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Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim Society. New York: Wiley, 1975.


Olien M. The Human Myth. New York: Harper and Row, 1978; Martin M.K., Voorhies B. Female of the Species.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1975.


Williams W. The Spirit and the Flesh. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.

Gregersen E. Sexual Practices. P. 270.

Martin M.K., Voorhies B. Female of the Species. P. 97.

32 К.Клакхон (1948) цит. по: Kluckhohn С. Mirror for Man. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett, 1970.

33 Herdt G. Guardians of the Flutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. P. I, 165,282.

34 Williams F.E. Papuans of the Trans-Fly. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1936. P. 159; см. также: Schiefflin E.L. The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976; Kelly R. Etero Social Structure. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1977; Carrier J. Sex Role Preference as a Explanatory Variable in Homosexual Behavior // Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1977. Vol. 6.

Davenport W. Sex in Cross-Cultural Perspective // Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives / Ed. F.Beach, M.Diamond. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,1977; см. также: Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia /

Ed. G.Herdt. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. F. 66.

38 39

Gregersen E. Sexual Practices. P. 257.


Davenport W. Sex in Cross-Cultural Perspective.

Friedl E. Women and Men: An Anthropologist's View. New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1975.


Gregersen E. Sexual Practices. P. 253. Kluckhohn C. Mirror for Man. Gregersen E. Sexual Practices. P. 289.


Tanner N., Zihlman A. Women in Evolution // Signs. 1976. Vol. 1. № 3; Tanner N. Becoming Human. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981; Zihlman A. Motherhood in Transition: From Ape to Human // The First Child and Family Formation /

Ed. W.Miller, LNewman. Chapel Hill: Carolina Population Center, 1978.


44 Fisher H. The Anatomy of Love. New York: Norton, 1992. P. 57.

45 Rosaldo M. The Use and Abuse of Anthropology: Reflections on Feminism and Cross-Cultural Understanding //

Signs. 1980. Vol. 5. № 3. P. 393; рецензия Бонни Нарди на кн. П.Р.Санди «Female Power and Male

Dominance»: Sex Roles. 1982. Vol. 8. № 11. P. 1159.

46 Gimbutas M. The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, 7000-3500 B.C. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982; Eisler R. The Chalice and the Blade. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.

47 Eisler R. The Chalice and the Blade. P. 45, 58.

Fukuyama F. Women and the Evolution of World Politics // Foreign Affairs. 1998. September. P. 27.


Leacock E. Montagnais Women and the Jesuit Program for Colonization. P. 200.

Глава 4

1 Freud S. The Dissection of the Psychical Personality // Freud S. New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. New York: W.W.Norton, 1965. P. 74.

2 Ibid. P. 76.

3 Freud S. Civilisation and Its Discontents. New York: W.W.Norton, 1970,

4 Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939 / Ed. E.Freud. London: Hogarth Press, 1961. P. 419-420.

5 Masson J. The Assault on Truth. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1984; Miller A. Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1984; Idem. For Your Own Good. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1983.

Terman L., Cox Miles C. Sex and Personality. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1936; см. также: Minton H. Feminity in Men and Masculinity in Women: American Psychiatry and Psychology Portray Homosexuality in the 1930s // Journal of Homosexuality.

1986. Vol. 13. № 1.

Henry G. Psychogenic Factors in Overt Homosexuality // American Journal of Psychiatry. 1937. Vol. 93; цит. по: Minton H.

Femininity in Men and Masculinity in Women. P. 2. Однако отметим: Генри добавляет, что эти тенденции не просто

возникнут, а социальная реакция на эти черты их преувеличит и укрепит; т.е. открытая гомофобная реакция на самом

деле лишь поощрит тенденцию к гомосексуальности.

оPiaget J. Plays, Dreams and Imitation in Children. New York: Norton, 1951; Idem. The Language and Thought of the Child.

London: Routledge, 1952; Idem. The Moral Judgement of the Child. New York: Free Press, 1965.

Kohlberg L. A Cognitive-Developmental Analysis of Children's Sex Role Concepts and Attitudes // The Development of Sex Differences / Ed. E.Maccoby. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966; Kohlberg L., Zigler E. The Impact of Cognitive Maturity on the Development of Sex Role Attitudes in the Years 4 to 8 // Genetic Psychology Monographs.

1967. Vol. 75.


'°BanduraA.,HustonA. Identification as a Process of Incidental Learning // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1961.

