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Илья Франк - Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. Театр

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Julia slept well (Джулия спала хорошо) and when she awoke had at once a

feeling of exultation (и, когда она проснулась, почувствовала немедленно

ликование). Tonight was the first night (сегодня вечером была премьера). It

gave her a little thrill of pleasure to recollect (ей доставило некоторую нервную

дрожь удовольствия — вспомнить) that people had already been assembling at

the pit and gallery doors (что люди уже собирались у дверей партера и галерки;

pit — яма, шахта; зд. партер, особ. задние ряды) when she left the theatre after

the dress-rehearsal (когда она покидала театр после генеральной репетиции),

and now at ten in the morning (и теперь, в десять часов утра) there was probably

already a long queue (там была уже, возможно, длинная очередь).

"Lucky it's a fine day for them (какое счастье: «удачно», сегодня хорошая

погода /для них/), poor brutes (бедняжки)."

impotent ['Impqt(q)nt] exultation ["egzAl'teIS(q)n] queue [kju:]

"I suppose he's getting old, poor dear," she reflected. "He's losing his grip of

things. He must have been impotent for years; I wonder it never struck me before."

She asked what the time was.

"I think I ought to go. I must get a long night's rest."

Julia slept well and when she awoke had at once a feeling of exultation. Tonight

was the first night. It gave her a little thrill of pleasure to recollect that people had

already been assembling at the pit and gallery doors when she left the theatre after

the dress-rehearsal, and now at ten in the morning there was probably already a

long queue.

"Lucky it's a fine day for them, poor brutes."

In bygone years (в прошедшие годы) she had been intolerably nervous (она

бывала невыносимо нервной) before a first night (перед премьерой). She had

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felt slightly sick all day (она чувствовала легкую тошноту целый день) and as

the hours passed (и, пока часы проходили) got into such a state (приходила в

такое состояние) that she almost thought she would have to leave the stage (что

она почти что думала, что ей придется оставить сцену). But by now (но к

настоящему времени), after having passed through the ordeal so many times

(после того, как /она/ прошла через эту пытку: «тяжелое испытание» так

много раз), she had acquired a certain nonchalance (она приобрела

определенную беззаботность). Throughout the early part of the day (в течение

утра: «ранней части дня») she felt only happy and mildly excited (она

чувствовала себя только счастливой и слегка: «мягко» возбужденной); it was

not till late in the afternoon that she began to feel ill at ease (и только поздно

днем: «это было не до того момента поздно днем» она начинала чувствовать

себя обеспокоенной/ей становилось не по себе). She grew silent (она

становилась молчаливой) and wanted to be left alone (и хотела остаться: «быть

оставленной» одной). She also grew irritable (она так же становилась

раздражительной), and Michael, having learnt from experience (и Майкл,

наученный опытом), took care to keep out of her way (особо заботился о том,

чтобы не путаться у нее под ногами: «держаться в стороне от ее дороги»).

Her hands and feet got cold (ее руки и ноги становились холодными) and by the

time she reached the theatre (и к тому времени, когда она приезжала в театр)

they were like lumps of ice (они были уже как глыбы льда). But still the

apprehension that filled her (но все же те предчувствия, что переполняли ее)

was not unpleasant (не были неприятными).

acquire [q'kwaIq] nonchalance ['nOnSqlqns] apprehension ["xprI'henS(q)n]

In bygone years she had been intolerably nervous before a first night. She had felt

slightly sick all day and as the hours passed got into such a state that she almost

thought she would have to leave the stage. But by now, after having passed

through the ordeal so many times, she had acquired a certain nonchalance.

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Throughout the early part of the day she felt only happy and mildly excited; it was

not till late in the afternoon that she began to feel ill at ease. She grew silent and

wanted to be left alone. She also grew irritable, and Michael, having learnt from

experience, took care to keep out of her way. Her hands and feet got cold and by

the time she reached the theatre they were like lumps of ice. But still the

apprehension that filled her was not unpleasant.

Julia had nothing to do that morning (Джулии было нечего делать тем утром)

