Джеймс Данн - Единство и многообразие в Новом Завете Исследование природы первоначального христианства
Evans, C. F., 'Is the New Testament Church a Model?', Is 'Holy Scripture' Christian? and Other Questions, SCM Press 1971, pp. 78–90
Farrer, A. M., 'The Ministry in the New Testament', The Apostolic Ministry, ed., Κ. Ε. Kirk, Hodder & Stoughton 1946, ch. 3
Haacker, K., Jesus and the Church in John, Tübingen 1971
Hahn, F., 'Die Einheit der Kirche und Kirchengemeinschaft in neutestamentlicher Sicht', Beiträge pp. 116–158
Harnack, Α., The Constitution and Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries, 1910, ET Williams & Norgate 1910
Hengel, M., The Charismatic Leader and his Followers, 1968, T. & T. dark 1981
Kasemann, E., 'Ministry and Community in the New Testament', ENTT, ch. III
— 'Unity and Multiplicity in the New Testament Doctrine of the Church', Nov Test, 6, 1963, pp. 290–297, reproduced in NTQT, ch. XIII
Kertelge, K., hrsg., Das kirchliche Amt ml Neuen Testament, Darmstadt 1977
Knox, J., 'The Ministry in the Primitive Church', The Ministry in Historical Perspective, ed., H. R. Niebuhr and D. D. Willianns, Harper 1956, ch. I
Küng, H., The Church, ET Burns & Oates 1968 Lightfoot, J. В., 'The Christian Ministry', St Paul's Epistle to the Philppians, Macmillan 1868. pp. 179–267
Linton, O., Das Problem der Urkirche in der neuren Forschung, Uppsala 1932
Lohfink, G., Jesus and Community. The Social Dimension of Christian Faith, SPCK/Fortress 1985
Manson, T. W., The Church's Ministry, Madder & Stoughton 1948
Perkins, P., Ministering in the Pauline Churches, Paulist 1982
Ramsey, A. M., The Gospel and the Catholic Church, Longmans 1936, second edition 1956
Schillebeeckx, E., Ministry, SCM Press 1981; revised as The Church with a Human Face, SCM Press 1985
Schlier, H., 'The Unity of the Church according to the New Testament', The Reievance of the New Testament, ET Herder 1967, pp. 193–214
Schnackenburg, R., The Church in the New Testament, ET Herder 1965
Schweizer, Ε., Church Order in the New Testament, 1959, ET SCM Press 1961
— "The Concept of the Church in the Gospel and Epistles of St John', NTETWM, pp. 230–45 Sohm, R., Kirchenrecht, Leipzig 1892
Streeter, Β. H., The Primitive Church, Macmillan 1930
Trilling, W., 'Zum "Amt" im Neuen Testament. Eine methodologische Besinnung', Die Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Einheit und Vielfalt mutestamenlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Gottingen 1983, pp. 317–44
Witherington, В., Women in the Earliest Churches, SNTSMS 59, Cambridge University 1988
Глава VII Типы богослужени
Carrington, P., The Primitive Christian Catechism, Cambridge University Press 1944
Cross, F. L., / Peter- A Paschal Liturgy, Mowbray 1954
Cullmann, O., Early Christian Worship, 1950, ET SCM Press 1953, ch. I
Dalman, G. Jesus‑Joshua, 1922, ET SPCK 1929, ch. VII
Deichgräber, R., Gotteshymnus und Christushymnus in der frühen Christenheit, Göttingen 1967
Delling. G., Worship in the New Tesiament, 1952. ET Darton, Longman & Todd 1962
Dodd, С. H., 'The Primitive Catechism and the Sayings of Jesus', NTETWM, pp. 106–118
Dunn, J. D. G.,'The Responsible Congregation (1 Cor. 14.26–40)', Charisma und Agape (I Ko 12–14), hrsg. L. De Lorenzi, Rome 1983, pp. 201–236
Goulder, M. D., Midrash and Lection in Matthew, SPCK 1974
Guilding, Α., Tlu Fourth Gospel and Jewish Worship, Oxford University Press 1960
Hahn, F., The Worship of the Early Church, 1970, ET Fortress 1973
Hanson, A. T., Studies in the Pastoral Epistles, SPCK 1968
Hengel, M., 'Hymns and Christology', Bitween Jesus and Paul, SCM Press/ Fortress 1983, pp. 78–96
Hurtado, L. W., One God, One Lord. Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, Fortress/SCM Press 1988
Jeremias, J., The Prayers of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1967, chs II and III
