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Илья Франк - Английский язык с Р.Л. Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ

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(и, с первого взгляда /на него/, я был уверен, что он должен быть = это и есть

Долговязый Джон). His left leg was cut off close by the hip (его левая нога была

отрезана вплотную к = по самое бедро), and under the left shoulder he carried a

crutch (под левым плечом он держал: «нес» костыль), which he managed with

wonderful dexterity (которым управлял с удивительным проворством; dexterity

— проворство, ловкость), hopping about upon it like a bird (прыгая на нем,

словно птица). He was very tall and strong (был очень высоким и сильным),

with a face as big as a ham (с лицом, большим, словно окорок) — plain and

pale, but intelligent and smiling (некрасивым и бледным, но смышленым и

улыбчивым; plain — плоский; некрасивый). Indeed, he seemed in the most

cheerful spirits (в самом деле, он, казалось, /находился/ в самом веселом

расположении духа), whistling as he moved about among the tables

(посвистывал, ходя посреди столов), with a merry word or a slap on the shoulder

for the more favoured of his guests (с веселым словом = шуткой или хлопком

по плечу для самых любимых своих /из/ посетителей).

customers [`kAstqmqz] dexterity [deks`terItI] whistling [`wIslIN] favoured


1. The customers were mostly seafaring men; and they talked so loudly that I

hung at the door, almost afraid to enter.

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


2. As I was waiting, a man came out of a side room, and, at a glance, I was

sure he must be Long John. His left leg was cut off close by the hip, and under

the left shoulder he carried a crutch, which he managed with wonderful

dexterity, hopping about upon it like a bird. He was very tall and strong, with

a face as big as a ham — plain and pale, but intelligent and smiling. Indeed,

he seemed in the most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the

tables, with a merry word or a slap on the shoulder for the more favoured of

his guests.

1. Now, to tell you the truth (теперь, по правде говоря), from the very first

mention of Long John in Squire Trelawney's letter (с самого первого

упоминания о Долговязом Джоне в письме сквайра), I had taken a fear in my

mind (я взял страх в свой разум = с ужасом подумал) that he might prove to be

the very one-legged sailor (что он может оказаться тем самым одноногим

моряком) whom I had watched for so long at the old 'Benbow' (которого я

выжидал так долго в старом «Бенбоу»). But one look at the man before me was

enough (но одного взгляда на человека, /стоявшего/ передо мной, было

достаточно). I had seen the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man Pew (я

видел капитана, Черного Пса, слепого Пью), and I thought I knew what a

buccaneer was like (и думал, что знаю, на что пират похож) — a very different

creature, according to me (очень отличное существо, по моему мнению), from

this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord (от этого опрятного и добродушного

хозяина; pleasant — приятный, милый).

2. I plucked up courage at once (я собрался с духом сразу; to pluck — собирать,

срывать; courage — храбрость, мужество), crossed the threshold (переступил

порог; to cross — пересекать, переходить), and walked right up to the man

where he stood (и пошел прямо к нему, где он стоял), propped on his crutch,

talking to a customer (опершись на костыль, разговаривая с посетителем).

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


3. 'Mr. Silver, sir (мистер Сильвер, сэр)?' I asked, holding out the note (я

спросил, протягивая записку).

creature [`krJtSq] pleasant [`pleznt] courage [`kArIG]

1. Now, to tell you the truth, from the very first mention of Long John in

Squire Trelawney's letter, I had taken a fear in my mind that he might prove

to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at the old

'Benbow.' But one look at the man before me was enough. I had seen the

captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man Pew, and I thought I knew what a

buccaneer was like — a very different creature, according to me, from this

clean and pleasant-tempered landlord.

2. I plucked up courage at once, crossed the threshold, and walked right up to

the man where he stood, propped on his crutch, talking to a customer.

3. 'Mr. Silver, sir?' I asked, holding out the note.

1. 'Yes, my lad (да, мой мальчик),' said he; 'such is my name, to be sure (таково

мое имя, конечно). And who may you be (а кто ты такой: «кем ты можешь

быть»)?' And then as he saw the squire's letter, he seemed to me to give something

almost like a start (увидев письмо сквайра, мне показалось, он вроде бы


2. 'Oh!' said he, quite loud, and offering his hand (сказал он, довольно громко,

протягивая: «предлагая» свою руку), 'I see (понятно). You are our new cabin-

boy (ты наш новый юнга); pleased I am to see you (рад видеть тебя).'

