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Илья Франк - Английский язык c дружелюбным скелетом. Легенды североамериканских индейцев

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above [q`bAv], now [nau], field [fJld], strewn [stru:n], dead [ded]

Again he closed his eyes. There was another great push and pull, and only a quarter of the pine was left above the ground. Now Kahp-too-óo-yoo could see, far below, the parched fields strewn with dead animals, and his own village full of dying people.

Again the Little Black Ants pushed (снова Маленькие Черные Муравьи оттолкнулись) and the Big Red Ants pulled (и Большие Красные Муравьи потянули), and this time the tree was driven clear out of sight (и /на/ этот раз дерево убрали полностью из поля зрения = на этот раз дерево полностью исчезло из виду), and Kahp-too-óo-yoo was left sitting on the ground (и Кахп-ту-ó-йу остался сидящим на земле). He hastily made a bow and arrows (он поспешно сделал лук и стрелы) and soon killed a fat deer (и вскоре убил толстого/жирного оленя), which he brought and divided among the Little Black Ants and the Big Red Ants (которого он принес и разделил между Маленькими Черными Муравьями и Большими Красными Муравьями; to bring), thanking them for their kindness (благодаря их за их доброту).

clear [klIq], hastily [`heIstIlI], divide [dI`vaId], kindness [`kaIndnqs]

Again the Little Black Ants pushed and the Big Red Ants pulled, and this time the tree was driven clear out of sight, and Kahp-too-óo-yoo was left sitting on the ground. He hastily made a bow and arrows and soon killed a fat deer, which he brought and divided among the Little Black Ants and the Big Red Ants, thanking them for their kindness.

Then he made all his clothing to be new (потом он перешил всю свою одежду заново), for he had been four years a prisoner (ибо он был четыре года пленником) in the bewitched tree (на заколдованном дереве), and was all in rags (и был весь в лохмотьях). Making for himself a flute from the bark of a young tree (сделав себе дудочку из коры молодого дерева; flute — флейта; зд.: дудка), he played upon it (он играл на ней) as he strode homeward and sang (когда он шагал домой, и пел; to stride — шагать /большими шагами/):

Kahp-too-óo-yoo has come to life again (вновь вернулся к жизни),

Is back to his home coming (возвращается домой: «назад в свой дом идет»),

Blowing the yellow and the blue (заставляя распускаться желтые и голубые /цветы/; to blow — дуть; играть на духовом муз. инструменте);

Kahp-too-óo-yoo has come to life again!

clothing [klquDIN], new [njH], year [jW], flute [flu:t]

Then he made all his clothing to be new, for he had been four years a prisoner in the bewitched tree, and was all in rags. Making for himself a flute from the bark of a young tree, he played upon it as he strode homeward and sang:

Kahp-too-óo-yoo has come to life again,

Is back to his home coming,

Blowing the yellow and the blue;

Kahp-too-óo-yoo has come to life again!

As he walked and sang (когда = по мере того как он шел и пел; to sing), the forgotten clouds came over him (забытые облака собрались над ним; to forget), and the soft rain began to fall (и начался теплый дождь; to begin — начинаться; to fall — падать; soft — мягкий; приятный, вызывающий приятные чувства, доставляющий удовольствие), and all was green and good (и все было = стало зеленым и радостным/хорошим). But only so far as his voice reached (но лишь так далеко, насколько раздавался его голос) came the rain (шел дождь); and beyond all was still death and drought (а за пределами /этого/ все еще была смерть и засуха). When he came to the end of the wet (когда он подошел к краю влажной /земли/), he played and sang again (он заиграл и запел снова; to sing); and again the rain fell (и снова пошел дождь; to fall) as far as his voice was heard (так далеко, насколько был слышен его голос; to hear).

death [deT], drought [draut], sang [sxN], voice [vOIs]

As he walked and sang, the forgotten clouds came over him, and the soft rain began to fall, and all was green and good. But only so far as his voice reached came the rain; and beyond all was still death and drought. When he came to the end of the wet, he played and sang again; and again the rain fell as far as his voice was heard.

This time the Fool-Boy (в то время Дурачок: «Дурак-Мальчик»), who was wandering outside the dying village (который бродил за пределами умирающей деревни), saw the far storm (увидел отдаленную грозу) and heard the singing (и услышал пение). He ran to tell Kahp-too-óo-yoo's parents (он побежал сообщить родителям Кахп-ту-ó-йу; to run); but nobody would believe a Foolish (но никто не верил Дураку; foolish — глупый), and they sent him away (и они отослали его прочь; to send).

fool [fHl], wander [`wOndq], dying [`daIIN], believe [bI`li:v]

This time the Fool-Boy, who was wandering outside the dying village, saw the far storm and heard the singing. He ran to tell Kahp-too-óo-yoo's parents; but nobody would believe a Foolish, and they sent him away.

