Джеймс Данн - Единство и многообразие в Новом Завете Исследование природы первоначального христианства
Betz, H. D., 'Orthodoxy and Heresy in Primitive Christianityc', Interpréta tion, 19, 1965, pp. 299–311
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Chariot, J., New Testament Disunity: its Significance for Christianity Today, Dutton 1970
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Conzelmann, H., An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament, 21968, ET SCM Press 1969
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Ladd, G. E., A Theology of the New Testament, Eerdmans 1974, Lutterworth 1975
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Macquarrie. J. M., Christian Unity and Christian Diversity, SCM Press 1975
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Morgan, R., The Nature of New Testament Theology, SCM Press 1973
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— Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament, Lutterworth 1976
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Perrin N. and Duling, D. C, The New Testament. An Introduction, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 21982, especially ch. 3
Riesenfeld, H., 'Zur Frage nach der Einheit des Neuen Testaments, Jesus in der Verkündigung der Kirche, hrsg. A. Fuchs, Linz 1976, pp. 9–25
Robinson, J. M. and Koester, H., Trajectories through Early Christianity, Fortress 1971
— 'The Future of New Testament Theology (1973), ET in Religious Studies Review, 2:1, 1976, pp. 17–23
Robinson, Τ. Α., The Bauer Thesis Examined. The Geography of Heresy in the Early Christian Church. Edwin Mellen 1988
Rowland, C, Christian Origins. An Account of the Setting and Character of the Most Important Messianic Sect of Judaism, SPCK. 1985
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Schlier, Η., 'The Meaning and Function of a Theology of the New Testament', The Relevance of the New Testament, 1964, ET Herder 1968, pp. 1–25
Schnackenburg, R., New Testament Theology Today, 1961, ET Chapman 1963
Schweizer, Ε., Theologische Einleitung in des Neuen Testaments, Göttingen 1989
Scoff, Ε. F., The Varieties of New Testament Religion, Scribners 1943
Simon, M., 'From Greek Hairesis to Christian Heresy', Early Christian Literature and the Classical Intellectual Tradition, R. M. Grant Festschrift, ed. W. R. Schoedel and R. L. Wilken, Paris 1979, pp. 101–116
Stock, Α., Einheit des Neun Testament, Zürich 1969
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Turner, H. E. W., The Pattern of Christian Truth, Mowbray 1954
Weiss, J., Earliest Christianity: A History of the Period AD 30–150, 1914, ET 1937, reprinted Harper 1959
Wilken, R. L., The Myth of Christian Beginnings, SCM Press 1979
Глава II Керигма или керигмы?
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Mounce, R. H., The Essential Nature of the New Testament Preaching, Eerdmans 1960
Mussner, F., The Historical Jesus in the Gospel of St John, 1965, ET Herder 1967
Oepke, Α., Die Missionspredigt des Apostels Paulus, Leipzig 1920 Rensberger, D., Johannim Faith and Liberating Community, Westminster 1988/SPCK 1989
Ridderbos, H., Paul: An Outline of his Theology, 1966, ET Eerdmans 1975
Sanders, E. P., Jesus and Judaism, SCM Press/Fortress 1985
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