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[Simon Legree]{n.}, {informal} A strict person, especially a boss, who makes others work very hard. •/Don’t talk on the job; the boss is a real Simon Legree./ •/Everybody avoids the foreman. He acts like a Simon Legree./

[simple] See: PURE AND SIMPLE.

[sing a different tune] or [whistle a different tune] also [sing a new tune] {v. phr.}, {informal} To talk or act in the opposite way; contradict something said before. •/Charles said that all smokers should be expelled from the team but he sang a different tune after the coach caught him smoking./ Syn.: CHANGE ONE’S TUNE, DANCE TO ANOTHER TUNE. Compare: LAUGH OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF ONE’S MOUTH.

[sing for one’s supper]{v. phr.}, {informal} To have to work for what one desires. •/I realized a long time ago that I had to sing for my supper if I wanted to get ahead in my profession./

[sing in tune] See: IN TUNE.

[single] See: EVERY SINGLE.

[single out]{v. phr.} To select or choose one from among many. •/There were a lot of pretty girls at the high school prom but Don immediately singled out Sally./

[sing one’s praises]{v. phr.} To extol or praise continuously. •/The audience left the concert with everyone singing the praises of the young piano virtuoso./

[sing out of tune] See: OUT OF TUNE.

[sink] See: HEART SINKS.

[sinker] See: HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.

[sink in] or [soak in] {v.}, {informal} To be completely understood; be fully realized or felt. •/Everybody laughed at the joke but Joe; it took a moment for it to sink in before he laughed too./ •/When Frank heard that war had started, it didn’t sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army./ Compare: BRING HOME.

[sink one’s teeth into] See: GET ONE’S TEETH INTO.

[sink or swim]{v. phr.} To succeed or fail by your own efforts, without help or interference from anyone else; fail if you don’t work hard to succeed. •/When Joe was fourteen, his parents died, and he was left by himself to sink or swim./ •/Tom’s new job was confusing and no one had time to help him learn, so he had to sink or swim./


[sit back]{v.} 1. To be built a distance away; stand away (as from a street). •/Our house sits back from the road./ 2. To relax; rest, often while others are working; take time out. •/Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done./

[sit by]{v.} 1. To stay near; watch and care for. •/The nurse was told to sit by the patient until he woke up./ •/Mother sat by her sick baby all night./ 2. To sit and watch or rest especially while others work. •/Don’t just sit idly by while the other children are all busy./

[sit down]{v.} To sit on a seat or resting place. •/After gym class Jim was tired and was glad to sit down and rest./

[sit in]{v.} 1. To be a member; participate. •/We’re having a conference and we’d like you to sit in./ also [sit in on]: To be a member of; participate in. •/We want you to sit in on the meeting./ 2. To attend but not participate. Often used with "on". •/Our teacher was invited to sit in on the conference./ Compare: LOOK ON.

[sit on]{v.} 1. To be a member of (a jury, board, commission), etc. •/Mr. Brown sat on the jury at the trial./ 2. {informal} To prevent from starting or doing something; squelch. •/The teacher sat on Fred before he could get started with the long story./ •/The teacher sat on Joe as soon as he began showing off./

[sit on a bomb] or [bombshell] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be in possession of anything that is potentially disastrous or dangerous. •/The finance department will be sitting on a bomb unless it finds a way to cut overhead expenses./

[sit on a volcano]{v.}, {informal} 1. To be in a place where trouble may start or danger may come suddenly. •/Bob was in that part of South America before the revolution began. He knew he was sitting on a volcano./ •/The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano./

[sit on one’s hands]{v. phr.}, {informal} To do nothing; fail or refuse to do anything. •/We asked Bill for help with our project, but he sat on his hands./

[sit on the fence] See: ON THE FENCE.

[sit out]{v.} To not take part in. •/The next dance is a polka. Let’s sit it out./ •/Toby had to sit out the last half of the game because his knee hurt./

[sitter] See: ON THE FENCE also FENCE-SITTER.

[sitting on a powder keg] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO.

[sit through]{v.} To watch or listen until (something) is finished. •/The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act./ •/Elaine liked the movie so much that she sat through three showings./

[sit tight]{v. phr.}, {informal} To make no move or change; stay where you are. — Often used as a command. •/Sit tight; I’ll be ready to go in a few minutes./ •/The doctor said to sit tight until he arrived./ •/The gangsters sat tight in the mountains while the police looked for them./ Compare: STAND PAT.

[sitting on top of the world] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD.

