Лев Гунин - ГУЛаг Палестины
side of the Jewish people, and were waging war against those elements who
incited the unenlightened masses to various excesses against Jews. The
Commander-in-Chief invited the representatives of the Jewish people to a
closer cooperation of both peoples for the good of the Ukrainian State,
for, only with united forces would it be possible to look after the
interests of both peoples, which had always been identical.
The Jewish delegation assured the Supreme Commander that all strata of
the Jewish people, hand-in-hand with the Ukrainian people, would defend
the independent Ukraine, because only a Ukrainian democratic government
could guarantee full rights to the Jews. The delegation asked for
granting of an opportunity to Jewish intellectuals to work toward
strengthening Ukrainian statehood, and for protection of the Jewish
population against the excesses which have taken place as the result of
provocation on the part of various Russian reactionaries and Polish
imperialists who thus wish to discredit the whole Ukrainian cause in the
eyes of Europe.
Petlura pledged himself to apply the severest measures in suppressing the
crimes of the anti-Jewish agitators, and asked the delegation in
particular to exert their influence also upon the Jewish population
behind the battlefront that they should support the Ukrainian Army in its
struggle against the Bolshevists.
(Trudowa Hromada, July 18, 1919.)
Symon Petliura Decree of Cabinet 18Aug1919 Enemies organize pogroms
The Ukrainian and Jewish peoples both of whom work at the
reconstruction of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, find themselves in
the face of the common enemies who are trying to sow discord and
anarchy in order to destroy the Ukrainian Republic which they hate.
Decree of the Cabinet Council
of the
Ukrainian Democratic Republic.
August 18, 1919.
(Record of the Proceedings No. 171)
The Cabinet Council, after hearing the report of the Minister for Jewish
Affairs, Mr. P.A. Krasny, on the situation as it appeared in connection
with the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Ukraine - particularly in Kiev and
in connection with the reaction of public opinion abroad, resolve as
The Ukrainian and Jewish peoples both of whom work at the reconstruction
of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, find themselves in the face of the
common enemies who are trying to sow discord and anarchy in order to
destroy the Ukrainian Republic which they hate. For this purpose your
enemies organize pogroms, spin provocative news about pogroms in the
Ukraine so as to exploit them for their people - with the help of the
Polish ruling classes, or of the Denikin reactionaries. In deliberately
lying and provocative reports they are changing arbitrarily the places of
the pogroms which are arranged in the Ukraine by the Bolsheviks and by
the reactionary clique who are in close connection with Denikin's and
Polish reactionary circles' secret plans. In mendacious publications and
in public letters addressed to the leading representatives of European
countries, all these happenings are charged to the account of the
government of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, although its aim is to
suppress vigorously all pogroms.
In view of the fact that such provocations and aims of the Polish and
Denikin reactionaries endanger the struggle for freedom of the Ukrainian
Republic as well as the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the
Ukraine, the government of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic have set
themselves the most urgent task of doing away with all possibility of
provocations, pogroms or other excesses, and of calling to account all
persons hostile to the Ukrainian State, who are doing the treacherous
pogrom work in the Ukraine.
The Government has decided:
1. To make at once a proposal to the Commander-in-Chief, Petlura that he
issue an order by which all commanders of the respective bodies of
troops, from the lowest to the highest ones, would be called to account
for negligence and tolerating pogrom excesses, and that they would be
immediately arrested as traitors and handed over to a special
court-martial which would impose upon them the severest penalty,
including the death sentence.
2. To issue an order in the name of the Government and in the name of the
Commander-in-Chief to the Ukrainian partisans on the other side of the
battlefront that they also 1. should take a vigorous action against the
instigators of pogroms, 2. fight against particular treacherous pogrom
bands and annihilate them - always remembering that the army of the
Ukrainian Democratic Republic does not tolerate pogroms on its victorious
march and inflicts the severe punishment upon all the guilty ones.
3. To appoint immediately a special government commission with extensive
powers of investigating pogroms and of combating them; the said
commission to be composed of one representative from the following
offices: The Commander-in-Chief, the Inspector General, the Minister of
Justice, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and the Minister for Jewish
Affairs. The Commission should proceed at once to the frontline to the
area of liberated cities and other places of the Ukrainian Democratic
Republic. The Commander-in-Chief should be advised to order an
authorization with full powers to the Commission.
4. Through inspections, the bodies of troops and the commissioners of the
Ukrainian Democratic Republic should be informed about the foreign
provocative work of the enemies of the Ukrainian Republic, who exploit
the pogrom excesses for their own purposes.
5. By means of a special report from the Prime Minister, to inform the
Directorate of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic of this Decree, and to
manifest the Government's firm determination and effort in the direction
of removing completely any possibility of pogroms in the Ukraine.
6. To issue an appropriate proclamation of the government to the people.
7. The Minister for Press and Information should initiate an intensive
campaign against pogrom arrangers; inform the foreign press and foreign
public about the actual state of affairs, and protest against the
outrageous slandering of the government of the Ukrainian Democratic
8. The Minister of Justice should at once take steps that all those who
are guilty of pogrom excesses, i.e. those who already have been arrested
as well as those who may be arrested, should be handed over to a special
9. This Decree is to be made public.
(Ukraina, August 21, 1919.)
Symon Petliura Army Order No. 131 26Aug1919 Do not stain those deeds
It is time for you to understand that the peaceful Jewish population, their
children and women the same as ourselves have been oppressed and
deprived of national freedom. They can not be alienated from us, they
have of old been always with us and they have shared with us their joys
and sorrows.
