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Майкл Муркок - Английский язык с М. Муркоком

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impatient [ɪmˈpeɪʃ (ə) nt] crusade [kru:ˈseɪd] coral [ˈkɔrəl] false [fɔ:ls]

Well, it seems that Arioch grows impatient (for reasons of his own) and commands Urleh to command the people of Lywm-an-Esh to embark on a crusade, to travel far to the West where a seafolk dwell. These folk are only about fifty in all and live in castles built into coral. They are called the Shalafen. Urleh gave me Arioch's command. I decided to believe that this was a false command — coming from another entity unfriendly to Urleh. My luck, which was never of the best, changed greatly then. There was a murder. I was blamed. I fled my lands and stole a ship. After several somewhat dull adventures, I found myself among this twittering people who so patiently await Arioch's destruction. I attempted to band them together against Arioch. They offered me wine, which I refused. They seized me and placed me here, where I have been for more than a few months.

`What will they do with you (что они сделают с тобой)?

`I cannot say (не могу сказать = не знаю). Hope that I die eventually, I suppose (надеются, что умру со временем, /полагаю/). They are a misguided folk and a little stupid, but they are not by nature cruel (они — обманутый народ и немного глупый, но не жестокие по характеру; misguided — введенный в заблуждение; сбитый с курса; by nature — по природе, по характеру). Yet their terror of Arioch is so great that they dare not do anything that might offend him (однако их страх перед Ариохом столь велик, что они не посмеют сделать что-либо, что может обидеть его). In this way they hope he will let them live a year or two longer (таким образом, они надеются, что он позволит им жить еще год-два).

`And you do not know how they will deal with me (ты не знаешь, как они поступят со мной; to deal with — иметь дело, обходиться)? I killed their king, after all (я убил их короля, все-таки).

`That is what I was considering (вот об этом я и думал). The poison has failed (яд не сработал). They would be very reluctant to use violence on you themselves (они вряд ли решатся применить к тебе силу; reluctant — делающий что-либо с большой неохотой). We shall have to see (нам придется /подождать/ и увидеть).

`I have a mission to accomplish (мне нужно выполнить поручение), Corum told him. `I cannot afford to wait (я не могу позволить себе ждать).

Hanafax grinned (Ганафакс усмехнулся).

misguided [mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd] stupid [ˈstju:pɪd] violence [ˈvaɪələns]

`What will they do with you?

`I cannot say. Hope that I die eventually, I suppose. They are a misguided folk and a little stupid, but they are not by nature cruel. Yet their terror of Arioch is so great that they dare not do anything that might offend him. In this way they hope he will let them live a year or two longer.

`And you do not know how they will deal with me? I killed their king, after all.

`That is what I was considering. The poison has failed. They would be very reluctant to use violence on you themselves. We shall have to see.

`I have a mission to accomplish, Corum told him. `I cannot afford to wait.

Hanafax grinned.

`I think you will have to, friend Corum (думаю, тебе придется /подождать/, друг Корум)! I am something of a sorcerer, as I told you (я немного колдун, как я говорил тебе). I have a few tricks, but none will work in this place, I know not why (у меня есть несколько фокусов/трюков, но ни один не сработает в этом месте, не знаю почему). And if sorcery cannot aid us, what can (а если колдовство не может нам помочь, что сможет)?

Corum raised his alien hand and stared at it thoughtfully (Корум поднял свою чуждую руку и посмотрел на нее задумчиво).

Then he looked into the hairy face of his fellow prisoner (потом заглянул в волосатое лицо своего товарища по заключению).

`Have you ever heard of the Hand of Kwll (ты когда-нибудь слышал о Руке Кулла)?

Hanafax frowned (нахмурился).

`Aye… I believe I have (да… думаю, слышал). The sole remains of a God, one of two brothers, who had some sort of feud (единственные останки бога, одного из двух братьев, которые вроде враждовали; feud — длительная, наследственная вражда, междоусобица) … A legend, of course, like so many (легенда, конечно, как и многие /другие/) …

sorcery [ˈsɔ:s (ə) rɪ] feud [fju:d]

`I think you will have to, friend Corum! I am something of a sorcerer, as I told you. I have a few tricks, but none will work in this place, I know not why. And if sorcery cannot aid us, what can?

