Кирилл Кондратьев - «Викинги» на Марсе
97. Pollack J. B. et al. Winds on Mars during the Viking season: predictions based on a general circulation model with topography.— "Geophys. Res. Letters", 1976, vol. 3, N 8, p. 479–482.
98. Seiff A., Kirk D. B. Structure of Mars' atmosphere up to 100 kilometers from the entry measurements of Viking-2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1300–1303.
99. Shоrthill R. W. Physical properties of the martian surface from the Viking-1 lander: preliminary results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 805–809.
100. Shorthill R. W. et al. The "soil" of Mars. (Viking-1).-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 91–97.
101. Shorthill R. W. et al. The environs of Viking lander 2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1309–1318.
102. Soderblom L. A. Viking orbital colorimetric images of Mars: preliminary results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 97–99.
103. Soffen G. A., Snyder C. W. The first Viking mission to Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 759–766.
104. Soffen G. A. Status of the Viking mission.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 57–59.
105. Tobias O. Volatile inventories on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 171–177.
106. Toulmin P. Ill et al. Preliminary results from the Viking X-ray fluorescence experiment: the first sample from Chryse Planitia, Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 81–84.
107. Tyler G. L. et al. Radar characteristics of Viking 1 landing sites.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 812–815.
108. White B. R. et al. Estimated grain saltation in a martian atmosphere.— "J. Geophys. Res.", 1976, vol. 81, N 32, p. 5643–5651.
109. Woiceshyn P. M., KHore A. J. "Bora-type" density current winds as a triggering mechanism of the Great Martian Dust Storms.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papres". March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.
110. Young А. Т., Kattawar G. W. Planetary isophotes as a clue to aerosol characteristics.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.
111. Young L. D. G., Young A. T. Interpretation of high-resolution spectra of Mars. IV. New calculations of the CO abundance.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 75–79.
112. Yung Y. L. et al. Photochemistry of nitrogen in the martian atmosphere. -"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 26–41.
113. Zurek R. W. Diurnal tide in the martian atmosphere.-"J. Atmos. Sci.", 1976, vol. 33, N 2, p. 321–337.
114. Viking-1.—"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 723–724.
115. Viking (II): water, ice and argon-three puzzles resolved.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4268, p. 924–926.
116. Visual passage to Mars.-"Optical Spectra", 1976, vol. 10, N 9, p. 45–49.
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