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—, Winston S. Churchillol VII: /to^/fo Victory 1986

—, The Holocaust

—, Churchill: A Life 1991

—, 77je Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust 2002

—, Churchill at War 2003

—, Churchill and America 2005

—, The Routledge Atlas of the Second World War 2008

Gildea, Robert, Marianne in Chains: In Search of the German Occupation 19452002

Glantz, David M., Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War 1989

—, From the Don to the Dnieper: Soviet Offensive Operations December 1942August 1943 1991

—, Kharkov 1942 1998

Glantz, David M., and House, Jonathan M, When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler 2000

—, The Battle of Kursk 1999

Goldensohn, Leon, The Nuremberg Interviews, ed. Robert Gellately 2004

Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, Hitler's Willing Executioners 1996

Gooderson, Ian, Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943—45 1998

ed. Gorlitz, Walter, The Memoirs of Tield Marshal Keitel 1961

Gorodetsky, Gabriel, Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia 1999

Grant, Reg, World War II: Europe 2004

Graves, Charles, The Home Guard of Britain 1943

Grayling, A. C, Among the Dead Cities: Was the Allied Bombing of Civilians in WWII a Necessity or a Crime? 2006

Greenwood, Alexander, Auchinleck n.d.

Gregor, Neil, Haunted City: Nuremberg and the Nazi Past 2009

Greif, G., We Wept without Tears: Testimonies of the Jewish Sonderkommando from Auschwitz?

Gretton, Vice-Admiral Sir Peter, Convoy Escort Commander 1964

Griffiths, Richard, Marshal Petain 1970

Grigg, John, 1943: The Victory that Never Was 1999

Gross, Jan Tomasz, Polish Society under German Occupation 1979

—, Neighbours: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in jedwabne, Poland 2003

Grossman, Vasily, Life and Fate 2006

Grunberger, Richard, A Social History of the Third Reich 1991 Guderian, General Heinz, Panzer Leader 1950

eds. Gutman, Israel, and Berenbaum, Michael, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp Bloomington 1998

Gwyer, J.M.A., Grand Strategy vol. ill, part I 1964

Hamilton, Nigel, Monty: The Making of a General 1887—1941 1981

—, Monty: Master of the Battlefield 1942—44 1983

—, Monty: The Field-Marshal 1986

Hancock, Eleanor, The National Socialist Leadership and Total War 1941-5 1991

Harriman, W. Averell, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946 1975

Harris, Arthur, Bomber Offensive 1947

Harris, John, Swordpoint: A Novel of Cassino 1980

Harrison, Tom, Living through the Blitz 1976

Hart, S., The German Soldier in World War II2000

Hartcup, Guy, The Challenge of War: Scientific and Engineering Contributions to World War Two 1970

ed. Hart-Davis, DufT, King's Counsellor: The Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles 2006

Harvey, Maurice, Scandinavian Misadventure 1990

Harvey, Robert, American Shogun: MacArthur, Hirohito and the American Duel with Japan 2006

Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan 2005

Hastings, Max, Bomber Command 1979

—, Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy 1984

—, On the Offensive 1995

—.Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944—452004

—, Warriors 2005

—, Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944-452007

Haswell, Jock, The Intelligence and Deception of the D-Day Landings 1979

Haupt, Werner, Army Group North 1941—1945 1997

—, Army Group Center 1941-1945 1997

—, Army Group South 1941-1945 1998

Hayward, Joel S.A., Stopped at Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East 1942-1943 1998

eds. Heiber, Helmut, and Glantz, David M., Hitler and his Generals: Military Conferences 1942—1945 2002

Heller, Joseph, Catch-22 1994

Henderson, Michael, See You after the Duration: The Story of British Evacuees to North America in World War 112004

