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Илья Франк - Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. Театр

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говорил), and it wouldn't be very nice of her to make light of it (и было бы не

очень хорошо с ее стороны не воспринимать это серьезно; to make light of

smth. недооценивать что-либо, light — легкий, нетрудный,


seriously ['sI(q)rIqslI] somebody ['sAmbqdI] sensitive ['sensItIv]

Julia was disturbed. What he said had not really penetrated to her understanding,

his words were lines and the important thing was not what they meant, but whether

they "got over", but she was sensitive to the emotion she felt in him. Of course he

was only eighteen, and it would be silly to take him too seriously, she couldn't help

thinking he'd got all that from somebody else, and that there was a good deal of

pose in it. Did anyone have ideas of his own and did anyone not pose just a wee,

wee bit? But of course it might be that at the moment he felt everything he said,

and it wouldn't be very nice of her to make light of it.

"Of course I see what you mean (конечно же я понимаю: «вижу», что ты

имеешь в виду)," she said. "My greatest wish in the world (мое величайшее

желание в этом мире) is that you should be happy (так это чтобы ты был

счастлив). I'll manage your father (я справлюсь с твоим отцом; to manage smb

— обращаться с кем-либо, иметь к кому-либо подход), and you can do as you

like (а ты можешь поступать, как ты захочешь). You must seek your own

salvation (ты должен искать своего собственного спасения /души/), I see that

(я понимаю это). But I think you ought to make sure (но я думаю, что тебе

следует убедиться) that all these ideas of yours aren't just morbid (что все эти

твои мысли не вызваны просто меланхолией; morbid — нездоровый,

болезненно впечатлительный). Perhaps you were too much alone in Vienna

(возможно, ты был слишком долго один в Вене) and I dare say you read too

much (и, позволь мне сказать, ты читаешь слишком много). Of course your

father and I belong to a different generation (конечно же, твой отец и я

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


принадлежим другому поколению) and I don't suppose we can help you (и я

полагаю, что мы не сможем помочь тебе). Why don't you talk it over with

someone more of your own age (почему бы тебе не обговорить все это с кем-то

/более/ твоего /собственного/ возраста)? Tom, for instance (с Томом,


"Tom (с Томом)? A poor little snob (бедняжка, сноб). His only ambition in life is

to be a gentleman (его единственная цель в жизни — быть джентльменом), and

he hasn't the sense to see (и у него не хватает разума понять; sense — чувство,

ощущение, рассудок) that the more he tries the more hopeless it is (что чем

больше он пытается, тем это все безнадежнее)."

salvation [sxl'veIS(q)n] morbid ['mO:bId] instance ['Instqns]

"Of course I see what you mean," she said. "My greatest wish in the world is that

you should be happy. I'll manage your father, and you can do as you like. You

must seek your own salvation, I see that. But I think you ought to make sure that

all these ideas of yours aren't just morbid. Perhaps you were too much alone in

Vienna and I dare say you read too much. Of course your father and I belong to a

different generation and I don't suppose we can help you. Why don't you talk it

over with someone more of your own age? Tom, for instance." "Tom? A poor little

snob. His only ambition in life is to be a gentleman, and he hasn't the sense to see

that the more he tries the more hopeless it is."

"I thought you liked him so much (я думала, что он тебе так нравится). Why, at

Taplow last summer you just lived in his pocket (ба, да в Тэплоу, прошлым

летом, вы просто не расставались: «ты просто жил в его кармане»; to live in

someone's pocket — торчать друг у друга на глазах)."

"I didn't dislike him (я не испытывал к нему неприязни). I made use of him (я

использовал его). He could tell me a lot of things that I wanted to know (он мог

рассказать мне кучу вещей, которые я хотел знать). But I thought him an

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insignificant, silly little thing (но я думал, что он просто ничтожный, глупый


Julia remembered how insanely jealous she had been of their friendship (Джулия

вспомнила, как безумно ревнива была она из-за их дружбы). It made her angry

to think (она даже рассердилась, подумав; to make smb angry — разгневать

кого-либо) of all the agony she had wasted (о всех тех муках, которые она зря

вынесла; to waste — расточать, растрачивать без пользы).

"You've dropped him, haven't you (ты бросила его, не так ли)?" he asked

suddenly (спросил он внезапно).

She was startled (она вздрогнула испуганно).

"I suppose I have more or less (полагаю что да, более или менее)."

"I think it's very wise of you (я думаю, что это очень мудро с твоей стороны).

