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Джонатан Свифт - Английский язык с Джонатаном Свифтом. Путешествия Гулливера

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After some time he sent the workers back to their reaping (через некоторое время он отправил работников обратно к жатве), took a handkerchief from his pocket (вынул из кармана носовой платок) and placed it on the ground (и положил его на землю). He made a sign that I should step into it (он сделал мне знак взойти на него). I lay down on the handkerchief (я лег на платок). The farmer picked up the corners (фермер поднял углы/концы /платка/) and carried me back to his house (и понес меня к себе в дом). He then called his wife (затем = придя туда, он позвал жену) and showed me to her (и показал меня ей). She screamed (она завизжала) and jumped back (и отскочила назад), much as a woman in England might do on seeing a spider (подобно тому, как поступила бы английская женщина при виде паука). However, when she saw (однако, увидев) that I did what the farmer told me to do by making signs (что = как я выполняю /все/ то, что фермер при помощи знаков велит мне делать), she seemed to find it great fun (она, казалось, была очень довольна: «посчитала это большим/прекрасным развлечением»; to find — находить, обнаруживать; считать, признавать; fun — веселье, забава; развлечение; что-л. интересное).

handkerchief ['hxNkqCIf], woman ['wVmqn], great [greIt]

After some time he sent the workers back to their reaping, took a handkerchief from his pocket and placed it on the ground. He made a sign that I should step into it. I lay down on the handkerchief. The farmer picked up the corners and carried me back to his house. He then called his wife and showed me to her. She screamed and jumped back, much as a woman in England might do on seeing a spider. However, when she saw that I did what the farmer told me to do by making signs, she seemed to find it great fun.

It was midday (был полдень) and when a servant brought in dinner (и когда слуга/служанка принес/ла/: «внес» обед), the farmer placed me on the dining table (фермер посадил меня на обеденный стол). The farmer, his wife (фермер, его жена) three children (трое детей) and a grandmother (и бабушка) sat down to eat (сели есть). I kept a long way from the edge of the table (я держался подальше от края), since there was a drop of about thirty feet to the floor (так как до пола было около тридцати футов; drop — капля; падение; глубина падения; расстояние сверху вниз, высота). The wife cut up a bit of meat in small pieces (жена /фермера/ порезала кусочек мяса на мелкие части), crumbled some bread (покрошила немного хлеба) and put it before me (и поставила это передо мной). I bowed to her (я поклонился ей), took out my sailor's knife and fork (вынул свой матросский нож и вилку) and began to eat (и начал есть). They seemed to find this very amusing indeed (казалось, их = хозяев это очень забавляло).

dining table ['daInIN"teIbl], children ['CIldrqn], grandmother ['grxn(d)"mADq]

It was midday and when a servant brought in dinner, the farmer placed me on the dining table. The farmer, his wife, three children and a grandmother sat down to eat. I kept a long way from the edge of the table, since there was a drop of about thirty feet to the floor. The wife cut up a bit of meat in small pieces, crumbled some bread and put it before me. I bowed to her, took out my sailor's knife and fork and began to eat. They seemed to find this very amusing indeed.

The wife called out (фермерша /что-то/ крикнула) and a servant came with a small cup (пришла служанка с маленькой чашечкой) and filled it with a drink (и наполнила ее /каким-то/ напитком). Perhaps it was their smallest cup (наверное, это была их самая маленькая чашка), but it held about two gallons (однако вмещала она около двух галлонов). I had great difficulty lifting it with both hands (мне стоило большого труда поднять ее обеими руками; difficulty — трудность). I drank the health of the farmer's wife (я выпил за здоровье фермерской жены), saying what I had to say as loudly as I could in English (как можно громче произнеся тост: «то, что имел = хотел сказать» по-английски). This made them laugh so much (это их так рассмешило: «заставило их смеяться») that I was almost deafened by the noise (что я едва не оглох от шума/грохота: «был почти оглушен шумом»; deaf — глухой, лишенный слуха). The drink, however, was pleasant (напиток, однако, был приятен /на вкус/) and tasted a little like cider (и слегка напоминал сидр: «был по вкусу немного похож на сидр»).

gallon ['gxlqn], laugh [lRf], deafen [defn]

The wife called out and a servant came with a small cup and filled it with a drink. Perhaps it was their smallest cup, but it held about two gallons. I had great difficulty lifting it with both hands. I drank the health of the farmer's wife, saying what I had to say as loudly as I could in English. This made them laugh so much that I was almost deafened by the noise. The drink, however, was pleasant and tasted a little like cider.

While I was eating (когда я ел), a cat jumped onto the lap of the farmer's wife (на колени к жене фермера вскочила кошка; lap — подол; пола; колени /верхняя часть ног у сидящего человека/). I was glad to be at the far end of the table (я был рад, что находился на другом: «дальнем» конце стола) when this happened (когда это произошло). The animal was about three times the size of an ox (животное было раза в три раза больше /нашего/ быка). I was not so lucky with the baby of the family, however (однако с младенцем хозяев: «семьи» мне повезло меньше: «я был не так удачлив»). Just as we were finishing our meal (когда мы уже заканчивали обедать; just — точно, как раз; в то самое время), a nurse came in (вошла нянька/кормилица) carrying a baby of about one year old in her arms (с годовалым ребенком на руках: «неся на руках…»). The baby saw me (младенец меня заметил) and immediately began crying to get hold of me (и тут же заревел, протягивая ко мне руки: «чтобы меня ему дали»; to get hold of… — получить, завладеть /чем-л./).

animal ['xnImql], baby ['beIbI], hold [hqVld]

While I was eating, a cat jumped onto the lap of the farmer's wife. I was glad to be at the far end of the table when this happened. The animal was about three times the size of an ox. I was not so lucky with the baby of the family, however. Just as we were finishing our meal, a nurse came in carrying a baby of about one year old in her arms. The baby saw me and immediately began crying to get hold of me.

