Эдгар Берроуз - Английский язык с Э. Р. Берроузом. Принцесса Марса
descending [dI'sendIN],eavesdropping ['i: vz" drOpIN], caution ['kO: S(q)n]
Sola asked us if we had had a visitor during her absence, and seemed much surprised when we answered in the negative. It seemed that as she had mounted the approach to the upper floors where our quarters were located, she had met Sarkoja descending. We decided that she must have been eavesdropping, but as we could recall nothing of importance that had passed between us, we dismissed the matter as of little consequence, merely promising ourselves to be warned to the utmost caution in the future.
Dejah Thoris and I then fell to examining the architecture (Дежа Торис и я затем принялись осматривать архитектуру) and decorations of the beautiful chambers of the building we were occupying (и отделку прекрасных комнат здания, которое мы занимали). She told me that these people had presumably flourished over a hundred thousand years before (она рассказала мне, что этот народ, предположительно, процветал более ста тысяч лет назад). They were the early progenitors of her race (они были древними прародителями ее расы; early — ранний; древний), but had mixed with the other great race of early Martians (но смешались с другой великой расой древних марсиан), who were very dark, almost black (которые были очень темными, почти черными), and also with the reddish yellow race which had flourished at the same time (а также с красно-желтой расой, которая процветала в это же время).
examining [Ig'zxmInIN], presumably [prI'zju: mqblI], progenitor [prou'dZenItq]
Dejah Thoris and I then fell to examining the architecture and decorations of the beautiful chambers of the building we were occupying. She told me that these people had presumably flourished over a hundred thousand years before. They were the early progenitors of her race, but had mixed with the other great race of early Martians, who were very dark, almost black, and also with the reddish yellow race which had flourished at the same time.
These three great divisions of the higher Martians (эти три больших = распространенных типа высших марсиан; division — деление; классификация; тип) had been forced into a mighty alliance (вынуждены были /создать/ могучий союз) as the drying up of the Martian seas (так как пересыхание марсианских морей) had compelled them to seek the comparatively few and always diminishing fertile areas (заставляло их искать сравнительно малочисленные и постоянно сокращающиеся плодородные участки; to compel — заставлять, принуждать), and to defend themselves, under new conditions of life (и защищать себя в новых условиях жизни), against the wild hordes of green men (против диких племен: «орд» зеленых людей).
Ages of close relationship and intermarrying (века тесных отношений и браков между собой) had resulted in the race of red men (привели к /формированию/ расы красных людей), of which Dejah Thoris was a fair and beautiful daughter (чьей прекрасной и великолепной дочерью была Дежа Торис). During the ages of hardships and incessant warring between their own various races (за время многовековых лишений и непрерывных войн между своими собственными различными расами), as well as with the green men (а также с зелеными людьми), and before they had fitted themselves to the changed conditions (и прежде чем они приспособились к изменившимся условиям), much of the high civilization (большая часть высшей цивилизации) and many of the arts of the fair-haired Martians had become lost (и многие виды искусств светловолосых марсиан были утрачены); but the red race of today has reached a point (но современная раса красных марсиан достигла такого уровня) where it feels that it has made up in new discoveries (когда они считают, что они возместили новыми открытиями; to make up — возмещать, восполнять) and in a more practical civilization for all (и более практичной цивилизацией все то) that lies irretrievably buried with the ancient Barsoomians (что лежит безвозвратно захороненное вместе с древними барсумианами; irretrievable — безвозвратный, непоправимый; to retrieve — восстанавливать, возвращать в прежнее состояние), beneath the countless intervening ages (под бесчисленными /наслоениями/ прошедших веков; to intervine — находиться, лежать между).
comparatively [kqm'pxrqtIvlI], intermarrying ["Intq'mxrIIN], irretrievably ["IrI'tri: vqblI], intervening ["Intq'vi: nIN]
These three great divisions of the higher Martians had been forced into a mighty alliance as the drying up of the Martian seas had compelled them to seek the comparatively few and always diminishing fertile areas, and to defend themselves, under new conditions of life, against the wild hordes of green men.
Ages of close relationship and intermarrying had resulted in the race of red men, of which Dejah Thoris was a fair and beautiful daughter. During the ages of hardships and incessant warring between their own various races, as well as with the green men, and before they had fitted themselves to the changed conditions, much of the high civilization and many of the arts of the fair-haired Martians had become lost; but the red race of today has reached a point where it feels that it has made up in new discoveries and in a more practical civilization for all that lies irretrievably buried with the ancient Barsoomians, beneath the countless intervening ages.
These ancient Martians had been a highly cultivated and literary race (эти древние марсиане были высокоразвитой и образованной расой; to cultivate — культивировать, развивать; cultivated — культурный, развитой; literary — образованный), but during the vicissitudes of those trying centuries (но за время превратностей этих трудных столетий; vicissitude — превратность, злоключения; trying — утомительный, трудный) of readjustment to new conditions (приспосабливания к новым условиям), not only did their advancement and production cease entirely (полностью прекратились не только их прогресс и производство; advancement — продвижение; успех, прогресс; to cease — прекращать), but practically all their archives, records, and literature were lost (но были утрачены практически все их архивы, записи и литература).
