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Илья Франк - Английский язык с Ф. Баумом. Волшебник Изумрудного Города

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might [maIt], aunt [Q:nt], uncle [ANkl], winged [wINd], monkey ['mANkI]

"If Dorothy would only be contented to live in the Emerald City," continued the Scarecrow, "we might all be happy together."

"But I don't want to live here," cried Dorothy. "I want to go to Kansas, and live with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry."

"Well, then, what can be done?" inquired the Woodman.

The Scarecrow decided to think, and he thought so hard that the pins and needles began to stick out of his brains. Finally he said: "Why not call the Winged Monkeys, and ask them to carry you over the desert?"

"I never thought of that (я даже не подумала об этом)!" said Dorothy joyfully (радостно сказала Дороти). "It's just the thing (это как раз то, что нужно; thing — вещь, предмет; что-то очень важное, нужное, подходящее). I'll go at once for the Golden Cap (я немедленно пойду за Золотой Шапкой)." When she brought it into the Throne Room she spoke the magic words (когда она принесла ее в Тронный Зал, она проговорила волшебные слова), and soon the band of Winged Monkeys flew in through the open window (и вскоре стая Крылатых Обезьян влетела /в зал/ через открытое окно) and stood beside her (и встала около нее).

"This is the second time you have called us (это уже второй раз, когда ты нас вызвала)," said the Monkey King, bowing before the little girl (сказал Король Обезьян, кланяясь пред маленькой девочкой). "What do you wish (что ты желаешь)?"

"I want you to fly with me to Kansas (я хочу, чтобы вы полетели со мной в Канзас)," said Dorothy.

But the Monkey King shook his head (но Король Обезьян покачал головой).

"That cannot be done (это невозможно: «это не может быть сделано»)," he said. "We belong to this country alone, and cannot leave it (мы родом из этой страны, и не можем покинуть ее; to belong — принадлежать, быть собственностью; относиться, иметь отношение; to belong /some place/ — быть родом /из какого-либо места/). There has never been a Winged Monkey in Kansas yet (еще ни одной Крылатой Обезьяны не было в Канзасе), and I suppose there never will be (и я полагаю, что никогда и не будет), for they don't belong there (потому что им там не место). We shall be glad to serve you in any way in our power (мы будем рады послужить тебе любым способом, что в нашей власти), but we cannot cross the desert (но мы не можем пересечь пустыню). Good-bye (прощай)."

brought [brO:t], magic ['mxdZIk], bowing ['bauIN], belong [bI'lON], serve [sq:v]

"I never thought of that!" said Dorothy joyfully. "It's just the thing. I'll go at once for the Golden Cap." When she brought it into the Throne Room she spoke the magic words, and soon the band of Winged Monkeys flew in through the open window and stood beside her.

"This is the second time you have called us," said the Monkey King, bowing before the little girl. "What do you wish?"

"I want you to fly with me to Kansas," said Dorothy.

But the Monkey King shook his head.

"That cannot be done," he said. "We belong to this country alone, and cannot leave it. There has never been a Winged Monkey in Kansas yet, and I suppose there never will be, for they don't belong there. We shall be glad to serve you in any way in our power, but we cannot cross the desert. Good-bye."

And with another bow, the Monkey King spread his wings (и, поклонившись еще раз, Крылатый Король расправил свои крылья) and flew away through the window, followed by all his band (и вылетел через окно, сопровождаемый всей своей стаей).

Dorothy was ready to cry with disappointment (Дороти была готова заплакать от разочарования; to disappoint — разочаровывать; обманывать /надежды/, не оправдывать /ожиданий/; расстроить /планы/). "I have wasted the charm of the Golden Cap to no purpose (я напрасно потратила магическое заклинание Золотой Шапки; purpose — назначение, намерение, цель; результат; конечная цель, успех; to no purpose — безрезультатно, напрасно, тщетно)," she said, "for the Winged Monkeys cannot help me (ведь Крылатые Обезьяны не могут мне помочь)."

