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Лестер Браун - Как избежать климатических катастроф?: План Б 4.0: спасение цивилизации

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Mark Leftly, “Middle East to Fund Scotland’s £5bn Power Grid”, Independent (London), 10 August 2008; соотношение валют с com/invest/calculators/currency.html, 9 April 2009; “World Electricity Installed Capacity by Type (Million Kilowatts), January 1, 2006”, в DOE, EIA, “International Energy Annual 2006 — World Electricity Data”, см.:, материал обновлен 8 декабря 2008.


“Algeria aims to Export Power — Solar Power”, Associated Press. 11 August 2007; William Maclean, “Algeria Plans Solar Power Cable to Germany — Paper”, Reuters, 15 November 2007.


“World Electricity Installed Capacity by Type (Million Kilowatts)”, в DOE, op. cit. note 3; David O’Byrne, “Electricity Generation: Fair Winds Blow for a Clean Alternative,” Financial Times, 10 June 2008; Jan Dodd, “Strong Winds and High Prices in Turkey”, Windpower Monthly, September 2008; информация о выборе проектов и выдаче разрешений из беседы автора с Dr. Hilmi Güler, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, 20 июня 2008.


Peter Janssen, “The Too Slow Flow: Why Indonesia Could Get All Its Power from Volcanoes — But Doesn’t”, Newsweek, 20 September 2004; “Geothermal Power Projects to Cost $US19.8 Bln. Official Says”, ANTARA News (Jakarta), 9 July 2008; Gita Wirjawan, “The Oil Cycle: The Wheels are Turning Again”, Jakarta Post, 12 March 2009.


D. L. Elliott, L. L. Wendell, and G. L. Gower, An Assessment of the Available Windy Land Area and Wind Energy Potential in the Contiguous United States (Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 1991); Cristina L. Archer and Mark Z. Jacobson, “The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of U. S. Winds and Wind Power at 80 m Derived from Measurements”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108 (13 May 2003); данные по Китаю из C. L. Archer and M. Z. Jacobson, “Evaluation of Global Windpower”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 110 (30 June 2005), и из Jean Hu et al., “Wind: The Future is Now”, Renewable Energy World, July-August, p. 212; расчет по Индонезии на основе потенциала в 27 000 мегаватт из Alimin Ginting, Indonesia Geothermal Association, “Geothermal Energy: Global Status, Market and Challenge for Developing in Indonesia”, presentation to the Thematic Panel Discussion of LEAD International Training Session on Leadership and Climate Change, 26 November — 1 December 2007, Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia, и на International Energy Agency (IEA), IEA Statistics, — электронная база данных — см.:, просмотрено автором 1 мая 2009 г..


Lester R. Brown, “The Flawed Economics of Nuclear Power”, Plan B Update (Washington DC: Earth Policy Institute, 28 October 2008).


International Telecommunication Union, “Key Global Telecom Indicators for the World Telecommunication Service Sector”, см.: ITU-D/ict/statistics/at_glance/KeyTelecom99.htm, материал обновлен 10 марта 2009; Molly O. Sheehan, “Mobile Phone Use Booms”, в Worldwatch Institute, Vital Signs 2002 (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2002), p. 85.


“Historical USA PC Sales” and “Historical Worldwide PC Sales”, tables in Computer Industry Almanac Inc., Worldwide PC Market (Arlington Heights, IL: September 2008); European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics Until 2013 (Brussels: April 2009), pp. 3–4; Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Wind 2008 Report (Brussels: 2009), p. 10.


Archer and Jacobson, “Evaluation of Global Windpower”, op. cit. note 7; Hu et al., op. cit. note 7.


Elliott, Wendell, and Gower, op. cit. note 7; Archer and Jacobson, “The Spatial and Temporal Distributions of U. S. Winds”, op. cit. note 7; шельфовый потенциал из данных NREL, приведенных в U. S. Minerals Management Service, Survey of Available Data on OCS Resources and Identification of Data Gaps, Report to the Secretary, U. S. Department of the Interior (Washington, DC: April 2009), pp. 1–11 to 1–14.