Jones, D. R., 'The Background and Character of the Lukan Psalms' JTS, 19, 1968, pp. 19–50
Kirby, J. C, Ephesians:. Baptism and Pentecost, SPCK 1968
Lohmeyer, E., Lord of the Temple: A Study of the Relation between Cult and Gospel, 1942, ET Oliver & Boyd 1961
Macdonald, А. В., Christian Worship in the Primitive Church, Ί. & T. Clark 1934
Martin, R. P., Worship in the Early Church, Marshall 1964
— Carmen Christi: Phil. 2.5–11 in recent interpretation and in the setting of early Christian worship, Cambridge University Press 1967, revised Eerdmans 1983
— Tht Spirit and the Congregation. Studies in I Corinthians 12–15, Eerdmans 1984
Morris, L., The New Testament and the Jewish Lectionaries, Tyndale Press 1964
Moule, С. F. D., 'Use of Parables and Sayings as Illustrative Material in Early Christian Cat‑echesis' JTS, 3, 1952, pp. 75–79
— Worship in the New Testament, Lutterworth 1961
Norden, Ε., Agnostos Theos: Untersuchungen zur Formgeschichte religiöser Rede, 1913, reprinted Stuttgart 1956
Oesterley, W. Ο. E., The Jewish Background of the Christian Liturgy, Oxford University Press 1925
Petuchowski. J. J. and Brocke, M., The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy, Burns & Oates 1978 Reicke, В., 'Some Reflections on Worship in the New Testament', NTETWM, pp. 194–209
Rordorf, W., Sunday: the History of the Day of Rest and Worship in the Earliest
Centuries of the Christian Church, 1962, ET SCM Press 1968
Rowley, H. H., Worship in Ancient Israel, SPCK 1967
Sanders, J. T., The New Testament Christological Hymns: their historical religious background, Cambridge University Press 1971
Selwyn, E. G., The First Epistle of St Peter, Macmillan 1947, pp. 363–466
Wengst, K., Christologische Formeln und Lieder des Urchristentums, Gütersloh 1972, Drifter Teil
Глава VIII Таинства
Barrett, С. К., Church, Ministry and Sacraments in the New Testament, Paternoster 1985
Barth, G., Die Taufe in frühchristlicher Zeit, Neukirchen 1981 Earth, К., Church Dogmatics, IV/4, ET T. & T. Clark 1970
Barth, M., Rediscovering the Lord's Supper, Jhohn Knox 1988
Beasley‑Murray, G. R., Baptism in the New Testament, Macmillan 1963; Paternoster 1972
Bornkamm, G., 'Baptism and New Life in Paul' (1939), 'Lord's Supper and Church in Paul' (1956), Early Christian Experience, ET SCM Press 1969, chs V and IX
Brown, R., E., 'The Johannine Sacramentary', 'The Eucharist and Baptism in John', New Testament Essays, Chapman 1965, chs 4 and 5
Brown, S., '"Water‑Baptism" and "Spirit‑Baptism" in Luke‑Acts', Anglican Theological Review 59, 1977, pp. 135–51
Corell, Α., Consummation Est, 1950, ET SPCK. 1958
Cullmann, O., 'The Meaning of the Lord's Supper in Primitive Christian- ity' (1936), ET in 0. Cullmann and F. J. Leenhardt, Essays on the Lord's Supper, Lutterworth 1958, pp. 5–23
— Baptism in the New Testament, 1948, ET SCM Press 1950
— Early Christian Worship, 1950, ET SCM Press 1953, ch. 2
Dinkier, E., 'Die Taufaussagen des Neuen Testaments', Zu Karl Barths Lehre von der Taufe, ed., K.. Viering, Gütersloh 1971, pp. 60–153
Dix, G., The Shape of the Liturgy, Dacre Press, A. & C. Black 1945
Dunn, J. D. G., Baptism in the Holy Spirit, SCM Press 1970
— 'John 6 — a Eucharistie Discourse?' NTS, 17, 1970–71. pp. 328–338
— 'The Birth of a Metaphor — Baptized in Spirit', ExpT 89, 1977–78, pp. 134–138, 173–175
Flemington, W. F., The New Testament Doctrine of Baptism, SPCK. 1948
George, Α., et al., Baptism in the New Testament, 1956, ET Chapman 1964
Jeremias. J., The Eucharistie Words of Jesus, 31960, ET SCM Press 1966
Käsemann, Ε., 'The Pauline Doctrine of the Lord's Supper' (1947–48), ENTT, pp. 108–135
Klappert, В., 'Lord's Supper', NIDNTT, II, 1976, pp. 520–538
Lampe, G. W. H., The Seal of the Spirit, SPCK 1951, 21967
Lean‑Dufour, X., Sharing the Eucharistie Bread. The Witness of the New Testament, 1982, ET Paulist 1987
