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 const unsigned nameSize = sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]);

 vector‹char*› v1(nameSize);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ v1.size(); i++) {

  v1[i] = names[i];


 vector‹char*› v2(2);

 v2[0] = "foo";

 v2[1] = "bar";

 sort(v1.begin(), v1.end(), compare_strings);

 sort(v2.begin(), v2.end(), compare_strings);

 bool inc = includes(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), compare_strings);

 if (inc) cout ‹‹ "v1 includes v2" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "v1 does not include v2" ‹‹ endl;

 v2[0] = "Brett";

 v2[1] = "Todd";

 inc = includes(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), compare_strings);

 if (inc) cout ‹‹ "v1 includes v2" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "v1 does not include v2" ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 typedef vector‹int› IntVec;

 IntVec v1(10);

 iota(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 0);

 IntVec v2(3);

 iota(v2.begin(), v2.end(), 50);

 ostream_iterator‹int› iter(cout, " ");

 cout ‹‹ "v1: ";

 copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 cout ‹‹ "v2: ";

 copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 IntVec::iterator location;

 location = search(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end());

 if (location == v1.end()) cout ‹‹ "v2 not contained in v1" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "Found v2 in v1 at offset: " ‹‹ location - v1.begin() ‹‹ endl;

 iota(v2.begin(), v2.end(), 4);

 cout ‹‹ "v1: ";

 copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 cout ‹‹ "v2: ";

 copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 location = search(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end());

 if (location == v1.end()) cout ‹‹ "v2 not contained in v1" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "Found v2 in v1 at offset: " ‹‹ location - v1.begin() ‹‹ endl;

return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹fstream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

typedef vector‹char› Line;

void printLine(const Line* line_)  {

 vector‹char›::const_iterator i;

 for (i = line_-›begin(); i!= line_-›end(); i++) cout ‹‹ *i;

 cout ‹‹ endl;


int main() {

 Line buffer;

 vector‹Line*› lines;

 ifstream s("data.txt");

 s.unsetf(ios::skipws); // Disable white-space skipping.

 istream_iterator‹char, ptrdiff_t› it1(s); // Position at start of file.

 istream_iterator‹char, ptrdiff_t› it2; // Serves as "past-the-end" marker.

 copy(it1, it2, back_inserter(buffer));

 Line::iterator i = buffer.begin();

 Line::iterator p;

 while (i != buffer.end()) {

  p = find(i, buffer.end(), 'n');

  lines.push_back(new Line(i, p));

  i = ++p;


 sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), less_p‹Line*›());

 cout ‹‹ "Read " ‹‹ lines.size() ‹‹ " lines" ‹‹ endl;

 vector‹Line*›::iterator j;

 for(j = lines.begin(); j!= lines.end(); j++) printLine(*j);

 release(lines.begin(), lines.end()); // Release memory.

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹ospace/stl/examples/myaloc.h›

int main() {


  cout ‹‹ "vectors:" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹int› alloc;

  vector‹int› v3(alloc);


  vector‹int› v4(alloc);




  cout ‹‹ "bit_vectors:" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹unsigned int› alloc;

  bit_vector v1(alloc);




  cout ‹‹ "deques:" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹int› alloc;

  deque‹int› d(alloc);




  cout ‹‹ "lists:" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹os_list_node‹int› › alloc;

  list‹int› l(alloc);




  cout ‹‹ "sets:" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹os_value_node‹int› › alloc;

  set‹int, less‹int› › s(alloc);




  cout ‹‹ "maps" ‹‹ endl;

  os_my_allocator‹os_value_node‹os_pair‹const int, float› › › alloc;

  map‹int, float, less‹int› › m(alloc);

  m[4] = 2.0;


 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

class X {


 X(int i_): i (i_) {}

 ~X() {cout ‹‹ "Delete X(" ‹‹ i ‹‹ ")" ‹‹ endl;}

 int i;


ostream& operator ‹‹ (ostream& stream_, const X& x_) {

 return stream_ ‹‹ "X(" ‹‹ x_.i ‹‹ ")";


int main() {

 vector‹X*› v;

 v.push_back(new X(2));

 v.push_back(new X(1));

 v.push_back(new X(4));

 vector‹X*›::iterator i;

 cout ‹‹ "Initial contents:" ‹‹ endl;

 for (i = v.begin(); i!= v.end(); i++) cout ‹‹ " " ‹‹ *(*i) ‹‹ endl;

 release(v.begin()); // Delete the first heap-based object.

 v.erase(v.begin()); // Erase the first element.

 cout ‹‹ "Remaining contents:" ‹‹ endl;

 for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) cout ‹‹ " " ‹‹ *(*i) ‹‹ endl;

 release(v.begin(), v.end()); // Delete remaining heap-based objects.

 v.erase(v.begin(), v.end()); // Erase remaining elements.

