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Эдгар Берроуз - Английский язык с Э. Р. Берроузом. Принцесса Марса

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curious ['kjuqrIqs], manipulate [mq'nIpjuleIt], divulge [dI'vAldZ]

One curious fact I discovered as I watched his thoughts was that the outer doors are manipulated by telepathic means. The locks are so finely adjusted that the doors are released by the action of a certain combination of thought waves. To experiment with my new-found toy I thought to surprise him into revealing this combination and so I asked him in a casual manner how he had managed to unlock the massive doors for me from the inner chambers of the building. As quick as a flash there leaped to his mind nine Martian sounds, but as quickly faded as he answered that this was a secret he must not divulge.

From then on his manner toward me changed (с этого момента его отношение ко мне изменилось) as though he feared that he had been surprised into divulging his great secret (как будто он опасался, что его вынудили раскрыть его большой секрет, застав врасплох) and I read suspicion and fear in his looks and thoughts (и я читал подозрение и страх в его взглядах и мыслях), though his words were still fair (хотя слова его были все еще доброжелательны; fair — вежливый, учтивый; мирный, спокойный).

Before I retired for the night (прежде, чем я отправился спать) he promised to give me a letter to a nearby agricultural officer (он пообещал вручить мне письмо к живущему поблизости чиновнику земледелия; nearby — близкий, соседний; officer — сотрудник, чиновник) who would help me on my way to Zodanga (который поможет мне на моем пути в Зодангу), which he said, was the nearest Martian city (который, как он сказал мне, был ближайшим марсианским городом).

suspicion [sq'spIS(q)n], retire [rI'taIq], agricultural ["xgrI'kAltSqrql]

From then on his manner toward me changed as though he feared that he had been surprised into divulging his great secret, and I read suspicion and fear in his looks and thoughts, though his words were still fair.

Before I retired for the night he promised to give me a letter to a nearby agricultural officer who would help me on my way to Zodanga, which he said, was the nearest Martian city.

"But be sure that you do not let them know you are bound for Helium (но ни в коем случае не дай им знать, что ты направляешься в Гелиум; to be sure to do — непременно сделать; bound — обязанный; направляющийся; to be bound for — направляться) as they are at war with that country (так как они воюют с этой страной). My assistant and I are of no country (мой помощник и я не принадлежим ни одной стране), we belong to all Barsoom (мы принадлежим всему Барсуму) and this talisman which we wear protects us in all lands (и этот талисман, который мы носим, защищает нас во всех землях), even among the green men (даже у: «среди» зеленых людей) — though we do not trust ourselves to their hands if we can avoid it," he added (хотя мы и не и не вверяем себя в их руки, если можем избежать этого, — добавил он; to trust — доверять, вверять).

assistant [q'sIst(q)nt], talisman ['txlIzmqn], avoid [q'vOId]

"But be sure that you do not let them know you are bound for Helium as they are at war with that country. My assistant and I are of no country, we belong to all Barsoom and this talisman which we wear protects us in all lands, even among the green men — though we do not trust ourselves to their hands if we can avoid it," he added.

"And so good-night, my friend," he continued (итак, доброй ночи, мой друг, — продолжил он) "may you have a long and restful sleep — yes, a long sleep (пусть сон твой будет долгим и спокойным — да, долгим сном; restful — успокаивающий, спокойный)."

And though he smiled pleasantly (и хотя он приятно улыбался) I saw in his thoughts the wish (я видел в его мыслях желание) that he had never admitted me (в котором он ни за что бы не признался), and then a picture of him standing over me in the night (а затем /появилось/ видение, как он ночью стоит надо мной), and the swift thrust of a long dagger (и быстрый удар длинного кинжала) and the half formed words (и наполовину оформившиеся слова), "I am sorry, but it is for the best good of Barsoom (мне жаль, но это для блага Барсума)."

continue [kqn'tInju: ], admit [qd'mIt], dagger ['dxgq]

"And so good-night, my friend," he continued, "may you have a long and restful sleep — yes, a long sleep."

And though he smiled pleasantly I saw in his thoughts the wish that he had never admitted me, and then a picture of him standing over me in the night, and the swift thrust of a long dagger and the half formed words, "I am sorry, but it is for the best good of Barsoom."

As he closed the door of my chamber behind him (и когда он закрыл за собой дверь моей комнаты) his thoughts were cut off from me as was the sight of him (его мысли исчезли из моей головы так же, как и он сам: «были отсечены от меня так же, как возможность видеть его») which seemed strange to me in my little knowledge of thought transference (что показалось мне странным при моем недостаточном знании о /процессе/ передачи мысли).

chamber ['tSeImbq], transference ['trxnsfrqns]

As he closed the door of my chamber behind him his thoughts were cut off from me as was the sight of him, which seemed strange to me in my little knowledge of thought transference.

