Ed Lacy - Lead With Your Left

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“Yes, you can, say it.” The roses seemed to be laughing at her.

“Dave...” The tears really rolled. “Well, Dave, you either have to give up being a cop or we're done. Dave, I can't take it. I can't!”

“Don't cry, Mary. You want me to be a glorified goon for Uncle Frank at forty a week?”

“Please, Dave, we don't have to talk about this now? We—”

“Yes, we do have to talk about it! Is working for Uncle Frank what you want?”

“All I want is to have you work normal hours, where there's no chance of you ever being shot or beaten up. Is that unreasonable? I don't care what you do, as long as you're not a cop.”

“I'm going to remain a cop.”

“Why?” she asked loudly, hysterically.

“Because I'm not only the youngest detective on the force, at this moment I'm the best! That's important—I could never be the best stock clerk in the city or the best anything else. And because it's my job. I...” Talking sure took it out of me: I let the words fade on my lips.

Mary sat up very straight and stiff as she said, “Dave, we're... we're... finished.”

“I think so, Babes. Now it's in the open.”

She seemed to fall apart as she put her face in her hands, cried into them. “Is that all you can say? Dave, why must you be so tough, so hard?”

“Honey, honey, I'm not being tough. Don't you see, we've been finished for a long time, but we were both afraid to face it. You want a guy you can steer, somebody you can push together with up the same road. All this striving is important to you but not to me.” My voice got low and I stopped for a moment, felt strength flowing back into me like a tiny tide.

Mary said through her tears, “Don't talk, Dave, it isn't good for you to—”

“It's great for me. Babes, you want this cocktail dueling, the clever hustle. You wouldn't be satisfied if I was working for Uncle Frank. There'd always be another job and then another—up some imaginary ladder. There's no sense in our hurting each other. Mary honey, you're a nice girl and when you get the right man you'll both hit it off. I'm not that man. I'm a cop.”

“Cop! You're happy because you're a big hero again, another citation, maybe a medal this time, and you'll be the youngest second-grade detective now. That's what you enjoy, being a cocky wise guy because you think you're something special, something on a stick! It's all your goddamn vanity!”

“And if I do enjoy my job, if I am cocky, where do you come off always trying to change me? Babes, don't you see, it's no good if we have to change each other?”

She ran a handkerchief over her face. “It's a waste of time talking to you, Dave, you're so stubborn.”

“It's a waste of time because we see things differently.”

She stood up. “Breaking up a marriage isn't pleasant. Dave, I want to give us every chance. Why can't you get a leave from the force and try it my way? I've tried yours and it's made me a nervous wreck.”

“Mary, playing catch-up never works. You're young and pretty, you'll get the right guy.”

“Made up your mind for a long time now, haven't you?”

“No, but I can say it easily now. I want to put in my hours as a cop and not come home to a night of arguing. That's all.”

“Your noble cops! The reporters talked to me, the papers are full of the story. The good cops you spent your free time working on, stopped a bullet for, what were they but a couple of cheap chiselers, shakedown artists!”

My eyes were too heavy to keep open. “I was shot bringing in a murderer, what I'm paid to do. Maybe I was a little screwy, put a halo around a badge. From now on it will just be a job to me, but a job I like.”

The room was very quiet, reminded me of the stillness of the store. I opened my eyes: Mary was gone. I felt nervous, lousy and relieved. I turned my head to the cool side of the pillow. I ought to sleep, be strong enough to chatter and bull when Danny came... and when Rose came. Not that she liked cops much either. But with her it wouldn't matter too...

The lanky nurse returned. I asked, “What's the message?”

Again the S.O.P. smile. “No message with the flowers. A woman brought them—your mother.”

I closed my eyes. “Listen, when my partner, Danny Hayes, comes in, wake me. And if a Miss Henderson should call... well, be sure to wake me. If she visits or phones.”

But I knew she wouldn't.

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