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Майкл Муркок - Английский язык с М. Муркоком

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rummage [ˈrʌmɪʤ] halt [hɔ:lt] advance [ədˈvɑ:ns]

Everywhere now the screams sounded and the loudest screams of all were those of the four.

Hanafax forced the door open. It was dark within. He began to rummage about in the room.

`This is where I was when I was their guest. Before they decided that I had offended Arioch. I came here in my kite. Now…

Corum saw more soldiers rushing down the corridor towards them.

`Find it quickly, Hanafax, he said. He leapt out to block the corridor with his sword.

The spindly beings came to a halt and looked at his sword. They raised their own bird claw clubs and began cautiously to advance.

Corum's sword darted out and cut a warrior's throat (меч Корума метнулся вперед и перерезал одному из воинов горло; to dart — метать/ся/, мчаться стрелой). He collapsed in a tangle of legs and arms (он рухнул грудой; tangle — сплетение; путаница; конфликт). Corum struck another in the eye (Корум ударил другого в глаз; to strike).

The screams were dying now (крики теперь стихали). Corum's foul allies were returning to their own plane with their prizes (отвратительные союзники Корума возвращались в свою плоскость с наградой).

Behind Corum, Hanafax was dragging forth a dusty arrangement of rods and silk (позади Корума Ганафакс вытаскивал пыльную конструкцию из планок и шелка; rod — прут, стержень, рейка).

`I have it, Prince Corum (я нашел его, принц Корум). Give me a short while to remember the spell I need (дай мне немного времени, чтобы вспомнить нужное заклинание).

Rather than being frightened by the deaths of their comrades (они не только не испугались гибели товарищей; rather than — скорее, чем; вместо того, чтобы), the Ragha-da-Kheta seemed spurred on to fight more fiercely (наоборот, рага-да-кета, казалось, стали сражаться яростнее/неистовее; to spur — пришпоривать; подгонять, побуждать). Partly protected by a little mound of the slain, Corum fought on (частично прикрытый небольшой кучкой убитых, Корум продолжал сражаться; mound — насыпь, курган, холм).

arrangement [əˈreɪnʤmənt] comrade [ˈkɔmr (ə) ɪd] fiercely [ˈfɪəslɪ]

Corum's sword darted out and cut a warrior's throat. He collapsed in a tangle of legs and arms. Corum struck another in the eye.

The screams were dying now. Corum's foul allies were returning to their own plane with their prizes.

Behind Corum, Hanafax was dragging forth a dusty arrangement of rods and silk.

`I have it, Prince Corum. Give me a short while to remember the spell I need.

Rather than being frightened by the deaths of their comrades, the Ragha-da-Kheta seemed spurred on to fight more fiercely. Partly protected by a little mound of the slain, Corum fought on.

Hanafax began to call out something in a strange tongue (Ганафакс начал выкрикивать что-то на странном языке). Corum felt a wind rise that ruffled his scarlet robe (Корум почувствовал подъем ветра = как поднялся ветер, который раздул его алый плащ; to ruffle — рябить, взъерошивать; трепыхаться). Something grabbed him from behind and then he was rising into the air (что-то схватило его сзади, потом он стал подниматься в воздух), over the heads of the Ragha-da-Kheta, speeding along the corridor and into the open (над головами рага-да-кета, спешивших по коридору наружу; the open — открытое пространство).

He looked down nervously (он посмотрел вниз беспокойно). The city was running past below them (город пробегал мимо под ними = оставался позади).

Hanafax dragged him into the box of yellow and green silk (Ганафакс втащил его в корзину из желто-зеленого шелка; box — коробка, ящик, сундук). Corum was sure he would fall, but the kite held (Корум был уверен, что упадет, но воздушный змей держался /в воздухе/).

The ragged, unkempt figure beside him was grinning (оборванная, нечесаная фигура возле него ухмылялась).

`So the will of Arioch can be denied (итак, воле Ариоха можно не подчиняться; to deny — отвергать, отрицать), Corum said.

