Radclyffe - Oath of Honor

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just you. Wes—oh God, I’m coming.”

Wes kissed her eyelids, her mouth, her throat. “You’re so beautiful.

I could wake up like this forever.”

“Stay, then,” Evyn whispered, shattered with happiness.

Wes grew still. “Evyn, I didn’t mean—”

“I did.” Evyn drew away until she could look into Wes’s eyes. She

wanted Wes to see what was in her heart. Trust. Certainty. Joy. “I love

you. I want to sleep with you and wake up with you as many nights and

as many mornings as we have.”

“I thought I knew what mattered before I met you,” Wes whispered.

“I thought my life was defined by what I accomplished, by what I

contributed. Those things still matter, but what matters in my heart and

my soul is you.”

Evyn found Wes’s hand and brought it to her heart. “I never let

myself need anyone. I was afraid if I did, all the fears and uncertainties

I kept locked away would escape. I couldn’t afford to be anything less

than tough and sure. But I need you, and I don’t feel afraid. I’m stronger

now, deep inside. I love you.”

“Then I’ll stay.” Wes kissed her. “For all the nights and days to


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About the Author

Radclyffe has written over forty romance and romantic intrigue novels,

dozens of short stories, and, writing as L.L. Raand, has authored a

paranormal romance series, The Midnight Hunters.

She is an eight-time Lambda Literary Award finalist in romance,

mystery and erotica—winning in both romance ( Distant Shores, Silent

Thunder) and erotica ( Erotic Interludes 2: Stolen Moments edited with

Stacia Seaman and In Deep Waters 2: Cruising the Strip written with

Karin Kallmaker). A member of the Saints and Sinners Literary Hall of

Fame, she is also a 2010 RWA / FF&P Prism award winner for Secrets

in the Stone. Her 2011 title Firestorm is a ForeWord Review Book of

the Year award finalist. She is also the president of Bold Strokes Books,

one of the world’s largest independent LGBT publishing companies.

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