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Майкл Муркок - Английский язык с М. Муркоком

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Then Corum saw something below and he said drily:

`I would advise you to forget the insults to Arioch (я бы посоветовал тебе забыть оскорбления в адрес Ариоха). We appear to be flying over the Thousand League Reef (мы, по-видимому, пролетаем над Тысячемильным Рифом). As I understand it, his domain lies somewhere beyond that (как я понимаю, его владения лежат где-то за ним).

`A fair distance, though (на порядочном расстоянии, однако). I hope the kite brings us down soon (надеюсь, змей вскоре опустит нас на землю).

They reached the coast (они достигли побережья). Corum screwed up his eyes as he tried to make it out (Корум щурил глаза, пытаясь разглядеть его). Some of the time it seemed to consist of water alone — a kind of huge inland sea (некоторое время = то оно, казалось, состояло из одной воды — что-то вроде огромного внутреннего моря) — and some of the time the water vanished completely and only land could be seen (то вода исчезала совсем, и можно было видеть лишь землю). It was shifting all the time (оно перемещалось все время).

`Is that Urde, Sir Hanafax (это Урд, сэр Ганафакс)?

`I would advise you to forget the insults to Arioch. We appear to be flying over the Thousand League Reef. As I understand it, his domain lies somewhere beyond that.

`A fair distance, though. I hope the kite brings us down soon.

They reached the coast. Corum screwed up his eyes as he tried to make it out. Some of the time it seemed to consist of water alone — a kind of huge inland sea — and some of the time the water vanished completely and only land could be seen. It was shifting all the time.

`Is that Urde, Sir Hanafax?

`I think it must be the place «Urde» by its position and appearance (думаю, это должно быть «Урдом», согласно = судя по местоположению и внешнему виду). Unstable matter, Prince Corum, created by the Chaos Lords (изменчивое вещество, принц Корум, созданное Владыками Хаоса).

`The Chaos Lords? I have not heard that term used before (я не слышал, чтобы это выражение употребляли раньше).

`Have you not (разве)? Well, it is their will that rules you (ну, именно их воля управляет тобой = твоей судьбой). Arioch is one of them (Ариох — один из них). Long since there was a war between the forces of Order and the forces of Chaos (давным-давно шла война между силами Порядка и силами Хаоса). The forces of Chaos won and came to dominate the Fifteen Planes (силы Хаоса победили и стали господствовать в Пятнадцати Плоскостях; to win) and, as I understand it, much that lies beyond them (и, как я понимаю, многим, что лежит за их пределами). Some say that Order was defeated completely and all her Gods vanished (некоторые говорят, что Порядок потерпел полное поражение и все его боги исчезли). They say the Cosmic Balance tipped too far in one direction (/еще/ говорят, что Космическое Равновесие склонилось слишком далеко в одну сторону) and that is why there are so many arbitrary events taking place in the world (и поэтому так много случайных событий происходит в мире). They say that once the world was round instead of dish-shaped (говорят, что некогда мир был круглым, а не тарелочный = не плоский, как тарелка; dish-shaped — тарелочный, чашеобразный). It is hard to accept, I agree (согласен, это трудно принять; to accept — принимать, допускать, соглашаться).

appearance [əˈpɪ (ə) rəns] Chaos [ˈkeɪɔs] arbitrary [ˈɑ:bɪtrərɪ] accept [əkˈsept]

`I think it must be the place «Urde» by its position and appearance. Unstable matter, Prince Corum, created by the Chaos Lords.

`The Chaos Lords? I have not heard that term used before.

`Have you not? Well, it is their will that rules you. Arioch is one of them. Long since there was a war between the forces of Order and the forces of Chaos. The forces of Chaos won and came to dominate the Fifteen Planes and, as I understand it, much that lies beyond them. Some say that Order was defeated completely and all her Gods vanished. They say the Cosmic Balance tipped too far in one direction and that is why there are so many arbitrary events taking place in the world. They say that once the world was round instead of dish-shaped. It is hard to accept, I agree.

`Some Vadhagh legends say it was once round (некоторые вадагские легенды /тоже/ говорят, он был однажды круглым).

