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Владимир Ерохин - Становление нации. Религиозно-политическая история Англии XVI — первой половины XVII в. в современной британской исторической науке

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Ibid. — P. 185–188.


Ibid. — P. 196–197.


Ibid. — Р. 205, 209.


Ibid. — Р. 250.


Ibid. — Р. 308–309, 311–312.


Ibid. — P. 251–253.


Ibid. — Р. 256–261, 270–274.


Ibid. — Р. 275–277, 287.


Davies J. The Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625–1641. — Oxford, 1992. — P. 303–304; Palmer W.G. Invitation to a Beheading: Factions in Parliament, the Scots and the Execution of Archbishop William Laud in 1645 // Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church. — 1983. — Vol. 52. — № 1. — P. 17–27.


Davies J. The Caroline Captivity of the Church. Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism, 1625–1641. — Oxford, 1992. — P. 314.


Ibid. — Р. 1–3, 304–305.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995.


Ibid. — P. 3.


Russell C. The Causes of the English Civil War. — Oxford, 1990. — Ch. 3; White P. Predestination, Policy and Polemic. — Cambridge, 1992. — P. 231, 255, 310; Idem. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered // Past & Present. — 1983. — № 101. — P. 54; Idem. A Rejoinder // Past & Present. — 1987. — № 115. — P. 218; Lamont W. Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603–1660. — London, 1969. — P. 65–66.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 5–7; Higham F.M.G. Catholic and Reformed. A Study of the Anglican Church, 1559–1662. — London, 1962. — P. 56–57.


Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — Ch. 4; Idem. Lancelot Andrewes, John Buckeridge and Avantgarde Conformity at the Court of James I // The Mental World of the Jacobean Court / Ed. by L. Levy Peck. — Cambridge, 1991.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 7, 26.


Ibid. — P. 56.


Ibid. — Р. 57.


Lindley K.J. The Lay Catholics in England in the Reign of Charles I // JEH. — 1971. — Vol. 22.


Meyer A.O. Charles I and Rome// American Historical Review. — 1913. — Vol. 19; Havran M.J. The Character and Principles of an English King: the Cause of Charles I // Catholic Historical Review. — 1983. — Vol. 69. — P. 199–208.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 62–68.


Hibbard С. Charles I and the Popish Plot. — Chapel Hill, 1983. — P. 57. -


Banckham R. Tudor Apocalypse. — Abingdon, 1978; Firth К. The Apocalyptic Tradition in Reformation Britain 1530–1645. — Oxford, 1979; Christianson P. Reformers and Babylon. — Toronto, 1978; Hill С. Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England. — Oxford, 1971; Сарр В. The Political Dimension of Apocalyptic Thought // The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Literature / Ed. by C.A. Patrides, J. Wittreich. — Manchester, 1984.


Lake P. Anti-Popery: the Structure of a Prejudice // Conflict in Early Stuart England / Ed. by C.R. Hughes. — London, 1989; Weiner C.Z. The Beleaguered Isle. A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anticlcricalism // Past & Present. — 1971. — № 51. — P. 27–62; Clifton R. The Popular Fear of Catholics during the English Revolution // Past & Present. — 1971. — № 52.


Fincham K. Prelacy and Politics: Archbishop Abbots Defence of Protestant Orthodoxy// Historical Research. — 1988. — Vol. 61.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 35–36; Lake P. The Significance of the Elizabethan Identification of the Pope as Antichrist // JEH. — 1980. — Vol. 31. — P. 171–175.


Green I. “For Children in Years and Children in Understanding”: the Emergence of the English Catechism under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts // JEH. — 1986. — Vol. 37.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 37–38, 55.


Parry G.J.R. A Protestant Vision. — Cambridge, 1987; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 94–105.


Puritans, the Millenium and the Future oflsrael / Ed. by T. Toon. — London, 1970; Capp B.S. The Fifth Monarchy Men. — London, 1972; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 106.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 117–121, 123–124.


Ibid. — P. 132–136, 153–155, 167.


Ibid. — P. 157–159.


Aston M. England's Iconoclasts. — Oxford, 1988. — Vol. I. — P. 360, 363, 472; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 186–187.


Dugmore C.W. Eucharistic Doctrine in England from Hooker to Waterland. — London, 1942. — P. 61 n. 3.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 197–200, 206–215.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 227, 265; Macauley J.S. Richard Montague, Caroline Bishop, 1575–1641. — Cambridge University PhD, 1965.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Ihought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 366–369; Tighe W.J. William Laud and the Reunion of the Churches: Some Evidence from 1637 and 1638 // Historical Journal. — 1987. — Vol. 30.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 270, 276, 324–326.


Facey J. John Foxe and the Defence of the English Church // Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century England / Ed. by P. Lake, M. Dowling. — London, 1987; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 279–282.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 294–295, 301–306.


Kenny A. The Accursed Memory: the Counter-Reformation Reputation of John Wyclif// Wyclif in His Times / Ed. by A. Kenny. — Oxford, 1986; Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 308–310, 312, 317–318.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 378–381; Patterson W.B. “Educating the Creeks”: Anglican Scholarships for Greek Orthodox Students in the Early 17th Century// Religion and Humanism / Ed. by K. Robbins. — Oxford, 1981; Cuming G.J. Eastern Liturgies and Anglican Divines 1510–1662 // The Orthodox Churches and the West / Ed. by D. Baker. — Oxford, 1976; Clancy Т.Н. Papist-Protestant-Puritan: English Religious Taxonomy 1565–1665 // Recusant History. — 1975–1976. — Vol. 13.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 386, 389.


Frank G.I. C. The Theology of Eucharistic Presence in the Early Caroline Divines Examined in its European Theological Setting. — University of St. Andrews PhD, 1985; Adams S.L. The Protestant Cause: Religious Alliance with the West European Calvinist Communities as a Political Issue in England, 1585–1630. — Oxford D. Phil. Thesis, 1973.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 439, 442.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 444, 454–455; Sommerville J.P. Trie Royal Supremacy and Episcopacy “Jure Divino”, 1603–1640 // JEH. — 1983. — Vol. 34.; Sommerville M.R. Richard Hooker and his Contemporaries on Episcopacy: An Elizabethan Consensus // JEH. — 1984. — Vol. 35; Atherton I. Viscount Scudamore's Laudianism: the Religious Practices of the First Viscount Scudamore // Historical Journal. — 1991. — Vol. 34.


Collinson P. England and International Calvinism 1558–1640 // International Calvinism 1541 — 1715 / Ed. by M. Prestwich. — Oxford, 1985. — P. 198.


MacCulloch D. The Later Reformation in England 1547–1603. — New York, 1990. — P. 70–71.


Kendall R.T. Calvin and English Calvinism. — Oxford, 1979. — P. 52–53.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 396–397; Adams S.L. The Protestant Cause: Religious Alliance with the West European Calvinist Communities as a Political Issue in England,1585–1630. — Oxford University PhD, 1973.


Milton A. Catholic and Reformed. The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought. — Cambridge University Press, 1995. — P. 394–395, 412–415, 418.


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