Джеймс Данн - Единство и многообразие в Новом Завете Исследование природы первоначального христианства
Smart, N., The Religious Experience of Mankind, 1969, Fontana 1971, chs 1 and 7
Tannehill, R. C, Dying and Rising with Christ, Berlin 1967
Taylor, J. V., The Go‑Between God, SCM Press 1972
Wikenhauser, Α., Pauline Mysticism: Christ in the Mystical Teaching of St Paul, 41956, ET Herder 1960
Глава X Христос и христология
Balz, H. R., Methodische Probleme der neutestamentlichen Christologie, Neukirchen 1967
Barrett, С. K. Jesus and the Gospel Tradition, SPCK. 1967
Brown, R. E., Jesus God and Man, Chapman 1968
Bultmann, R., 'The Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul' (1929), 'The Christology of the New Testament', Faith and Understanding: Collected Essays, ET SCM Press 1969, pp. 220–246, 262–285
— 'The Christological Confession of the World Council of Churches' (1951), Essays Philosophical and Theological, ET SCM Press 1955, pp. 273–290
— 'The Primitive Christian Kerygma and the Historical Jesus' (1961), The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, ed., С. Ε. Braaten and R. A. Harrisville, Abingdon 1964, pp. 15–42
Caird, G. В., 'The Development of the Doctrine of Christ in the New Testament', Christ for us Today, ed., N. Pittenger, SCM Press 1968, pp. 66–80
Casey, M., 'Chronology and the Development of Pauline Christology', Paul and Paulinism, С. K.. Barrett Festschrift, ed. M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson, SPCK 1982, pp. 124–134
Cupitt, D., 'One Jesus, many Christs?', Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology, ed., S. W. Sykes and J. P. Clayton, Cambridge University Press 1972, pp. 131–144
Ebeling, G., Theology and Proclamation, 1962, ET Collins 1966
Ernst, J., Anfange der Christologie, Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 57, 1972
Fuller, R. H. and Perkins, P., Who is this Christ? Gaspel Christology and Contemporary Faith, Fortress 1983
Furnish, V. P., 'The Jesus‑Paul Debate: from Baur to Bultmann', BJRL, 47, 1964–65, pp. 342–81
Hamerton‑Kelly, R. G., Pre‑existence. Wisdom and the Son of Man: A Study of the Idea of Pre‑existence in the New Testament, Cambridge University Press 1973
Hanson, A. T., Grace and Truth; A Study in the Doctrine of the Incarnation, SPCK 1975
— The Image of the Invisible God, SCM Press 1982
Hurst, L. D. and Wright, N. T., ed., The Glory of Christ in the New Testament. Studies in Christology in Memory of G. B. Caird, Clarendon 1987
Hurtado, L. W., One God, One Lord. Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, Fortress/SCM Press 1988 Jewett, R., ed., Christology and Exegesis; New Approaches, Semeia 30, 1984
de Jonge, M., Christology in Context. The Earliest Christian Response to Jesus, Westminster 1988
Jungel, E., Paulus und Jesus: eine Untersuchung zur Präzisierung der Frage nach dem Ursprung der Christologie, Tübingen 1962, 31967
Käsemann, E., 'The Problem of the Historical Jesus' (1954), ENTT, pp. 15–47
— 'Blind Alleys in the "Jesus of History" Controversy', NTQT, pp. 23–65
Keck, L. E., A Future for the Historical Jesus, SCM Press 1972
— 'Toward a Renewal of New Testament Christology', NTS 32, 1986, pp. 362–377
Knox, J., The Humanity and Divinity of Christ: a Study of Pattern in Christology, Cambridge
University Press 1967
Marxsen, W., The Beginnings of Christology, 1960, ET Fortress Facet Book 1969
McCaughey, J. D., Diversity and Unity in the New Testament Picture of Christ, University of
Western Australia 1969
Moule, С. F. D., The Phenomenon of the New Testament, SCM Press 1967
— The Origins of Christology, Cambridge 1977
— 'Jesus of Nazareth and the Church's Lord', Die Mitte des Neuen Testa- ments. Einheit und Vielfalt neutestamentlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Fest- schrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 176–86
Pannenberg, W., Jesus God and Man, 1964 ET SCM Press 1968
Pokorny, P., The Genesis of Christology. Foundation for a Theology of the New Testament, T. & T. Clark 1987