`Aye. Well, the Vadhagh began their rise just before Order was banished (что же, вадаги начали свой подъем = расцвет как раз до того, как Порядок изгнали). That is why the Sword Rulers hate the old races so much (вот почему Повелители Мечей так ненавидят древние расы). They are not their creation at all (они вообще не являются их творением). But the Great Gods are not allowed to interfere too directly in mortal affairs (но Великим Богам не дозволено вмешиваться /слишком/ прямо в дела смертных), so they have worked through the Mabden, chiefly (поэтому они действуют через мабденов, в основном) …

`Is this the truth (это правда)?

`It is a truth (это относительная правда = возможно), Hanafax shrugged (Ганафакс пожал плечами). `I know other versions of the same tale (я знаю и другие варианты этой истории). But I am inclined to believe this one (но я склонен верить этому).

`These Great Gods — you speak of the Sword Rulers (эти Великие Боги — ты говоришь о Повелителях Мечей)?

interfere [, ɪntəˈfɪə] inclined [ɪnˈklaɪnd]

`Some Vadhagh legends say it was once round.

`Aye. Well, the Vadhagh began their rise just before Order was banished. That is why the Sword Rulers hate the old races so much. They are not their creation at all. But the Great Gods are not allowed to interfere too directly in mortal affairs, so they have worked through the Mabden, chiefly…

`Is this the truth?

`It is a truth, Hanafax shrugged. `I know other versions of the same tale. But I am inclined to believe this one.

`These Great Gods — you speak of the Sword Rulers?

`Aye, the Sword Rulers and others (да, о Повелителях Мечей и других). Then there are the Great Old Gods, to whom all the myriad planes of Earth are merely a tiny fragment in a greater mosaic (к тому же, существуют Великие Древние Боги, для которых все бесчисленные плоскости Земли — всего лишь ничтожные кусочки в большой мозаике). Hanafax shrugged. `This is the cosmology I was taught when I was a priest (такой космологии меня обучали, когда я был жрецом). I cannot vouch for its truth (не могу ручаться за ее истинность).

Corum frowned. He looked below and now they were crossing a bleak yellow and brown desert (он посмотрел вниз, теперь они пересекали унылую желто-коричневую пустыню; bleak — незащищенный от ветра; гнетущий, безрадостный). It was the desert called Dhroonhazat and it seemed entirely waterless (это была пустыня под названием Друнхазат, и она казалась совершенно безводной). By an accident of fate he was being borne towards the Knight of the Swords faster than he had expected (по случайности судьбы = благодаря случайности его несло к Рыцарю Мечей быстрее, чем он ожидал).

Or was it an accident of fate (/хотя/, было ли это случайностью)?

myriad [ˈmɪrɪəd] cosmology [kɔzˈmɔləʤɪ] vouch [vauʧ] desert [ˈdezət]

`Aye, the Sword Rulers and others. Then there are the Great Old Gods, to whom all the myriad planes of Earth are merely a tiny fragment in a greater mosaic. Hanafax shrugged. `This is the cosmology I was taught when I was a priest. I cannot vouch for its truth.

Corum frowned. He looked below and now they were crossing a bleak yellow and brown desert. It was the desert called Dhroonhazat and it seemed entirely waterless. By an accident of fate he was being borne towards the Knight of the Swords faster than he had expected.

Or was it an accident of fate?

Now the heat was increasing and the sand below shimmered and danced (теперь жара усиливалась, и песок внизу переливался и прыгал; to dance — танцевать; прыгать, скакать). Hanafax licked his lips (Ганафакс облизал губы).

`We're getting dangerously close to the Flamelands, Prince Corum (мы приближаемся опасно близко к Огненным землям, принц Корум). Look (смотри).

On the horizon Corum saw a thin, flickering line of red light (на горизонте Корум увидел тонкую, дрожащую линию красного света). The sky above it was also tinged red (небо над ней тоже было слегка красным).

The kite sped nearer and the heat increased (воздушный змей подлетал ближе /к огню/, и жара усиливалась; to speed — мчаться, торопиться). To his astonishment, Corum saw that they were approaching a wall of flame (к своему изумлению = с удивлением Корум увидел, что они приближаются к стене огня) that stretched as far as he could see in both directions (которая растянулась на сколько он мог видеть в оба направления = от края до края).

`Hanafax, we shall be burned alive (Ганафакс, мы сгорим заживо), he said softly.

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