Dejah Thoris related many interesting facts and legends (Дежа Торис рассказала много интересных фактов и легенд) concerning this lost race of noble and kindly people (касающихся этой пропавшей расы благородных и добрых людей). She said that the city in which we were camping (она сказала, что город, в котором мы расположились) was supposed to have been a center of commerce and culture known as Korad (был, предположительно, центром торговли и культуры, известным как Корад). It had been built upon a beautiful, natural harbor (он был выстроен у прекрасной, естественной гавани), landlocked by magnificent hills (защищенной великолепными холмами; landlocked — окруженный сушей, закрытый). The little valley on the west front of the city, she explained (небольшая долина перед городом с западной стороны, объяснила она), was all that remained of the harbor (это было все, что осталось от гавани), while the pass through the hills to the old sea bottom (тогда как проход через холмы ко дну древнего моря) had been the channel through which the shipping passed up to the city's gates (был каналом, по которому суда подходили к городским воротам).
vicissitude [vI'sIsItju: d], readjustment ["ri: q'dZAstmqnt], magnificent [mxg'nIfIs(q)nt]
These ancient Martians had been a highly cultivated and literary race, but during the vicissitudes of those trying centuries of readjustment to new conditions, not only did their advancement and production cease entirely, but practically all their archives, records, and literature were lost.
Dejah Thoris related many interesting facts and legends concerning this lost race of noble and kindly people. She said that the city in which we were camping was supposed to have been a center of commerce and culture known as Korad. It had been built upon a beautiful, natural harbor, landlocked by magnificent hills. The little valley on the west front of the city, she explained, was all that remained of the harbor, while the pass through the hills to the old sea bottom had been the channel through which the shipping passed up to the city's gates.
The shores of the ancient seas were dotted with just such cities (берега древнего моря были усеяны как раз такими городами), and lesser ones, in diminishing numbers (а меньшие /по размерам/ и в меньшем количестве), were to be found converging toward the center of the oceans (можно было найти сходящимися к центру океанов; to converge — сходиться в одной точке), as the people had found it necessary to follow the receding waters (так как людям стало необходимо следовать за отступающей водой; to find it necessary — считать необходимым; to recede — отступать, пятиться) until necessity had forced upon them their ultimate salvation, the so-called Martian canals (пока нужда не заставила их /прибегнуть/ к последнему /средству/ спасения, к так называемым Марсианским каналам).
We had been so engrossed in exploration of the building and in our conversation (мы были так поглощены исследованием здания и нашим разговором; to engross — завладевать вниманием, поглощать) that it was late in the afternoon before we realized it (что наступил вечер, прежде чем мы осознали это). We were brought back to a realization of our present conditions (нас вернул к осознанию нашей нынешней ситуации) by a messenger bearing a summons from Lorquas Ptomel (посланник, /который/ принес распоряжение Лоркваса Птомеля; summons — вызов; требование быть где-либо) directing me to appear before him forthwith (предписывающее мне явиться к нему немедленно; forthwith — тотчас, немедленно). Bidding Dejah Thoris and Sola farewell, and commanding Woola to remain on guard (простившись с Дежа Торис и Солой и приказав Вуле оставаться на страже), I hastened to the audience chamber (я поспешил в зал для аудиенций), where I found Lorquas Ptomel and Tars Tarkas seated upon the rostrum (где я нашел Лоркваса Птомеля и Тарса Таркаса, сидящими на возвышении).
diminishing [dI'mInISIN],converging [kqn'vWdZIN], conversation ["kOnvq'seISn], forthwith ['fO: TwID]
The shores of the ancient seas were dotted with just such cities, and lesser ones, in diminishing numbers, were to be found converging toward the center of the oceans, as the people had found it necessary to follow the receding waters until necessity had forced upon them their ultimate salvation, the so-called Martian canals.
We had been so engrossed in exploration of the building and in our conversation that it was late in the afternoon before we realized it. We were brought back to a realization of our present conditions by a messenger bearing a summons from Lorquas Ptomel directing me to appear before him forthwith. Bidding Dejah Thoris and Sola farewell, and commanding Woola to remain on guard, I hastened to the audience chamber, where I found Lorquas Ptomel and Tars Tarkas seated upon the rostrum.
As I entered and saluted (когда я вошел и поздоровался; to salute — приветствовать, здороваться), Lorquas Ptomel signaled to me to advance (Лорквас Птомель сделал мне знак приблизиться), and, fixing his great, hideous eyes upon me, addressed me thus (и, устремив на меня взгляд своих огромных, ужасных глаз, обратился ко мне следующим образом):
"You have been with us a few days (ты провел с нами несколько дней), yet during that time you have by your prowess won a high position among us (однако за это время благодаря твоей доблести ты достиг высокого положения среди нас). Be that as it may (но как бы там ни было), you are not one of us; you owe us no allegiance (ты — не один из нас, у тебя нет морального долга хранить нам верность; to owe — быть должным; иметь моральный долг; allegiance — верность, преданность).