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Agatha Christie - Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA)

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The feline and gingery Miss Merrion left the room (напоминающая кошку, рыжая мисс Меррион покинула комнату; feline — животное из семейства кошачьих).

coffee ['kOfI], possible ['pOsIbl], feline ['fi:laIn]

"Were she and Miss Barnard friends?"

"Really I could not say."

"Perhaps we'd better have a word with her."


"If you please."

"I will send her to you," said Miss Merrion, rising. "Please keep her as short a time as possible. This is the morning coffee rush hour."

The feline and gingery Miss Merrion left the room.

"Very refined," remarked Inspector Kelsey (очень утонченная, — отметил инспектор Келси). He mimicked the lady's mincing tone (он изобразил жеманный тон женщины). "Really I could not say (я, право, не знаю)."

A plump girl (пухлая девушка), slightly out of breath (слегка запыхавшаяся: «/выбившаяся/ из дыхания»), with dark hair (с темными волосами), rosy cheeks (румяными щеками) and dark eyes goggling with excitement (и темными глазами, вытаращенными от волнения; to goggle — таращить глаза), bounced in (влетела в /комнату/; to bounce — подпрыгивать; отскакивать; вламываться).

"Miss Merrion sent me," she announced breathlessly (меня прислала мисс Меррион, — объявила она, запыхавшись; to send).

"Miss Higley (мисс Хигли)?"

"Yes, that's me (да, это я)."

"You knew Elizabeth Barnard (вы знали Элизабет Барнард)?"

mimic ['mImIk], mincing ['mInsIN], bounce [baUns]

"Very refined," remarked Inspector Kelsey. He mimicked the lady's mincing tone. "Really I could not say."

A plump girl, slightly out of breath, with dark hair, rosy cheeks and dark eyes goggling with excitement, bounced in.

"Miss Merrion sent me," she announced breathlessly.

"Miss Higley?"

"Yes, that's me."

"You knew Elizabeth Barnard?"

"Oh, yes (о, да), I knew Betty (я знала Бетти). Isn't it awful (/разве/ это не ужасно)? It's just too awful (это просто очень: «слишком» ужасно)! I can't believe it's true (я не могу поверить, что это правда). I've been saying to the girls all the morning (я все утро говорю девочкам) I just can't believe it (что я не могу поверить в это)! 'You know, girls (вы знаете, девочки),' I said, 'it just doesn't seem real (это кажется нереальным).' Betty! I mean (я имею в виду), Betty Barnard, who's been here all along (которая была здесь все время), murdered (убита)! 'I just can't believe it,' I said. Five or six times I've pinched myself (пять или шесть раз я щипала себя) just to see (просто, чтобы понять) if I wouldn't wake up (не сплю ли я: «если я не проснулась»). Betty murdered (Бетти убита). It's (это) — well (ну), you know what I mean (вы знаете, что я имею в виду) — it doesn't seem real (это кажется нереальным)."

"You knew the dead girl well (вы хорошо знали убитую)?" asked Crome.

along [@'lON], pinch [pIntS], real [ [email protected]]

"Oh, yes, I knew Betty. Isn't it awful? It's just too awful! I can't believe it's true. I've been saying to the girls all the morning I just can't believe it! 'You know, girls,' I said, 'it just doesn't seem real.' Betty! I mean, Betty Barnard, who's been here all along, murdered! 'I just can't believe it,' I said. Five or six times I've pinched myself just to see if I wouldn't wake up. Betty murdered. It's — well, you know what I mean — it doesn't seem real."

"You knew the dead girl well?" asked Crome.

"Well, she's worked here longer than I have (ну, она работала здесь дольше, чем я). I only came this March (я пришла только в этом марте). She was here last year (она была здесь в прошлом году). She was rather quiet (она была достаточно тихой), if you know what I mean (если вы знаете, что я имею в виду). She wasn't one to joke or laugh a lot (она была не та, /кто/ шутит или смеется много). I don't mean that she was exactly quiet (я не имею в виду, что она была совсем тихой) — she'd plenty of fun in her and all that (в ней было много веселого и все такое) — but she didn't (но она не) — well, she was quiet (она была тихой) and she wasn't quiet (и она не была тихой), if you know what I mean."

