Заблуждения толпы - Бернстайн Уильям Дж.

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606. См.: Anne C. Loveland, American Evangelicals and the U. S. Military 1942–1993 (Baton Rouge, LA: Lousiana State University Press, 1996), p. 1–66,118–164, quote 164.

607. Там же, p. 7.

608. См.: Sharlet, p. 38.

609. См.: Loveland, p. xi-xii.

610. Cм.: Goodstein; also, Banerjee.

Глава 11

611. См.: Ellsberg, p. 64–65 and 67–89; и Eric Schlosser, Command and Control (New York: Penguin Press, 2013), p. 300. Отличный обзор рисков ядерной войны: Bruce Blair, The Logic of Accidental Nuclear War (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1993); о делегировании полномочий ядерного удара с. 46–51.

612. См.: Schlosser, p. 245–247

613. См.: William Burr and Thomas S. Blanton, “The Submarines of October,” National Security Archive, October 31,2002,, дата обращения 08.05.2018; и Marion Lloyd, “Soviets Close to Using A-Bomb in 1962 Crisis, Lorum is Told,” The Boston Globe, October 13, 2002.

614. См.: Bruce Blair, Frontline interview,, дата обращения 09.95.2018. Также см. Blair, p. 59–167.

615. См.: Peter Schweizer, Victory (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1994), p. 8–9.

616. См.: Robert M. Gates, From the Shadows (New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1996), p. 114.

617. См.: Schlosser, p. 367–368, 371.

618. См.: Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), p. 11.

619. См.:, дата обращения 17.06.2018.

620. Cм.: Lindsey, The 1980’s: Countdown to Armageddon, p. 77, 85, 107, 122, 134, 138, 153, 212.

621. Там же, p. 154.

622. См.: Lindsey, Planet Earth – 2000 A.D., p. 61.

623. См.: Boyer, p. 146.

624. См.: A. G. Mojtabai, Blessed Assurance (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997), p. 180–183; и Robert Reinhold, ‘Author of ‘At Home with the Bomb’ Settles in City Where Bomb Is Made,” The New York Times, September 15, 1986, A12.

625. См.: Mojtabai, p. 164.

626. См.: Gordon D. Kaufman, “Nuclear Eschatology and the Study of Religion,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1983): p. 8.

627. См.: Stuart A. Wright, “Davidians and Branch Davidians,” in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon at Waco (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), p. 24.

628. См.: James D. Tabor and Eugene V. Gallagher, Why Waco? (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), p. 33–35.

629. Двадцать второе апреля 1959 года фактически отстояло на 1264 дня от 5 ноября 1955 года, но объявление разослали 9 ноября; см.:

630. Cм.: Stuart A. Wright, “Davidians and Branch Davidians,” p. 30–32.

631. См.: Edward D. Bromley and Edward G. Silver, “The Davidian Tradition,” in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon at Waco, p. 50.

632. Там же, p. 52–53.

633. См.: Tabor and Gallagher, p. 35–41, quote 4L

634. См.: Charles, p. 1, 63. Альтернативное объяснение непонятности книги Откровение для современной аудитории состоит в том, что автор / авторы этого текста пытались развернуть повествование, дополняющее книги пророков Даниила и Иезекииля для преимущественно иудейской публики первого и второго столетий нашей эры. Такое объяснение привел К. Маккей в личной беседе.

635. См.: Yair Bar-El et al., “Jerusalem syndrome,” British Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 176 (2000): p. 86–90.

636. Там же.

637. См.: Tabor and Gallagher, p. 29–30,61; Jeffrey Goldberg, “Israel’s Y2K Problem,” The New York Times, October 3, 1999; “A date with death,” The Guardian, October 26, 1999; и Nettanel Slyomovies, “Waco Started With a Divine Revelation in Jerusalem. It Ended With 76 Dying in a Fire on Live TV,” Haaretz, February 24, 2018.

638. См.: Bromley and Silver, p. 60.