Hersey, John, Hiroshima 1946

Hesketh, Roger, Fortitude: The D-Day Deception Campaign 1999

Hickey, Des, and Smith, Gus, Operation Avalanche: The Salerno Landings 1943 1983

Higham, Robin, Diary of a Disaster: British Aid to Greece 1940-1941 1986

Hinsley, F.H., Hitler's Strategy 1951

—, British Intelligence in the Second World War 1993

eds. Hinsley, F.H., and Stripp, Alan, Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park 1993

eds. Hirschfield, Gerhard, and Marsh, Patrick, Collaboration in France 1989

Hitchcock, William I., Liberation: The Bitter Road to Freedom 1944-1945200$

H MSO, The Battle of the Atlantic 1946 —, D Day to VE Day: General Eisenhower's Report on the Invasion of Europe 2000

—, What Britain Has Done 2007 Hoess, Rudolf, Commandant of Auschwitz 1961 Hogg, Ian V, German Secret Weapons of the Second World War 1999

Holland, James, Fortress Malta: An Island under Siege 2003 —, Together We Stand: Turning the Tide in the West: North Africa 1942-19432005

—, Italy  Sorrow: A Year of War 1944-45. 2000

Holmes, Richard, The World at War 2001

—, World War II: The Definitive Visual Guide 2009 Home, Alistair, To Lose a Battle: France 1940 1969 Horner, David, High Command: Australia and Allied Strategy 1939-451982

Horrocks, Sir Brian, Corps Commander 1978 Hough, Richard, and Richards, Denis, The Battle of Britain 1989

Howard, John, and Bates, Peggy, The Pegasus Diaries: The Private Papers of Major John Howard 2006

Howard, Michael, Grand Strategy vol. IV 1972

—, The Mediterranean Strategy in the Second World War 1968 eds.

Howard, Michael, and Paret, Peter, Carl von Clausewitz: On War 1989

ed. Howarth, Stephen, Men of War: Great Naval Leaders of World War Two 1992

ed. Howarth, Stephen, and Law, Derek, The Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1945 1994

Hudson, Miles, Soldier, Poet, Rebel: The Extraordinary Life of Charles Hudson   2007

Hughes, Matthew, and Mann, Chris, Inside Hitler's Germany 2002

Imperial War Museum, The Black Book 1989

Irving, David, Hitler's War 1939-1942 1977

—, Hitler's War 1942-1945 1977

ed. Isby, David C, Fighting the Breakout: The German Army in Normandy from «Cobra» to the Falaise Gap 2004

Ismay, Lord, The Memoirs of Lord Ismay 1960

Jablonsky, David, Churchill and Hitler 1994

Jackson, Ashley, The British Empire and the Second World War 2006

Jackson, Julian, France: The Dark Years 1940—19442001

Jackson, Robert, The Fall of France 1972

eds. Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, and Rohwer, Jurgen, Decisive Battles of World War II: The German View 1965

Jeffreys, Kevin, The Churchill Coalition and Wartime Politics 1940-19451991

Jenkins, Roy, Roosevelt 2003

Jones, Michael, Leningrad: State of Siege 2008

Jones, Nigel, Countdown to Valkyrie: The July Plot to Assassinate Hitler 2009

Jones, Robert Huhn, The Roads to Russia: United States Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union 1969

Jones, R.V., Most Secret War 1978

Junge, Traudl, Until the Final Hour 2003

Kakehashi, Kumiko, Letters from Iwo Jima 2007

Kaufmann, J.E., and Kaufmann, H.W., Hitler's Blitzkrieg Campaign 1993

Keegan, Six Armies in Normandy 1982

—, The Second World War 1989

ed. Keegan, John, Churchill's Generals 1991

Kennedy, John, The Business of  War 1957

Kennedy, Ludovic, Pursuit: The Sinking of the Bismarck 2001

Kersaudy, Francois, Churchill and De Gaulle 1982

—, Norway 1940X990

Kershaw, Alex, The Few 2007

Kershaw, Ian, Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris 1998

—, Hitler: 1936-1945: Nemesis 2000

—, Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World 1940-19412007

, Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution 2008

Kershaw, Robert, Never Surrender 2009

Kesselring, Albert, Kesselring: A Soldier's Record 1954

Kieser, Egbert, Hitler on the Doorstep: Operation «Sea Lion»: The German Plan to Invade Britain 1997

ed. Kimball, Warren, Churchill and Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence 3 vols 1984

