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Владимир Ерохин - Становление нации. Религиозно-политическая история Англии XVI — первой половины XVII в. в современной британской исторической науке

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Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968. — P. 3–4; Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968. — P. 38; Brooks P.N. Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of the Eucharist. — London, 1965.


Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 44


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 82; Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968. — P. 3, 4–5.


Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968; Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John'Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968; Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 85–86.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 15.


Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 62–64.


Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968. — P. 48.


Gwynn R.D. The Huguenot Heritage. The History and Contribution of the Huguenots in Britain. — London, 1985.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–164)3. — New York, 1990; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — Berkley-Los Angeles, 1967; Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939.


Cowan H. John Knox. A Hero of the Scottish Reformation. — New York, 1970; Ridley J. John Knox. — New York-Oxford, 1968.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 17.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 14.


Ibid. — P. 18.


Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 65.


Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968. — P. 5; Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 117–118.


Brigden S. Youth and the English Reformation // Rebellion, Popular Protest and the Social Order in Early Modern England. — London-New-York, 1984. — P. 77–107.


Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968. — P. 6.


Bowker M. the Henrician Reformation: the Diocese of Lincoln under John Longland, 1521–1547. — Cambridge, 1981; Clark P. The English Provincial Society from the Reformation to the Revolution. Religion, Politics and Society in Kent, 1500–1640. — Hassocks (Sussex), 1977; Haigh C. Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire. — Cambridge, 1975; Manning B.R. Religion and Society in Elizabethan Sussex. — Leicester, 1969; Spufford M. Contrasting Communities. — Cambridge, 1974.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 23.


O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London-New York, 1986. — P. 27.


Garrett C.H. The Marian Exiles. A Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism. — Cambridge, 1938; Porter H.C. Puritanism in Tudor England. — London, 1970. — P. 57; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 67; Holden W. Anti-Puritan Satire, 1572–1642. — Hamden (Conn.), 1968. — P. 12.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 26–28.


Walzer M. The Revolution of the Saints. A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1965. — P. 93–94.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 118–119; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 74; Cross С. Church and People, 1450–1660. The Triumph of the Laity in the English Church. — London, 1976. — P. 125.


O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London-New York, 1986. — P. 16, 29; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 80; Idem. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988. — P. 12; Idem. Truth and Legend: the Veracity of John Foxes Book of Martyrs // Clio's Mirror: Historiography in Britain and the Netherlands. Britain and the Netherlands / Ed. by A.C. Duke, C.A”. Tamse. — Zutphen, 1985. — Vol. VIII. — P. 31–54.


Collinson P. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988. — P. 14–16.


Collinson P. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988. — P. 1–2, 4–7; McKenna J.W. How God Became an Englishman // Tudor Rule and Revolution: Essays for G. R. Elton from his American Friends / Ed. by J. Guth DeLloyd, J.W. McKenna. — Cambridge, 1982. — P. 25–43.


Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968. — P. 43.


Walzer M. The Revolution of the Saints. A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. — Cambridgi (Mass.), 1965. — P. 20.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 96–97, 111; Letters of Thomas Wood, Puritan, 1566–577 / Ed. by P. Collinson. — London 1960. — P. XL


Cremeans C.D. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 49; Walzer M. The Revolution of the Saints. A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1965. — P. 20, 60; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 11


John Knox: On Rebellion / Ed. by R.A. Mason. — Cambridge, 1994.


John Knox and the English Reformations / Ed. by R.A. Mason. — Aldershot, 1998.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 29.


Hudson W.S. The Cambridge Connection and the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559. — Durham (N.C.), 1980. — P. 132; Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 129; Bainton R.H. Women of the Reformation in France and England. — Minneapolis, 1973. — P. 235.


Кпарреп M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 167; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 29; Bainton R.H. Women of the Reformation in France and England. — Minneapolis, 1973. — P. 233–235.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 31; Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 89; MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 27.


Neale J. Elizabeth 1 and her Parliaments. — London, 1953–1957. — Vol. 1–2.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England, 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 28; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 86; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 79.


Jones N.L. Faith by Statute: Parliament and the Settlement of Religion, 1559. — London, 1982.


The Zurich Letters / Ed. H. Robinson. — Cambridge, 1842–1845. — Vol. 1–2.


Hudson W.S. The Cambridge Connection and the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559. — Durham (N.C.), 1980. — P. 145.


The English Church and the Continent / Ed. by C.R Dodwell. — London, 1959. — P. 61.


McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 16.


Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968. — P. 64; Collinson P. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979. — P. 114.


Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 117–118; Haugaard W.R Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 114; Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 45, 50.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 48, 52.


Cross C. The Puritan Earl. The Life of Henry Hastings, Third Earl of Huntingdon, 1536–1595. — New York, 1966; Idem. Church and People, 1450–1660. The Triumph of the Laity in the English Church. — London, 1976; Idem. Patronage and Recruitment in the Tudor and Early Stuart Church. — York, 1996.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 51, 59–60; McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 81; Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 190.


Киля К. Английская Библия и революция XVII века. — М., 1998. — С. 19, 33, 364; Кпарреп М.М. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 181; Cremeans CD. The Reception of Calvinist Thought in England. — University of Illinois Press, 1949. — P. 60; Watt T. Cheap Print and Popular Piety, 1550–1640. — Cambridge, 1991.

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