"It is certainly too bad (это, конечно, очень плохо; certain — определенный)!" said the tender-hearted Woodman (сказал мягкосердечный Дровосек; tender-hearted — добрый, мягкосердечный, отзывчивый; tender — нежный).

The Scarecrow was thinking again (Страшила снова задумался), and his head bulged out so horribly (и его голова так страшно раздулась) that Dorothy feared it would burst (что Дороти боялась, что она лопнет).

cry [kraI], disappointment ["dIsq'pOIntmqnt], purpose ['pq:pqs], tender-hearted ["tendq'hQ:tId]

And with another bow, the Monkey King spread his wings and flew away through the window, followed by all his band.

Dorothy was ready to cry with disappointment. "I have wasted the charm of the Golden Cap to no purpose," she said, "for the Winged Monkeys cannot help me."

"It is certainly too bad!" said the tender-hearted Woodman.

The Scarecrow was thinking again, and his head bulged out so horribly that Dorothy feared it would burst.

"Let us call in the soldier with the green whiskers (давайте позовем солдата с зеленой бородой)," he said, "and ask his advice (и спросим его совета)." So the soldier was summoned and entered the Throne Room timidly (поэтому позвали солдата: «солдат был вызван», и он робко вошел в Тронный Зал; to summon — вызывать, позвать; пригласить), for while Oz was alive he never was allowed to come farther than the door (потому что, пока Оз был жив, ему никогда не разрешалось входить /в зал/: «проходить дальше, чем дверь»).

"This little girl (эта маленькая девочка)," said the Scarecrow to the soldier, "wishes to cross the desert (хочет пересечь пустыню). How can she do so (как она может это сделать)?"

"I cannot tell (я не могу сказать)," answered the soldier, "for nobody has ever crossed the desert, unless it is Oz himself (потому что никто и никогда не пересекал пустыню, кроме самого Оза: «если это не сам Оз»)."

"Is there no one who can help me (и что, нет никого, кто мог бы помочь мне)?" asked Dorothy earnestly (серьезно спросила Дороти).

"Glinda might (Глинда могла бы)," he suggested (предложил он; to suggest — предлагать, советовать; внушать, вызывать; подсказывать /мысль/).

advice [qd'vaIs], timidly ['tImIdlI], alive [q'laIv], allowed [q'lauId]

"Let us call in the soldier with the green whiskers," he said, "and ask his advice." So the soldier was summoned and entered the Throne Room timidly, for while Oz was alive he never was allowed to come farther than the door.

"This little girl," said the Scarecrow to the soldier, "wishes to cross the desert. How can she do so?"

"I cannot tell," answered the soldier, "for nobody has ever crossed the desert, unless it is Oz himself."

"Is there no one who can help me?" asked Dorothy earnestly.

"Glinda might," he suggested.

"Who is Glinda (кто такая Глинда)?" inquired the Scarecrow.

"The Witch of the South (Ведьма Юга). She is the most powerful of all the Witches (она самая могущественная из всех Ведьм), and rules over the Quadlings (и правит Кводлингами). Besides, her castle stands on the edge of the desert (кроме этого, ее замок стоит на краю пустыни; edge — острие, лезвие; край, кромка), so she may know a way to cross it (и поэтому она может знать способ, как ее пересечь)."

"Glinda is a Good Witch, isn't she (Глинда — Добрая Ведьма, не так ли)?" asked the child (спросил ребенок).

"The Quadlings think she is good (Кводлинги думают, что она хорошая)," said the soldier, "and she is kind to everyone (и она добра ко всем). I have heard that Glinda is a beautiful woman (я слышал, что Глинда — красивая женщина), who knows how to keep young (которая знает, как оставаться молодой; to keep — держать, хранить; пребывать, оставаться в каком-либо состоянии), in spite of the many years she has lived (несмотря на долгие прожитые годы: «несмотря на много лет, которые она прожила»)."

