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Мария Визи - A moongate in my wall: собрание стихотворений

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704. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Пусть тает снег и в моем дворе

The hills are green once again,
and snowdrifts on all the roads
have been thawed by the east wind,
yet dark mounds still remain
in the corners of my yard…

Isn't it time for them
also to melt away?!


705. Ким Су Дян (XVII–XVIII в.). Крестьянское счастье

I arose at dawn and went to feed the cattle.
Three or four stars were burning above the plain.
in the blue-white sky, the edges
of the clouds were turning to gold.
And I thought: this brief moment holds

all of a peasant's joy, all of a peasant's peace!


706. Юн Ду Де (XVIIv.). Подумай об этом

At the edge of the road
the feet of many travelers
have trampled into the mud
a piece of jade.
A long, long time life trampled it there…
But the jade
never turned into mud!


707. Дю И Син (XVIIв.). Сохраняй к нему уваженье!

You can turn your nose up to look
haughtily at the sky;
you can stamp your foot in anger
at the indestructible Earth.

But the world is enormous and beautiful —
keep your respect for it!


708. Ким Дин Тхэ (XVII в.). Чего я хочу

My time flows like water.
But before all my hair turns white,
before I find eternal peace,
before my life is over,
one thing I want: to serve
my country and my neighbors.


709. Ким Сам Хен (XVII–XVIII в.). Советы эти не для меня

They say, there's no joy in fame, —
they say, — so do not seek it;
nothing is sadder than losing your wealth, —
they say, — so take no pride in wealth.
So they say… But what is that to me?
— All I possess is a body and soul.


710. Ли Деи Бо (XVIII в.). Мечта у меня такая

This is a dream I have:
I want to become a pair of wings
to fly high up in the sky
to sweep away the dark clouds
that have gathered over the Earth
between the people and the sun.


711. Неизвестный автор. Каждый — своей тропой

The hill is green in its own way,
The water is blue in its own way.
For each his own law.
Among the green hills and blue rivers
Man follows his own trail
Onward and onward — tow'ards death.


712. Неизвестный автор. В часы бессонницы

The outer gate is tightly shut,
the courtyard gate is bolted,
the padlock is on the door.
Then how did you manage to enter
in the sleepless hours of the night,
sadness, — torturing me?


713. Неизвестный автор. Каковы у любви очертанья

Who will explain what love is like?
How is it measured from end to end?
Is it round, like the moon?
Or does it have four corners?
I cannot discern its shape!
The beginning and the end of love are hidden in the fog.


714. Неизвестный автор. Ошибка

A shadow flitted past my window —
I ran to greet my love,
but it was only clouds
that, passing in the sky, brushed against the half-moon.
All was still. And no one saw
my embarrassment at that moment!


715. Неизвестный автор. В пути

The birds hurry into their nests for the night.
Bright-faced, the moon appears in the heavenly plain.
You, there, monk, crossing the bridge alone over
the darkening stream,
How far to your monastery?
It seems that I hear the soft peal of a temple bell
in the twilight silence.




«College Graduate Writes Book of Poems in Russian», Claremont Courier, Claremont, California, 20 March 1930.

Olga Bakich and Carol Ueland, «The Eastern Path of Exile: Russian Women's Writing in China», A History of Women's Writing in Russia, edited by Adele Marie Barker and Jehanne M. Gheith (Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 153–174.


Бакич. Ольга, «Мария Визи». From the Other Shore, No. 4,2004, p. 73–91. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey»)

Бакич. Ольга. «Мария Визи. Творческий путь поэта России. Китая и США». Новый журнал. No. 227.2002. с. 219–243. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey. Creative Path of the Poet of Russia, China, and the USA», Novyi zhurnal (New Review), New York, No. 227, 2002, p. 219–243.)

Бакич, Ольга, «Мария Визи — поэт России. Китая и США», Revue des Etudes Slaves, Paris, LXXIII/2-3, 2001, p. 373–386. (Olga Bakich, «Mary Vezey — a Poet of Russia, China, and the USA.»

«Библиография. М. Визи. Стихотворения т. II», Эмигрантская мысль. Шанхай, No. 3, 1936. («Bibliography. М. Vezey. Poems, v. II», Emigrantskaia mysl (Emigre Thought), Shanghai, No. 3, 1936.)

Голенищев-Кутузов. Илья, «Русская литература на Дальнем Востоке», Возрождение. Париж. 21 января 1932 г. (Il'ia Golenishchev-Kutuzov, «Russian Literature in the Far East», Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, 21 January 1932.)

И.Ф., «Эмигрантские писатели на Д.В.», Русские записки. Шанхай-Париж, No. I. 1937, с. 322–330. (I.F., «Emigre Writers in the Far East», Russkie zapiski (Russian Notes), Shanghai-Paris, No. 1, 1937, pp. 322–330.)

Крузенштерн-Петерец, 10., «Чураевский питомник (О дальневосточных поэтах)», Возрождение, Paris, No. 204, 1968, с. 45–70. (lu.V. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, «Churaevka Nursery (On Far Eastern Poets)», Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, No. 204, 1968, p. 45–70.)

