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Метод Франка - Дом на Пуховом углу

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So he sang it again (и он спел ее опять).

listen [lIsn], before [bI'fL], again [q'gen]

"Well, you'll see, Piglet, when you listen. Because this is how it begins. The more it snows, tiddely pom "

"Tiddely what?" said Piglet.

"Pom," said Pooh. "I put that in to make it more hummy. The more it goes, tiddely pom, the more "

"Didn't you say snows?"

"Yes, but that was before."

"Before the tiddely pom?"

"It was a different tiddely pom," said Pooh, feeling rather muddled now. "I'll sing it to you properly and then you'll see.

So he sang it again.

The more it (чем больше)

SNOWS-tiddely-pom (снег идет-тирли-бом),

The more it (чем больше)

GOES-tiddely-pom (продолжает он-тирли-бом)

The more it (тем больше он)

GOES-tiddely-pom (продолжает-тирли-бом)


Snowing (идти).

And nobody (и никто)

KNOWS-tiddely-pom (/не/ знает-тирли-бом),

How cold my (какими холодными мои)

TOES-tiddely-pom (пальцы ног-тирли-бом)

How cold my (какими холодными мои)

TOES-tiddely-pom (пальцы ног-тирли-бом)


Growing (становятся).

The more it


The more it


The more it




And nobody


How cold my


How cold my




He sang it like that (он пропел ее так), which is much the best way of singing it (что гораздо лучший способ ее пения = и так ее петь оказалось лучше всего), and when he had finished (и когда он закончил), he waited for Piglet to say (он ждал, что Пятачок скажет) that, of all the Outdoor Hums for Snowy Weather he had ever heard, this was the best (что из всех Уличных Хмыкалок для Снежной Погоды, которые он когда-либо слышал, эта — самая лучшая). And, after thinking the matter out carefully, Piglet said (и после тщательного обдумывания /предмета/ Пятачок сказал):

"Pooh," he said solemnly (Пух, — сказал он торжественно), "it isn't the toes so much as the ears (не столько пальцы ног, как уши)."

weather ['weDq], ever ['evq], solemnly ['sOlqmlI]

He sang it like that, which is much the best way of singing it, and when he had finished, he waited for Piglet to say that, of all the Outdoor Hums for Snowy Weather he had ever heard, this was the best. And, after thinking the matter out carefully, Piglet said:

"Pooh," he said solemnly, "it isn't the toes so much as the ears."

By this time they were getting near Eeyore's Gloomy Place (к этому времени они подходили к Угрюмому Месту Иа), which was where he lived (которое находилось там, где он жил), and as it was still very snowy behind Piglet's ears (и так как за ушами Пятачка все еще было очень снежно), and he was getting tired of it (и он уставал от этого = и ему это начинало надоедать), they turned into a little pine-wood (они свернули в маленький сосновый лес = соснячок), and sat down on the gate which led into it (и сели на ворота, которые вели в него; to lead). They were out of the snow now (они были вне снега теперь = теперь на них не попадал снег), but it was very cold (но было очень холодно), and to keep themselves warm (и /чтобы/ согреться) they sang Pooh's song right through six times (они пропели песню Пуха полностью шесть раз), Piglet doing the tidde-ly-poms and Pooh doing the rest of it (Пятачок делал тирли-бомы = тирли-бомкал, а Пух делал остальное = пел остальное), and both of them thumping on the top of the gate with pieces of stick at the proper places (и они оба стучали по верхней части ворот кусками палки = палочками в нужных местах). And in a little while they felt much warmer, and were able to talk again (и вскоре они почувствовали себя = почувствовали, что им стало гораздо теплее, и /они/ снова смогли говорить).

warm [wLm], both [bquT], piece [pJs]

By this time they were getting near Eeyore's Gloomy Place, which was where he lived, and as it was still very snowy behind Piglet's ears, and he was getting tired of it, they turned into a little pine-wood, and sat down on the gate which led into it. They were out of the snow now, but it was very cold, and to keep themselves warm they sang Pooh's song right through six times, Piglet doing the tiddely-poms and Pooh doing the rest of it, and both of them thumping on the top of the gate with pieces of stick at the proper places. And in a little while they felt much warmer, and were able to talk again.

"I've been thinking," said Pooh (я думал, — сказал Пух), "and what I've been thinking is this (и вот о чем я думал). I've been thinking about Eeyore (я думал об Иа)."

"What about Eeyore (что об Иа)?"

"Well, poor Eeyore has nowhere to live (ну, /что/ бедному Иа негде жить)."

"Nor he has," said Piglet (тоже нет = негде, — сказал Пятачок).

"You have a house, Piglet (у тебя есть дом, Пятачок), and I have a house (и у меня есть дом), and they are very good houses (и это очень хорошие дома). And Christopher Robin has a house (и у Кристофера Робина есть дом), and Owl and Kanga and Rabbit have houses (и у Филина и Кенги и Кролика есть дома), and even Rabbit's friends and relations have houses or somethings (и даже у друзей и родственников Кролика есть дома или что-нибудь), but poor Eeyore has nothing (а у бедного Иа /нет/ ничего). So what I've been thinking is: Let's build him a house (и вот, что я надумал: давай построим ему дом)."

poor [puq], house [haus], houses ['hauzIz]

"I've been thinking," said Pooh, "and what I've been thinking is this. I've been thinking about Eeyore."

