» Религия и духовность » Эзотерика » Магия времени от А до Я. Как научиться ускорять и замедлять жизнь - Бродерик Лиза

Магия времени от А до Я. Как научиться ускорять и замедлять жизнь - Бродерик Лиза

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Глава 6. Медитация

1. Judson A. Brewer, Patrick D. Worhunsky, Jeremy R. Gray, Yi-Yuan Tang, Jochen Weber, and Hedy Kober, “Meditation Experience Is Associated with Differences in Default Mode Network Activity and Connectivity”, PNAS 108, no. 50 (2011): 20254–59,

Eileen Luders, Nicolas Cherbuin, and Florian Kurth, “Forever Young(er): Potential Age-Defying Effects of Long-Term Mediation of Gray Matter Atrophy”, Frontiers in Psychology 5, no. 1551 (2015):

Термин «трудная проблема сознания» был придуман в 1995 году Дэвидом Чалмерсом, австралийским философом и когнитивистом, исследующим философию разума и языка.

Роджер Пенроуз стал одним из лауреатов Нобелевской премии по физике 2020 года за открытие того, что общая теория относительности предсказывает образование черных дыр.

Roger Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Oxford, England: Oxford Landmark Science, 2016).

University of Groningen, “Quantum Effects Observed in Photosynthesis”, ScienceDaily, May 21, 2018, /releases/2018/05/180521131756.htm. Оригинальную журнальную статью см. Erling Thyrhaug, Roel Tempelaar, Marcelo J. P. Alcocer, Karel Žídek, David Bína, Jasper Knoester, Thomas L. C. Jansen, and Donatas Zigmantas, “Identification and Characterization of Diverse Coherences in the Fenna – Matthews – Olson Complex”, Nature Chemistry 10 (2018): 780–86, -5. Also see Hamish G. Hiscock, Susannah Worster, Daniel R. Kattnig, Charlotte Steers, Ye Jin, David E. Manolopoulos, Henrik Mouritsen, and P. J. Hore, “The Quantum Needle of the Avian Magnetic Compass”, PNAS 113, no. 17 (2016): 4634–39, /10.1073/pnas.1600341113.

Видоизмененная практика Gerald Epstein, Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery: Colette Aboulker-Muscat’s 2,100 Visualization Exercises for Personal Development, Healing, and Self-Knowledge, illustrated edition (New York: ACMI Press, 2012).

Глава 7. Воображение

Victoria Hazlitt, “Jean Piaget, the Child’s Conception of Physical Causality”, The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology 40 (September 2012): 243–249, /08856559.1932.10534224.

Marie Buda, Alex Fornito, Zara M. Bergström, and Jon S. Simons, “A Specific Brain Structural Basis for Individual Differences in Reality Monitoring”, Journal of Neuroscience 31, no. 40(2011): 14308–13,

L. Verdelle Clark, “Effect of Mental Practice on the Development of a Certain Motor Skill”, Research Quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education & Recreation 31 (1960): 560–69,

“Frequently Asked Questions”, Program in Placebo Studies and Therapeutic Encounter (PiPS), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, /about/faq/.

Адаптированное произведение автора бестселлеров и спикера Марсии Видер.

Глава 8. Травма

Roger E. Beaty, Paul Seli, and Daniel L. Schacter, “Thinking about the Past and Future in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study of Individual Differences in Mental Time Travel”, Psychological Research 83, no. 8 (June 2019),

Norman Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself (New York: Penguin, 2008).

Zvi Carmeli and Rachel Blass, “The Case against Neuroplastic Analysis: A Further Illustration of the Irrelevance of Neuroscience to Psychoanalysis Through a Critique of Doidge’s The Brain That Changes Itself”, International Journal of Psychoanalysis 94 (2013): 391–410,

Victoria Follette, Kathleen M. Palm, and Adria N. Pearson, “Mindfulness and Trauma: Implications for Treatment”, Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy 24, no. 1 (March 2006): 45–61,

Yoon-Ho Kim, Rong Yu, Sergei P. Kulik, Yanhua Shih, and Marlan O. Scully, “A Delayed ‘Choice’ Quantum Eraser”, Physical Review Letters 84, no. 1 (2000).

Vincent Jacques, E. Wu, Frédéric Grosshans, François Treussart, Philippe Grangier, Alain Aspect, and Jean-François Roch, “Experimental Realization of Wheeler’s Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment”, Science 315, no. 5814 (February 2007): 966–68,

Francesco Vedovato, Costantino Agnesi, Matteo Schiavon, Daniele Dequal, Luca Calderaro, Marco Tomasin, Davide G. Marangon, Andrea Stanco,Vincenza Luceri, Giuseppe Bianco, Giuseppe Vallone, and Paolo Villoresi, “Extending Wheeler’s Delayed-Choice Experiment to Space,” Science Advances 3, no. 10 (October 2017): e1701180,

Видоизмененная практика Gerald Epstein, Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery: Colette Aboulker-Muscat’s 2,100 Visualization Exercises for Personal Development, Healing, and Self-Knowledge, illustrated edition (New York: ACMI Press, 2012).

Глава 9. Беспокойство

Bambi L. DeLaRosa, Jeffrey S. Spence, Scott K. M. Shakal, Michael A. Motes, Clifford S. Calley, Virginia I. Calley, John Hart Jr., and Michael A. Kraut, “Electrophysiological Spatiotemporal Dynamics During Implicit Visual Threat Processing”, Brain and Cognition 91 (November 2014): 54–61,

Charles Eisenstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2013), 244–47.

Глава 10. Фокус

Carlo Rovelli, The Order of Time (New York: Riverhead Books, 2018).

Это описание также предполагает теорию растущего блока Вселенной – философскую теорию, которая утверждает, что Вселенная представляет собой гигантский блок всех вещей, которые когда-либо происходили, включая прошлое, настоящее и будущее, которые существуют одновременно и одинаково реальны.

Глава 11. Мысли

Vivien Cumming, “The Other Person That Discovered Evolution, Besides Darwin”, BBC online, November 7, 2016, /story/20161104-the-other-person-that-discovered-evolution – besides-darwin.

John B. West, “Carl Wilhelm Scheele, the Discoverer of Oxygen, and a Very Productive Chemist”, American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 307, no. 11 (December 2014): L811–6,

3. Stanley I. Sandler and Leslie V. Woodcock, “Historical Observations on Laws of Thermodynamics”, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 55 (2010): 4485–90,

4. “Georges Lemaître, Father of the Big Bang”, American Museumof Natural History, /cosmic-horizons-book/georges-lemaitre-big-bang. Excerpted from Cosmic Horizons: Astronomy at the Cutting Edge, Steven Soter and Neil deGrasse Tyson, eds. (New York: New Press, 2000).

5. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 74, No. 6 (November 1940): 143–46.

6. Scott Camzine, Jena-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R. Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraula, and Eric Bonabeau, Self-Organization in Biological Systems (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001), 7–14.

7. В физике редукционизм делит мир на основные строительные блоки для простоты, в то время как эмерджентность стремится придумать простые законы, вытекающие из более сложных.

8. Rupert Sheldrake, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance (Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 1995).

9. Peter D. Bruza, Zheng Wang, and Jerome R. Busemeyer, “Quantum Cognition: A New Theoretical Approach to Psychology”, Trends in Cognitive Science 19, no. 7 (July 2015): 383–93,

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