I will say for Inspector Crome (я скажу /в пользу/ инспектора Кроума) that he was exceedingly patient (что он был исключительно терпелив; to exceed — превышать). As a witness (как свидетельница) the buxom Miss Higley was persistently maddening (полногрудая мисс Хигли /могла/ довести до бешенства: «была упорно сводящей с ума»; buxom — полная сил; пухлая, полногрудая /о женщине/; persistent — настойчивый, упорный). Every statement she made (каждое утверждение, которое она делала) was repeated and qualified half a dozen times (было повторено и уточнено полдюжины раз; to qualify — оценивать; уточнять). The net result was meagre in the extreme (конечный результат был скуден до крайности; net — чистый, нетто /о весе, доходе/; общий, конечный: the net result — общий результат; meagre — meager 1) а) худой, тощий, чахлый; недостаточный; небольшой, скудный).

persistently [ [email protected]' [email protected]], buxom [' [email protected]], meagre ['mi: [email protected]]

"Well, she's worked here longer than I have. I only came this March. She was here last year. She was rather quiet, if you know what I mean. She wasn't one to joke or laugh a lot. I don't mean that she was exactly quiet — she'd plenty of fun in her and all that — but she didn't — well, she was quiet and she wasn't quiet, if you know what I mean."

I will say for Inspector Crome that he was exceedingly patient. As a witness the buxom Miss Higley was persistently maddening. Every statement she made was repeated and qualified half a dozen times. The net result was meagre in the extreme.

She had not been on terms of intimacy with the dead girl (она не была в близких отношениях с убитой девушкой; intimate — внутренний; близкий). Elizabeth Barnard, it could be guessed (/об этом/ можно было догадаться), had considered herself a cut above Miss Higley (считала себя выше мисс Хигли: «рассматривала себя на отрезок выше мисс Хигли»). She had been friendly in working hours (она была приветлива во время работы: «рабочих часов»), but the girls had not seen much of her out of them (но девушки не видели ее часто вне нее /работы/). Elizabeth Barnard had had a "friend" (у Элизабет Барнард был «друг») — worked in the estate agents near the station (работавший рядом со станцией в агентстве /по продаже/ недвижимостью; agent — агент; agents — агентство). Court & Brunskill («Корт-энд-Бранскилл»). No, he wasn't Mr. Court nor Mr. Brunskill (нет, он не был ни мистером Кортом ни мистером Бранскиллом). He was a clerk there (он был там клерком). She didn't know his name (она не знала его имени). But she knew him by sight well (но она хорошо знала его внешне). Good-looking (хорошенький: «хорошо выглядящий») — oh, very good-looking (о, очень хорошенький), and always so nicely dressed (и всегда так хорошо одет). Clearly (/совершенно/ ясно), there was a tinge of jealousy in Miss Higley's bean (в голосе мисс Хигли прозвучала зависть: «был оттенок зависти в голове мисс Хигли»; jealousy — ревность; зависть; bean — боб; голова, башка).

clerk [klA:k], tinge [tIndZ], jealousy [' [email protected]]

She had not been on terms of intimacy with the dead girl. Elizabeth Barnard, it could be guessed, had considered herself a cut above Miss Higley. She had been friendly in working hours, but the girls had not seen much of her out of them. Elizabeth Barnard had had a "friend" — worked in the estate agents near the station. Court & Brunskill. No, he wasn't Mr. Court nor Mr. Brunskill. He was a clerk there. She didn't know his name. But she knew him by sight well. Good-looking — oh, very good-looking, and always so nicely dressed. Clearly, there was a tinge of jealousy in Miss Higley's bean.

In the end it boiled down to this (это свелось к следующему: «в конце это выкипело к этому»). Elizabeth Barnard had not confided in anyone in the café as to her plans for the evening (Элизабет Барнард не доверилась никому в кафе в отношении своих планов на вечер; to confide — доверять; посвящать), but in Miss Higley's opinion (но, по мнению мисс Хигли) she had been going to meet her "friend" (она собиралась встретиться со своим «другом»). She had had on a new white dress (на ней было новое белое платье), "ever so sweet with one of the new necks (такое миленькое с одним из новых воротничков; sweet — сладкий; милый; neck — шея; ворот, воротник)."

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