Corum raised his alien hand and stared at it thoughtfully.

Then he looked into the hairy face of his fellow prisoner.

`Have you ever heard of the Hand of Kwll?

Hanafax frowned.

`Aye… I believe I have. The sole remains of a God, one of two brothers, who had some sort of feud … A legend, of course, like so many…

Corum held up his left hand (Корум показал свою левую руку).

`This is the Hand of Kwll. It was given me by a sorcerer, along with this eye — the Eye of Rhynn (ее дал мне один колдун, вместе с этим глазом — Глазом Ринна) — and both have great powers, I am told (и оба /предмета/ обладают огромной силой, /он/ мне сказал).

`You do not know (ты не знаешь)?

`I have had no opportunity to test them (у меня не было возможности проверить их).

Hanafax seemed disturbed (Ганафакс казался встревоженным).

`Yet such powers are too great for a mortal, I would have thought (однако подобные силы слишком велики для смертного, я бы подумал = мне кажется). The consequences of using them would be monstrous (последствия их использования могут быть ужасными) …

`I do not believe I have any choice (не думаю, /что/ у меня есть выбор). I have decided (я решил). I will call upon the powers of the Hand of Kwll and the Eye of Rhynn (я призову |yf помощь/ силы Руки Кулла и Глаза Ринна; to call upon — взывать, обращаться; призывать)!

opportunity [, ɔpəˈtju:nɪtɪ] consequences [ˈkɔnsɪkwənsɪz]

Corum held up his left hand.

`This is the Hand of Kwll. It was given me by a sorcerer, along with this eye — the Eye of Rhynn — and both have great powers, I am told.

`You do not know?

`I have had no opportunity to test them.

Hanafax seemed disturbed.

`Yet such powers are too great for a mortal, I would have thought. The consequences of using them would be monstrous…

`I do not believe I have any choice. I have decided. I will call upon the powers of the Hand of Kwll and the Eye of Rhynn!

`I trust you will remind them that I am on your side, Prince Corum (надеюсь, ты напомнишь им, что я на твоей стороне, принц Корум; to trust — верить, доверять/ся/; надеяться).

Corum stripped the gauntlet from his six-fingered hand (Корум снял латную перчатку со своей шестипалой руки). He was shivering with the tension (он дрожал от напряжения). Then he pushed the patch up to his forehead (потом сдвинул повязка на лоб; to push — толкать, продвигать).

He began to see the darker planes (он начал видеть более темные плоскости). Again he saw the landscape on which a black sun shone (снова он увидел пейзаж, где светило черное солнце). Again he saw the four cowled figures (снова увидел четыре фигуры в капюшонах; cowl — сутана с капюшоном, капюшон).

And this time he stared into their faces (на этот раз он посмотрел в их лица).

He screamed (он вскрикнул).

But he could not name the reason for his terror (но он не мог бы назвать причину своего ужаса).

He looked again.

tension [ˈtenʃ (ə) n] forehead [ˈfɔrɪd] cowled [kauld]

`I trust you will remind them that I am on your side, Prince Corum.

Corum stripped the gauntlet from his six-fingered hand. He was shivering with the tension. Then he pushed the patch up to his forehead.

He began to see the darker planes. Again he saw the landscape on which a black sun shone. Again he saw the four cowled figures.

And this time he stared into their faces.

He screamed.

But he could not name the reason for his terror.

He looked again.

The Hand of Kwll stretched out towards the figures (Рука Кулла потянулась к фигурам). Their heads moved as they saw the hand (их головы двинулись, когда они увидели руку). Their terrible eyes seemed to draw all the heat from his body, all the vitality from his soul (их ужасные глаза, казалось, вытягивали = высасывали все тепло из его тела, всю энергию из его души; vitality — жизненность, энергия). But he continued to look at them (но он продолжал смотреть на них).

The Hand beckoned (Рука поманила /их/ к себе).

The dark figures moved towards Corum (темные фигуры двинулись к Коруму).

He heard Hanafax say (он услышал, как Ганафакс сказал):

`I see nothing (я ничего не вижу). What are you summoning (что ты призываешь)? What do you see (что видишь)?

vitality [vaɪˈtælɪtɪ] beckoned [ˈbekənd]

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