see Kanga. She's sure to have lots of breakfast for you."

Tigger finished his last circle (Тигер закончил свой последний круг) and came up to Pooh and Piglet (и подошел = подбежал к Пуху и Пятачку).

"Hot!" he explained with a large and friendly smile (печет! — объяснил он с широкой и дружелюбной улыбкой). "Come on!" and he rushed off (пошли! — и он бросился /вперед/).

Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him (Пух и Пятачок медленно шли за ним). And as they walked Piglet said nothing (и когда они шли = и по дороге Пятачок ничего /не/ говорил), because he couldn't think of anything (потому что он ничего не мог придумать), and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem (а Пух ничего не говорил, потому что он сочинял стих). And when he had thought of it he began (и когда он его сочинил, он начал):

friendly ['frendlI], nothing ['nATIN], poem ['pquIm]

Tigger finished his last circle and came up to Pooh and Piglet.

"Hot!" he explained with a large and friendly smile. "Come on!" and he rushed off.

Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him. And as they walked Piglet said nothing, because he couldn't think of anything, and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem. And when he had thought of it he began:

What shall we do about poor little Tigger (что делать нам с бедным маленьким Тигером)?

If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger (если он никогда /не/ будет ничего есть, он никогда /не/ станет больше).

He doesn't like honey and haycorns and thistles (он не любит мед и жОлуди и чертополох)

Because of the taste and because of the bristles (из-за вкуса и из-за иголок).

And all the good things which an animal likes (и все хорошее, что любит животное = любят животные)

Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes (не так глотаются или имеют слишком много шипов).

taste [teIst], bristle [brIsl], swallow ['swOlqu]

What shall we do about poor little Tigger?

If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger.

He doesn't like honey and haycorns and thistles

Because of the taste and because of the bristles.

And all the good things which an animal likes

Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes.

Как нам с бедным крошкой Тигером быть?[9]

Если совсем не кушать, крупным ему не быть.

Не любит мед он и жОлуди, и чем для него так плох

Оказался любимый Осликом свежий чертополох?

И все что еды касается, которая вкусной считается,

Она то не так глотается, то вкус не тот, то кусается.

"He's quite big enough anyhow," said Piglet (он и так довольно большой, — сказал Пятачок).

"He isn't really very big (на самом деле он не очень большой)."

"Well, he seems so (ну, он кажется таким)."

Pooh was thoughtful when he heard this (Пух был погружен в размышления, когда услышал это), and then he murmured to himself (и тогда он пробормотал про себя):

But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces (но каким бы ни был его вес в фунтах, шиллингах и унциях[10]),

He always seems bigger because of his bounces (он всегда кажется больше из-за своих прыжков).

enough [I'nAf], thoughtful ['TLtful], ounce [auns]

"He's quite big enough anyhow," said Piglet.

"He isn't really very big."

"Well, he seems so"

Pooh was thoughtful when he heard this, and then he murmured to himself:

But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces,

He always seems bigger because of his bounces.

"And that's the whole poem," he said (и это весь стих, — сказал он). "Do you like it, Piglet (он тебе нравится, Пятачок)?"

"All except the shillings," said Piglet (все, кроме шиллингов, — сказал Пятачок). "I don't think they ought to be there (не думаю, что им следует быть там)."

"They wanted to come in after the pounds," explained Pooh (они захотели войти за фунтами, — пояснил Пух), "so I let them (и я разрешил им). It is the best way to write poetry (это самый лучший способ писать стихи), letting things come (разрешать вещам = словам влезать /в них/)."

"Oh, I didn't know," said Piglet (а, я не знал, — сказал Пятачок).

Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time (все это время Тигер прыгал перед ними), turning round every now and then to ask (то и дело оборачиваясь, чтобы спросить) "Is this the way (сюда: «это путь»)?" — and now at last they came in sight of Kanga's house (и вот наконец они оказались в пределах видимости дома Кенги), and there was Christopher Robin (и там был Кристофер Робин). Tigger rushed up to him (Тигер бросился к нему).

whole [hqul], pound [paund], sight [saIt]

"And that's the whole poem," he said. "Do you like it, Piglet?"

"All except the shillings," said Piglet. "I don't think they ought to be there."

"They wanted to come in after the pounds," explained Pooh, "so I let them. It is the best way to write poetry, letting things come."

"Oh, I didn't know," said Piglet.

Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time, turning round every now and then to ask, "Is this the way?" — and now at last they came in sight of Kanga's house, and there was Christopher Robin. Tigger rushed up to him.

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