Kitchen, Martin, British Policy towards the Soviet Union during the Second World War 1986

Kitson, Simon, The Hunt for Nazi Spies: Fighting Espionage in Vichy France 2008

Kolinsky, Martin, Britain's War in the Middle East: Strategy and Diplomacy 1936—42 1999

Konev, I., Year of Victory 1969

ed. Krivosheev, G.F., Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century 1993

eds. Kulkov, E.N., Shukman, Harold, and Rzheshevskii, Oleg Aleksandrovich, Stalin and the Russo-Finnish War 1939—1940 2002

Lacouture, Jean, De Gaulle: The Rebel 1890-1944 1990

—, De Gaulle: The Ruler 1945-19701

Lamb, Richard, Churchill as War Leader 2003

Lambourne, Nicola, War Damage in Western Europe: The Destruction of Historic Monuments during the Second World War 2001

Lampe, David, The Last Ditch: Britain's Secret Resistance and the Nazi Invasion Plan 2007

ed. Langworth, Richard M., Churchill by Himself: The Life, Times and Opinions of Winston Churchill in his Own Words 2008

Laqueur, Walter, The Terrible Secret: An Investigation into the Suppression of Information about Hitler's «Final Solution» 1980

ed. Laqueur, Walter, The Second World War 1982

Latimer, Jon, Burma: The Forgotten War 2004

—, Alamein 2002

Lavery, Brian, Churchill Goes to War 2007

Leach, Barry A., German Strategy against Russia 1939—1941 1973

Leahy, William D., / Was There 1950

Leighton, Richard M., and Coakley, Robert W, Global Logistics and Strategy 1940—1943 1955

Le Tissier, Tony, The Battle of Berlin 1945 1988

—, Zhukov at the Oder 1996

ed. Leutze, James, The London Observer: The Journal of Gen-era! Raymond E. Lee 1940—1941 1972

Levi, Primo, If This Is a Man 1987

Levine, Joshua, Forgotten Voices of the Blitz and the Battle of Britain 2006

Lewin, Ronald, ULTRA Goes to War 1988

—, The American Magic New York 1982

Lewis, Bruce, Aircrew: The Story of the Men Who Flew the Bombers 2000

Lewis, Norman, Naples '44 1983

Liddell Hart, Basil, The Current of War 1941

—, The Other Side of the Hill: Germany's Generals 1951

—, The History of the Second World War 1970

ed. Liddell Hart, Basil, The Rommel Papers 1933

Lilley, J. Robert, Taken by Torce: Rape and American GIs during World War Two 2008

Lindbergh, Charles A., The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh New York 1970

Linklater, Eric, The Campaign in Germany 1951

Littlejohn, David, The Patriotic Traitors: A History of Collaboration in German-Occupied Europe 1940—45 1972.

ed. Lochner, Louis P., TheGoebbels Diaries 1948

Lombard-Hobson, Sam, A Sailor's War 1983

Longden, Sean, To the Victor the Spoils: D-Day to VE-Day 2004

—, Hitler's British Slaves 2005

—, Dunkirk: The Men They Left Behind 2008

Longmate, Norman, If Britain Had Ealien 1988

Lord, Walter, The Miracle of Dunkirk 1982

Loringhovcn, Bcrnd Frcytag von, In the Bunker with Hitler 2005

eds. Love, Robert W., and Major, John, The Year of D-Day:

The 1944 Diary of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay 1994

Lowe, Keith, Inferno: The Devastation of Hamburg 1943 Lower, Wfendy, Nazi-Empire Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine 2005

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