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

int main() {

 typedef map‹char, int, less‹char› › maptype;

 maptype m;

 // Store mappings between roman numerals and decimals.

 m['l'] = 50;

 m['x'] = 20; // Deliberate mistake.

 m['v'] = 5;

 m['i'] = 1;

 cout ‹‹ "m['x'] = " ‹‹ m['x'] ‹‹ endl;

 m['x'] = 10; // Correct mistake.

 cout ‹‹ "m['x'] = " ‹‹ m['x'] ‹‹ endl;

 cout ‹‹ "m['z'] = " ‹‹ m['z'] ‹‹ endl; // Note default value is added.

 cout ‹‹ "m.count('z') = " ‹‹ m.count('z') ‹‹ endl;

 pair‹maptype::iterator, bool› p;

 p = m.insert(pair‹const char, int›('c', 100));

 if (p.second) cout ‹‹ "First insertion successful" ‹‹ endl;

 p = m.insert(pair‹const char, int› ('c', 100));

 if (p.second) cout ‹‹ "Second insertion successful" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "Existing pair " ‹‹ (*(p.first)).first ‹‹ " -› " ‹‹ (*(p.first)).second ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹string.h›

bool str_equal(const char* a_, const char* b_) {

 return ::strcmp(a_, b_) == 0 ? 1: 0;


const unsigned size = 5;

char* n1[size] = {"Brett", "Graham", "Jack", "Mike", "Todd"};

int main() {

 char* n2[size];

 copy(n1, n1 + 5, n2);

 pair‹char**, char**› result;

 result = mismatch(n1, n1+ size, n2, str_equal);

 if (result.first == n1 + size && result.second == n2 + size)

  cout ‹‹ "n1 and n2 are the same" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "mismatch at index: " ‹‹ (result.first - n1) ‹‹ endl;

 n2[2] = "QED";

 result = mismatch(n1, n1 + size, n2, str_equal);

 if (result.first == n2 + size && result.second == n2 + size)

  cout ‹‹ "n1 and n2 are the same" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "mismatch at index: " ‹‹ (result.first - n1) ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 typedef vector‹int› IntVec;

 IntVec v1(10);

 IntVec v2(v1.size());

 iota(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 0);

 iota(v2.begin(), v2.end(), 0);

 pair ‹IntVec::iterator, IntVec::iterator› result;

 result = mismatch(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin());

 if (result.first = v1.end() && result.second == v2.end())

  cout ‹‹ "v1 and v2 are the same" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "mismatch at index: " ‹‹ (result.first - v1.begin()) ‹‹ endl;

 v2[v2.size()/2] = 42;

 result = mismatch(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin());

 if (result.first == v1.end() && result.second == v2.end())

  cout ‹‹ "v1 and v2 are the same" ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ "mismatch at index: " ‹‹ (result.first - v1.begin()) ‹‹ endl;

return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

typedef multimap‹int, char, less‹int› › mmap;

typedef pair‹const int, char› pair_type;

pair_type p1(3, 'c');

pair_type p2(6, 'f');

pair_type p3(1, 'a');

pair_type p4(2, 'b');

pair_type p5(3, 'x');

pair_type p6(6, 'f');

pair_type array[] = { p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 };

int main() {

 mmap m(array, array + 7);

 mmap::iterator i;

 // Return location of first element that is not less than 3

 i = m.lower_bound(3);

 cout ‹‹ "lower bound:" ‹‹ endl;

 cout ‹‹ (*i).first ‹‹ " -› " ‹‹ (*i).second ‹‹ endl;

 // Return location of first element that is greater than 3

 i = m.upper_bound(3);

 cout ‹‹ "upper bound:" ‹‹ endl;

 cout ‹‹ (*i).first ‹‹ " -› " ‹‹ (*i).second ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹string.h›

typedef vector‹char*› CStrVector;

int equal_length(const char* v1_, const char* v2_) {

 return ::strlen(v1_) == ::strlen(v2_);


char* names[] = {"Brett", "Graham", "Jack", "Mike", "Todd"};

int main() {

 const int nameCount = sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]);

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