`Unless we are his instruments in this (если только мы не /сыграли роль/ его инструментов в этом = не стали орудиями в его руках), said Hanafax, his grin fading (сказал Ганафакс, и его усмешка исчезла; to fade — увядать, блекнуть; постепенно исчезать).

unkempt [, ʌnˈkempt] denied [dɪˈnaɪd]

Hanafax began to call out something in a strange tongue. Corum felt a wind rise that ruffled his scarlet robe. Something grabbed him from behind and then he was rising into the air, over the heads of the Ragha-da-Kheta, speeding along the corridor and into the open.

He looked down nervously. The city was running past below them.

Hanafax dragged him into the box of yellow and green silk. Corum was sure he would fall, but the kite held.

The ragged, unkempt figure beside him was grinning.

`So the will of Arioch can be denied, Corum said.

`Unless we are his instruments in this, said Hanafax, his grin fading.

CHAPTER FOUR (глава четвертая)

In the Flamelands (в Огненных землях)

Corum got used to the flight, though he still felt uncomfortable (Корум привык к полету, хотя по-прежнему чувствовал себя неуютно). Hanafax hummed to himself while he chopped at his hair and whiskers (Ганафакс что-то напевал про себя, подрезая свои волосы и бакенбарды; to hum — мурлыкать, напевать про себя; to chop — отрезать, отрубать) until a handsome, youngish face was revealed (пока не появилось привлекательное, довольно молодое лицо). Apparently without concern, he discarded his rags and drew on a clean doublet and pair of breeks he had brought with him in his bundle (явно без сожаления, он выбросил свои лохмотья и надел чистый камзол и штаны, /которые/ взял с собой в узле; to discard — избавляться от чего-либо; отказываться; bundle — узел, сверток, связка).

`I feel a thousand times improved (я чувствую себя в тысячу раз лучше; to improve — улучшать/ся/, поправлять/ся/, налаживать/ся/). I thank you, Prince Corum, for visiting the City of Arke before I had entirely rotted away (спасибо тебе, принц Корум, что посетил город Арк прежде, чем я совсем сгнил /в темнице/; to rot away — гнить, портиться; погибать)!

Corum had discovered that Hanafax could not sustain his moods of introspection but was naturally of a cheerful disposition (Корум обнаружил, что Ганафакс не может переносить свои настроения самонаблюдения = долго не печалится, а от природы — /человек/ веселого характера).

discarded [dɪsˈkɑ:dɪd] doublet [ˈdʌblɪt] sustain [səˈsteɪn]

Corum got used to the flight, though he still felt uncomfortable. Hanafax hummed to himself while he chopped at his hair and whiskers until a handsome, youngish face was revealed. Apparently without concern, he discarded his rags and drew on a clean doublet and pair of breeks he had brought with him in his bundle.

`I feel a thousand times improved. I thank you, Prince Corum, for visiting the City of Arke before I had entirely rotted away!

Corum had discovered that Hanafax could not sustain his moods of introspection but was naturally of a cheerful disposition.

`Where is this flying thing taking us, Sir Hanafax (куда эта летающая штуковина несет нас, сэр Ганафакс)?

`Ah, there's the problem (ах, в этом и проблема), Hanafax said. `It is why I have found myself in more trouble than I sought (вот почему я оказывался в больших бедах, чем искал; to seek). I cannot — um — guide the kite (я не могу управлять змеем). It flies where it will (он летит, куда захочет).

They were over the sea now (они были над морем теперь).

Corum clung to the struts and fixed his eyes ahead of him (Корум вцепился в распорки и пристально посмотрел вперед) while Hanafax began a song which was not complimentary either to Arioch or the Dog God of the Eastern Mabden folk (а Ганафакс начал /петь/ песню, которая не была почтительной ни по отношению к Ариоху, ни к богу Псу восточного мабденского племени; complimentary — поздравительная, лестная, хвалебная).

Then Corum saw something below and he said drily (затем Корум увидел что-то внизу и сказал сухо):

complimentary [, kɔmplɪˈment (ə) rɪ] either [ˈaɪðə]

`Where is this flying thing taking us, Sir Hanafax?

`Ah, there's the problem, Hanafax said. `It is why I have found myself in more trouble than I sought. I cannot — um — guide the kite. It flies where it will.

They were over the sea now.

Corum clung to the struts and fixed his eyes ahead of him while Hanafax began a song which was not complimentary either to Arioch or the Dog God of the Eastern Mabden folk.

Then Corum saw something below and he said drily:

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