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Артур Дойл - Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)

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lens n линза

lining n подкладка

loop n петля

lounge v отдыхать, сидеть откинувшись


maid n горничная

marble n мрамор

market price рыночная цена

moisture n влажность, сырость, влага


nipper n мальчишка, мальчуган

nucleus n ядро


outstretch v протягивать, вытягивать

overhear v нечаянно услышать, подслушивать


patent a явный, очевидный

pierce v пронзать, прокалывать, протыкать

pipe-rack подставка для курительной трубки

plausible a правдоподобный

precaution n предосторожность

pry v открывать, вскрывать с трудом

public-house питейное заведение, таверна; гостиница

pure a чистый

putty n мастика


quiver v дрожать


radiant a лучистый, сверкающий

rattle n стук

refer v отсылать; передавать на рассмотрение

restore v возвращать, отдавать обратно

retain v удерживать, сохранять

retrogression n упадок, регресс, деградация

ribbed a гофрированный

rough n хулиган, головорез

round n обход


scattered a разбросанный, рассеянный

scrupulous a порядочный, честный, щепетильный

sedentary a сидячий

seedy a убогий, поношенный

semicircle n полукруг

set in устанавливаться (о погоде)

shed n навес, загон

show up v показывать

shrimp n креветка; ничтожество (перен.)

shrug v пожимать (плечами)

sidelong a уклончивый, скользящий

sinister a мрачный

slab n плита, стол

slight a незначительный, слабый, небольшой, тонкий

slums n pl трущобы

sob v рыдать, всхлипывать

spoils n pl добыча, трофеи

spring v скакать, бросаться, приливать

stagger v шататься

stagger n пошатывание

stain n пятно

striking a поразительный

supplier n поставщик

swing v вращать


tallow n сало

tangle v запутывать

tapping n постукивание

tell apart различать

temptation n соблазн

trace v выслеживать

treasure n сокровище

tremor n дрожь

trifle n мелочь, пустяк

trim a аккуратный, опрятный, подстриженный

trophy n трофей, добыча

trouble v тревожить(ся), утруждаться

twisted a искореженный, скрученный


ultimate a высший, конечный, итоговый

unimpeachable a безупречный

upper-attendant старший служащий


vestige n след

villain n злодей, негодяй


waste n ненужная трата, потеря

whimsical a причудливый

whine v ныть, хныкать

whistle n свист

windfall n опавшие плоды; неожиданная удача

wind-swept продуваемый ветром

woodcock n вальдшнеп

worse for wear видавший виды

Пляшущие человечки

The Adventure of the Dancing Men

Адаптация текста, упражнения, комментарии и словарь Д. В. Положенцевой


Holmes had been sitting for some hours in silence over a chemical vessel in which he was brewing something very unpleasant. His head was sunk upon his breast[79], and he looked from my point of view like a strange, skinny bird.

“So, Watson,” he said, suddenly, “you are not going to[80] invest money in South African securities[81]?”

I was very much surprised. Although I was accustomed to Holmes’s curious abilities, this sudden intrusion into my thoughts was rather incomprehensible.

How on earth[82] do you know that?” I asked in amazement.

He turned his chair, holding a steaming test-tube[83] in his hand. I saw a gleam of amusement in his deep-set eyes.

“Now, Watson, confess, you are confused,” he said.

“I am.”

“I should make you write this on the piece of paper and leave your signature.”[84]


“Because in five minutes you will say that it is all very simple and obvious.”

“I am sure that I shall say nothing of the kind.”

“You see, my dear Watson”– he put aside his test-tube and began to lecture like a professor addressing his class —“it is not really difficult to construct a series of conclusions, each dependent on the previous one. And if you simply take away all the central elements and show your audience only the first and the last ones, it will produce an amazing effect. Now, when I noticed the groove between your left forefinger and thumb[85], it was not really difficult to understand that you do not want to invest your small capital in the goldfields.”

“I see no connection.”

“Well, I believe you, but I can quickly show you a close connection. Here are the missing links of the very simple chain: 1. You had chalk between your left finger and thumb when you returned from the club last night. 2. You put chalk there for the cue[86] when you play billiards. 3. You play billiards only with Thurston. 4. You told me four weeks ago[87] that Thurston wanted to buy some South African securities and share them with you. 5. Your cheque-book is locked in my table, and you have not asked for the key. 6. You are not going to invest your money in anything.”

“So simple!” I cried.

“Yes, it is!” he said. “Every problem becomes very simple when it is explained to you. But here you are[88], this one is not explained yet. Let’s see what you can say, my friend Watson.” He gave me a sheet of paper and turned to his chemical analysis.

I looked with amazement at the strange symbols on the paper.

“Well, Holmes, it is a child’s drawing,” I said.

“Oh, that’s your idea!”

‘What else should it be?”

“That is what Mr. Hilton Cubitt from Norfolk wants to know. He sent us this little puzzle and every minute we expect him. Oh, there’s a ring at the bell, Watson. I am not very much surprised if it is our guest.”

We heard heavy steps on the stairs, and a second later a tall gentleman entered. He had clear eyes and florid cheeks which told us that he led his life far from the fogs of Baker Street. He seemed to bring[89] strong, fresh air with him as he entered. He shook hands with[90] each of us and was going to sit down when he noticed the paper with the curious symbols, which I had just examined and left on the table.

“Well, Mr. Holmes, what do you think about it?” he cried. “I heard that you liked strange mysteries, and this one is the strangest, I think! I sent the paper ahead so that you have time to study it before I came.”

“Yes, it is very curious,” said Holmes. “At first sight[91] one can think that it’s a child’s drawing. It consists of funny little dancing figures. Why do you pay so much attention on[92] such an object?”

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