Vol. 63; Bandura A., Ross D., Ross S. A Comparative Test of the Status Envy, Social Power, and Secondary Reinforcement Theories of Indeificatory Learning // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 1963. Vol. 67; Mischel W. A Social-Learning View of Sex Differences // The Development of Sex Differences / Ed. E.Maccoby.

1' См.: Homey K. On the Genesis of the Castration Complex in Women // Psychoanalysis and Women / Ed. J.B.Miller. New York: Bruner/Mazel, 1973.

12 Bettelheim B. Symbolic Wounds. New York: Collier, 1962; Lederer W. The Fear of Women. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968.

13 Chodorow N. The Reproduction of Mothering. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978; Benjamin J. The Bonds of Love. New York: Pantheon, 1984; Dinnerstein D. The Mermaid and the Minotaur. New York: Harper and Row, 1977; Rubin L.

Intimate Strangers. New York: Harper and Row, 1983. У этих трех авторов — Чодороу, Бенджамин и Рубин — докторская

степень по социологии, и они одновременно являются практикующими психотерапевтами. Такое сочетание, с моей

точки зрения, дало им возможность с исключительной проницательностью исследовать социальные последствия

индивидуального обесценивания женщины.

Chodorow N. The Reproduction of Mothering; см. также: Idem. Family Structure and Feminine Personality // Women, Culture and Society / Ed. M.Rosaldo, L.Lamphere. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.

Chodorow N. Family Structure and Feminine Personality. P. 50.

Gilligan C. In a Different Voice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982. P. 173.

Belenky M.F. et al. Women's Way of Knowing. New York: Basic Books, 1987; Tannen D. You Just Don't Understand. New York: William Morrow, 1990; Bly R. Iron John. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991.


См.: Crothers H. Meditations on Votes for Women. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1914. P. 74.

Gilligan C. Reply // On In a Different Voice: An Interdisciplinary Forum // Signs. 1986. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 327.

Tavris C. The Mismeasure of Woman // Feminism and Psychology. 1993. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 153.

Tannen D. You Just Don't Understand. P. 24—25, см. также: Idem. Gender and Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

22 23

Tannen D. You Just Don't Understand. P. 181.

Maccoby E., Jacklin C. The Psychology of Sex Differences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974. P. 362.

Джозеф Плек предложил превосходное резюме этих исследований: Pleck J. The Theory of Male Sex Role Identity: Its Rise and Fall, 1936 to the Present // In the Shadow of the Past: Psychology Views the Sexes / Ed. M.Lewin. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984. Многое из его эссе я использовал в своем обзоре.


25 Adorno T. et al. The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper and Row, 1950.

26 Miller D., Swanson E.G. Inner Conflict and Defense. New York: Holt, 1960.

27 Parsons T. Certain Primary Sources and Patterns of Aggression in the Social Structure of the Western World //

Psychiatry. 1947. Vol. 10. P. 309.

28 Bern S. The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny // Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1974.

Vol. 42; Idem, Androgyny vs. the Tight Little Lives of Fluffy Women and Chesty Men // Psychology Today. 1975.

September; Idem. Beyond Androgyny: Some Presumptuous Prescriptions for a Liberated Sexual Identity // The Future of Women: Issues in Psychology / Ed. J.Sherman, F.Denmark. New York: Psychological Dimensions, 1978.

См. также: Kaplan A., Sedney M.A. Psychology and Sex Roles: An Androgynous Perspective. Boston: Little Brown, 1980 (цитата на с. 6); Spence J., Helmreich R., Stapp J. The Personal Attributes Questionaire: A Measure of Sex-Role Stereotypes and Masculinity-Femininity // JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology. 1974.

Vol. 4.

29 Pleck J. The Myth of Masculinity. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1981.

30 Farrell W. The Myth of Male Power. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.

~' Я не хочу сказать, что у Плека не было смелой попытки это сделать. В его работе: Pleck J. Men's Power over Women, Other Men and in Society // Women and Men: The Consequences of Power / Ed. D.Hiller, R.Sheets.

Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Women's Studies, 1977 — теория задействована, насколько это было

возможно, но все же отсутствует адекватное теоретизирование различия и институционализированных

тендерных отношений.

Sartre J.-P. Anti-Semite and Jew. New York: Schocken Press, 1965. P. 60.

Глава 5

1 Pines M. Civilizing of Genes // Psychology Today. 1981. September.

2 Lopata H.Z., Thome B. On The Term «Sex Roles» // Signs. 1978. Ы. 3. P. 719.

Carrigan Т., Connell В., Lee J. Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity // Theory and Society. 1985. Vol. 14. См. также: Connell R.W. Gender and Power. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987; Idem. Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995; Stacey J., Thome B. The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology // Social Problems. 1985. Vol.

