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Heidrun Abromeit, «British Privatisation Policy», Parliamentary Affairs 41 (January 1988): 68—85; Ziya Onis, «Privatization and the Logic of Coalition Building: A Comparative Analysis of State Divestiture in Turkey and the United Kingdom», Comparative Political Studies 24 (July 1991): 231–53; Pippa Norris, «Thatchers Enterprise Society and Electoral Change», West European Politics 13 (January 1990): 67–69.


Kavanagh, Thatcherism and British Politics, 243—50; Mackie and Rose, The International Almanac of Electoral History, 453–55. Kavanagh, p. 243.


См.: Peter Jenkins, Mrs. Thatcher's Revolution: The Ending of the Socialist Era (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988).


См.: Peter A. Hall, «Policy Paradigms, Social Learning, and the State: The Case of Economic Policymaking in Britain», Comparative Politics 25 (April 1993): 275—96; Andrew Gamble, «The Entrails of Thatcherism», New Left Review, no. 198 (March–April 1993): 117—28; Geoffrey Garrett, «The Politics of Structural Change: Swedish Social Democracy and Thatcherism in Comparative Perspective», Comparative Political Studies 25 (January 1993): 521—47; Geoffrey Garrett, «The Political Consequences of Thatcherism», Political Behavior 14 (December 1992): 361—82; Mariusz Mark Dobek, «Privatization as a Political Priority: The British Experience», Political Studies 41 (March 1993): 24—40; Geoffrey Evans, Anthony Heath, and Clive Payne, «Modelling Trends in the Class/Party Relationship 1964–87», Electoral Studies 10 (June 1991): 101–3; Crewe, «Values: The Crusade that Failed», 242; Crewe and Searing, «Ideological Change in the British Conservative Party», 375—79.


Economist Intelligence Unit, United Kingdom: Country Profile 1991—92 (London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 1991), 21–46; Arthur Neef and James Thomas, «International Comparisons of Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends in Manufacturing», Monthly Labor Review 111 (December 1988): 28. — 31; Monthly Labor Review 114 (October 1991): 100–102; Stephen McBride, «The Comparative Politics of Unemployment: Swedish and British Responses to Economic Crisis», Comparative Politics20 (April 1988): 303—23; Paulette Kurzer, «Unemployment in Open Economies: The Impact of Trade, Finance, and European Integration», Comparative Political Studies 24 (April 1991): 3—30; Axel van den Berg and Joseph Smucker, «Labor Markets and Government Interventions: A Comparison of Canadian and Swedish Labor Market Policies», International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 29 (April 1992): 9—45; Thomas A. Koelble, «Recasting Social Democracy in Europe: A Nested Games Explanation of Strategic Adjustment in Political Parties», Politics and Society 20 (March 1992): 51—70; Peter Hall, Governing the Economy: The Politics of State intervention in Britain and France (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), esp. 100–136, 229–83; Jonas Pontusson, «Conditions of Labor–Party Dominance: Sweden and Britain Compared», in Uncommon Democracies: The One–Party Dominant Regimes, ed. T. J. Pempel (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990), 58—82; Denis MacShane, «Majorism and the Rentier Economy», Dissent 38 (Fall 1991): 468–71; OECD, Employment Outlook (July 1991); 219, 247—48; Christopher A. Pissarides, «Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries», World Bank Economic Review 5 (May 1991): 207—29; Jeremy Laurance, «To Those that Have», New Society 83 (January 15, 1988): 24; Anthony B. Atkinson, «Comparing Poverty Rates Internationally: Lessons from Recent Studies in Developed Countries», World Bank Economic Review 5 (January 1991): 15; Rachel A. Rosenfeldand Arne L. Kalleberg, «Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: A Cross–National Perspective», Ada Sociologica 34, no. 3 (1991): 207—25; Howard Oxleyand John P. Martin, «Controlling Government Spending and Deficits: Trends in the 1980s and Prospects for the 1990s», OECD Economic Studies, no. 17 (Autumn 1991): 145—89; Nick Fielding, «The Thatcher Audit», New Statesman and Society 3 (December 21 and 28, 1990): 20–23; Simon Deakin and Rank Wilkinson, «Labour Law, Social Security and Economic Inequality», Cambridge Journal of Economics 15 (June 1991): 125–48; Peter Jenkins, «Thatcher's Britain», Geopolitique, no. 31 (Fall 1990): 13–16; Keith Buchanan, «Planned Ruination: Thatcher's Britain», Monthly Review ЪЭ (February 1988): 1—9; Bob Rowthorn, «Government Spending and Taxation in the Thatcher Era», in The Economic Legacy 1979—1992, ed. Jonathan Michie (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1992), 261—93; Ian McAllister and Donley T. Studlar, «Region and Voting in Britain, 1979—87: Territorial Polarization or Artifact?» American Journal of Political Science 36 (February 1992): 168–99.