"How can I get to her castle (как я могу добраться до ее замка)?" asked Dorothy.

inquire [In'kwaIq], powerful ['pauqful], castle [kQ:sl]

"Who is Glinda?" inquired the Scarecrow.

"The Witch of the South. She is the most powerful of all the Witches, and rules over the Quadlings. Besides, her castle stands on the edge of the desert, so she may know a way to cross it."

"Glinda is a Good Witch, isn't she?" asked the child.

"The Quadlings think she is good," said the soldier, "and she is kind to everyone. I have heard that Glinda is a beautiful woman, who knows how to keep young in spite of the many years she has lived."

"How can I get to her castle?" asked Dorothy.

"The road is straight to the South (дорога /к нему лежит/ прямо на Юг)," he answered, "but it is said to be full of dangers to travelers (но говорят, что она полна опасностей для путешественников). There are wild beasts in the woods (в лесах /живут/ дикие звери), and a race of queer men who do not like strangers to cross their country (и племя странных людей, которые не любят, чтобы чужеземцы пересекали их страну; race — раса; племя, народ). For this reason none of the Quadlings ever come to the Emerald City (по этой причине никто из Кводлингов никогда не приходит в Изумрудный Город)."

The soldier then left them and the Scarecrow said (после этого солдат покинул их, а Страшила сказал): "It seems, in spite of dangers, that the best thing Dorothy can do (кажется, что несмотря на опасности, самое лучшее, что Дороти может сделать) is to travel to the Land of the South and ask Glinda to help her (это пойти в Страну Юга и попросить Глинду помочь ей). For, of course, if Dorothy stays here she will never get back to Kansas (так как, конечно, если Дороти останется здесь, она никогда не вернется в Канзас)."

"You must have been thinking again (ты, должно быть, снова думал)," remarked the Tin Woodman (заметил Железный Дровосек).

"I have (так и есть: «я /думал/»)," said the Scarecrow.

straight [streIt], queer [kwIq], danger ['deIndZq]

"The road is straight to the South," he answered, "but it is said to be full of dangers to travelers. There are wild beasts in the woods, and a race of queer men who do not like strangers to cross their country. For this reason none of the Quadlings ever come to the Emerald City." The soldier then left them and the Scarecrow said: "It seems, in spite of dangers, that the best thing Dorothy can do is to travel to the Land of the South and ask Glinda to help her. For, of course, if Dorothy stays here she will never get back to Kansas."

"You must have been thinking again," remarked the Tin Woodman.

"I have," said the Scarecrow.

"I shall go with Dorothy (я пойду с Дороти)," declared the Lion (заявил Лев), "for I am tired of your city (потому что я устал от твоего города) and long for the woods and the country again (и снова хочу /оказаться/ в лесах и сельской местности; country — страна; деревня, сельская местность). I am really a wild beast, you know (я на самом деле дикий зверь, вы же знаете). Besides, Dorothy will need someone to protect her (кроме того, Дороти будет нужен кто-нибудь, /кто смог бы/ защитить ее)."

"That is true (это правда)," agreed the Woodman (согласился Дровосек). "My axe may be of service to her (мой топор может пригодиться ей; service — услужение; служба; to be of service — быть полезным); so I also will go with her to the Land of the South (поэтому я тоже пойду с ней в Страну Юга)."

"When shall we start (когда мы отправимся в путь)?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Are you going (ты /тоже/ идешь)?" they asked, in surprise (удивленно спросили они).

declare [dI'kleq], wild [waIld], beast [bi:st], axe [xks], surprise [sq'praIz]

"I shall go with Dorothy," declared the Lion, "for I am tired of your city and long for the woods and the country again. I am really a wild beast, you know. Besides, Dorothy will need someone to protect her."

"That is true," agreed the Woodman. "My axe may be of service to her; so I also will go with her to the Land of the South."

"When shall we start?" asked the Scarecrow.

"Are you going?" they asked, in surprise.

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