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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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And it was eleven o'clock (и было одиннадцать часов).

Which was Time-for-a-little-something (что было Временем для небольшого кой-чего = перекусона)...

Half an hour later he was doing what he had always really meant to do (полчаса спустя он делал то, что он всегда действительно намеревался сделать), he was stumping off to Piglet's house (он топал к дому Пятачка). And as he walked, he wiped his mouth with the back of his paw (а когда он шел = а по пути он вытер /свой/ рот тыльной стороной /своей/ лапы), and sang rather a fluffy song through the fun (и запел довольно пушистую песенку от веселья = удовольствия). It went like this (она звучала вот так):

half [hRf], fluffy ['flAfI], sang [sxN]

And it was eleven o'clock.

Which was Time-for-a-little-something...

Half an hour later he was doing what he had always really meant to do, he was stumping off to Piglet's house. And as he walked, he wiped his mouth with the back of his paw, and sang rather a fluffy song through the fun. It went like this:

I could spend a happy morning (я мог бы провести счастливое утро)

Seeing Piglet (повидавшись с Пятачком).

And I couldn't spend a happy morning (и я не мог бы провести счастливое утро)

Not seeing Piglet (не повидав Пятачка).

And it doesn't seem to matter (и это, кажется, не /столь уж/ важно)

And I'm not going to see Owl (и я не собираюсь навестить Филина)

Or Eeyore (or any of the others) (или Иа (или кого-либо из остальных)

Or Christopher Robin (или Кристофера Робина).

matter ['mxtq], owl [aul], others ['ADqz]

I could spend a happy morning

Seeing Piglet.

And I couldn't spend a happy morning

Not seeing Piglet.

And it doesn't seem to matter

And I'm not going to see Owl

Or Eeyore (or any of the others)

Or Christopher Robin.

С крошкой Ру попрыгать славно[19]

Просто ух!

Но при этом помнить главно,

Что я Пух!

Так как вряд ли важно это,

Что я не соблюл диету.

(А я легким стал бы от диеты

Словно пух!)

Кролика люблю я слушать.

Это да!

С ним сидеть и сладко кушать


Угощательного друга

Навестить в часы досуга

И наполнить брюшко туго

Это да!

С Пятачком провел бы классно

Утро я!

Ведь меня поймет прекрасно


И не важно, коль не встречу

Остальных, на то отвечу,

Что не собираюсь видеться сегодня

С ними я.

Written down like this (записанная вот так), it doesn't seem a very good song (она не кажется очень хорошей песней), but coming through pale fawn fluff at about half-past eleven on a very sunny morning (но проходящая через бледный желтовато-коричневый пух около половины двенадцатого), it seemed to Pooh to be one of the best songs (она показалась Пуху одной из лучших песен) he had ever sung (которые он когда-либо пел). So he went on singing it (поэтому он продолжал петь ее).

Piglet was busy digging a small hole in the ground outside his house (Пятачок был занят копанием небольшой ямки в земле перед его домом).

"Hallo, Piglet," said Pooh (привет, Пятачок, — сказал Пух).

"Hallo, Pooh," said Piglet (привет, Пух, — сказал Пятачок), giving a jump of surprise (подпрыгнув от неожиданности). "I knew it was you (я знал, что это ты)."

"So did I," said Pooh (и я тоже /знал/, — сказал Пух). "What are you doing (что ты делаешь)?"

written [rItn], past [pRst], ground [graund]

Written down like this, it doesn't seem a very good song, but coming through pale fawn fluff at about half-past eleven on a very sunny morning, it seemed to Pooh to be one of the best songs he had ever sung. So he went on singing it.

Piglet was busy digging a small hole in the ground outside his house.

"Hallo, Piglet," said Pooh.

"Hallo, Pooh," said Piglet, giving a jump of surprise. "I knew it was you."

"So did I," said Pooh. "What are you doing?"

"I'm planting a haycorn, Pooh (я сажаю жОлудь, Пух), so that it can grow up into an oak-tree (чтобы он смог вырасти в дуб = из него вырос дуб), and have lots of haycorns just outside the front door (и /на нем/ было много жУлудей как раз у входной двери) instead of having to walk miles and miles (вместо того, чтобы мне приходилось идти мили и мили = и мне бы не пришлось проходить многие мили за жУлудями), do you see, Pooh (понятно, Пух)?"

"Supposing it doesn't?" said Pooh (а вдруг не вырастет? — спросил Пух).

"It will (вырастет), because Christopher Robin says it will (потому что Кристофер Робин говорит, что он вырастет), so that's why I'm planting it (вот почему я и сажаю его)."

"Well," said Pooh (ну, — сказал Пух), "if I plant a honeycomb outside my house (/а/ если я посажу перед моим домом медовые соты), then it will grow up into a beehive (тогда из них вырастет улей)."

Piglet wasn't quite sure about this (Пятачок был не совсем уверен в этом).

plant [plRnt], honeycomb ['hAnIkqum], beehive ['bJhaIv]

"I'm planting a haycorn, Pooh, so that it can grow up into an oak-tree, and have lots of haycorns just outside the front door instead of having to walk miles and miles, do you see, Pooh?"

"Supposing it doesn't?" said Pooh.

"It will, because Christopher Robin says it will, so that's why I'm planting it."

"Well," said Pooh, "if I plant a honeycomb outside my house, then it will grow up into a beehive."

Piglet wasn't quite sure about this.