[sitting pretty]{adj.}, {slang} To be in a lucky position. •/The new library is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of reference books./ •/Mr. Jones was sitting pretty until his $25,000-a-year job was dropped by the company./

[sit up]{v.} 1. To move into a sitting position. •/Joe sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door./ 2. To stay awake instead of going to bed. •/Mrs. Jones will sit up until both of her daughters get home from the dance./ •/We sat up until two A.M. hoping for news from Alaska./ 3. {informal} To be surprised. •/Janice really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom./

[sit-up]{n.} A vigorous exercise in which the abdominal muscles are strengthened by locking one’s feet in a fastening device and sitting up numerous times. •/Do a few sit-ups if you want to reduce your waist./

[sit up and take notice]{v. phr.}, {informal} To be surprised into noticing something. •/Grace had never impressed her teachers. Hearing that she had won the essay contest made them sit up and take notice./ •/George’s sudden success made the town sit up and take notice./

[sit up for]{v. phr.} To wait until after the usual bedtime for someone’s return. •/Mrs. Smith always sits up for her two daughters, no matter how late it is./

[sit up with]{v. phr.} To be with; particularly to keep someone ill company. •/Mrs. Brown sat up with her sick husband all night in the hospital room./

[sit well (with)]{v.} Find favor with; please. •/The reduced school budget did not sit well with the teachers./

[sit with]{v.}, {informal} To be accepted by; affect. — Used in interrogative sentences and in negative sentences modified by "well". •/How did your story sit with your mother?/ •/Bob’s poor sportsmanship doesn’t sit well with the coach./


[six bits]{n.}, {slang} Seventy-five cents. •/"Lend me six bits till Friday, Sam," said Jim. "I’ve spent all my allowance."/ Compare: TWO BITS.

[six of one and half-a-dozen of the other]{n. phr.} Two things the same; not a real choice; no difference. •/Which coat do you like better, the brown or the blue? It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other./ •/Johnny says it’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other whether he does the job tonight or tomorrow night./


[size up]{v.}, {informal} To decide what one thinks about (something); to form an opinion about (something). •/Give Joe an hour to size up the situation and he’ll tell you what to do next./ •/Our coach went to New York to size up the team we’ll face in our homecoming game./ Compare: TAKE STOCK(2).

[skate] See: CHEAP SKATE.

[skate on thin ice]{v. phr.} To take a chance; risk danger, disapproval or anger. •/You’ll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dad to increase your allowance again./ •/John knew he was skating on thin ice, but he could not resist teasing his sister about her boyfriend./

[skating rink]{n.}, {slang}, {citizen’s band radio jargon} Slippery road. •/Attention all units — there’s a skating rink ahead!/

[skeleton in the closet]{n. phr.} A shameful secret; someone or something kept hidden, especially by a family. •/The skeleton in our family closet was Uncle Willie. No one mentioned him because he drank too much./

[skid lid]{n.}, {slang} A crash helmet worn by motorcyclists and race drivers. •/How much did you pay for that handsome skid lid?/

[skid row]{n.} The poor part of a city where men live who have no jobs and drink too much liquor. •/That man was once rich, but he drank and gambled too much, and ended his life living on skid row./ •/The Bowery is New York City’s skid row./

[skim the surface]{v. phr.} To do something very superficially. •/He seems knowledgeable in many different areas but his familiarity is very superficial, since he only skims the surface of everything he touches./


[skin alive]{v. phr.} 1. {informal} To scold angrily. •/Mother will skin you alive when she sees your torn pants./ 2. {informal} To spank or beat. •/Dad was ready to skin us alive when he found we had ruined his saw./ 3. {slang} To defeat. •/We all did our best, but the visiting gymnastic team skinned us alive./

[skin and bones]{n.} A person or animal that is very thin; someone very skinny. •/The puppy is healthy now, but when we found him he was just skin and bones./ •/Have you been dieting? You’re nothing but skin and bones!/

[skin-deep]{adj.} Only on the surface; not having any deep or honest meaning; not really or closely connected with what it seems to belong to. •/Mary’s friendliness with Joan is only skin-deep./ •/Ralph crammed for the test and got a good grade, but his knowledge of the lesson is only skin-deep./ Contrast: BRED IN THE BONE.

[skin off one’s nose]{n. phr.}, {slang} Matter of interest, concern, or trouble to you. Normally used in the negative. •/Go to Jake’s party if you wish. It’s no skin off my nose./ •/Grace didn’t pay any attention to our argument. It wasn’t any skin off her nose./ •/You could at least say hello to our visitor. It’s no skin off your nose./

[skip] See: HEART SKIP A BEAT.

[skip bail] See: JUMP BAIL.

[skip it]{v. phr.}, {informal} To forget all about it. •/When Jack tried to reward him for returning his lost dog, the man said to skip it./ •/I asked what the fight was about, but the boys said to skip it./

[skip out]{v.}, {informal} To leave in a hurry; especially after cheating or taking money dishonestly; sneak away; leave without permission. •/The man skipped out of the hotel without paying his bill./ •/"How did you get out of the house after supper, Harry? " "I skipped out!"/

[skirt around]{v. phr.} To avoid something. •/"Let’s not skirt around the facts," said the attorney to his client. "You must tell me the truth."/


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