Крузенштерн-Петерец, Ю… «Третья книга Марии Визи», Новое русское слово, Нью-Йорк, 23 сентября 1973 г. (Iu. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, «Third Book of Mary Vezey», Novoe russkoe slovo (New Russian Word), New York, 23 September 1973.)

Логинов. Василий. «Книжные новинки. М. Визи. Харбин, 1930», Рубеж, Харбин, недатированная вырезка, 1930. (V. Loginov, «New Books. М. Vizi. «Poems». Harbin. 1930», Rubezh (Border), Harbin, undated cutting, 1930.)

«М. Визи. Стихотворения. II». Новый путь. Шанхай. 24 мая 1936 г. («М. Vezey. Poems. II," Novyi put'( New Way), Shanghai, 24 May 1936.)

Несмелов. А. «Интересная книга. Стихотворения М. Визи» Рупор, Харбин, 15 августа 1929 г. (A. Nesmelov, «An Interesting Book. Poems. М. Vezey» Rupor (Mouthpiece), Harbin, 15 August 1929.)

H. P. (H. Резникова), «Книжные новинки. М. Визи. «Стихотворения. II», Рубеж No. 27. 27 июня 1936 г. (N.K. (N. Reznikova), «New Books. М. Vezey. «Роеms II», Rubezh (Border), Harbin, No. 27, 27 June 1936.)

Павлович. А., священник. «Книжная полка. М. Визи. Голубая трава. Третья книга стихов». Русская жизнь. Сан-Франциско, 10 августа 1973 г. (Priest A. Pavlovich «Bookcase. М. Vezey. Blue Grass. Third Book of Poems», Russkaia zhizn (Russian Life), San Francisco, 10 August 1973.)

Перелешин, Валерий, «М. Визи. «Голубая трава». Новый журнал, Нью-Йорк, No. 114. 1974 г., с. 248–249. (Vaerii Pereleshin, «М. Vizi. «Blue Grass», Novyi zhurnal (New Review), New York, No. 114, 1974, p. 248–249).

Петров. Виктор, «Памяти Муси Турковой (поэтессы Мэри Визи)», Русская жизнь. Сан Франциско, 9 ноября 1994 г. (Victor Petrov, «In Memory of Musia Turkova (Poet Mary Vezey)» Russkaiazhizn (Russian Life), San Francisco, 9 November 1994.)

Терапиано. Ю. «Новые книги». Русская мысль. Париж, 20 декабря 1973 г. (Iu. Terapiano, «New Books», Russkaia mysl' (Russian Thought), Paris, 20 December 1973).



Letter from V. Pereleshin to M. Vezey, 11 June 1973. All translations from Russian in this introduction are mine. OB.


Letter from M. Vezey to O. Bakich, 28 September 1990.


Poem numbers refer to the numbering of this collection.


A few issues of Russian News Letter (Translations from Russian Newspapers) — no 531, 2/15 March 1917; no 533, 4/17 March 1917; no. 534, 5/18 March 1917 — are preserved in the Archive James Colt Wood Papers, 1908–1923. Folder 4. Russia 1917.


Letter from M. Vezey to O. Bakich, 28 March 1994.


Note by M. Vezey on the manuscript of the poem “V ogromnykh” (In the enormous) (poem 376).


M. Vizi “Vospominanija o Bloke” (Memories of Blok), Russkaja zhizn (Russian Life) San Francisco, August 1982.


The N.C.A., 1920–1922, p. 14–16, 43, 52, 56, 66.


N.P.A. (N.P. Avtonomov), "Spiski okonchivshikh (1910–1925 gg.)" (Listsof Graduates (1910–1925), Харбинское коммерческое училище Китайско-Восточная железная дорога. (Harbin Commercial Schools of the Chinese Eastern Railway, San Francisco, no. 5, 1958, p. 18.


Mary Vezey, "Chinese Poetry during the T'ang Dynasty," Manuscript, Pomona College, v. 2, no. 3, May 1925, p. 14–17; Mary Vezey, "Chinese Serenade." Ibid., v. 3, no. I, November 1925, p. 11 (poem 69 in this collection); Mary Vezey, "Fortune Teller," Ibid., v. 3, no. 3, March 1926, p. 19 (poem 72); Mary Vezey, "To R," Ibid, v. 3, no 3, March 1926, p. 27 (poem 60); "Editor Koempel Says Book Will Appear March 15," Student Life, no. 54, 17 February 1926, p. I.


"Molodaia Churaevka," No. 1 (7 July l932)-No. 6 (6 August 1932), a weekly supplement to Harbin Daily News.


Ju.V. Kruzenshtern-Peterets, "Churaevskii pitomnik (O dal'nevostochnykh poetakh)" (Cluiraevka Nursery (On the Far-Eastern Poets)), Vozrozhdenie (Resurrection), Paris, no. 204, December 1968, p. 54–55


Akhmatova's lines are from the poem "Skazal, chto u menia sopernits net" (He said that I have no competitors). Anno Domini, Petrograd, 1921, and Berlin, 1923, later translated by Mary Vezey into English (poem 578).


A. Nesmelov, "Interesnaia kniga. "Stikhotvoreniia." M. Vizi" (An Interesting Book. "Poem s.") M. Vezeyl, Rupor (Mouthpiece), Harbin, 15 August 1929.

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