"Or a piece of a honeycomb," said Pooh (или кусочек сотов, — сказал Пух), "so as not to waste too much (так чтобы не тратить впустую слишком много). Only then I might only get a piece of a beehive (только тогда я, возможно, получу = у меня вырастет лишь кусок улья), and it might be the wrong piece (и, возможно, это будет неправильный кусок), where the bees were buzzing and not hunnying[20] (где = в котором пчелы гудят и жужжат, а не медят для медвежат; to buzz гудеть, жужжать). Bother (эка досада)."

Piglet agreed that that would be rather bothering (Пятачок согласился, что это будет довольно досадно).

"Besides, Pooh, it's a very difficult thing, planting (кроме того, Пух, сажать — это очень трудное дело) unless you know how to do it," he said (если ты не знаешь, как это делать, — сказал он); and he put the acorn in the hole he had made (и он уложил желудь в ямку, которую он сделал = выкопал), and covered it up with earth, and jumped on it (и засыпал его землей и попрыгал на нем).

piece [pJs], waste [weIst], earth [WT]

"Or a piece of a honeycomb," said Pooh, "so as not to waste too much. Only then I might only get a piece of a beehive, and it might be the wrong piece, where the bees were buzzing and not hunnying. Bother."

Piglet agreed that that would be rather bothering.

"Besides, Pooh, it's a very difficult thing, planting unless you know how to do it," he said; and he put the acorn in the hole he had made, and covered it up with earth, and jumped on it.

"I do know," said Pooh (да знаю я, — сказал Пух), "because Christopher Robin gave me a mastershalum seed (потому что Кристофер Робин дал мне семя мастериток), and I planted it (и я посадил его), and I'm going to have mastershalums all over the front door (и у меня повсюду у входной двери будут мастеритки)."

"I thought they were called nasturtiums (я думал, они называются настурциями)," said Piglet timidly (сказал робко Пятачок), as he went on jumping (продолжая прыгать: «в то время как он продолжал прыгать»).

"No," said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). "Not these (не эти). These are called mastershalums (эти называются мастеритки)."

alum ['xlqm], seed [sJd], over ['quvq]

"I do know," said Pooh, "because Christopher Robin gave me a mastershalum seed, and I planted it, and I'm going to have mastershalums all over the front door."

"I thought they were called nasturtiums," said Piglet timidly, as he went on jumping.

"No," said Pooh. "Not these. These are called mastershalums."

When Piglet had finished jumping (когда Пятачок закончил прыгать), he wiped his paws on his front (он вытер /свои/ лапки об переднюю часть /тела/ = о грудку), and said, "What shall we do now (и спросил: что будем делать сейчас)?" and Pooh said, "Let's go and see Kanga and Roo and Tigger (а Пух сказал: давай пойдем в гости к Кенге и Ру и Тигеру)," and Piglet said, "Y-yes. L-let's (а Пятачок сказал: д-да, д-давай)" — because he was still a little anxious about Tigger (потому что он все еще немного беспокоился из-за Тигера), who was a very Bouncy Animal (который был очень Прыгучим Животным), with a way of saying How-do-you-do which always left your ears full of sand (и так говорил ‘Здравствуйте’, что от этого ваши уши забивались песком: «которое всегда оставляет ваши уши полными песка»), even after Kanga had said (даже после того как Кенга говорила), "Gently, Tigger dear," and had helped you up again (осторожно, Тигер, дорогой, — и помогала вам снова подняться). So they set off for Kanga's house (и они отправились к дому Кенги).

full [ful], even ['Jvn], gently ['GentlI]

When Piglet had finished jumping, he wiped his paws on his front, and said, "What shall we do now?" and Pooh said, "Let's go and see Kanga and Roo and Tigger," and Piglet said, "Y-yes. L-let's" — because he was still a little anxious about Tigger, who was a very Bouncy Animal, with a way of saying How-do-you-do which always left your ears full of sand, even after Kanga had said, "Gently, Tigger dear," and had helped you up again. So they set off for Kanga's house.

* * *

Now it happened that Kanga had felt rather motherly that morning (и вот случилось так, что Кенга почувствовала себя весьма по-матерински в то утро), and Wanting to Count Things — like Roo's vests (и Захотела Посчитать Вещи — такие, как переднички[21] Ру), and how many pieces of soap there were left (и сколько кусков мыла осталось), and the two clean spots in Tigger's feeder (два свежих пятнышка на нагруднике Тиггера); so she had sent them out with a packet of watercress sandwiches for Roo (поэтому она отправила их на улицу / на прогулку с пакетом бутербродов с водяным крессом для Ру) and a packet of extract-of-malt sandwiches for Tigger (и пакетом бутербродов с солодовым экстрактом для Тигера), to have a nice long morning in the Forest not getting into mischief (чтобы они провели прекрасное долгое утро в лесу и не попали в беду). And off they had gone (и они ушли).

motherly ['mADqlI], soap [squp], sandwich ['sxnwIG]

Now it happened that Kanga had felt rather motherly that morning, and Wanting to Count Things — like Roo's vests, and how many pieces of soap there were left, and the two clean spots in Tigger's feeder; so she had sent them out with a packet of watercress sandwiches for Roo and a packet of extract-of-malt sandwiches for Tigger, to have a nice long morning in the Forest not getting into mischief. And off they had gone.

And as they went (и когда они шли), Tigger told Roo (who wanted to know) all about the things that Tiggers could do (Тигер рассказал Ру (который хотел знать) все о том, что умеют делать Тигеры). "Can they fly?" asked Roo (они умеют летать? — спросил Ру).

"Yes," said Tigger (да, — сказал Тигер), "they're very good flyers, Tiggers are (Тигеры очень хорошие летуны). Strornry[22] good flyers (Чизычайно хорошие летуны)."

"Oo!" said Roo (у! — сказал Ру). "Can they fly as well as Owl (они умеют летать так же хорошо, как Филин)?"

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