32. № 4, — в которых даны тщательная переработка и краткое изложение социологической критики теории

половых ролей.

4 Rhode D. Speaking of Sex. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. P. 42.


Stacey J., Thorne B. The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology. P. 307.

6 Carrigan Т., Connell В., Lee J. Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. p. 587; см. также: Connell R.W. Gender and Power.

7 Hacker H. Women as a Minority Group // Social Forces. 1951. bl. 30; Tresemer D. Assumptions Made about Gender Roles // Another Voice: Feminist Perspectives on Social Life and Social Science / Ed. M.Millman, R.M.Ranter. New York: Anchor Books, 1975. P. 323; Warner R.S., Wellman D., Weitzman L. The Hero, the Sambo and the Operator: Three Characterizations of the Oppressed // Urban Life and Culture. 1973. Vol. 2.

Carrigan T, Connell В., Lee J. Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. P. 587. 9


Arendt H. On Revolution. New York: Viking 1976. Keller E.F. A Feeling for the Organism. New York: W.H.Freeman, 1985.

Chafetz J.S. Toward a Macro-Level Theory of Sexual Stratification // Current Perspectives in Social Theory. 1980.

Vol. I.

Goffman E. The Arrangement between the Sexes // Theory and Society. 1977. Vol. 4. P. 316.

Kanter R. M. Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books, 1977. См. также: Idem. Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior // Another Voice / Ed. M.Millman, R.M.Kanter.

Acker J. Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations // Gender & Society. 1990. Vol. 4. № 2. P.

146; см. также: Idem. Sex Bias in Job Evaluation: A Comparable Worth Issue // Ingredients for Women's Employment Policy / Ed. C.Bose, G.Spitze. Albany: SUNY Press, 1987; Idem. Class, Gender and the Relations of Distribution // Signs. 1988. Vol. 13; Idem. Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class and Pay Equity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989; Acker J., Van Houten D.R. Differential Recruitment and Control: The Sex Structuring of Organizations // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1974. Vol. 19. № 2.

15 Acker J. Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies. P. 146—147.

Gerson J., Peiss K. Boundaries, Negotiation, Consciousness: Recon-ceptualizing Gender Relations // Social Problems. 1985. Vol. 32. № 4. P. 320.

Acker J. Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies. P. 258.


West C., Zimmerman D. Doing Gender // Gender & Society. 1987. Vol. l.№ 2. P. 140.


Kessler S.J. The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants // Signs. 1990. Vol. 16. № I. P.

12, 13.

Выражение заимствовано у Р.В.Коннелла; но лично я взял его из названия книги Барбары Ризман: Risman B.

Gender Vertigo. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.

21 Цит. по: West C, Zimmerman D. Doing Gender. P. 133—134.

Goldberg C. Shunning «He» and «She», They Fight for Respect // The New York Times. 1996. September. P. A24.


23 Цит. по: Goldberg С. Shunning «Не» and «She»... P. A24.

24 Garfmkel H. Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hal I, 1967. P. 128, 132.

25 Kessler S.J. The Medical Construction of Gender. P. 25.

26 Groth N., Burgess A., Sgroi S. Sexual Assault of Children and Adolescents. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.

27 Sheffield C. Feminist Jurisprudence. New York: Routledge, 1997. P. 203.

28 Более подробно я пишу о социологии полового насилия в главе 11.

29 West С., Zimmerman D. Doing Gender. P. 140; Thorne В. Children and Gender: Constructions of Difference //

Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Difference / Ed. D.Rhode. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. P. 110; Thompson E.P. The Making of the English Working Class. New York: Pantheon, 1963. P. II.

30 Messerschmidt J. Masculinities and Crime. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and, Littlefield, 1993. P. 121.

31 Carrigan Т., Connell В., Lee J. Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. P. 589; Fyke K.D. Class-Based Masculinities: The Interdependence of Gender, Class and Interpersonal Power // Gender & Society. 1996. Vol. 10.

№ 5. P. 530.

Глава 6

1 Сложно суммировать здесь суть всех дебатов о семье. См. несколько работ, напр.: Whitehead B.D. Dan Quayle Was Right // The Atlantic. 1993. April; Popenoe D. Life without Father: Compelling New Evidence that Fatherhood and Marriage Are Indispensable for the Good of Children and Society. New York: The Free Press, 1996; Idem. Modern Marriage: Revising the Cultural Script // Promises to Keep: Decline and Renewal of Marriage in America / Ed. D.Popenoe, J.B.Elshtain, D.Blankenhorn.

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