The mother took me up (мать подняла/взяла меня) and held me towards the child (и протянула ребенку), who then took me in its hand (который взял меня в руку) and put my head in its mouth (и засунул к себе в рот мою голову). I roared so loudly (я заорал так громко) that the child became frightened (что ребенок испугался: «стал напуганным») and dropped me (и выронил меня). I would certainly have broken my neck on the floor below (я непременно сломал бы себе шею внизу на полу = об пол) if the mother had not held out her apron (если бы мать не подставила: «вытянула вперед» свой передник) to catch me as I fell (чтобы поймать меня, когда я падал = летел вниз).

roar [rL], below [bI'lqV], apron ['eIprqn]

The mother took me up and held me towards the child, who then took me in its hand and put my head in its mouth. I roared so loudly that the child became frightened and dropped me. I would certainly have broken my neck on the floor below if the mother had not held out her apron to catch me as I fell.

I was put in the charge of the mother for the afternoon (после обеда я был вверен заботам матери = хозяйки; charge — заряд; загрузка; ответственность; забота, попечение; надзор). She could see that I was tired (она заметила, что я устал). She put me on her own bed (она положила меня на свою собственную постель) and placed a handkerchief over me (и укрыла носовым платком). It was bigger and more coarse than the sail of a man-of-war (он был больше и грубее паруса на военном корабле). But I slept for a few hours (тем не менее я проспал несколько часов), dreaming of my wife and children (и мне снились моя жена и дети: «видя во сне…»). This made me feel all the more lonely when I woke up (от этого я почувствовал себя еще более одиноким, когда проснулся).

tired ['taIqd], coarse [kLs], dream [drJm]

I was put in the charge of the mother for the afternoon. She could see that I was tired. She put me on her own bed and placed a handkerchief over me. It was bigger and more coarse than the sail of a man-of-war. But I slept for a few hours, dreaming of my wife and children. This made me feel all the more lonely when I woke up.

The bed was about twenty yards wide (кровать имела около двадцати ярдов в ширину) and there seemed to be about eight yards down to the floor (а до пола было, по-видимому, около восьми ярдов). I was trying to see if I could find any way of getting down to the floor (я пытался найти какой-нибудь способ спуститься на пол) when I saw two rats (как вдруг увидел двух крыс) creeping up the curtain beside the bed (взбирающихся по занавеске возле кровати). They ran sniffing to and fro on the bed (они забегали, принюхиваясь, взад и вперед по кровати). When one of them came up almost to my face (когда одна из них подобралась почти к /самому/ моему лицу), I pulled out my sword (я вытащил мою саблю) and ripped up its belly (и распорол ей брюхо). I wounded the other on its back as it ran away (другую я ранил в спину, когда она убегала). These animals were no bigger than large dogs (эти животные были не крупнее больших собак), but if I had taken off my belt before falling asleep (но если бы я снял свой пояс, прежде чем заснуть) and not had my sword at hand (и у меня не было бы под рукой сабли), they would certainly have torn me to pieces and eaten me (они непременно разорвали бы меня на части и сожрали; to tear). I could now see that the tail of the dead rat was about two yards long (теперь я мог разглядеть, что хвост мертвой крысы имел около двух ярдов в длину).

curtain [kWtn], to and fro ["tVqn(d)'frqV], wound [wHnd]

The bed was about twenty yards wide and there seemed to be about eight yards down to the floor. I was trying to see if I could find any way of getting down to the floor when I saw two rats creeping up the curtain beside the bed. They ran sniffing to and fro on the bed. When one of them came up almost to my face, I pulled out my sword and ripped up its belly. I wounded the other on its back as it ran away. These animals were no bigger than large dogs, but if I had taken off my belt before falling asleep and not had my sword at hand, they would certainly have torn me to pieces and eaten me. I could now see that the tail of the dead rat was about two yards long.

When the farmer's wife came back to the bedroom (когда жена фермера возвратилась в спальню) she was frightened at the sight of the blood on the bed and on my clothes (она испугалась при виде крови на постели и моей одежде). However, she seemed very pleased to find (но она, казалось, очень обрадовалась, убедившись) that I wasn't hurt in any way (что я был ничуть: «никоим образом» не ранен; to hurt — причинить боль; повредить; ранить; травмировать). She called a servant to clear up the mess (она позвала служанку /и велела ей/ привести все в порядок: «убрать грязь»; mess — беспорядок; грязь), picked me up (подняла меня = взяла меня в руку) and took me down to the garden (и отнесла в сад; down — вниз; указывает на движение вниз или в более отдаленное или менее важное место). I made signs to her (я показал ей знаками/жестами) that I wished to be placed on the ground (что хочу быть поставленным = чтобы она меня поставила на землю). Once there, I tried to make her understand (оказавшись там = внизу, я постарался дать ей понять) that she should look the other way (что ей нужно отвернуться: «смотреть в другую сторону»). She seemed to guess what it was that I wished to do (она, казалось, догадалась/поняла, что я хотел/собирался делать). I walked away and hid between two leaves (я отошел в сторону и спрятался между двумя листками; leaves — мн. ч. от leaf), where I was able to relieve myself (где смог справить свои нужды).

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