Robinson, J. A. T., The Human Face of God, SCM Press 1973
Robinson, J. M., A New Quest of the Historical Jesus, SCM Press 1959
Schillebeeckx, E., Jesus: an Experiment in Christology, Collins 1979
Schnackenburg, R., 'Paulinische und johanneische Christologie', Die Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Ε. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 221–37
Schweizer, E., Jesus, 1968, ET SCM Press 1971
Strecker, G., ed., Jesus Christus in Historie und Theologie: Neutestamentliche Festschrift fur Haw Conzelmann, Tübingen 1975
Taylor, V., The Person of Christ in New Testament Teaching, Madnillan 1958
Wainwright, A. W., The Trinity in the New Testament, SPCK. 1962
Глава XI Иудеохристианство
С. К. Barren., 'Paul's Opponents in II Corinthians', NTS, 17, 1970–71, pp. 233–254
Barth, G., in G. Bornkanmm, G. Barth and H. J. Held, Tradition and Interfiretation in Matthew, 1960, ET SCM Press 1963
Brandon, S. G. F., The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, SPCK. 1951
Brown, R. E. & Meier, J. P., Antioch and Rome. New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity, Chapman 1983
Cullmann, O., 'Dissensions within the Early Church' (1967), New Testament Issues, ed., R. Batey, SCM Press 1970, pp. 119–29
Danielou. J., The Theology of Jewish Christianity, 1958, ET Carton, Longman & Todd 1964
— Judéo‑christianisme. Recherches historiques et theologiques offertes au Cardinal Jean Danielou, Paris 1972
Davies, W. D., Paul and Rabbinic Judaism, SPCK 1948
— The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount, Cambridge University Press 1964
Dunn, J. D. G., Jesus, Paul and the Law. Studies in Mark and Galatians, SPCK. 1990
Elliott‑Binns, L. E., Galilean Christianity, SCM Press 1956
Foakes Jackson, F. J. and Lake, K., The Beginnings of Christianity Part 1: The Acts of the Apostles, Macmillan, Vol. 11920, pp. 300–320
Hooker, M. D., Continuity and Discontinuity. Early Christianity in its Jewish Setting, Epworth 1986
Kaufman, Y., Christianity and Judaism. Two Covenants, Jerusalem 1988
Klijn, A. F. J. and Reinink, G. J., Patristic Evidence for Jewish‑Christian Sects, SNT, XXXVI, 1973
Klijn, A. F. J. 'The Study of Jewish Christianity', NTS, 20, 1973–74, pp. 419–431
Maier, J., Jüdische Ausemandersetzung mit dem Christentum in der Antike, Darmstadt 1982
Martyn, J. L., History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel, Harper 1968; revised Abingdon 1979
Mocks, W. Α., '"Am I a Jew?" Johannine Christianity and Judaism', Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco‑Roman Cults, M. Smith Festschrift, ed. J. Neusner, Part One, Brill 1975, pp. 163–186
Meeks, W. A. and Wilken, R. L. Jews and Christians in Antioch in the First Four Centuries of the Common Era, Scholars 1978
Munck. J., Paul and the Salvation of Mankind, 1954, ET SCM Press 1959
— 'Jewish Christianity in Post‑Apostolic Times', NTS, 6, 1959–60, pp. 103–116
Murray, R., 'Jews, Hebrews and Christians: Some Needed Distinctions', Nov T24, 1982. pp. 194–208
Neusner. J. and Frerichs, E. S., ed., "To See Ourselves as Others See Us". Christians, Jews and "Others" in Late Antiquity, Scholars 1985 Osten‑Sacken, P. von der, Christian‑Jewish Dialogue. Theological Foundations, 1982, ET Fortress 1986
Richardson. P., Israel in the Apostolic Church, Cambridge UniversityPress 1969
Sanders, E. P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism. A Comparison of Patterns of Religion, SCM Press/Fortress 1977
Sandmel, S., Judaism and Christian Beginnings, Oxford University 1978
Schiffman, L. H., 'At the Crossroads: Tannaitic Perspectives on the Jewish- Christian Schism', Jewish and Christian Self Definition Vol. 2. Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco‑Roman World, ed. E. P. Sanders, Fortress/ SCM Press 1981, pp. 115–156
Schmithals, W., Paul and James, 1963, ET SCM Press 1965
Schoeps, H., Theologie und Geschichte des Judenchristentums, Tübingen 1949
— Paul: the Theology of the Apostle in the Light of Jewish Religious History, 1959, ET Lutterworth 1961