Bob Jessop, Kevin Bonnett, Simon Bromley, and Tom Ling, Thatcherism: A Tale of Two Nations (Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 1988), esp. 127–83; Thomas O. Hueglin, «The Politics of Fragmentation in an Age of Scarcity: A Synthetic View and Critical Analysis of Welfare State Crisis», Canadian Journal of Political Science 20 (June 1987): 235—64. В отличие от Джессона и др. я считаю Великобританию раз деленной на несколько частей, а не просто на «две нации».


Economist Intelligence Unit, United Kingdom: Country Report, no. 2 (1992): 4—11; Economist Intelligence Unit, United Kingdom: Country Profile 1991–92, 6–10; Economist Intelligence Unit, Sweden: Coutry Report, no. I (1993):2—18; The Economist 327 (May 29–June 4, 1993): 113: Monthly Labor Review 114 (October 1991): 100; Steven Prokesch, «Thatcher's Miracle: Victim of Its Own Excess», New York Times March 9, 1992, Cl, C3; Garrett, «The Political Consequences of Thatcherism», 377–78; Graeme D. Eddie, «Sweden: Krona Crisis Stalls 'New Start,'» World Today 49 (January 1993): 9–12.


Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (New York: The Free Press, 1992), 48.


См.: Stephen Holmes, «The Scowl of Minerva», New Republic 206 (March 23, 1992): 27–33.


David E. Apter, The Politics of Modernization (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965), 357–90; Charles F. Andrain, Political Change in the Third World (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1988), 41–49; Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution (Reading, MA: Addison–Wesley, 1978), 52–193; John D. Nagle, «The NSDAP as an Alternative Elite for Capitalism in Crisis», in Radical Perspectives on the Rise of Fascism in Germany. 1919–1945, ed. Michael N. Dobkowski and Isidor Wallimann (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1989), 206–7.


Mikhail S. Gorbachev, «Gorbachev's Resignation Comments», New York Times, December 26, 1991, p. A6; Leonard Schapiro, Tolalilarianism (New York: Praeger, 1972), 13–15.


Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy, 2d ed. (New York: Praeger, 1966); Raymond Aron, Democracy and Totalitarianism: A Theory of Political Systems, ed. Roy Pierce, trans. Valence Ionescu (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Ann Arbor Paperbacks, 1990), 192—204; William E. Odom, «Soviet Politics and After: Old and New Concepts», World Politics 45 (October 1992): 66—98; Giovanni Sartori, «Totalitarianism, Model Mania and Learning from Error», Journal of Theoretical Politics 5 (January 1993): 15—20; Ivo K. Feierabend, with C. Richard Hofstetter and Dia Lautenschlager, «Cultural Legacy of Totalitarianism and the New Political Culture of Czechoslovakia: Theoretical Framework and Propositions with a Methodological Appendix», Paper Delivered at the World Congress of the Czechoslovak Arts and Sciences, Prague and Bratislava, June 26–July 2, 1992.


Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, newed. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973), viii, 438, 460–67.


Theda Skocpol, «Social Revolutions and Mass Military Mobilization», World Politics 40 (January 1988): 147–68; Sheila Fitzpatrick, «New Perspectives on Stalinism», Russian Reviews (October 1986): 357–73; Geoff Eley, «History with the Politics Left Out—Again?» Russian Review 45 (October 1986): 385–94.


Carmen Sirianni, «Councils and Parliaments: The Problems of Dual Power and Democracy in Comparative Perspective», Politics and Society 12, no. 2 (1983): 83–123; Edward R. Tannenbaum, The Fascist Experience: Italian Society and Culture, 1922—1945 (New York: Basic Books, 1972); Paolo Farneti, «Social Conflict, Parliamentary Fragmentation, Institutional Shift, and the Rise of Fascism: Italy», in The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Europe, ed. Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1978), 3—33; Piero Melograni, «The Cult of the Duce in Mussolini»s Italy», Journal of Contemporary History 11 (October 1976): 221—37; Juan J. Linz, «From Great Hopes lo Civil War: The Breakdown of Democracy in Spain», in The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Europe, 142—215; Gary Prevost, «The Anarchist Critique of the State: Theory and Practice of the Spanish CNT», Our Generation 18 (Fall/Winter 1986): 87–102.