European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), “Seas of Change: Offshore Wind Energy”, fact sheet (Brussels: February 2009); Garrad Hassan and Partners, Sea Wind Europe (London: Greenpeace, March 2004).


GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 3, 10, 24.


Данные по Дании из GWEC, “Interactive WorldMap”, см.: www.gwec. net/index.php? id=126, просмотрено автором 29 мая 2009 г.; данные по Германии из GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 34–35.


Flemming Hansen, “Denmark to Increase Wind Power to 50 % by 2025, Mostly Offshore”, Renewable Energy Access, 5 December 2006.


GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 33, 48–49.


AWEA, “U. S. Wind Energy Industry Installs Over 2,800 MW in First Quarter”, press release (28 April 2009); AWEA, U. S. Wind Energy Projects, op. cit. note 1; AWEA and Solar Energy Industries Association, Green Power Superhighways: Building a Path to America’s Clean Energy Future (Washington, DC: February 2009).


Southern California Edison, The Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project: Greening the Grid (Los Angeles: March 2008); Paul Klein, Media Relations Group, Southern California Edison, discussion with Jonathan G. Dorn, Earth Policy Institute, 22 October 2007; “Clipper and BP to JV”, op. cit. not 2; Carl Levesque, “Super-Size It: Mega-Wind Farm Proposals Prolifirate”, Wind Energy Weekly, vol. 27, no. 1303 (22 August 2008).


“Maine Legislature Unanimously Approves Wind Recommendations”, Wind Energy Weekly, vol. 27, no 1286 (1 August 2008); данные о населении из Census Bureau, op. cit. note 1; запущенные мощности из AWEA, U. S. Wind Energy Projects, op. cit. note 1; данные по Нью-Йорку взяты из работы: Matthew L. Wald, “Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid’s Limits”, New York Times, 27 August 2008; “Oregon Siting Council Green-Lights 909-MW Wind Farm”, Wind Energy Weekly, vol. 27, no. 1300 (1 August 2008).


Cape Wind, “Project at a Glance”, см.: htm, просмотрено автором 14 апреля 2009 г.; данные по Род-Айленду из “Deepwater to Start Building R. I. Wind Farm in 2010”, Reuters, 8 January 2009; “LIPA & Con Edison Eye Offshore Wind Power”, Renewable Energy World, 25 March 2009; “Garden State Offshore Energy Wins Bid for Offshore Wind Farm”, Renewable Energy World, 6 October 2008; “Bluewater Wind Signs Contract for Sale of Offshore Wind Power”, Renewable Energy World, 24 June 2008; 1 мегаватта достаточно для обеспечения 300 семей — из источников, приведенных в ссылке 2.


Willett Kempton et al., “Large CO2 Reduction Via Offshore Wind Power Matched to Inherent Storage in Energy End-Uses”, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 34 (24 January 2007); Steve Gelsi, “Green-Collar Pioneers Eye Offshore Wind Riches”, MarketWatch, 8 October 2008; Walt Musial “Deepwater Offshore Wind Technology Research Requirements”, poster prepared for AWEA WindPower 2005 Conference, Denver, CO, 12–18 May 2005.


U. N. Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database, см.:, материал обновлен 11 марта 2009; Archer and Jacobson, “Evaluation of Global Windpower”, op. cit. note 7; GWEC, op. cit. note 10, p. 22; “A Window of North Atlantic Opportunity”, op. cit. note 2.


GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 3, 24–27; Liming Qiao, Policy Director, GWEC, в электронном письме к J. Matthew Roney, Earth Policy Institute, 29 April 2009.