— Jewish Christianity: Factional Disputes in the Early Church, 1964', ET Fortress 1969
Segal, A. F., Rebecca's Children. Judaism and Christianity in the Roman World, Harvard University 1986
Simon, M., Vows Israel. A study of the relations between Christians and Jews in the Roman Empire (AD 135–425), 1948, ET Oxford University 1986
Stanton, G., 'The Gospel of Matthew and Judaism', BJRL 66, 1984, pp. 264–284
Strecker, G.'On the Problem of Jewish Christianity', in W. Bsluet, Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity, ET Fortress 1971, and SCM Press 1972, pp. 241–285
Vielhauer, P., 'Jewish‑Christian Gospels', Hennecke, Apocrypha, 1, pp. 117–165
Глава XII Эллинистическое христианство
Barrett, С. К., 'Pauline Controversies in the Post‑Pauline Period', NTS, 20, 1973–74, pp. 229–245
Bianchi, U., ed., Le Origini dello Gnosticismo, Leiden 1967
Cullmann, O., The Johannine Circle, 1975 ET SCM Press 1976
Dassmann, E., Der Stachel im Fleisch. Paulus in der frühcheitlichm Literatur bis Irenaus, Aschendorff 1979
Dräne, J. W., Paul, Libertine or Legalist?, SPCK 1975
Foerster, W., Gnosis: I Patristic Evidence, 1969; 11 Coptic and Mandate Sources, 1971, ET Oxford University Press 1972, 1974
Grant, R. M., Gnosticism and Early Christianity, 1959, Harper 21966
Hengel, M., 'Between Jesus and Paul', Between Jesus and Paul, SCM Press/ Fortress 1983, pp. 1–29
Käsemann, Ε., The Testament of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1968, ch. II
Kloppenborg, J. S., The Formation of Q. Trajectories in Ancient Wisdom Collections, Fortress 1987
Knox, W. L., St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles, Cambridge University Press 1939
Koester, H., Introduction to the New Testament. Vol. 2. History and Literature of Early Christianity, Fortress/do Gruyter 1982
Meeks, W. Α., 'The Man from Heaven in Johannine Sectarianism', JBL 91,1972, pp. 44–72
Nock, A. D., 'Early Gentile Christianity and its Hellenistic Background', Essays on the Trinity and the Incarnation, ed., A. E. J. Rawlinson, 1928, pp. 51–156, reissued separately Harper 1964, and reprinted in his Essays on Religion and the Ancient World, ed., Ζ. Stewart, Oxford University Press 1972, pp. 49–133
— 'Gnosticism', HTR, 57, 1964, reprinted in Essays, pp. 940–59
Pagels, E., The Gnostic Gospels, Random House/Weidenfeld 1979
Pagels Ε. H., The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis: Heracleon 's Commentary on John, SBL Monograph Series 17, Abingdon 1973
— The Gnostic Paul: The Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters, Fortress 1975
Pearson, Β. Α., The Pneumatikos‑Psychikos Terminology in I Corinthians, SBL Dissertation Series 12, 1973
Perkins, P., 'Gnostic Christologies and the New Testament', CBQ 43, 1981, pp. 590–606
Piper, R. Α., Wisdom in the Q‑Tradition. The Aphoristic Teaching of Jesus, SNTSMS 61, Cambridge University 1989
Puech, H. C, in Hennecke, Apocryha, 1, pp. 231–362
Quispel, G., Gnostic Studies, Istanbul, Vol. I 1974, Vol. II 1975
Reitzenstein, R., The Hellenistic Mystery‑Religions. Their Basic Ideas and Significance, Pickwick 1978
Robinson, J. M., 'Logoi Sophon:. On the Gattung of Q', FRP, pp. 84–130, reprinted in Trajectories, pp. 71–113
— ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English, revised Brill 1988
Rudolph, K., Gnosis: the Nature and History of an Ancient Religion, 1977, ET T. & T. Clark 1983
Sanders, J. N., The Fourth Gospel in the Early Church, Cambridge University Press 1943
Schmithals, W., Gnosticism in Corinth, 31969, ET Abingdon 1971
— Paul and the Gnostics, 1965, ET Abingdon 1972
Schneemelcher, W., 'Paulus in der griechischen Kirche des zweiten Jahrhunderts', ZKG, 75, 1964, pp. 1–20
Schottroff, L., Der Glaubende und die feindliche Welt: Beobachtungen zum gnostischen Dualismus und seiner Bedeutung fur Paulus und das Johannesevangelium, Neukirchen 1970
Scroggs, R., 'The Earliest Hellenistic Christianity', Religions in Antiquity: Essays in Memory of E. R. Goodenough, ed., J. Neusner, Leiden 1968, pp. 176–206