He wasn't up to your mark (он не подходил тебе: «он был не на должной:

«твоей» высоте»; mark — знак, отметка, зд. норма, стандарт, уровень)."

pocket ['pOkIt] insignificant ["InsIg'nIfIkqnt] insanely [In'seInlI]

"I thought you liked him so much. Why, at Taplow last summer you just lived in

his pocket."

"I didn't dislike him. I made use of him. He could tell me a lot of things that I

wanted to know. But I thought him an insignificant, silly little thing."

Julia remembered how insanely jealous she had been of their friendship. It made

her angry to think of all the agony she had wasted.

"You've dropped him, haven't you?" he asked suddenly.

She was startled.

"I suppose I have more or less."

"I think it's very wise of you. He wasn't up to your mark."

He looked at her with his calm, reflective eyes (он посмотрел на нее своими

спокойными, задумчивыми глазами), and on a sudden Julia had a sickening fear

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка


(и внезапно, Джулия испытала тошнотворный страх) that he knew that Tom

had been her lover (что он знал, что Том был ее любовником). It was

impossible, she told herself (это невозможно, говорила она себе), it was only her

guilty conscience that made her think so (это /было/ только ее нечистая:

«виноватая» совесть, что заставляла ее думать так); at Taplow there had been

nothing (в Тэплоу ничего не было); it was incredible that any of the horrid gossip

had reached his ears (это было невероятным, что какие-нибудь отвратительные

слухи дошли до его ушей); and yet there was something in his expression (и все

же, было нечто в его выражении /лица/) that made her certain that he knew (что

убедило ее, что он знал /наверняка/; to make certain — удостовериться). She

was ashamed (ей было стыдно).

"I only asked him to come down to Taplow (я единственно пригласила его

приехать в Тэплоу) because I thought it would be nice for you (из-за того, что я

думала, что это было бы прятно для тебя) to have a boy of that age to play

around with (иметь юношу твоего возраста, с котором можно было бы


"It was (так и было)."

calm [kQ:m] horrid ['hOrId] ashamed [q'SeImd]

He looked at her with his calm, reflective eyes, and on a sudden Julia had a

sickening fear that he knew that Tom had been her lover. It was impossible, she

told herself, it was only her guilty conscience that made her think so; at Taplow

there had been nothing; it was incredible that any of the horrid gossip had reached

his ears; and yet there was something in his expression that made her certain that

he knew. She was ashamed.

"I only asked him to come down to Taplow because I thought it would be nice for

you to have a boy of that age to play around with."

"It was."

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There was in his eyes a faint twinkle of amusement (был в его глазах легкий

веселый огонек; amusement — забава, развлечение; изумление). She felt

desperate (она почувствовала отчаяние). She would have liked to ask him (ей

очень бы хотелось спросить у него) what he was grinning at (над чем это он

ухмылялся), but dared not (но не посмела); for she knew (так как она знала /над

чем/); he was not angry with her (он не сердился на нее), she could have borne

that (она могла бы это вынести), he was merely diverted (он просто забавлялся;

to divert — отклонять, отводить, зд. развлекать, увеселять). She was bitterly

hurt (она была горько обижена). She would have cried (она бы заплакала), but

that he would only laugh (но он же просто засмеется). And what could she say to

him (и что она могла бы сказать ему)? He believed nothing she said (он не

верил ни во что, о чем она говорила). Acting (актерство)! For once she was at a

loss (на этот раз она была в замешательстве; for once — в виде исключения; to

be at a loss — растеряться, смешаться) how to cope with a situation (как же

/ей/ справиться с этой ситуацией). She was up against something (она

столкнулась с чем-то; to be up against smth. — встретить отпор) that she did

not know (чего она не знала), something mysterious and rather frightening (чем-

то непостижимым и довольно пугающим). Could that be reality (могла ли это

быть реальность)?

twinkle ['twINk(q)l] merely ['mIqlI] mysterious [mI'stI(q)rIqs]

There was in his eyes a faint twinkle of amusement. She felt desperate. She would

have liked to ask him what he was grinning at, but dared not; for she knew; he was

not angry with her, she could have borne that, he was merely diverted. She was

bitterly hurt. She would have cried, but that he would only laugh. And what could

she say to him? He believed nothing she said. Acting! For once she was at a loss

how to cope with a situation. She was up against something that she did not know,

something mysterious and rather frightening. Could that be reality?

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At that moment they heard a car drive up (в этот момент они услышали, как

подъехала машина).

"There's your father (это твой отец)," she exclaimed (воскликнула она).

What a relief (какое облегчение)! The scene was intolerable (сцена была

невыносимой), and she was thankful that his arrival must end it (и она была

благодарна, что его приезд должен положить ей конец). In a moment Michael,

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