Турбина мощностью 2 мегаватта, действующая 36 % времени, вырабатывает в год 6,3 миллиона киловатт/часов; данные о мощности взяты из публикации: DOE, NREL, op. cit. note 1; полная стоимость электричества из DOE, Wholesale Market Data, — электронная база данных — см.:, материал обновлен 22 апреля 2009; Renewable Fuels Association, Homegrown for the Homeland: Ethanol Industry Outlook 2005 (Washington, DC: 2005); кукурузы на акр и этанола на бушель взято усредненно из Allen Baker et al., “Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market”, Amber Waves, vol. 4, no. 2 (April 2006), pp. 32, 34; консервативный прогноз цены этанола в 2 доллара за галлон основан на F. O. Licht, “Biofuels”, World Ethanol and Biofuels Report, vol. 7, no. 15 (14 April 2009), p. 318.


Выплаты за использование земли приведены по оценкам автора на основании Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), “Farming the Wind: Wind Power and Agriculture”, fact sheet (Cambridge, MA: 2003).


Laurie Jodziewicz, AWEA, электронное письмо автору, 16 October 2007; GWEC and Greenpeace, Global Wind Energy Outlook 2006 (Brussels: 2006).


GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 9–10.


Ward’s Automotive Group, World Motor Vehicle Data 2008 (Southfield, MI: 2008), pp. 239–42; “Trillions in Spending Needed to Meet Global Oil and Gas Demand, Analysis Shows,” International Herald Tribune, 15 October 2007.


David L. Lewis, “They May Save Our Honor, Our Hopes — and Our Necks”, Michigan History, September/October 1993; Harry Braun, The Phoenix Project: Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen with Wartime Speed, prepared for the Renewable Hydrogen Roundtable, World Resources Institute, Washington DC, 10–11 April 2003, pp. 3–4; Kathy barks Hoffman, “GM Plant Shutdowns Further Hurt Michigan Budget”, Associated Press, 23 April 2009.


EWEA, “Wind Now Leads EU Power Sector”, press release (Brussels: 2 February 2009); Erik Shuster, Tracking New Coal-Fired Power Plants (Pittsburgh, PA: DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory, January 2009); “Nuclear Dips in 2008”, World Nuclear News, 29 May 2009; GWEC, op. cit. note 10, pp. 10, 56–57.


EPIA, op. cit. note 10, pp. 3–4.


Prometheus Institute and Greentech Media, “25th Annual Data Collection Results: PV Production Explodes in 2008”, PVNews, vol. 28, No. 4 (April 2009), pp. 15–18.


EIA, World Energy Outlook 2006 (Paris: 2006); “Power to the Poor”, The Economist, 10 February 2001, pp. 21–23.


Sybille de La Hamaide, “Bangladesh Seeks World Bank Loan for Solar Power”, Reuters, 26 April 2007.


“Solar Loans Light Up Rural India”, BBC News, 29 April 2007.


Данные о выбросах, включая выбросы от сожжения керосина и других видов топлива, используемых для освещения, взяты из публикаций: IEA, Light’s Labour’s Lost: Policies for Energy-Efficient Lighting (Paris: 2006), pp. 201–202; DOE, EIA, International Petroleum Monthly — см.:, материал обновлен 13 апреля 2009 г.


“PV Costs Set to Plunge for 2009/10”, Renewable Energy World, 23 December 2008; “PV Costs Down Significantly from 1998–2007”, Renewable Energy World, 23 February 2009; Christoph Podewils, “As Cheap as Brown Coal: By 2010, a kWh of PV Electricity in Spain Will Cost Around 9 ¢ to Produce”, PHOTON International, April 2007.


Ines Rutschmann, “A Country of Megawatt Parks”, PHOTON International (September 2008), pp. 32–39; Cleantech America, Inc., “KRCD Enters Long Term, Zero Emission Solar Power Plan”, press release (San Francisco, CA: 6 July 2007); Ehud Zion Waldoks, “IEC Approves Arava Company’s Proposal for World's Largest Photovoltaic Field”, The Jerusalem Post, 15 February 2009.

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