What was I to do (что мне было делать)? How could I escape through these mighty walls (как мог я бежать из этих мощных стен)? Easily could I kill him now that I was warned (я легко мог убить его теперь, когда я был предупрежден), but once he was dead I could no more escape (но если он умрет — тогда я никак не смогу спастись), and with the stopping of the machinery of the great plant (а при остановке машин этой огромной фабрики) I should die with all the other inhabitants of the planet (я умру вместе со всеми другими обитателями этой планеты) — all, even Dejah Thoris were she not already dead (со всеми, даже Дежой Торис, если она еще не была мертва). For the others I did not give the snap of my finger (судьба других меня не волновала: «ради других не сделал бы щелчка пальцем»; to snap — щелкать), but the thought of Dejah Thoris drove from my mind all desire to kill my mistaken host (но мысль о Деже Торис изгнала из моих мыслей всякое желание убить моего заблуждающегося хозяина).

escape [Is'keIp], drove [drouv], mistaken [mI'steIk(q)n]

What was I to do? How could I escape through these mighty walls? Easily could I kill him now that I was warned, but once he was dead I could no more escape, and with the stopping of the machinery of the great plant I should die with all the other inhabitants of the planet — all, even Dejah Thoris were she not already dead. For the others I did not give the snap of my finger, but the thought of Dejah Thoris drove from my mind all desire to kill my mistaken host.

Cautiously I opened the door of my apartment (осторожно я открыл дверь своей комнаты) and, followed by Woola, sought the inner of the great doors (и, сопровождаемый Вулой, отправился искать внутренний /механизм/ больших дверей; to seek). A wild scheme had come to me (безумный план пришел мне в голову); I would attempt to force the great locks by the nine thought waves (я попытаюсь заставить большие замки /открыться/ с помощью девяти мыслительных волн) I had read in my host's mind (которые я прочитал в мозгу моего хозяина).

Creeping stealthily through corridor after corridor (/я/ осторожно крался по коридору за коридором) and down winding runways which turned hither and thither (и по извилистым переходам, которые поворачивали в разных направлениях: «сюда и туда») I finally reached the great hall in which I had broken my long fast that morning (наконец я добрался до большого зала, в котором я прекратил свою долгую голодовку сегодня утром; fast — пост, голодание). Nowhere had I seen my host, nor did I know where he kept himself by night (нигде я не видел своего хозяина, а также я не знал, где он остается на ночь; to keep — хранить; оставаться).

scheme [ski: m], creep [kri: p], hither ['hIDq]

Cautiously I opened the door of my apartment and, followed by Woola, sought the inner of the great doors. A wild scheme had come to me; I would attempt to force the great locks by the nine thought waves I had read in my host's mind.

Creeping stealthily through corridor after corridor and down winding runways which turned hither and thither I finally reached the great hall in which I had broken my long fast that morning. Nowhere had I seen my host, nor did I know where he kept himself by night.

I was on the point of stepping boldly out into the room (я уже был готов смело вступить в комнату) when a slight noise behind me (когда легкий шум позади меня) warned me back into the shadows of a recess in the corridor (заставил меня: «предостерег меня» отступить назад в тень ниши в коридоре). Dragging Woola after me I crouched low in the darkness (потянув Вулу за собой, я согнулся/съежился в темноте; to crouch — припадать к земле; согнуться, сжаться).

slight [slaIt], boldly ['bouldlI]

I was on the point of stepping boldly out into the room when a slight noise behind me warned me back into the shadows of a recess in the corridor. Dragging Woola after me I crouched low in the darkness.

Presently the old man passed close by me (тут же старик прошел рядом со мной) and as he entered the dimly lighted chamber which I had been about to pass through (и когда он вошел в тускло освещенную комнату, через которую я только что собирался пройти) I saw that he held a long thin dagger in his hand (я увидел, что он держит в руке длинный тонкий кинжал) and that he was sharpening it upon a stone (и что он точит его о камень). In his mind was the decision to inspect the radium pumps (в его мыслях было решение осмотреть радиевые насосы), which would take about thirty minutes (что должно было занять примерно тридцать минут), and then return to my bed chamber and finish me (а затем вернуться в мою спальню и прикончить меня).

dagger ['dxgq], dimly ['dImlI], sharpen ['SQ: p(q)n]

Presently the old man passed close by me, and as he entered the dimly lighted chamber which I had been about to pass through I saw that he held a long thin dagger in his hand and that he was sharpening it upon a stone. In his mind was the decision to inspect the radium pumps, which would take about thirty minutes, and then return to my bed chamber and finish me.

As he passed through the great hall and disappeared down the runway (когда он прошел через большой зал и исчез в проходе) which led to the pump-room (который вел к насосной комнате), I stole stealthily from my hiding place (я осторожно выбрался из своего укрытия) and crossed to the great door (и помчался к большой двери; to cross — пересекать), the inner of the three which stood between me and liberty (внутренней из трех /дверей/, которые стояли между мной и свободой).

Concentrating my mind upon the massive lock (сосредоточив все мысли на массивном замке) I hurled the nine thought waves against it (я направил: «бросил» на него девять мыслительных волн). In breathless expectancy I waited (затаив дыхание, я ждал; breathless — задыхающийся, затаивший дыхание; breath — дыхание; expectancy — ожидание; breathless expectancy — напряженное ожидание; to expect — ожидать), when finally the great door moved softly toward me (когда, наконец, большие двери мягко двинулись ко мне) and slid quietly to one side (и тихо скользнули в сторону; to slide). One after the other the remaining mighty portals opened at my command (одна за другой мощные двери открывались по моему приказу) and Woola and I stepped forth into the darkness (и мы с Вулой шагнули вперед в темноту), free, but little better off than we had been before (свободные, но в не намного лучшем положении, чем мы были раньше), other than that we had full stomachs (за исключением того, что желудки наши были полны).

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