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Владимир Ерохин - Становление нации. Религиозно-политическая история Англии XVI — первой половины XVII в. в современной британской исторической науке

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Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 123; Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 120–122, 128; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 36, 41.


Hill С. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Rcvolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — Ch. 4. The Industrious Sort of People.


Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519 — Г583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 161.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 53; Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 118.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 65, 247–254.


Schaff P. Creeds of Christendom. Vol. I–III. — New York, 1896–1905. — Vol. I. — P. 633.


Smithen F.J. Continental Protestantism and the English Reformation. — London, 1927. — P. 189.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 262.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 247–254; Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 77.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 286.


Primus J.H. The Vestments Controversy: A Historical Study of the Earliest Tensions within the Church of England in the Reigns of Edward VI and Elizabeth. — Kampen, 1960.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 213, 215–216.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement о Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 70, 224; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. -London-New York, 1982. — P. 73; Porter H.C. Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge. -Hamden (Connecticut), 1972. — P. 117–118.


Hitt C. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 431.


Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabetl I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 125.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 95; Idem English Puritanism. — London, 1984. — P. 30.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. -P. 205–206; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 78, 94; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London 1979. — P. 181.


Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Purilanism.1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 18; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 86–87.


Porter H.C. Puritanism in Tudor England. — London, 1970. — P. 78.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 212; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 88 — 90.


Hill С. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 431.


Cretneans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 67; White B.R. The English Separatist Tradition. From the Marian Martyrs to the Pilgrim Fathers. — Oxford University Press, 1971.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 228.


O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London-New York, 1986. — P. 189.


Cremeans С. D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 95–100; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 103 — KM, 106, 116.


Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Carlwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966.


Cremeans С.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 84; Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 33.


Porter H.C. Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge. — Hamden (Conn.), 1972. — P. 141.


Porter H.C. Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge. — Hamden (Conn.), 1972. — P. 177; Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 31–34, 44, 129; Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 70.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 38.


Marchant R.A. The Church under the Law: Justice, Administration and Discipline in the Diocese of York, 1560–1640. — Cambridge, 1969; Idem. The Puritans and the Church Courts in the Diocese of York, 1560–1640. — London, 1960; Cross С. The Puritan Earl: the Life of Henry Hastings, Third Earl of Huntingdon, 1536–1595. — London, 1966; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 212.


Neale J. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. Vol.1–2. — London, 1953–1957. — Vol. 1. — P. 33–84.


Hill C. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 121–122.


Neale J. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. — London, 1953. — Vol. 1. — P. 298; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 131–132.


Puritan Manifestoes: Л Study of the Origin of the Puritan Revolt/ Ed. W.H. Frerc, C.E. Douglas. — London,) 1907.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 119.


Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 59.


McGinn D.J. The Admonition Controversy. — New Brunswick, 1949.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 119–120; Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 84.


Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 98.


Knox S.J. Walter Travers: Paragon of Elizabethan Puritanism. — London, 1962.


Cremeans С.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 85, 86.


Green V.H. H. Religion in Oxford and Cambridge. — London, 1964; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 157.


Brook V.J.K. Whitgift and the English Church. — London, 1957. — P. 43.


Scoff Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 27, 153; Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 90.


George С. George K. The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570–1640. — Princeton, 1961, — P. 232.


New J.F.H. Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of their Opposition, 1558–1640. — Stanford, 1964. — P. 26.


Greaves R.L. Society and Religion in Elizabethan England. — Minneapolis, 1981. — P. 425.


Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 91–92.


Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 132.


Collinson P. English Puritanism. — London, 1984. — P. 20.


Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 73, 74; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 153–154.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 214–215,


Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwrighl and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 155; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. P. 146; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 165.


Scott Pearson A.P. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 235; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 157.


Stone L. The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558–1641. — Oxford, 1965. — P. 741.


Кпарреп М.М. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 259, 263; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. -P. 170,209.

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