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Сергей Ченнык - От Балаклавы к Инкерману

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Francis Duberly. Mrs Duberly's War: Journal and Letters from the Crimea, 1854–1856. Oxford University Press. 2007. P. 334.


Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney Marow, Sir. Life of Vice-Admiral Edmund, lord Lyons. With an account of naval operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Azoff, 1854–56. London. 1898. P. 261–262.


Девять орудий насчитал Кинглейк (Kinglake, Alexander William. The Invasion of the Crimea. Vol. 5. London. 1868. P. 38–39).


Conrad, Mark. Menshikov on Balaklava…// The War Correspondent. Vol.21. Numb.3. October, 2003. P. 45.


Wood, Evelyn. Hie Crimea in 1854, and 1894. Chapman & Hall, Id., London. 1895. P. 104–106; Sweetman, John. Balaclava 1854 Osprey. Campaign series. 6.1990. P. 29–39.


Robins, Colin. Some common mistakes//T1ie War Correspondent. Vol. 22. January 2005. P. 22.


Robins, Colin. Some common mistakes//The War Correspondent. Vol. 22. January 2005. P. 22; Kinglake, Alexander William. The Invasion of the Crimea. Vol. 5. London. 1868. P. 36–38.


Robins, Colin. Some common mistakes//The War Correspondent. Vol. 22. January 2005. P. 22.


Adkin, Mark. The Charge. The Real Reason Why Light Brigade was Lost. Leo Cooper Books. London. 1996. P. 75.


Robins, Colin. Some common mistakes//The War Correspondent. Vol. 22. January 2005. P. 22.


Adkin, Mark. The Charge. The Real Reason Why Light Brigade was Lost. Leo Cooper Books. London. 1996. P. 74–75.


Adkin, Mark. The Charge. The Real Reason Why Light Brigade was Lost. Leo Cooper Books. London. 1996. P. 74–75.


Sterling. С. Letters from the Army in the Crimea written during the Years 1854, 1855 and 1856, by Staff-officer who was there. London. 1857. P. 108.


Mawson M. The True Heroes of Balaclava, or “Ship! Johnny! Ship!”. Kent; Bedford. 1996. P. 7.


Осада Севастополя 1854–1856 с подробным изложением действий артиллерии. Составлено капитаном прусской артиллерии Вейгельтом. СПб., 1863 г. С. 17.


Хрущов А.П. История обороны Севастополя. СПб., 1888 г. С. 32.


Попов Ф.Г. История 48-го пехотного Одесского полка. Том II. М., 1911 г. С. 62.


Russell, W. H. The British Expedition to the Crimea. London. 1858. (


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 8.


Kinglake, Alexander. The Battle of Balaclava. Edinburgh and London. 1875. P. 24.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Ainslie, De, General. Historical record of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons containing ал account of its formation in the reiç of King Charles the Second, and of its subsequent services to the present time. 1887. London. P. 184–186.


Almack, Edward. The history of the Second dragoons: «Royal Scots Greys». London. 1908. P. 80–81


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


The Inniskilling Dragoon — A brief history (http://wvvw.inniskillingsmuseum.corn/me-inniskilling-dragoons-a-brief-history).


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Adkin, Mark. The Charge. The Real Reason Why Light Brigade was Lost. Leo Cooper Books. London. 1996. P. 11.


Thomas, Donald. Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah: A Life of Cardigan of Balaclava.: Routledge & Kegan Paul. London. 1974. P. 23–33.


Dixon, Norman. On Psychology of Military Incompetence. Vintage Digital; New Edition. 2011. P. 36–37.


Хибберт, Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г. С. 150.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11.


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11


Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 11


Описание обороны города Севастополя. Составлено под рук. генерал-адъютанта Тотлебена. Часть I. СПб., 1871 г. С. 236.Rousset, Camille. Histoire de la guerre de Crimée. Tome 1. Edition 2. Paris. 1878. P. 332.


Historical records of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders now the 2d battalion, Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.Compiled and edited by Roderick Hamilton Burgoyne, late 93rd Highlanders. 1883. London. P. 110; Kinglake, Alexander William. TheInvasion of the Crimea. Vol. 5. London. 1868. P. 30.


Описание обороны города Севастополя. Составлено под рук. генерал-адъютанта Тотлебена. Часть I. СПб., 1871 г. С. 236.


McGuigan, Ron. Into Battle!: British Orders of Battle for the Crimean War 1854–1856. Wrthycut House, Bowdon. 2001. P. 21.


Carman W.Y. The Royal Artillery. Osprey Publishing. 1973. P. 25–26.


Sterling. С Letters from the Army in the Crimea written during the Years 1854, 1855 and 1856, by Staff-officer who was there. London. 1856. P. 122; Calthorpe, Somerset John Gough. Letters from head-quarters; or, The realities of the war in the Crimea, by an officer of the staff. Vol I. London. 1857. P. 301.


Historical recjrds of the 79n Queens Own Cameronian Highlanders. Captain A.Mackenzie, Lieutenant and adjutant J.S.Ewart and lieutenant С Rndlay, from the orderly room records. Debonport. 1887. P. 114; Historical records of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders now the 2d battalion, Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Compiled and edited by Roderick Hamilton Burgoyne, late 93rd Highlanders. 1883. London. P. 110.


General orders issued to the Army of the East from April 30,1854 to December 31,1855. London. 1856. P. 58.


McGuigan, Ron. Into Battle!: British Orders of Battle for the Crimean War 1854–1856. Withycut House, Bowdon. 2001. P. 21.


Kinglake, Alexander William. The Invasion of the Crimea. Vol. 5. London. 1868. P. 39.


Adkin, Mark. The Charge. The Real Reason Why Light Brigade was Lost. Leo Cooper Books. London. 1996. P. 51; Mollo, John and Boris. Into the Valley of Death. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854. London. 1991. P. 19.


Slade, Adolphus. Turkey and the Crimean war; a narrative of historical events. Smith, Elder and со. London. 1867. P. 327–328.


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Хрущов А.П. История обороны Севастополя. СПб., 1888 г. С. 32.


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Донесение генерал-адъютанта князя Меншикова о наступательном действии отряда генерал-лейтенанта Липранди против лагеря союзников, перекрывающих дорогу из Севастополя в Балаклаву//Материалы для истории Крымской войны и обороны Севастополя. Сборник, издаваемый комитетом по устройству Севастопольского музея. Под ред. Н. Дубровина. Выпуск III, СПб., 1872 г. С. 20.


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Описание обороны города Севастополя. Составлено под рук. генерал-адъютанта Тотлебена. Часть I. СПб., 1871 г. С. 238.


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Описание обороны города Севастополя. Составлено под рук. генерал-адъютанта Тотлебена. Часть I. СПб., 1871 г. С. 239.


Ушаков Н. Описание атаки русских войск на Кадыкиойские высоты 13-го (25-го) октября 1854 года//Материалы для истории Крымской войны и обороны Севастополя. Сборник, издаваемый комитетом по устройству Севастопольского музея. Под ред. Н. Дубровина. Выпуск III. СПб., 1872 г. С.33.

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