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Владимир Ерохин - Становление нации. Религиозно-политическая история Англии XVI — первой половины XVII в. в современной британской исторической науке

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O'Donovan O. On the Thirty-Nine Articles: A Conversation with Tudor Christianity. — London, 1986. — P. 13–14; McAdoo H.R. The Spirit of Anglicanism: A Survey of Anglican Theological Method in the Seventeenth Century. — London, 1965; Bennett G.V. Archbishop Laud and Episcopacy // To the Church of England / Ed. by G. Rowell. — London, 1988. — P. 34–47.


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Collinson P. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982. — P. 115–116; Stone L. The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500–1800. — London, 1977. — P. 61.


Hill C. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — London, 1964. — P. 80.


Collinson P. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982. — P. 138–139.


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Haigh С. The Church of England, the Catholics and the People // The Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. by C. Haigh. — P. 169–220; Boulton J. Neighbourhood,and Society: A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century. — Cambridge, 1987. — P. 282; O'Day R. The English Clergy: The Emergence and Consolidation of a Profession 1558–1642. — Leicester, 1979; Lake P. Presbyterianism, the Idea of a National Church and the Argument from Divine Right // Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century / Ed. by P. Lake, M. Dowling. — London, 1987. — P. 193–213; Lament W. Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603–1660. -London, 1969. — P. 36–45.


Sommerville J.P. Richard Hooker, Hadrian Saravia and the Advent of the Divine Right of Kings // History of Political Thought. — 1983. — Vol. 4; Idem. Jacobean Political Thought and the Controversy over the Oath of Allegiance. PhD Thesis. — University of Cambridge, 1981; Idem. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603–1640. — London, 1986.


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Lake P. Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988. — P. 248–249; Fincham K. Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of King James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. 24. — P. 169–207; Fincham K. Prelacy and Politics: Archbishop Abbots Defence of Protestant Orthodoxy // Historical Research. — 1988. — Vol. 61. — P. 36–64.


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Ibid. — P. 173.


Ibid. — Р. 278–287.


Schwarz M.L. James I and the Historians: Toward a Reconsideration // JBS. — 1974. — Vol. XIII. — № 2. — P. 114–134; Fincham K., Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of King James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. XXIV — № 2. — P. 169–207; Durston С. James I. — London, 1993.


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Trevor-Roper H.R. Archbishop Laud. 3rd ed. — London, 1989; Idem. Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans. — London, 1987. — P. 40–119; Carleton С. Archbishop William Laud. — London, 1987; Sharpe K. Archbishop Laud // History Today. — 1983. — № 33. — P. 26–30; The Sixteenth Century 1485–1603 / Ed. by P. Collinson. — Oxford, 2002. — P. 105–106.


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Foster A. The Function of a Bishop: the Career of Richard Neile, 1562–1640 // Continuity and Change / Ed. by R. O'Day, F. Heal. — Leicester, 1976. — P. 41–46; Raymer V.E. Durham House and the Emergence of Laudian Piety. — Harvard University PhD, 1981.


Continuity and Change. Personnel and Administration of the Church in England, 1500 — 1642. — Leicester University Press, 1976. — P. 52.

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