but go down to the Siddons for a word-rehearsal at noon (кроме как поехать в

«Сиддонс-театр» на читку: «словесную репетицию» в полдень), so she lay in

bed till late (и поэтому она лежала в кровати допоздна). Michael did not come

back to luncheon (Майкл не приехал назад к ланчу), having last things to do to

the sets (так как ему надо было сделать последние изменения в декорациях),

and she ate alone (и она покушала в одиночестве). Then she went to bed and for

an hour slept soundly (потом она легла в постель и в течение часа проспала

крепко). Her intention was to rest all the afternoon (она собиралась: «ее

намерением было» отдохнуть до полудня); Miss Phillips was coming at six

(мисс Филлипс должна была прийти в шесть) to give her a light massage

(чтобы сделать ей легкий массаж), and by seven she wanted to be at the theatre

(и к семи часам она хотела быть в театре). But when she awoke (но, когда она

проснулась) she felt so much refreshed (она почувствовала себя настолько

отдохнувшей: «посвежевшей») that it irked her to stay in bed (что ее

раздражало оставаться в постели), so she made up her mind to get up and go for

a walk (и тогда она решила встать и пойти на прогулку). It was a fine, sunny

day (был прекрасный, солнечный день). Liking the town better than the country

(/поскольку ей/ нравился город больше, чем деревня) and streets more than

trees (и улицы больше, чем деревья), she did not go into the Park (она не пошла

в Гайд-парк), but sauntered round the neighbouring squares (но неторопливо

прогуливалась по близлежащим: «соседским» площадям), deserted at that time

of year (безлюдным: «пустынным» в это время года), idly looking at the houses

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(лениво посматривая на дома), and thought how much she preferred her own to

any of them (и думала, насколько она предпочитала свой собственный /дом/

любому из них).

massage ['mxsQ:Z] irk [q:k] neighbouring ['neIb(q)rIN]

Julia had nothing to do that morning but go down to the Siddons for a word-

rehearsal at noon, so she lay in bed till late. Michael did not come back to

luncheon, having last things to do to the sets, and she ate alone. Then she went to

bed and for an hour slept soundly. Her intention was to rest all the afternoon; Miss

Phillips was coming at six to give her a light massage, and by seven she wanted to

be at the theatre. But when she awoke she felt so much refreshed that it irked her to

stay in bed, so she made up her mind to get up and go for a walk. It was a fine,

sunny day. Liking the town better than the country and streets more than trees, she

did not go into the Park, but sauntered round the neighbouring squares, deserted at

that time of year, idly looking at the houses, and thought how much she preferred

her own to any of them.

She felt at ease and light-hearted (она чувствовала себя свободно и беззаботно).

Then she thought it time to go home (затем она подумала, что самое время идти

домой). She had just reached the corner of Stanhope Place (она как раз достигал

угла Стэнхоуп-плейс) when she heard her name called in a voice that she could

not but recognize (когда она услышала свое имя, произнесенное: «названное»

голосом, который она не могла не узнать).


She turned round (она обернулась: «повернулась кругом») and Tom, his face all

smiles, caught her up (и Том, с лицом, расплывшимся в улыбке: «его лицо —

сплошные улыбки», догнал ее; to catch (caught) up — подхватить; нагнать).

She had not seen him since her return from France (она не видела его с того

самого момента, как она вернулась: «с ее возвращения» из Франции). He was

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very smart in a neat grey suit (он был очень элегантен в аккуратном сером

костюме) and a brown hat (и коричневой шляпе). He was tanned by the sun (он

загорел от солнца).

"I thought you were away (я думала, что тебя нет в городе: «ты


"I came back on Monday (я вернулся в понедельник). I didn't ring up (я не

позвонил) because I knew you were busy with the final rehearsals (из-за того, что

я знал, что ты занята последними репетициями). I'm coming tonight (я приду

сегодня /на премьеру/); Michael gave me a stall (Майкл дал мне /билет/ на

место в партере)."

"Oh, I'm glad (о, я рада)."

recognize ['rekqgnaIz] tanned [txnd] tonight [tq'naIt]

She felt at ease and light-hearted. Then she thought it time to go home. She had

just reached the corner of Stanhope Place when she heard her name called in a

voice that she could not but recognize.


She turned round and Tom, his face all smiles, caught her up. She had not seen him

since her return from France. He was very smart in a neat grey suit and a brown

hat. He was tanned by the sun.

"I thought you were away."

"I came back on Monday. I didn't ring up because I knew you were busy with the

final rehearsals. I'm coming tonight; Michael gave me a stall."

"Oh, I'm glad."

It was plain (было ясно) that he was delighted to see her (что он был счастлив

видеть ее). His face was eager (его лицо было энергичным; eager — страстно

желающий, жаждущий /о человеке/; интенсивный, напряженный;

энергичный, активный /о желании, взгляде, жесте и т. п./) and his eyes shone

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


(и его глаза сияли). She was pleased to discover (она была рада обнаружить)

that the sight of him excited no emotion in her (что его вид не вызвал в ней

никаких эмоций). She wondered as they went on talking (она раздумывала, пока

они продолжали говорить) what there was in him (что было в нем такого) that

had ever so deeply affected her (что когда-то так глубоко волновало ее).

"What on earth are you wandering about like this for (за чем же ты бродишь

здесь вот так вот)?"

"I've been for a stroll (я была на прогулке). I was just going in to tea (я уже

собиралась войти в дом к чаю)."

"Come and have tea with me (пойдем, выпьешь чаю со мной)."

His flat was just round the corner (его квартира была как раз за углом). Indeed

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