Leon Trotsky, The Basic Writings of Trotsky, ed. Irving Howe (New York; Schocken Books, 1976), 102.


Alexander Rabinowitch, The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd (New York: Norton, 1976), 311–12.


См.: Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution, 1917–1932 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), 34—60; Tim McDaniel, Autocracy, Capitalism, and Revolution in Russia (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), 299–407; Tim McDaniel, Autocracy, Modernization, and Revolution in Russia and Iran (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991), 111–48, 185–217; John L. H. Keep, The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization (New York: Norton, 1976); Rabinowitch, The Bolsheviks Come to Power, xvi—xxxiii, 1—314; Graeme J. Gill, «The Mainsprings of Peasant Action in 1917», Soviet Studies 30 (January 1978): 63–86; Diane Koenker, «The Evolution of Party Consciousness in 1917: The Case of the Moscow Workers», Soviet Studies, 30 (January 1978): 38—62; William G. Rosenberg, «The Russian Municipal Duma Elections of 1917: A Preliminary Computation of Returns», Soviet Studies 21 (July 1969): 131–63; Lars T. Lih, «Breakdown and Reconstitution: Thinking about the Russian Revolution», Problems of Communism 39 (March–April 1990): 98–104.


Commission of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.), ed. History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks): Short Course (New York: International Publishers, 1939), 305.


Jerry F. Hough and Merle Fainsod, How the Soviet Union Is Governed (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979), 74–204; Barrington Moore, Jr., Soviet Politics — The Dilemmas of Power (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1950); Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington, Political Power: USA/USSR (New York: Viking Press, 1964); Fitzpatrick, The Russian Revolution, 110–61; Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992), 1—15, 115–82; Henry Reichman, «Reconsidering 'Stalinism»,' Theory and Society 17 (January 1988); 57—90; Patrick Flaherty, «The Socio–Economic Dynamics of Stalinism», Science and Society 52 (Spring 1988): 35—58; Stephen F. Cohen, Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since 7977 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 93–127; Robert С Tucker, Political Culture and Leadership in Soviet Russia: From Lenin to Gorbachev (Brighton, Sussex, England: Wheatsheaf Books, 1987), 72–107; Roberta T. Manning, «State and Society in Stalinist Russia», Russian Review Ad (October 1987): 407–11.


Bruce Cumings, The Two Koreas: On the Road to Reunification? Headline Series No, 294 (New York: Foreign Policy Association, Fall 1990), 63–74; United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 1991 (New York; Oxford University Press, 1991), 122,140; HakjongYoo, The Two Koreas: A Comparative Political Analysis of a Divided Nation (Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Political Science, New York University, 1977), esp. 128, 375–92; Gordon White, «Developmental States and Socialist Industrialization in the Third World», Journal of Development Studies 21 (October 1984): 106, III.


«North Korean Populace Exhorted Again to Step Up 'Speed Campaign,'» North Korea News, no. 622 (March 16, 1992): 6—7; Nicholas Eberstadt and Judith Banister, «Military Buildup in the DPRK: Some New Indications from North Korean Data», Asian Survey 31 (November 1991): 1095–1115; Kang Song–yun, «Revolution Squad Movement and Succession of Power», Vantage Point 3 (April 1980): 1–11; Lee Sok–ho, «Mobilization of North Korea», Vantage Point A (October 1981); 1—11; Rinn–Sup Shinn, «Government and Politics», in North Korea: A Country Study, 3d ed., ed. Frederica M. Bunge (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981), 161–93; Richard F. Staar, ed., Yearbook on Lnternational Communist Affairs 1991: Parties and Revolutionary Movements (Stanford, CA; Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1991), xxii—xvi; Tae Jin Kahng, «Korean Workers Party», in Political Parties of Asia and the Pacific, vol. 1, ed. Harahiro Fukui (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985), 653–58; Chong–Wook Chung, «Mass Organizations and Campaigns in North Korea», in North Korea Today: Strategic and Domestic Issues, ed. Robert A. Scalapino and Jun–Yop Kim (Berkeley: Center for Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1983), 81–113; Yoo, The Two Koreas, 242, 315–16.

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