When the Fool-Boy went out again (когда Дурачок вышел /из деревни/ снова; to go), the rain fell on him (на него упали /капли/ дождя) and gave him strength (и придали ему силы; to give — давать), and he came running a second time to tell (и он побежал во второй раз, чтобы рассказать/сообщить). Then the sisters came out of the house (тогда сестры вышли из дома) and saw the rain (и увидели дождь; to see) and heard the song (и услышали песню); and they cried for joy (и закричали от радости), and told their parents to rise (и сказали своим родителям встать/подняться; to tell) and meet him (и встретить его). But the poor old people were dying of weakness (но несчастные старики умирали от слабости), and could not rise (и не могли подняться); and the sisters went alone (и сестры пошли одни). When they met him (когда они встретили его; to meet) they fell on their knees (они упали на колени), weeping (плача); but Kahp-too-óo-yoo lifted them up (но Кахп-ту-ó-йу поднял их) and blessed them (и благословил их), gave an ear of blue corn to Blue-Corn-Maiden (дал початок голубой кукурузы Голубой Кукурузе; to give; ear — ухо; початок), and to Yellow-Corn-Maiden an ear of yellow corn (и Желтой Кукурузе — початок желтой кукурузы), and brought them home (и отвел их домой; to bring).

rise [raIz], weakness [`wJknIs], knee [nJ], brought [brO:t]

When the Fool-Boy went out again, the rain fell on him and gave him strength, and he came running a second time to tell. Then the sisters came out of the house and saw the rain and heard the song; and they cried for joy, and told their parents to rise and meet him. But the poor old people were dying of weakness, and could not rise; and the sisters went alone. When they met him they fell on their knees, weeping; but Kahp-too-óo-yoo lifted them up and blessed them, gave an ear of blue corn to Blue-Corn-Maiden, and to Yellow-Corn-Maiden an ear of yellow corn, and brought them home.

As he sang again (когда он запел снова), the rain fell in the village (в деревне пошел дождь; to fall — падать); and when it touched the pinched faces of the dead (а когда он касался измученных лиц мертвых; to pinch — щипать; мучить, причинять страдания, портить) they sat up (они садились/поднимались) and opened their mouths to catch it (и ловили капли ртом: «открывали рты, чтобы поймать его»). And the dying crawled out to drink (и умирающие выползали наружу напиться), and were strong again (и вновь становились: «были» сильными); and the withered fields grew green and glad (и иссохшие поля стали зелеными и веселыми; to wither — иссушать, лишать силы; вянуть).

face [feIs], open [`qup(q)n], crawl [krLl], wither [`wIDq], grew [grH]

As he sang again, the rain fell in the village; and when it touched the pinched faces of the dead they sat up and opened their mouths to catch it. And the dying crawled out to drink, and were strong again; and the withered fields grew green and glad.

When they came to the house (когда они пришли к дому), Kahp-too-óo-yoo blessed his parents (благословил своих родителей), and then said (а затем сказал):

"Little sisters, give us to eat (маленькие сестры = сестрицы, дайте нам поесть)."

But they answered (но они ответили), "How (/но/ как)? For you have been gone these four years (ведь ты отсутствовал эти четыре года), and there was none to give us rain (и не было никого, /кто бы/ дал нам дождь). We planted (мы сажали; to plant — сажать, сеять, засаживать), but nothing came (но ничего не прорастало; to come — прорастать /о семенах/) and to-day we ate the last grain (и сегодня мы съели последнее зерно; to eat)."

house [haus], answer [`Rnsq], grain [greIn]

When they came to the house , Kahp-too-óo-yoo blessed his parents, and then said:

"Little sisters, give us to eat."

But they answered, "How? For you have been gone these four years, and there was none to give us rain. We planted, but nothing came and to-day we ate the last grain."

"Nay, little sisters (нет, маленькие сестры)," he said. "A person should not think so (нельзя так думать). Look now in the storerooms (посмотрите/поищите теперь в кладовых), if there be not something there (нет ли там чего-нибудь)."

"But we have looked and looked (но мы смотрели/искали и смотрели/искали), and turned over everything (и перевернули все) to try to find one grain (пытаясь найти /хотя бы/ одно зерно)."

"Yet look once more (все же посмотрите еще раз)," he said; and when they opened the door (и когда они открыли дверь), there was the storeroom piled to the roof with corn (там была кладовая, заваленная до крыши кукурузой; to pile — складывать, сваливать в кучу), and another room was full of wheat (а другая комната = кладовая была полна пшеницы). Then they cried for joy (тогда они закричали от радости), and began to roast the blue ears (и начали поджаривать/печь голубые кукурузные початки), for they were dying of hunger (так как они умирали от голода).

should [Sud], something [`sAmTIN], over [`quvq], wheat [`wi:t], roast [rqust]

"Nay, little sisters," he said. "A person should not think so. Look now in the storerooms, if there be not something there."

"But we have looked and looked, and turned over everything to try to find one grain."

"Yet look once more," he said; and when they opened the door, there was the storeroom piled to the roof with corn, and another room was full of wheat. Then they cried for joy, and began to roast the blue ears, for they were dying of hunger.

At the sweet smell of the roasting corn (на сладкий запах жареной кукурузы) came the starving neighbors (пришли голодающие соседи; to starve — голодать, умирать от голода), crowding at the door (столпившись у двери; to crowd — толпиться; crowd — толпа), and crying (и крича): "O Kahp-too-óo-yoo! Give us to taste one grain of corn (дай нам попробовать /хотя бы/ одно зернышко кукурузы), and then we will go home and die (и тогда мы пойдем домой и умрем)."

But Kahp-too-óo-yoo handed to each an ear (но Кахп-ту-ó-йу протянул каждому по початку; to hand — давать, передавать, вручать; разносить блюда /во время еды/), and said:

"Fathers (отцы), brothers (братья), go now to your own houses (идите теперь в свои собственные дома), for there you will find corn as much as here (ибо там вы найдете кукурузы так же много, как и здесь)." And when they went (и когда они пошли), it was so (было так). All began to roast corn and to eat (все начали жарить кукурузу и есть); and the dead in the houses awoke (и мертвые в домах оживали; to awake) and were strong again (и снова становились: «были» сильными), and all the village sang and danced (и вся деревня пела и танцевала; to sing).

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