639. См.: Tabor and Gallagher, p. 41–43, 52–76, 79, direct quotes 72 and 73; объяснение похоти: p. 74; также см. Bromley and Silver, p. 43–72.

640. Cм.: Bromley and Silver, p. 52–58, и James Trimm, “David Koresh’s Seven Seals Teaching,” Watchman Expositor Vol. 11 (1994): p. 7–8, – teaching/.

641. См.: James D. Tabor, “The Waco Tragedy: An Autobiographical Account of One Attempt to Avert Disaster,” in James R. Lewis, Ed., From the Ashes (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1994), p. 14.

642. См.: Tony Ortega, “Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlatans,” Phoenix New Times, November 30, 1995. Ева в этом тексте старательно избегает слова «культ», этот термин многие теологи стараются вообще не употреблять.

643. См.: Associated Press, “Davidian Compound Had Huge Weapon Cache, Ranger Says,” Los Angeles Times, July 7, 2000; о вставке оружия: “Gun Show Background Checks State Laws,” gun-show-firearms-bankground-checks-state-laws-map.html.

644. См.: Tabor and Gallagher, p. 64–65, 95. Также см.‐9–31.html.

645. См.: Mark England and Darlene McCormick, “The Sinful Messiah: Part One,” Waco Tribune-Herald, February 27, 1993. См.: – one/article_eblb96e9–413c‐5bab-ba9f‐425b373c5667.html.

646. Подробное обсуждение насилия над детьми и распутства: Christopher G. Ellison and John P. Bartkowski, “Babies Were Being Beaten,” in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon in Waco (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), p. 111–149; и Lawrence Lilliston, “Who Committed Child Abuse at Waco,” in James R. Lewis, Ed., From the Ashes (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1994), p. 169–173.

647. См.: Moorman Oliver, Jr., “Killed by Semantics: Or Was It a Keystone Kop Kaleidoscope Kaper?” in James R. Lewis, Ed., From the Ashes, p. 75–77.

648. См.: Department of the Treasury, “Report of the Department of the Treasury on the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Firearms investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell, also known as David Koresh,” September 1993, p. 95–100, https://archive.rg/stream/reportofdepartmeOOunit/reportofdepartmeOOunit_dj vu.txt, дата обращения 23.06.2018.

649. См.: Federal Bureau of Investigation, “The Megiddo Project,” October 20,1999, p. 28–29,

650. Cм.: Mark England, “9–1–1 records panic, horror,” Waco Tribune-Herald, June 10, 1993.

651. См.: James R. Lewis, “Showdown at the Waco Corral: ATF Cowboys Shoot Themselves in the Foot”; и Stuart A. Wright, “Misguided Tactics Contributed to Apocalypse in Waco,” in Armageddon in Waco, p. 87–98.

652. См.: Tabor, “The Waco Tragedy: An Autobiographical Account of One Attempt to Avert Disaster,” 12–21, quote 16. Репортаж CNN:

653. См.: Dean M. Kelly, “The Implosion of Mt. Carmel and Its Aftermath,” in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon in Waco, p. 360–361.

654. Подробное обсуждение позиции Кореша и последующей операции: Phillip Arnold, “The Davidian Dilemma – To Obey God or Man?” in James R. Lewis, Ed., From the Ashes, p. 23–31.

655. Там же, p. 5–17, 100–103, quote 15–16.

656. См.: R. W. Bradford, “Who Started the Fires? Mass Murder, American Style,” и “Fanning the Flames of Suspicion: The Case Against Mass Suicide at Waco,” in Armageddon in Waco, p. 111–120.

657. Неполный текст рукописи:

658. См.: James D. Tabor, “Religious Discourse and Failed Negotiations,” in Stuart A. Wright, Armageddon in Waco, p. 265.

659. См.: United States Department of Justice, Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas February 28 to April 19, 1993 (October 8, 1993), p. 158–190, report-deputy-attomey-general-events-waco-texas.

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