"What about Eeyore?"

"Well, poor Eeyore has nowhere to live."

"Nor he has," said Piglet.

"You have a house, Piglet, and I have a house, and they are very good houses. And Christopher Robin has a house, and Owl and Kanga and Rabbit have houses, and even Rabbit's friends and relations have houses or somethings, but poor Eeyore has nothing. So what I've been thinking is: Let's build him a house."

"That," said Piglet, "is a Grand Idea (это, — сказал Пятачок, — Грандиозная Идея). Where shall we build it (/и/ где мы его построим)?"

"We will build it here," said Pooh (мы построим его здесь, — сказал Пух), "just by this wood, out of the wind (как раз у этого леса, не на ветру), because this is where I thought of it (потому что именно здесь я это придумал). And we will call this Pooh Corner (и мы назовем это /место/ Пуховым Углом). And we will build an Eeyore House with sticks at Pooh Comer for Eeyore (и мы построим Дом Иа с = из палок на Пуховом Углу для Иа)."

"There was a heap of sticks on the other side of the wood," said Piglet (на другой стороне леса была куча палок, — сказал Пятачок). "I saw them (я видел их). Lots and lots (много-много). All piled up (все нагромождены кучей; to pile up нагромождать)."

build [bIld], wood [wud], wind [wInd]

"That," said Piglet, "is a Grand Idea. Where shall we build it?"

"We will build it here," said Pooh, "just by this wood, out of the wind, because this is where I thought of it. And we will call this Pooh Corner. And we will build an Eeyore House with sticks at Pooh Comer for Eeyore."

"There was a heap of sticks on the other side of the wood," said Piglet. "I saw them. Lots and lots. All piled up."

"Thank you, Piglet," said Pooh (спасибо, Пятачок, — сказал Пух). "What you have just said will be a Great Help to us (то, что ты только что сказал, будет нам Великой Помощью = окажет нам Великую Помощь), and because of it I could call this place Poohandpiglet Corner (и из-за этого я мог бы назвать это место Пухопятачковым Углом) if Pooh Corner didn't sound better (если бы Пухов Угол не звучал лучше), which it does, being smaller and more like a corner (который = как он звучит, будучи меньше и более похожим на угол). Come along (пошли)."

So they got down off the gate (и они слезли с ворот) and went round to the other side of the wood to fetch the sticks (и пошли вокруг на другую сторону леса за палками: «чтобы принести палки»).

call [kLl], sound [saund], along [q'lON]

"Thank you, Piglet," said Pooh. "What you have just said will be a Great Help to us, and because of it I could call this place Poohandpiglet Corner if Pooh Corner didn't sound better, which it does, being smaller and more like a corner. Come along."

So they got down off the gate and went round to the other side of the wood to fetch the sticks.

* * *

Christopher Robin had spent the morning indoors going to Africa and back (Кристофер Робин провел утро дома, путешествуя в Африку и обратно), and he had just got off the boat (и он только что сошел с корабля) and was wondering what it was like outside (и спрашивал себя, как там на улице; outside снаружи, извне), when who should come knocking at the door but Eeyore (когда к нему в дверь постучался не кто иной, как Иа).

knock [nOk] should [Sud]

Christopher Robin had spent the morning indoors going to Africa and back, and he had just got off the boat and was wondering what it was like outside, when who should come knocking at the door but Eeyore.

"Hallo, Eeyore," said Christopher Robin (привет, Иа, — сказал Кристофер Робин), as he opened the door and came out (когда он открыл дверь и вышел). "How are you (как /ты/ поживаешь)?"

"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily (все еще идет снег, — сказал Иа угрюмо).

"So it is (да)."

"And freezing (и морозит)."

"Is it (неужели)?"

"Yes," said Eeyore (да, — сказал Иа). "However," he said, brightening up a little (однако, — сказал он, немного наполняясь радостью; bright светлый; to brighten up проясняться; наполнять(ся) радостью), "we haven't had an earthquake lately (в последнее время у нас не было землетрясений)."

"What's the matter, Eeyore (что случилось: «в чем дело», Иа)?"

door [dL], however [hau'evq], earthquake ['WTkweIk]

"Hallo, Eeyore," said Christopher Robin, as he opened the door and came out. "How are you?"

"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.

"So it is."

"And freezing."

"Is it?"

"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."

"What's the matter, Eeyore?"

"Nothing, Christopher Robin (ничего, Кристофер Робин). Nothing important (ничего существенного). I suppose you haven't seen a house or what-not anywhere about (я полагаю, ты не видел дома или чего-нибудь наподобие этого где-нибудь поблизости; to suppose предполагать)?"

"What sort of a house (какого дома)?"

"Just a house (просто дома)."

"Who lives there (кто там = в нем живет)?"

"I do (я). At least I thought I did (по крайней мере, я думал, что я). But I suppose I don't (но /я/ допускаю, что не я = это не так). After all, we can't all have houses (в конце концов, не могут быть дома у всех нас)."

"But, Eeyore, I didn't know — I always thought (но, Иа, я не знал — я всегда думал) — "

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