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Arthur Conan Doyle - Английский язык с Конан Дойлем. Этюд в багровых тонах (ASCII-IPA)

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"If there's a vacant place for a chief of the police (если пустует место начальника полиции), I reckon you are the man for it," he said (думаю, вы самый подходящий человек для этого, — сказал он), gazing with undisguised admiration at my fellow-lodger (с неприкрытым восхищением глядя на моего сожителя). "The way you kept on my trail was a caution (как вы меня выследили: «тот метод, что вы держались у меня на хвосте» — настоящее чудо; caution — внимательность, осторожность; нечто удивительное)."

indicate ['IndIkeIt], affable ['& [email protected]], vacant ['veIk(@)nt]

Our prisoner's furious resistance did not apparently indicate any ferocity in his disposition towards ourselves, for on finding himself powerless, he smiled in an affable manner, and expressed his hopes that he had not hurt any of us in the scuffle. "I guess you're going to take me to the police-station," he remarked to Sherlock Holmes. "My cab's at the door. If you'll loose my legs I'll walk down to it. I'm not so light to lift as I used to be."

Gregson and Lestrade exchanged glances as if they thought this proposition rather a bold one; but Holmes at once took the prisoner at his word, and loosened the towel which we had bound round his ankles. He rose and stretched his legs, as though to assure himself that they were free once more. I remember that I thought to myself, as I eyed him, that I had seldom seen a more powerfully built man; and his dark sunburned face bore an expression of determination and energy which was as formidable as his personal strength.

"If there's a vacant place for a chief of the police, I reckon you are the man for it," he said, gazing with undisguised admiration at my fellow-lodger. "The way you kept on my trail was a caution."

"You had better come with me," said Holmes to the two detectives (вам лучше пойти со мной, — сказал Холмс двум детективам).

"I can drive you," said Lestrade (я могу быть за кучера, — сказал Лестрейд; to drive — везти, подвозить).

"Good! and Gregson can come inside with me (хорошо! а Грегсон может сесть с нами: «пройти внутрь со мной»). You too, Doctor, you have taken an interest in the case and may as well stick to us (вы тоже, доктор, вы заинтересовались этим случаем и можете также отправиться с нами; to stick to — прилипать, приклеиваться к чему-либо; держаться кого-либо)."

I assented gladly (я с радостью согласился), and we all descended together (и мы спустились все вместе). Our prisoner made no attempt at escape (наш пленник не попытался: «не сделал попытки» бежать), but stepped calmly into the cab which had been his, and we followed him (но спокойно сел в кеб, который был его, а мы последовали за ним). Lestrade mounted the box (Лестрейд взобрался на козлы; box — ящик; кóзлы), whipped up the horse (хлестнул лошадь), and brought us in a very short time to our destination (и вскоре доставил нас к нашей цели: «доставил нас за очень короткое время к нашему месту назначения»). We were ushered into a small chamber (нас провели в небольшую комнату) where a police Inspector noted down our prisoner's name (где полицейский инспектор записал имя нашего пленника) and the names of the men with whose murder he had been charged (и имена людей, в чьем убийстве его обвиняли). The official was a white-faced unemotional man (инспектор был бледным: «белолицым» невозмутимым человеком), who went through his duties in a dull mechanical way (который рутинно, механически исполнял свои обязанности; dull — скучный, занудный). "The prisoner will be put before the magistrates in the course of the week," he said (арестованный предстанет перед судьями в течение недели, — сказал он; magistrate —судья, мировой судья; магистрат[20]); "in the mean time, Mr. Jefferson Hope, have you anything that you wish to say (а пока, мистер Джефферсон Хоуп, имеете ли вы что-нибудь сказать)? I must warn you that your words will be taken down (я должен предупредить вас, что ваши слова будут записаны), and may be used against you (и могут быть использованы против вас)."

assent [@'sent], usher [' [email protected]], chamber [' [email protected]]

"You had better come with me," said Holmes to the two detectives.

"I can drive you," said Lestrade.

"Good! and Gregson can come inside with me. You too, Doctor, you have taken an interest in the case and may as well stick to us."

I assented gladly, and we all descended together. Our prisoner made no attempt at escape, but stepped calmly into the cab which had been his, and we followed him. Lestrade mounted the box, whipped up the horse, and brought us in a very short time to our destination. We were ushered into a small chamber where a police Inspector noted down our prisoner's name and the names of the men with whose murder he had been charged. The official was a white-faced unemotional man, who went through his duties in a dull mechanical way. "The prisoner will be put before the magistrates in the course of the week," he said; "in the mean time, Mr. Jefferson Hope, have you anything that you wish to say? I must warn you that your words will be taken down, and may be used against you."