Army Order of the Supreme Command
of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic,
August 26, 1919.
No. 131
Officers and Soldiers!
It is time for you to realize that the Jews together with the majority of
the Ukrainian population have recognized the evil of the
Bolshevist-Communist invasion, and know already where the truth lies.
The most important Jewish parties, such as: "Bund", "United Jewish
Socialists", "Poalej-Zion" and "People's Party", have decidedly placed
themselves on the side of the Ukrainian independent state and are working
together hand-in-hand for its good.
It is time for you to understand that the peaceful Jewish population,
their children and women the same as ourselves have been oppressed and
deprived of national freedom. They can not be alienated from us, they
have of old been always with us and they have shared with us their joys
and sorrows.
The gallant army which brings brotherhood, equality, and freedom to all
peoples of the Ukraine should not be lending an ear to various
adventurers and provocateurs who long for human blood. Likewise, the
Army should not be a party to bringing a hard lot on the Jews. Whoever
is guilty of permitting such a heavy crime is a traitor and enemy of the
country and must be thrust out of human society.
Officers and soldiers! The whole world cannot but admire our heroic
deeds in the struggle for freedom. Do not stain those deeds - not even
accidentally - by disgraceful actions and do not bring down burning shame
upon our state in the face of the whole world. Our many enemies,
external as well as internal, are already profiting by the pogroms; they
are pointing their fingers at us and inciting against us saying that we
are not worthy of an independent national existence and that we deserve
to be again forcefully harnessed to the yoke of slavery.
I, your Commander-in-Chief, tell you that this very moment the question
of to be or not to be for our independent existence is being decided
before the International Tribunal.
Officers and soldiers! The judgement on this question rests in your
hands, so decide it by showing an armed fist against our enemies
remembering always that a clean cause demands clean hands. Be sure that
a severe and lawful punishment by a people's court will overtake all
enemies of our country; but remember also that vengeance - often the
result of want of careful consideration - is not the way of the Ukrainian
Cossacks. I most positively order that all those who are instigating you
to pogroms be thrust out of the army, and as traitors to the fatherland
be handed over to the court. Let the court punish them according to
their crimes by giving them the severest lawful penalty.
The Government of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic recognizing the harm
done to the state by the pogroms has issued an appeal to the whole
population of the Ukraine to withstand all attempts of the enemies who
might arouse it to anti-Jewish pogroms.
I command the whole army to obey this appeal and to provide for its
widest dissemination among comrades-in-arms and among the population.
This Army Order is to be read to all division, brigades, regiments,
garrisons and squadrons of the Dnieper and Dniester armies, as well as
the partisan detachments.
The Commander-in-Chief:
The Chief of Staff of the Supreme
F. Pigido (ed.), Material Concerning Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during
the Years of the Revolution (1917-1921): Collection of Documents and
Testimonies by Prominent Jewish Political Workers, The Ukrainian
Information Bureau, Munich, 1956.
Symon Petliura Appeal to Ukrainian Army 27Aug1919 To sow discord among us
Let the death sentence overtake the perpetrators of pogroms and
provocateurs. I demand the strictest discipline from you so that not even
a hair of an innocent's head be touched.
Appeal of the Commander-in-Chief,
to the Ukrainian Army.
Soldiers of the Ukrainian Army!
The Ukrainian Republican People's Army of the Dnieper and Dniester
territories, now united into one army, is advancing victoriously, is
crushing the enemy, gaining each day new territories of the Ukraine to
liberate them from the Bolshevist brigands, bringing with them freedom to
the Ukrainian people as well as the certainty of happy days of living in
a peaceful and orderly state.
The Bolshevist anarchy and maladministration, the horrible Red terror,
the tyranny of the extraordinary inquiry commission [the Cheka] and of
other criminals for whom there is nothing sacred in life - have sapped
our people's strength to the utmost and have flooded our steppes with
human tears and with streams of blood of the innocent.
Amidst a peal of church bells, with bread and salt, with flowers and
tears of joy the weary, oppressed and pillaged Ukrainian people are
greeting you, their valiant warriors, as liberators from the yoke and
from Bolshevist atrocities, as flesh of their flesh and blood of their
A might national enthusiasm has seized our people at your entry into
villages and towns, and everywhere a festive reception is awaiting you
and all this has been brought about by you, officers and soldiers of the
Ukrainian army!
You are living now through glorious and never to be forgotten moments of
your life, and together with you all peoples inhabiting the Ukrainian
territory are experiencing the same enthusiasm.
The holy crusade for the liberation of the oppressed, regardless of their
nationality, for the rule of law and order under freedom and democracy
and the independence of our republic - these are the ideals in this
The union of all democratic forces of all nationalities in the Ukraine,
standing for the independence of our Republic, and their participation in
the reconstruction of the state will warrant our victory over our
enemies, and will guarantee to us an independent life subject to no one.
Our enemies, however, are not sleeping but only watching our every step
in order to sow discord among us in one way or another, and thus to
frustrate the immediate realization of our people's efforts.
The Bolshevists themselves consider the Ukraine Moscow's inheritance
with the difference that formerly it was the heritage of black Moscow,
now of a Red one.
They see that the end of their rule in the Ukraine is already approaching
because the Ukrainian people themselves have risen against them: but they
do not give up yet their hope of subjugating the Ukrainian masses. By