3. And he took my hand in his large firm grasp (он взял мою руку в большой

крепкий хват = сильно сжал).

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4. Just then one of the customers at the far side rose suddenly and made for the

door (сразу же после этого один из посетителей, /сидевший/ в дальнем углу,

встал вдруг и устремился к двери). It was close by him (она была рядом с

ним), and he was out in the street in a moment (и он был на улице через

мгновение). But his hurry had attracted my notice (но его торопливость

привлекла мое внимание), and I recognised him at a glance (и я сразу же узнал

его). It was the tallow-faced man, wanting two fingers (это был человек с

бледным одутловатым лицом, без двух пальцев), who had come first to the

'Admiral Benbow' (который первым приходил в «Адмирал Бенбоу»).

loud [laud] grasp [grRsp] attracted [q`trxkt] recognised [`rekqgnaIzd]

1. 'Yes, my lad,' said he; 'such is my name, to be sure. And who may you be?'

And then as he saw the squire's letter, he seemed to me to give something

almost like a start.

2. 'Oh!' said he, quite loud, and offering his hand, 'I see. You are our new

cabin-boy; pleased I am to see you.'

3. And he took my hand in his large firm grasp.

4. Just then one of the customers at the far side rose suddenly and made for

the door. It was close by him, and he was out in the street in a moment. But

his hurry had attracted my notice, and I recognised him at a glance. It was the

tallow-faced man, wanting two fingers, who had come first to the 'Admiral


1. 'Oh,' I cried, 'stop him (остановите = держите его)! it's Black Dog (это

Черный Пес)!'

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


2. 'I don't care two coppers who he is (мне наплевать, кто он; copper — медная

монета),' cried Silver. 'But he hasn't paid his score (но он не расплатился; score

— долг, счет). Harry, run and catch him (Гарри, беги и поймай его).'

3. One of the others who was nearest the door leaped up, and started in pursuit

(один из остальных, который был ближайшим к двери, вскочил и отправился

в погоню).

4. 'If he were Admiral Hawke he shall pay his score (/даже/ если бы он был =

будь он хоть адмиралом Хоком, он заплатит),' cried Silver; and then,

relinquishing my hand (затем, отпуская мою руку; to relinquish — ослаблять

/хватку/, разжимать /руки/, выпускать /из рук/) — 'Who did you say he was

(как, ты сказал, его звали)?' he asked. 'Black what (Черный кто)?'

5. 'Dog, sir,' said I. 'Has Mr. Trelawney not told you of the buccaneers (/разве/

мистер Трелони не рассказал вам о пиратах)? He was one of them (он был

одним из них).'

6. 'So (что)?' cried Silver. 'In my house (в моем доме)! Ben, run and help Harry

(Бен, беги и помоги Гарри). One of those swabs, was he (один из тех увальней,

он был /говоришь/)? Was that you drinking with him, Morgan (это с ним ты пил,

Морган)? Step up here (подойди-ка сюда).'

score [skL] leaped [lJpt] pursuit [pq`sjHt] relinquishing [rI`lINkwISIN]

1. 'Oh,' I cried, 'stop him! it's Black Dog!'

2. 'I don't care two coppers who he is,' cried Silver. 'But he hasn't paid his

score. Harry, run and catch him.'

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


3. One of the others who was nearest the door leaped up, and started in


4. 'If he were Admiral Hawke he shall pay his score,' cried Silver; and then,

relinquishing my hand — 'Who did you say he was?' he asked. 'Black what?'

5. 'Dog, sir,' said I. 'Has Mr. Trelawney not told you of the buccaneers? He

was one of them.'

6. 'So?' cried Silver. 'In my house! Ben, run and help Harry. One of those

swabs, was he? Was that you drinking with him, Morgan? Step up here.'

1. The man whom he called Morgan (человек, которого он назвал Морганом) —

an old, grey-haired, mahogany-faced sailor (старый, седой: «седоволосый»,

краснолицый моряк; mahogany — красное дерево, коричневато-красный) —

came forward pretty sheepishly, rolling his quid (подошел довольно робко, жуя

табак; come forward — выходить вперед, отзываться; to roll — катать,

раскатывать; quid — кусок прессованного табака для жевания).

2. 'Now, Morgan (итак, Морган),' said Long John, very sternly (сказал

Долговязый Джон, очень строго); 'you never clapped your eyes on that Black —

Black Dog before, did you, now (ты никогда не видел этого Черного… Черного

Пса раньше, не так ли; to clap on — похлопывать; /мор./ приводить в

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