"I've got a good deal to say," our prisoner said slowly (мне много чего есть сказать, — медленно произнес наш пленник). "I want to tell you gentlemen all about it (я хочу вам, джентльмены, все об этом рассказать)."

"Hadn't you better reserve that for your trial?" asked the Inspector (а не лучше ли вам приберечь это до суда, — спросил инспектор).

"I may never be tried," he answered (возможно, никакого суда и не будет, — ответил он; to try — представить дело на рассмотрение суда). "You needn't look startled (не стоит так пугаться: «нет необходимости выглядеть испуганным»). It isn't suicide I am thinking of (я думаю не о самоубийстве). Are you a Doctor (вы доктор)?" He turned his fierce dark eyes upon me as he asked this last question (он обратил на меня свои темные пылающие глаза, когда он задал этот свой последний вопрос; fierce — горячий, пылкий).

"Yes; I am," I answered (да, — ответил я).

"Then put your hand here (тогда приложите сюда руку)," he said, with a smile, motioning with his manacled wrists towards his chest (с улыбкой сказал он, указав себе на грудь своими скованными руками; to motion — приглашать жестом, показывать жестом).

I did so (я так и сделал); and became at once conscious of an extraordinary throbbing and commotion which was going on inside (и сразу же ощутил необычные сильные, неровные толчки, идущие изнутри; conscious — ощущающий; to throb — сильно биться, пульсировать; commotion — суматоха, шум). The walls of his chest seemed to thrill and quiver (казалось, его грудная клетка вибрировала и дрожала: «стены его грудной клетки вибрировали и дрожали ») as a frail building would do inside when some powerful engine was at work (подобно хрупкому зданию, внутри которого работал мощный двигатель). In the silence of the room I could hear a dull humming and buzzing noise which proceeded from the same source (в тишине комнаты я мог расслышать глухой гул и хрип, исходивший из того же источника; to hum — жужжать; гудеть, звенеть; to buzz — гудеть, жужжать; noise — шум).

suicide ['sju:IsaId], extraordinary [Ik'strO:d(@)n(@)rI], [, [email protected]'O:d(@)n(@)rI], source [sO:s]

"I've got a good deal to say," our prisoner said slowly. "I want to tell you gentlemen all about it."

"Hadn't you better reserve that for your trial?" asked the Inspector.

"I may never be tried," he answered. "You needn't look startled. It isn't suicide I am thinking of. Are you a Doctor?" He turned his fierce dark eyes upon me as he asked this last question.

"Yes; I am," I answered.

"Then put your hand here," he said, with a smile, motioning with his manacled wrists towards his chest.

I did so; and became at once conscious of an extraordinary throbbing and commotion which was going on inside. The walls of his chest seemed to thrill and quiver as a frail building would do inside when some powerful engine was at work. In the silence of the room I could hear a dull humming and buzzing noise which proceeded from the same source.

"Why," I cried, "you have an aortic aneurism (да ведь у вас аневризма аорты, — вскричал я)!"

"That's what they call it," he said, placidly (так они это и называют, — спокойно сказал он). "I went to a Doctor last week about it (на прошлой неделе я пошел к доктору с этим), and he told me that it is bound to burst before many days passed (и он сказал, что она должна лопнуть через несколько дней: «прежде чем пройдет много дней»). It has been getting worse for years (годами это становилось все хуже). I got it from over-exposure and under-feeding among the Salt Lake Mountains (это у меня появилось после того, как в горах Соленого озера я впроголодь пожил под открытым небом; exposure — отсутствие укрытия от природных воздействий; over-exposure — слишком долгое отсутствие укрытия; under-feeding — недостаточное питание; to feed — питать). I've done my work now (теперь моя работа сделана), and I don't care how soon I go (и мне все равно, как скоро я умру), but I should like to leave some account of the business behind me (но мне бы хотелось сначала рассказать о том, что случилось со мной: «хотелось оставить какой-то рассказ о деле, случившемся со мной»). I don't want to be remembered as a common cut-throat (я не хочу, чтобы я остался в памяти как обычный головорез; to cut — резать; throat — горло)."

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