Lietzmann, Η., Mass and Lord's Supper: a Study in the History of Liturgy, 1926, ET Leiden 1954 Lindars, В., 'Word and Sacrament in the Fourth Gospel', SJT, 29, 1976, pp. 49–63
Marshall, 1. H., Last Supper and Lord's Supper, Paternoster 1980
Marxsen, W., The Lord's Supperas a Christological Problem, 1963, ET Fortress Facet Book 1970
Parratt, J. K., 'Holy Spirit and Baptism', ExpT, 82, 1970–71, pp. 231–235, 266–271
Reumann, J., The Supper of the Lord. The New Testament, Ecumenical Dialogues, and Faith and Order on Eucharist, Fortress 1985
Saldarini, A. J., Jesus and Passover, Paulist 1984
Schnackenburg, R., Baptism in the Thought of St Paul, 1961, ET Blackwell 1964
Schweizer, Ε., The Lord's Supper according to the New Testament, 1956, ET Fortress Facet Book 1967
Wagner, G., Pauline Baptism and the Pagan Mysteries, 1962, ET Oliver & Boyd, 1967
Wedderburn, A. J. M., Baptism and Resurrection. Studies in Pauline Theology against its Graeco‑Roman Background, WUNT 4–4, Tübingen 1987
Глава IX Дух и опыт
Barrett, С. К.., The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition, SPCK. 1947
Beasley‑Murray, G. R., 'Jesus and the Spirit', MBBR, pp. 463–478
Brown, R. E., 'The Paraclete in the Fourth Gospel', NTS, 13, 1966–67, pp. 113–132
Cerfaux, L., The Christian in the Theology of St Paul, 1962, ET Chapman 1967, chs 8 and 9
Chevallier, Μ. — Α., Souffle de Dieu. Le Saint‑Esprit dans le Nouveau Testament, Beauchesne 1978
Congar, Y., I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Seabury/Chapman, 3 vols., 1983
Deissmann, Α., Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History, 21925, ET 1927, Harper 1957
Dunn, J. D. G., Ί Corinthians 15.45 — Last Adam, Life‑giving Spirit', CSNT, pp. 127–141
— Jesus and the Spirit: a Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and
the first Christians as Reflected in the New Testament, SCM Press 1975
— 'Rom. 7.14–25 in the Theology of Paur, TZ, 31, 1975. pp. 257–73
— 'Rediscovering the Spirit (2)', ExpT94, 1982–83, pp. 9–18
— 'The Spirit of Jesus', and 'The Spirit and Body of Christ', The Holy Spirit: Renewing and Empowering Presence, ed., G. Vandervelde, Wood Lake 1989, pp. 11–43
Gaventa, B. R., From Darkness to Light. Aspects of Conversion in the New Testament, Fortress 1986
George, Α., Communion with God in the New Testament, Epworth 1953
Gunkel, H., Die Wirkungen des heiligen Geistes nach der populäaren Anschauung der apostolischen Zeit und nach der Lehre des Apostels, Paulus, Göttingen 1888
Hamilton, N. Q., The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, SJT, Occasional Papers no. 6 1957
Heron, Α. 1. С, The Holy Spirit, Marshall 1983
Hopwood, P. G. S., The Religious Experience of the Primitive Church, Т. & T. Clark 1936
Hull, J. Η. E., The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, Lutterworth 1967
Isaacs, Μ. E., The Concept of Spirit, Heythrop Monograph 1, 1976
Jeremias J., The Prayers of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1967, ch. I Küng, H. and Moltmann. J., ed., Conflicts about the Holy Spirit, Concilium 128, Seabury/T. & T. Clark 1979
Lampe, G. W. H., 'The Holy Spirit in the Writings of St Luke', Studies in the Gospels, ed., D. E. Nineham, Blackwell 1955, pp. 159–200
Lindblom, J., Gesichte und Offonbarungen, Lund 1968
Montague, G. T., The Holy Sprint: Growth of a Biblical Tradition, Paulist 1976
Otto. R., The Idea of the Holy, 1917, ET Oxford University Press 1923
Porterie, I. de la and Lyonnet, S., The Christian Lives by the Spirit, 1965, ET Society of St Paul 1971
Robeck, С. M., ed., Charismatic Experiences in History, Hendrickson 1985
Robinson, H. W., The Christian Experienence of the Holy Spirit, Nisbet 1928
Schillebeeckx, E., Christ. The Christian Experience in the Modern World, SCM Press 1980
Schweizer, Α., The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, ET A. & C. Black 1931
Schweizer, Ε., The Holy Spirit, SCM Press/Fortress 1978